My father was a high-ranking member of Koevoet...

My father was a high-ranking member of Koevoet, who both interrogated the ANC terrorists here at home and gathered intelligence from abroad, namely in Namibia.


Other urls found in this thread:

ok well my dad was Hitler


Was your dad really hitler?

Did he testify to the truth and reconcilation commison?
Did he lose his job after apartheid?
Did he belive in some kind of misson or quest?

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

Why did South Africa abandon Rhodesia?

My dad works at Nintendo, AMA

Was it a globalist vs. The Nats. thing for control of SA resources and future?
Were the blacks used to that effect? Take away control from the boers and hand it to the jews(democratic party)?

Also who was the quickest comrade to sellout?

What is Jacob Zuma's Final Solution?

so tell us something interesting
>fuck the ANC

Interesting story when I was barely 2 months old, you pic related came busting into my grandparents home looking for my uncle who was an MK operative.
I survived apartheid man.

>MK operative
what is that? What ethicity are you?

Sell SA to India and China
kill all non niggers


A freedom "fighter". They never stood a chance tbqh.
I'm black

what can you tell us about CIA Mossad and MI6 operations in your country?

Why are there black south africans on here?

you must be aware of the African slave caste system?

ones at the top get protein during pregnancy, ones at the bottom do not and end up dump as bricks

you never heard of that?

I'm coming for you buddy.

Because halff of pol is "trans-white".

Where else would I get perspective of what's really going on?
This board woke me up to the reality of what is truly going on. We the blacks got played really hard.
And no, white South Africans also for the most part haven't got a clue what is really going on, so get of your high horse.

That doesn't explain anything about my question. And africans in South Africa weren't slaves, most migrated here after the country was already developed

I'm shitting myself...
Cry white genocide when your workers get revenge for treating them like shit, groot baas

Where and when did they come? WHere from?

>Get off your high horse

Wow, trying insult me already without reason. Well done you LARPING faggot.

>We the blacks got played really hard.
>And no, white South Africans also for the most part haven't got a clue what is really going on, so get of your high horse
How did blacks get played hard?
Who played you?
What is it that most whites dont know?

true shit, something that a lot of people ignore. the kaffir is probably a self hating kaffir

DeI kommer fra den mellom av afrika, for mange blåman si "jeg er en sor-afrikaner for fem hundre år, men er fra Zimbabwe

think he is talking about mandela shilling in 94 cause he wasn't hard enough on whites

Is it a long time since you wrote Norwegian last time? Or is it some turbo local dialect?

We were sold a dream that is currently turning into a literal nightmare. We got turned into literal niggers. KFC, MacDonald was what they gave us. Affirmative action instead of good education.
Most whites are getting culturally enriched, the national party sold them out. The only ones who still stand a chance are the ff+

blue man?

Og ja, men norsk er så dårlig, han kan ikke bruker en translater. Mange kommet till sor afrika I den Nittenhundretallet forbi vi haddet en civilized world, og Africa ikke. Hvorfor vill du bo I en dritt hull når du kan gjore 60 kilometers till en bedre life.

>Most whites are getting culturally enriched, the national party sold them out.
Are they inter marrying or just losing their culture, history and sense of identity? What are the difrrences between diffrent white tribes?
Why did the national party betray whites? What did they get in return?

When your saying that you were turned into niggers. I wonder. Is it true that fetal alchol syndrome is widespread? ANd education failing? I read somewhere that books are burned instead of read!?

Keep writing our history. Hurr durr the Khoisan are the true natives

Use english your norwegian is shit

Haha nei, min norsk er bare dritt. Min tredje språk.

Ja, Kjenner du den gamle ikke ordet for svarte? Det er blåman I norsk forbi du hadde ikke en ord for svart.

be civil or emigrate

Can you try being less of a stingy cunt and post more of these?

>Hurr durr the Khoisan are the true natives
Is that sarcasm? Because the Khoisan were here long before the Bantus and whites arrived.

...beklager :/

>Ja, Kjenner du den gamle ikke ordet for svarte? Det er blåman I norsk forbi du hadde ikke en ord for svart.
lærte noke nytt nå ;)

RIP. kom naar huis boer

Now that I have tried to learn some Afrikaans myself because of how close it is Danish.
But I wouldn't try it out without looking up words I didn't knew.

Blå = Blue, Sort = Black.
Fordi = Because.

>Haha nei, min norsk er bare dritt. Min tredje språk.
Eg har sett deg en anner tråd
Snakker du bare bokmål eller nynorsk og?

read a fucking book you illiterate kaffir. The Khoi were here before the Bantu.

Do you know what Xhosa means? it means angry black man cause before the whites came, the Xhosa raided the villages, burnt everything and massacred the people.

Get the fuck out

The true South African whites, the boers are getting pacified, turning into the eternal anglo, they are only left with voting for competence(DA) because the ANC is such a fuckup rather than ideology. The DA is a Jewish ideology, the ANC was backed by jews. In short SA is now nothing but a globalist paradise. When it's all said and done, both the blacks and the boers will lose everything.
Education in black schools is shit because black areas for the most part qualify as refugee camps.
The black narrative is being pushed by township(ghetto) blacks, instead of true blacks of this country, the village black

What did he think of awb?

Ja, jeg er som oftest på Sup Forums. Bokmål fordi du bruker det mer.

True true.

The vilagers where they afrikaners, griqas or khois?

Remember blacks don't read

België, RIP, kom naar huis broer

Well, they left a lot more of the San "villages" standing than the European colonists did, that much is evident.

The Khoisans did their nomad thing for the most part in the west, the nguni east. The Tswana(sotho,pedi) central

>the boers are getting pacified
Killed? Stopped from having children?
>both the blacks and the boers will lose everything.
YOu have common intrests?

What is the black narrative?

Why don't you come to Canada brother?
What happened to you is a tragedy.
Forget our lefty government now. we (Canadians) will accept you with open arms.
Please try to migrate to Canada, bring every single one of your beautiful white relatives that you can too.
We have multiple cities with Afrikaans majority! they are beautiful and peaceful.

Eg bruker mest nynorsk, og brukte bare bokmål for de fleste utlendinger lærer det.

does he know his son is a faggot that spends his time on Sup Forums?

Boere = Afrikaners who farm

Afrikaner = Europeans who speak afrikaans (coloured or black people can't be an afrikaner)

Khoisan = bushmen with brown skin

Blacks = actual black people

>The Khoisans did their nomad thing
For the most part it was around what has come to be known as South Africa. They'd move around during different seasons (for weather, plantation, wildlife) and return to where they were before. It was like that every year or so.

No, plaasmoorde ( farm murder) is rampant but the pacification comes from the liberal agenda across all white people. Although I don't see it other than Cape town which is the anglo haven of South Africa.

While black pacification comes from the blacks seeking the glory and stardom of American culture.

Why did England turn on their fucking child more like

We want grazing land for our livestock and I guess the boers want to keep their farms.
Now all we hear is the township black, who has no culture or any knowledge of self, saying they want land. Most of our grazing land is being gobbled up by mines, our rivers polluted.
The township black is just wants the Gucci lifestyle, happy to be board members who know nothing about operations of the mines. We want to keep our way of life.

Can someone explain to me the whole anglo-afrikaner/boer relationship

sometimes, when I can't vent enough on the internet... I drive to this beautiful city (by the lake) with Afrikaners, sit on a Cigar shop; light up a Cigar... and chat around with couple of old Afrikaners.

this isn't gonna help you with all this "white genocide" it will just get you shoahed quicker

"O Noez guyz, pubic opinion iz against us! Bye Rhodesia! LOL"

Yes that's true. Some would rest for good and assimilate into one Bantu culture or another. There was plenty of land to go around so nobody minded anybody. That's why the whites weren't bothered from 1652 till about the 1800s when the brits started fucking with the boers and the Boers in turn started fucking with the blacks as they trekked north

Why is it that I feel like Afrikaners are genuinely nice people?


I saw video from one renaldo gouws is he pacified?

Magnus Berglund is that you?

The Selous Scouts actually got away with blackface. I'm sure they covered their hair too but, I still find it hard to believe. They had 'turned' blacks among them as well, I understand, of course, but whites in blackface got away with a lot.

Cant you lease land from boers? Or raise their livestock?
Do you support he property rights of the boers?

fuck off kaffer


i also wanna know

t. Indian


Wtf now i feel embarrassed about some of the shit I post here.

its fine, its really only the really older Afrikaaner generation where there is still some resentment

The village black is a simpleton. Papers don't really mean anything to us. We do however know what a gun does to a person. For the most part we keep out of their property, also for the most part the village black lives far from white farms, separated by wilderness

Die Stem or the current anthem?

Capetown is the anglo haven, not Natal?

Khoekhoen (pastoralists) and San/Bushmen (hunter-gatherers) fell victim to the westward expansion of the Xhosa.
The Xhosa may have conquered them but they didn't fucking slaughter as many as they could like the Trekboere did.

To the muslim both you and I buddy... Both you and I

the fuck? Afrikaans is a language of colored people. Bores spoke dutch

yeah he is, a few years back he had this epic video of him raging about blacks but he removed it.

Mate, go do yourself a favour and look up black own land. Or ask yourself why Zimbabwe failed when they gave the land to blacks.

They don't want land, they want easy farming, easy life. They want to milk dairy cows at 1 pm and sleep at 2 then continue on 3.

Hey, I used to live near Durban, where 'Moodley' was a common name. But I haven't seen it since, despite my having been around a lot of Indians. Any explanation? Are you all from just a small part of India, perhaps?

Natal is overrun with niggers and indians

Where the fuck do you come from? Holy shit, Afrikaans transformed from dutch you uneducated fuck. Or did the bush people magically speak the same language as Dutch people in Europe without even meeting them

Fucking African black magic that is

Wtf is going on here?

Yeah, used to be more rad but he got a job at the DA in Port Elizabeth and went passive there.

The township black is the product of the whites, there is nothing African about them, nothing but socially engineered niggers

Are the brown Khois any better than your run of the mill niggers?

The khois are dead, coloured are better yes but in some areas tend to meddle with high gang activity.

Do you have internett in the rural vilages?