Why don't we all take our money out of the banks, taking the power from *their* hands and putting it in our own?

Why don't we all take our money out of the banks, taking the power from *their* hands and putting it in our own?

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Lol yeah I'm sure that's gonna work out just fine

Already did. You're a cuck if you use banks

Because most people don't have any fucking money in the banks. Most people OWE banks.

>Literally impossible
Banks are allowed to lend of 9 tenths of the money they receive. Notice how I said receive? They can lend of 9 tenths of the money you pay them on loans. Essentially allowing them to lend out 10x he money deposited into their banks.

The average person has no idea that almost all money is spontaneously generated out of thin air by the banks.

> having money in the bank


Don't trust the banks with your money, ever. This is what my grandpa taught me, and I withdraw every single cent I get on the first day so that the jews can't profit from it. By now we don't even get interest on money in our accounts anymore, the banks here in Germany even converted former savings agreements (which used to yield a little interest when I was younger) so that they don't have to add interest. And courts decided that's ok. Gas the kikes, I say. And while you're at it, hang all the lawyers.

Most people in burgerland you mean?

>letting your money sit in banks
You might as well just throw money in the trash can.

Fiat money is inherently worthless. Just look at the reichmark of Weimer Germany, Zimbabwean dollar, and the Venezuelan Bolivar.

owners of the bank print the money you intend to withdraw. if they want Weimar level devaluation, it doesn't matter if it's in your account or under your mattress

only plebs keep their money in bank accounts

Your grandfather was a smart man.


>Fiat money is inherently worthless. Just look at the reichmark of Weimer Germany, Zimbabwean dollar, and the Venezuelan Bolivar.

Off course the US and the Zionists can just crash your economy...

Yeah most people over here have student loans, mortgages, or car payments.

I know your education is 'free' but have Germans given up on home ownership and driving?

That's why governments are trying to ban cash.

They claim protection against 'terrorism' of course.

(((They))) want to be able to print money with abandon to prop up their buddies' industries and maintain a large government free from fiscal constraints and with lots of welfare.

(((They))) want interest rates below 0%. Of course anybody with sense, once rates get below say -1%, will pull their money out of the banks and keep it it in their home. Hence the need to ban cash, and the muzzies blowing shit up are a convenient scapegoat.

He was, indeed.

kek, that video is not available in Germany

You're right about home ownership, almost impossible to achieve without taking a loan (if you want to own property at a reasonable age). Many people take loans for cars too (I paid all cars I owned in cash, though, why would I need a fancy new car if the older ones were sturdier anyways and can be fixed with a few repairs?). Idiots take loans for almost anything including a new tv. But at least our young adults don't have to take crippling loans for education (some idiots do that too to live like kangs during uni but what's the fucking point?).

...and destroy your own economy

t. Shlomo Goldstein

think of the capital

Because most employers won't pay you in cash and there's a charge to cash a check without a bank account, and direct deposit is cheapest.

Also, because in my area at least, buying online is cheaper and allows you to buy better items for anything except fresh groceries.

And also, personally I hate how annoying and bulky change is.

I think its illegal in some countries because the tax cant be proven or calculated.. or something

>And also, personally I hate how annoying and bulky change is.

This is a snippet from a longer documentary that I remember watching but I forgot the title. Can somebody call me what its called?

*tell me

>Why don't we all take our money out of the banks

Because there isn't enough on hand.

Go ask Greece how that worked for them.

Or any bank run that has ever occurred.

Crashing the system is the plan.

Not sure, I saw it posted on.

You could try asking the guy who posted the video on YT by sending him a PM. I thought it was edited due to not having a voice over

I keep my money literally 3 feet from me in a safe.

Banks are for retards.

The real question is why don't we take the power and legal right to create money away from private for profit banks and stop making all money as debt to private banks?

The jews won't let you, duh.

Who's doing the crashing and what's the plan.

History does repeat itself because the one's writing the history are the one's creating it.

Think of the snake eating its tail.

Other than getting to buy a house, or perhaps a real urgency like expensive surgery, I don't see why so many people like to take loans or pay for stuff over time.

>Take your money out of the bank

So when they crash the economy and all that money is as valuable as toilet paper, what good is it to you or anybody for that matter?

You need to take the money and put it into something of value that can get a return when you need to buy or trade it for something you need to survive.

Bullets I guess?

>put it into something of value that can get a return when you need to buy or trade it for something you need to survive

I think I got that covered.

Fuck yeah you do!

So what should i do with my money in the bank ? Leave it in my house in a safe or invest in something ? Serious question because ive always wanted to take my money away from (((them)))

I am putting my money in something valuable.

Food, drink and a plane ticket out of this shit hole country.

Because that's what's called a bank run and they would get wind of it and close banks/atms

Invest in gold goyim.

It never ever loses its value because trust me you dumb fuck. Ignore the man behind me leaning on the 50 megaton nuclear device.

Keep a 6 month emergency fund at all times. With money beyond that, invest it.


So basically just store my money in gold instead of banks you say. If that makes sense.

>It never ever loses its value

over what period? a week? sure a month? sure, but historically? it's gone up 100s of %

Gold would be great if you can travel back in time and buy it in 2007 at $640. Doing that now is stupid because its just slowly dropping.

All other assests move in price around gold. For the price of 1 oz if gold you can buy a tailored suit, that goes from the 1800's and still is the same now

> gold
pff, gold melts. Diamonds are for eternity, and a girl's best friend as we all know. I can hook you up with a friend of mine who makes good prices.

Sheep, potable water, and tradable women.

exactly, but what the other user is referring to is the cash value per g or per oz of gold. Which has gone up massively year to year since the 1990's

I keep all mine in a box

but then who will sell me shitty financial products??

Then you will see why they made paper our money

Historically there has never been a catastrophe that has rendered intrinsically valuable commodities worthless.

However there is still time for the bombs to drop, and if you think people aren't going to prioritize iron and copper over gold after that shit goes down you are sorely mistaken.

Troll post i know, but diamonds are legitimately worth the same as semi-precious gems if the De Beers had no monopolized supply for 80 years

This, there is literally no benefit to keeping your money in a bank while there is a huge risk it could disappear overnight in a "bail-in". Seriously, look it up

The money is our own, dolt.

Banks are nothing but managers of other people's money.

>1.4k in checking
>12k in savings (being very generous)

>8k left in student loans
>4K left on car loan
>115k left on mortgage

So, you pulled your money out, but you still owe the bank 113.4k, only now without the minuscule interest your account was accruing, but you can result assured your debt is still accruing its interest.

Now, if you stop giving your money to them, they force you out of your home, take your vehicle, and hunt you down at the shanty town, for student loan payments.

If you make a movement of pulling money from the banks, they'll quickly freeze accounts, pass new legislation favorable to them, do everything imaginable to preserve the status quo, and keep your blood flowing, to sustain them.

This isn't a wheel to be turned. The entire wheel should be broken.

kek and how long will that last? plus pricing copper is no where near as easy as gold

Gold has been held and accepted as money all over the world for thousands of years, it will remain for thousands of years more, including silver.

Their economy, not ours.

Bullets, water, food, gold and silver, productive real-estate

Exactly, I recommend your metal shaped like pic relevant

No I'm saying stop being a retard and feeding into "the system". It was only a matter of time before giving commodities intrinsic value lead to banking systems no matter how you look at it.

There will always be people looking to game the system and fuck over everyone to climb to the top. The only way to be truly, 100% secure is to not play the game at all. Learn to survive and then fucking move as far away from cities as possible. Not saying go innawoods, but just as far away from anybody trying to make money to survive as humanly possible.

I went to a credit union. Some G8 agreement couple years ago said the banks can do a Cyprus action on your account. I didn't think this applied to credit unions. Also your pic reminds me of adam lambert. I just remembered i like him

Have fun paying for a college education (in the U.S.) or a house with cash.

>he likes death pledges
>muh hotel rentals!
>debt based education is shweet

Down payments fix those and rent is better and entire thing is a usurious ponzi scheme and fuck credit

If everyone tried to take all their money out of the bank at once there would be no where near enough for everyone.

The thing about gold vs everything else is that its the most efficient way to store your wealth and know for certain it will retain its purchasing power over long periods of time. Obviously you should focus on things that ensure your survival first like real-estate, water, food, and weapons but after that there's no better place to park large amounts of wealth than gold and/or silver. Even if there is a nuclear war you could leave the country with a lot of gold and silver and be rich literally anywhere else

If 100% of people kept their accounts. If aliens held accounts. Aliens are demons. If every single person had a bank account. Right wing india did this. It killed old people waiting in line. Your liberals are garbage and so are our liberal tories. Then we'd still not "have enough" for everybody. Educate yourself

YEah, not to mention that industrial diamonds have pretty much the same properties as the "real" stuff. And that there's plenty left in some African mines and god knows where we didn't dig yet.

But as for gold, I never really understood the value. Especially in the past when it was rare but humans didn't have any use for it besides making fancy jewelry and crowns n shiet. Nowadays it has gotten real life value thanks to microelectronics, but I've talked to my former boss (company which makes microelectronic prototypes, I wrote the software for them) about the actual value of gold and if it was really worth it, and the gist was... well it's a great material but if it wouldn't exist we might as well use say silver, lose some percent performance, and that's it. And with upcoming new materials like graphene for example we might even see gold becoming almost worthless for tech. Roughly put.

Because in America the big banks get their loanin money from the fed. Small banks/credit unions still work similarly to the old way but they aren't the ones being asshats. It's the big guys playing fast and loose with virtually free gov gibs that were and still are the problem

Didnt you guys try and do like them and ban certain notes and force mandatory accounts for impoverished street cleaners

Riiiight up until Wall Street decides it is worth nothing or it can be artificially reproduced like diamonds.

You can't look forward in a rear view mirror.

Just make it law. It will barely cost more.

Okay. So have fun giving sixty percent of your income to taxes. You can't just magically make everything cheap or free because large loans, which are provided by banks, are bad.

If they wanted interest rates below zero, it would be at or near zero now...

What the fuck is an interest rate below zero even supposed to accomplish? Future money is worth more than money now? That's pants on head retarded.

That's the whole point of Bitcoin.

>i wont sell you this because taxes

Yes and the sheer productivity and wealth brought about by capitalism always leads to welfare states and edgy teen Marxists.

Because a majority of human's are dominated by emotion, that is why political equality is a disaster, and not everyone should be able to vote, not because people want to fuck people over and climb to the top, that's darwinian opportunism

ehm, electronics prototypes using microcontrollers blahblah, I sounded like a retard. I'm drunk.


>just keep sarcastically greentexting without offering an alternative

>Losing money every year thinking you're smart shit because of inflation.

Get a load of this nigger. At least buy gold to hedge against inflation.

Only a lucky few would be able to withdraw before their reserves run dry

You could say that about anything. Fact is gold has been money everywhere on Earth since humankind has existed. I'll trust it over any other asset for long-term storage of wealth

keeping it in a bank would only slightly stem the effect on inflation too though. Banks need to lower their interest rates as they loan out more cash

I'm not counting myself. I owe less (currently only have a car loan and a few hundred on a credit card) than I have in savings. This is why I said 'most'. However, are you expecting me to believe most people in western cultures aren't upside down, owing more than they have in liquid assets?

Keep your money out of kikes hands the best you can

It's less than 1 percent in my country and they are talking about making it negative (meaning you literally pay the bank for the privilege of storing you money there)

You first

>inb4 0 capital

He thinks wall street has the power to determine the world wide value of commodities.

holy fuck user, tell me again how the NYSE is the only stock exchange in the world

then do your duty and spend it, faggot

future money = digital currency

add a negative interest rate = spend it or lose it goyim

>saving is just destruction, that's the paradox of thrift

No thanks, I'd rather watch the banks/economy crash and burn

>Keep your money out of kikes hands the best you can

you know that only 1% control the whole world money right?

>However, are you expecting me to believe most people in western cultures aren't upside down, owing more than they have in liquid assets?
Not really, the eternal kike has spread all over this planet and has poisoned the well. But it's probably worst in the USA from what I observe. Especially when it comes to tuition and healthcare. China might come next, I suspect, they also have a huge boner about loans and credit ratings. Heard of Jack Ma and the credit system for Alibaba? It's already used to "control" completely unrelated stuff like trying to date a girl and her parents will ask about your Alibaba credit score, and it will become even worse when that score is combined with good boy points you get for behaving properly on social media which is also planned. Fuck this society.

As for Jack Ma, check youtube for some really interesting and scary interviews he gave. Sneaky bastard, that guy. Wait, I'll look some up....


Gold has unique properties in that it doesn't tarnish, is abundant enough to actually be used in electronics (unlike Platinum), etc. It's not like it's super unique though.

IF you want to buy materials with unique and vital properties, think about (liquid) helium, compressed xenon/krypton, and the rare earth metals.

Also buy land. There's only so much surface on this rock. It will always be valuable.

In the US most people with more than $25,000 do. They put them in various investments and own small shares in many companies or have it loaned various places through mutual funds and whatnot. A lot of the government debt is owned by citizens who know what they're doing with their money. Sup Forums must be exceptionally poor to not know this.
