I'm jumping off the Trump Train and I'm never coming back...

I'm jumping off the Trump Train and I'm never coming back. Him going after states rights for legal marijuana is what crossed my line. I'm done with him and I don't care what any of you jerkdicks think. Fuck Donald Trump

Other urls found in this thread:


He lowered the national debt by 12 billion in one month, and you're so selfish you think pot is even remotely relevant?

>Doesn't sound like a redditor at all..
Later faggot


I'm a weed smoker but I don't go on like you pathetic degenerates.


I love trump, I just hate the Trump train. It's becoming the movement they despise the most. Soon the group think will become a mass of mindless fucks not questioning a thing that he does.

there are ways to derail the trump train and people don't even want to hear them. You can try to warn them and you'll be labelled a shill.

>Him going after states rights for legal marijuana is what crossed my line
He unironically thinks Trump will do this

Dude weed lmao

>i am jumping off the trump train

you never were a trump supporter

Then why did you post here if you don't care what we think?

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

This is good, now cali will stay medical so I don't have to pay taxes

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

We should vote Trudeau, he'll surly legalize weed.

Duuuuuuude free weed lol. Blazit

....it isn't that already?

[source needed]!

I know this is a shill post and I know you are a shill faggot.

But, what he is doing is brilliant.

He is making lefties come out in support of states' rights, desperately and loudly!

It's fucking FANTASTIC!


Honestly I don't know any good people that even care about weed at all.

The only people who advocate for it ("DUDE WEED LMAO" celebrities don't count) are all just worthless losers who are poor as a result of horrible life decisions and will continue to be poor for the rest of their lives for the same reason.

muh boohoohoo

obvious shill is obvious

proudly sageing this shit.



any none #fakenews

Not gonna lie, former white country here. This is fucking hilarious watching our culture crash and burn. But seriously, we can get cucked more.
>t. Europosters

>MFW I'm in Denver and voted for recreational marijuana in 2012 because I believe in freedoms, but it brought hordes of untermensch and I wouldn't give a shit at this point

>As long as they tell me what I want to hear they don't need sources

This is what I found when I did a quick minute search.

trump going after legal marihuana really sucks. but thats one of the only negative points i have against him besides not being able to keep his mouth shut. but to be fair i never know if he purposely is baiting the media and everyone in a giant game of 5d interuniversal underwater space polo, or is just sperging out and its all just falling in his favor afterwards out of pure luck

did he really go against states rights or is OP just trolling?
because trump did say he would leave weed legality to the states during campaigning

This is a CTR shill thread paid for by the Democratic party.

>Abortion - Let the States rule themselves
>Marijuana - Nope states can't rule themselves


stfu canada lmao

>Right wing doesn't want gay marriage and trans bathrooms because states rights.

>Left wing "Lol that doesn't matter fag! It's a federal matter!"

>Trump threatens to take away legal weed from (left leaning) states that have legalized it


Not only can he potentially unmask the sheer hypocrisy of the American left, but, he can put pressure on sanctuary cities, which are very abundant in legal weed states.

12D Wookie Chess.

kek you're a monkey seeing his own reflection in the mirror u stupid (((nigger)))



what did u/OP mean by this?

I know there are paid shills here, but why in the hell do they think this will work?


yeh but abortion doesn't affect nearby states by illegal drug traffickers coming across the border to smuggle abortions back to their state
nobody gives a fuck if you cross the border to remove fetus but if you are removing pot then it's a crime and hurts teenagers and babbies in your other state nearby the legal state which bad is learn to play dota fucktard christ you're a fucking shillbot extreme sperglord doublemax lmfao

>Waaaah! Drumpf is taking away something I love! Fuck Drumpf!

Fucking selfish cry baby

OK you degenerate weed ass faggot.

How fucking dumb are you

user why

>caring if pot is legal or not
its cheeper when its illegal and not taxed. why are stoners so stupid?

So move to a state that likes weed you dumb shitlord.

What border? You think a women living in Nebraska is going to get to Mexico easily?

>Non aborted fetuses costs the tax payers trillions in welfare over a life time
>Drug war costs the tax payers trillions in law enforcement costs (including incarceration)

Probably because it generates a shit ton of revenue to the state and keeps normal citizens out of jail when you legalize an activity that many adults enjoy. I'm sure there's absolutely no correlation betqeen trump saying he will crack down on legal weed and him signing off on the use of private prisons again..

>He lowered the national debt by 12 billion in one month,
How exactly did he do it? Give us the specific name of Trump's policy that caused this $12 billion debt reduction.

how you have time to smoke weed with Father O'malleys' dick in your mouth 24/7?

God damn, im not the only one. I voted to legalize and fucking regret it. Denver metro area is being overrun with scum.

what a fucking loser

Smoking weed is degeneracy.


Not an argument fuck off.

>he wants weed to be monopolied by Corporations

no thanks

He's not going after medical right?? Isn't just states who legalized it. I'm already a medical patient so this wouldn't affect me.

The democratic party is imploding

This thread is what we in the meme industry call "concern trolling".



Oh no, not your precious weed! Fuck off degenerate. You're like the canafags who voted in Trudeau for legal weed. Now it's a hate crime to criticize Islam and still a crime to have weed.

>Trumps policies either don't affect you directly or negatively affect someone else.
Great presidency we got going.

I really want to borrow Trump's time machine and go back to warn everyone. That, or at least get in on the Denver REIT train.

You should probably wait and see if he actually does anything about marijuana you stoner fucking faggot.

>Him going after states rights for legal marijuana

You seem to be confused because the 10th amendment only guarantees states rights on things that the federal government has no power over.

The commerce clause grants the ability to enforce marijuana laws in the controlled substances act.
States are not allowed to make laws LESS strict.

You seem to also be forgetting that it is the job of the POTUS to ENFORCE the laws.
Unlike that nigger who just picked and choose that laws to enforce and what laws to ignore.

This is because Trump doesn't think he's above the law.

>1 post by this ID
>pot head voting for Trump

Fuck off. Saged.


>Bias confirmation.


>>Trump threatens to take away legal weed from (left leaning) states that have legalized it
so you think its just to make the left want more power for the individual states and drawn away from the federal government which trump supported in the beginning?
if thats his goal i wouldnt even really mind. he should just then after it all went down make the individual states regulate the weed as i do believe making it illegal causes more harm then anything else it accomplishes

You are a loser. Yes.

>Weed rights is crossing the line

You clearly weren't a devoted supporter from the start if "le ebic weed lmao" is what made you turn against him.

>Soon the group think will become a mass of mindless fucks not questioning a thing that he does.

That already happened Canada.

Guess how I know you're shareblue and not actually a republican that disagrees with him on this issue?

Trump literally did nothing wrong

Nice meme

>Majority of Americans agree that legal weed is a smart idea
>LOL NAH we'd better crack down on it so our private prison industry can make money again LMAO

>Abortion: Constitutional ruling dictates that abortion is required to be legal by state, but there is wiggle room for cutoffs as each state sees fit.
>Pot: Federal law outright prohibits it.

>being a liberal pothead
>lacking critical thinking
pick two

All you edgy retards saying weed is bad answer me this one thing
Why should it be illegal?
It's great for the economy, has a bunch of medical benefits behind it, and overall it's hard to be against it for an actual good reason.
>Le weed xd
>smoking weed is degeneracy
None of these are valid arguments so fuck off

Is shareblue new thing now after ctr has become out of style?

I'm starting to lose track of the scapegoats invented for dissenting ideas. Can't we just stick to the same one?

Join us anti-fascists in beating out Drumpf!

Please like and share this image to get the word out on social media!

You won't get legitimate answers from Sup Forums

We know you are a shill.

Spicer mentioned in a press conference that it's still federally illegal and implied that they would. I'm not aware of anything happening yet though.

You forgot to say sweetie

That doesn't fucking matter.

If you don't like it, then write to your congressmen. The POTUS' job is to ENFORCE THE FUCKING LAW.

And the law on the books is pot is illegal. I disagree with it, but I'd rather have a POTUS that enforces the law uniformly instead of just picking what laws to enforce and what laws to ignore.


When will it be enough for you Drumpfies? When the whole planet is one big radio-active hell landscape?

It's not a scapegoat, it's reality, look at this internal memo. Next you'll be saying George Soros isn't a real person and media matters is a figment of my imagination.


So fucking edgy.

>Why should it be illegal?
That is not the subject of the fucking thread.

The subject of the thread is some shithead is butthurt that the head of the executive branch is enforcing the laws on the books.

People are upset that Trump is doing his job.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Shut up you fucking cuckold, the majority of Americans want weed to be legal, and cracking down on laws that have been voted on by the states is such a fucking waste of time. He doesn't give a shit about "being above the law" he just wants to make him private prison buddies a lot more money.

seriously faggots like you need to be round up and exterminated. All you degenerates care about is "MUH WEED POLICY MUH LEGAL WEED" kill yourself loser. I'll sit here while I smoke my med weed laughing at complete trash like yourself squirm.



Yea man bad goy for standing up for your rights!

I hope you die in your sleep tonight faggot

>Shut up you fucking cuckold,
angry pothead with 0 argument detected

>the majority of Americans want weed to be legal
Irrelevant in the HERE AND NOW, as it's illegal. Don't like it? Write to your congressmen. If they ignore you, then vote them out.

>cracking down on laws that have been voted on by the states is such a fucking waste of time.
Yeah, no shit. I suggest adult literacy courses because I agree with you that it's stupid and pot should be legal.

>He doesn't give a shit about "being above the law" he just wants to make him private prison buddies a lot more money.
>possession conviction make up around 5% of prison populations
>unsubstantiated claim

Fuck off faggot.

I guess you dislike Federalism and States rights?

We could just toss out other parts of the constitution like the first and second amendments? Maybe we should toss out the bit about the electoral college too?

Christ, the shills are out in force.