Where were you when Stefan Molyneux finally died?


Stefan Molyneux is practicing living philosophy and exercising the virtue of charity. Don't pretend you understand what level Stefan Molyneux is on.

The Absolute Madman did it, he interviewed Big Boss!

This guy is pretty based



I got that sinking gut feeling when I read the title of the video. Didn't see a thumbnail or anything, just saw the title and assumed Moly's cancer was back and this time it was over. I got that sinking feeling, a feeling I've only gotten once before when I got a call from my dad saying my mum was rushed to hospital because of her heart. I don't know where I would be if Molyneux died. I think I'd implement the final argument right to my temple if you know what I mean.

Rate my setup guys

Is he still an anarchist? I can't take anyone who has such silly Utopian ideas seriously.

He was asked if he was an anarchist or a nationalist a few months ago in the comments of a video. He said he is what is necessary. Feed him the correct arguments and he will change his views. Right now he's basically 3 months from mentioning the JQ accidentally during a call in show and doing a Truth about the Holocaust video.


looks cold and depressing

literal basement troglodyte / 10

i like it

The desk doesn't look too comfy. Post chair.

Besides that, a solid 8/10. Dark rooms are cool.

heres my chair. its alright.

Great chair, I bet you can sit on there for hours without fucking up your back. Nice ps4, btw. Playing a lot of Bloodborne?

Pretty based. This is how human beings and mostly philosophers in general should be.

>one hour three minutes


makes sense

moms basement/10

well that explains it.

Basement/10 with a bonus for the Five Dialogue and Crystal Pepsi.

Big Boss?!

I though he died.

there is nothing redeemable about this

Molymeme wouldn't want you to quit.

To end your life when you can make a positive change in the world is a sinful mistake. You helped get Trump elected. Is this were you choose to end your heroic story when it just has begun?

Where are your guns?

A safe place :)

ancaps don't have irons?

I actually bought the flag with bitcoin from ancapstore

depressing as fuck, no wonder people on here are miserable. Get some sunlight faggot.