Why did krauts do so poorly in ww2 when they are supponera to be the masterrace?

Why did krauts do so poorly in ww2 when they are supponera to be the masterrace?

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globalists are ultra jews

the same reason everyone today is doing just as poorly against them

>so poorly
>probably the most efficient army of the world at the time

Becuase they moved too fast forward.

>It was the jews
You're not so masterrace if you allow yourself to be hindered by inferior jews right?

But they lost along with your shitty country

Yup. The zionists have never seen such a powerful resistance.

>What is battle of britain
>What is every single western front battle after d-day

Efficient at establishing their own defeat, you mean.

> Sweden
> Can't even send men to a battlefield

They underestimated the slavs.
No, really, that's it.

Jews are not inferior or superior. The reason jews or zionists are so succesful is becuase they are as intelligent as whites and have a group-mindset. They believe that they are gods choosen people and their bible does not condemn stealing. It's they vs the world.

because they were outnumbered 5 to 1

But when we did it we were actually good at it, unlike the filthy fucking krauts


>have 0.6% of clay on the planet
>barely any resources, have to rely on imports
>basically takes on the 4 strongest fighting forces simultaneously and makes them shit their pants except the US, they were busy laughing at Britain for shitting the empire away.

>this thread again

A bit of a glorification of history i think

>Being proud of killing millions of civilians

How silly of soviets not to kill 20 million german civilians after war to settle the scoreboard.

too much opposition
the Soviet Union wasn't the only country we fought against
>inferior jews
Show me a Hitler quote from then where he calls Jews inferior.
hard to win when all but one of the other 7 strongest countries in the world go against you
>almost 400 years ago
Germany wasn't even a country back then

>only the other guys killed civilians
average swedistani's brain

Basically. That graph isn't even right.

The soviets had around 28 million deaths (~20mil civilians, 8.1-8.7 military).

The Germans defeated an army nearly 3 times the size of what they invaded with. The Starting soviet army was wiped out 2 1/2 times.

It's amazing Russia was left over. If they didn't invade, USSR might have been the main player in Europe for much longer and it's GDP in the cold war more comparable the the USA's.

Karoliner had the mentality of "if i die, it's gods will". Thats why sweden was so powerful. Kinda the mindset the mudslimes have.

>Implying they weren't going to starve from Soviet government anyway

In Hermann Hoth's "Panzer Operations", he mentions the soviets kept sending supply trucks to towns the Germans took. The soviets were sending food to their invaders on accident.

Christ, they were bad.

>1 country against every other one
>Almost took over the whole of western Europe
Italy was weak and Japan too far away. Spain was weakened by their civil war. If they had powerful allies, they would speak German as their second language.

But he clearly showed that to showcase how comparably small german casualties were. And the main reason for that was because the krauts slaughtered civillians

>Turned the poorest nation in Europe into a super power in four years
>Took all of the super powers uniting to stop a nation roughly the size of Texas
Context is important, commie scum.

>Poorest country in europe
>Size being a relevant factor in europe
You aren't the brightest are you? They were far from being the poorest, they had a large population to use in the war and the 2 relatively small countries of France and UK has also dominated europe, size isn't the most relevant factor

Made us shit out pants? haha you never even came close to invading mainland Britain you filthy Kraut our air force and navy made a mockery out of yours and we basically singlehandedly ran you out of Africa.

You have never had a good military and you never will.

Good enough to take almost all of Europe almost alone.
What did you ever take? Third world shitholes and a small part of our country when almost everyone helped you.
You think you can talk trash about us and expect us to not respond with the truth.

What's your excuse for letting this happen you filthy subhuman?

Anglos are the worst.

>What did you ever take? Third world shitholes
We have actually won wars and created first world countries from nothing you ran through a few shitty countries because you caught them off guard then you got absolutely BTFO when you came up against a real military even your pathetic furher knew the British were the greatest fighting force on the planet thats why he wanted to avoid war with us at all costs

from now on every time I see a thread like this I will ask this question: your fault for not understanding simple mathematics
People really think they can take everything away from us and think we just take it. Sorry, you're wrong.


>Conquered Europe
>Did poorly
>Legalised Homosexuality during ww2
kys nordic scum

>What is battle of poland
>What is every single western front battle before d-day

no country can beat the entire world

Hes got a point it took the US russia britain and france to fight the third reich, if it hadn't been for operation barbarossa you guys would still be getting bombarded by V2 rockets.

they are subhumans thinking they are special. brainwashing like isis.

germans attack britian
>brits raped their asses
>rudolf hess says we want p-peace g-guis
germans sign "no attack" with soviets
>attack out of nowhere
>gets raped, cry out

damn how much i hate this german piece of shits.

>conquering farmers and workers.

Most of the Soviets were kill by the Red Army, either deliberately, or through scorched earth policy.

Most of them were killed by Soviets. And Stalin kept killing Soviet civilians and POWs after the war. He did far more harm to the Soviet Union than Germany ever did.

The Soviets sure didn't kill all those Poles though

t: Göbbels.

Free rides for all leftists!

>Learning history by playing games

you have to go back.

Little somethings called T-34 KV-2 and FDRs (((Lend-lease)))

Nah, Communism is that big of a failure. While questions as to whether or not it was deliberate may arise, the fact of the matter is that Stalin's regime killed more people through its policies than Hitler's.

I'm sure american propaganda about it's arch-enemy would be truthful.

But that much is true,they also left out the part where ruskies are raping murderous faggots.

Didn't you guys invade some empty island and lost 50+ men fighting ((japanese))? shit happens


don't forget about 13 millions in gulags

Pretty nice to read some 'redpilled' comments here, especially the ones not from Germany.
At the same time I'm ashamed of our army today.


As a swede I know that feel user


That's what you think

Rosy cheeked brits think they are hard but their empire was easy nigger shitholes that couldnt do shit

Hitler should have studied San Tsu's Art of War.

Then perhaps turd reich wouldnt have had it's shit tucked in so hard.



pwned m8

>operation barbarossa
They only started that because Operation Sea lion failed


> Following the Fall of France, the Nazis expected the British to seek a peace agreement


>The German High Command had little confidence in the plan's (Sea Lion) feasibility, and most historians agree it had little possibility of success

He said country, not a crumbling corrupt kike kolhoz.

We have humiliated the massive powers of Spain and France in war for centuries even massive countries like India and China not to mention destroying the ottoman empire our military prowess is unmatched meanwhile you haven't even won a war without allies