Swedish gov't puts up a FAQ page resonding to Trump and other criticisms of Swedish refugees

Swedish gov't puts up a FAQ page resonding to Trump and other criticisms of Swedish refugees


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kek. any official explanation?

They mostly strawman the opposition when they put out this type of article. And they love using vague terms like "the majority of immigrants are not criminal"

>Claim: "Refugees are behind the increase in crime, but the authorities are covering it up."

>Facts: According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention's Swedish Crime Survey, some 13 per cent of the population were the victim of an offence against them personally in 2015.

So, they only count personal civil crimes as the only crime existing?

>The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention has conducted two studies into the representation of people from foreign backgrounds among crime suspects, the most recent in 2005.
>the most recent in 2005.
Oh yea, because this proves it. They are not covering anything up...

Trump wasn't talking about terror attacks you dumb fuck. He was talking about refugees raping Swedish women and children, and then getting off with a slap on the wrist because #muh diversity.

The least they could do is punish the rapists and murderers harshly. I still wouldn't like the policy, but at least it doesn't devalue the safety of Sweden's citizens in exchange for making the refugees feel welcome o.0.

nvm, I missread

My favorite is
>The majority of crimes are committed by people born in Sweden to two Swedish-born parents

>For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all.

60% are in public areas, 70% of perpetrators were unknown to the victim.
Do we discount the 30% that are known to the victim? Usually that category is the majority (a quick google says 75%).

>It's not 'grenade attacks', it's explosively diverse multiculturalism

The response from libshits when confronted by disproportionate migrant crimes is always "B-b-but white people commit crimes too!"

They don't realize it, but by saying such things they're de facto admitting if the country was non-white, the crime rate would be quadruple what it currently is.

>In a report published in February 2016, the Swedish Police Authority identified 53 residential areas around the country that have become increasingly marred by crime, social unrest and insecurity.
>in several of these areas the police have experienced difficulties fulfilling their duties
>The causes of the problems in these areas are complex and multifaceted. To reverse the trend, more initiatives are required from all of society, at all levels.
kek, so basically some Muslims have taken over some area's and it is the Swedish people's fault. It must be so depressing to be Swedish


> Claim "Sweden had its first islamic terrorist attack not so long ago"

> Facts: The only known attempt at such an attack was in 2010. No one was harmed but the attacker.

This is too long for them. But:

> Claim: "Refugees are behind the increase in crime, but the authorities are covering it up."

> The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention has conducted two studies into the representation of people from foreign backgrounds among crime suspects, the most recent in 2005.

So recent, right?

If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.


>And they love using vague terms like "the majority of immigrants are not criminal"
oh this one is the current meme for all kinds of people, like, "Studies show immigrants commit less crime than natives."

We Soviet now

What the hell where the grenade attacks before? Is that just a logical option in Europe? To use a grenade in a gang fight?

IS it possible to send new questions? If on question is mass sent, it must be answered?

This whole situation is so depressing. Because Trump said something about Sweden, now Sweden and the entire media is going hard in the opposite direction and saying there are no problems and immigration is working out great. So it's like now the problems in Sweden will never have any chance of being really addressed.

Saved these from a thread last night



Swedish stats:
http:// statistik.bra.se/solwebb/action/start?menykatalogid=1
Swedish rape stats:
http:// statistik.bra.se/solwebb/action/anmalda/urval/sok

Specifically search for: Våldtäkt inkl. grov (ingår även i våldsbrott)

Swedish stats: http:// www.statistikdatabasen.scb.se/pxweb/en/ssd/START__BE__BE0101__BE0101Q/UtlSvBakgTotNK/table/tableViewLayout1/?rxid=74495a4a-763e-4e6f-b293-b26eb6cbd099

Nordic rape stats: https:// www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:526664/FULLTEXT01.pdf

UN rape stats (Note: some of these numbers were reliable, but certain years were not. Hence took most Swedish numbers from sources up above): http:// www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/statistics/historic-data.html

USA rape stats (Just so we have comparison to something familiar):

>What the hell where the grenade attacks before?
Whatever shithole the muzzies came from

I think it's extremely unlikely anyone in power or in the media will admit there's a problem until a country falls, Sweden will be a good choice.

Also this

The Swedish site explained that Sweden changed the definition of rape to be broader and that's the reason for the increase.

Yes, in 2005. Look at the charts

The trend is always upward, so these crimes are on the rise anyway.

>most police will not let someone file a charge against a foreigner with a "weak" crime like just showing their hands down a woman's pants.

This is completely wrong, whoever wrote this is a dumbfuck. The only thing that might happen is that the crime is withheld from the public.


It was made by an American yesterday


give direct link

what if sweden really is garden eden and all the stories we hear are just fake news?

did you ever stop to think for a second "what if im mistaken and its all in my head?" "what if the government isnt out to get me?" i mean it really does seem lik it isnt in my head only and the government is out to get everyone, but who knows

Those 'facts' published by the Swedish government is a textbook example of how to lie with statistics.
The reality is closer to how fox news puts it than how the swedish govermnet puts it.

>complex and multifaceted
They are tryharding to say nothing

Freind o' mine move there for work. The guy was pretty liberal, being a moroccan in France and all. The very first thing he told me after he started there was "those fucking somalis that come for the gibsmedat!". I know it's only anecdotal, but still...

They order the police to write off migrant crimes and then jail the officers when they speak out about it. Literally fake news the country.

that sure is funny that they changed the definition every year!

>A news outlet from the other side of the ocean ran by conservatives and rednecks who for the last 2 decades was nothing but a source of endless joke by even fox itself has a better grip of the reality of my country than my own government because I'd rather believe the left has become Hydra just to fit in a taiwanese tailoring bamboo politically incorrect board

yeah, the anecdotal evidence makes sweden look really bad. like seeing that shit makes me think "man glad im in germany"

Which could mean up to 49% are criminals. gg sweden

>Claim: "Refugees are behind the increase in crime, but the authorities are covering it up."

Nah, it's fake... says authority most likely to cover it up.

Swedes see through this propaganda right? Right?

>They are not covering anything up...
yeah, they are totaly honest and open, that is why they made it illegal to keep stats about race of those arrested

fucking sweden rulecucks, is thre anything sadder?

>Why would someone do that, make policies then lie that they aren't ruining the country?
You'd think a hue would know what corrupt governments can accomplish.

I think I read somewhere that grenades aren't regulated the same way firearms are or something and they're easier to obtain/use. I co uld be wrong though don't quote me.
