Can an Arab be White Supremacist?

I'm a shitskin hairy ugly big-nosed Syrian descendant living in Brazil and I do think we are inferior and savage people that deserve to be genocided either by US and its allies or by Israel. We never contributed with nothing to humanity, before Islam we were tribalistic dunecoons who ate lizards, walked barefoot, buried little girls alive and drank camel piss, after Islam we only united militarily and took over White advanced nations like Persia and Rome (of course due only to the fact they were killing each other) and then stole their knowledge as our own, we are really the cancer of humanity, we are hated by every other race, we are despised everywhere we go because of our violent terrorist nature and ugly looks.

I support Zionism, Israelis are actually White Slavs who bought industry and civilization to an empty desert and I'm glad they are becoming more right-wing each year, I'm glad they're wiping out the subhuman Palestinians. I do hope they decide to genocide us savage genetically inferior Arabs outside Palestine too and then make all of Middle East bloom with prosperity and civilization like happened in the America when the English arrived. I don't understand why you people here don't like Israel since all right-wingers support them, they are White Slavs and are on the vanguard against us, they are the defenders of White Western civilization while we are trying to destroy it culturally and genetically.

I think White Western people are the real master race, they bought advancement and civilization everyw four corners of the world. They are the best looking people, their skin is beautiful, and their Catholicism is also beautiful. I wish I was white. I not only kill myself because I'm afraid to die.

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Yes you can be a white supremacist.
Just respect national borders. It's fine to visit, it's not okay to settle down and start breeding.
I would like to remind you that even Hitler had Muslim friends.

>I support Zionism

"Supremacist" is a fake term. It describes an artificial regime guaranteeing unnatural privilege. We are nationalists, we want to be left alone and to continue our traditions. There's no supremacism there, we don't want to impose anything on anyone.

No. Respectfully looking at from a distance is okay.

You made this exact post under a different flag

[pic related]

Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people, fuck Hitler, fuck Western civilization, fuck white culture and most importantly -

FUCK Sup Forums and FUCK (You)

Zionism is actually the same as XIX European colonialism, if you read what the founding fathers of Zionism said I'd realize this, they considered us Arabs to be ''desert beasts'' and that Arabs in Palestine would have ''to go'' to make living space for superior White Slavic European Jews, I do believe this is why right-wingers in Whites nations support them, but this is not the case here on Pol which is inconsistant.

Why fuck White people? Whites are beautiful ppl who basically invented everything to make society and civilzation functional.

What progress in 2000 years did us Arabs brought to the world? Absolutely none, totally the opposite, we brought terrorism and savagery only.


oooohhhh it's ALWAYS the muh dick with these mooncrickets.

Yes, at least my family had the decency to emigrate to a majority non-White nation because of the civil war.

>Can an Arab be White Supremacist?
>I support Zionism
guess not

Yes Blacks are disgusting too, and the only reason they did not harm the world as much as us Arabs is because they lack intelligence for it.

Not that we're a enlightened race, far from it but Black IQ is on the retard level.

brown faggot detected

Zionist is not hostile towards Whites, totally the opposite, Zionism is actually White Colonialism, you should realize it.

Most Jews are White Slavs, the Brown Jews in Israel are actually treated as 2nd class citizens. Israel is a White Western European outpost, Pol needs to realize it.

kikes, always

relax senpai, just respect other nation's cultures people, and heritage and you're alright.

You are confusing me with somebody else, but many Arabs do hate their own race too (and with good reason)

But I not only respect White Western culture and heritage I wish I could be White.

I hate my Arabness, I hate the fact that I'm despised by the world for belonging to an uncivilized, rag-wearing, terrorist race.

> here on Pol
> Pol

You and your shitty bread don't belong here.

You mean that Arabs don't belong here? I'm just unburdening my frustration of belonging to a so despicable race.

>if you read what the founding fathers of Zionism said I'd realize this, they considered us Arabs to be ''desert beasts'' and that Arabs in Palestine would have ''to go'' to make living space for superior White Slavic European Jews, I do believe this is why right-wingers in Whites nations support them, but this is not the case here on Pol which is inconsistant.

wtf I love Zionism now

But when I said ''Supremacist'' I merely acknowledged that White European people are better than the rest.

1)Convert to Catholicism
2) Stop being a Zionist
3) Support the Alt-right

Zionism is actually White European colonialism.

>being this much of a newfag
He genuinely doesn't know. Top kek!

Why would I stop it? Most White European right-wing Xtian people support the White Slavic nation of Israel.

>> support zionism
>> be noncucked white

Pick one

They only do that because they are tought to hate Arabs (even Arab Catholics/christians). They think this way because the (((media))) has conditioned them to think this.

Supporting a people that are not white or the same culture/religion is a form of cuckholdry.

Das racist

All the normie left-wing feminist libtards seem to support anti-zionism because "Rich white cisgenderheteronormative people in Israel are oppressing the poor Palestinian Muslims, who are innocent in every way and have definitely never blown anyone up". Therefore as a proud white American and a Trump supporter I am a Zionist! Fuck the leftist establishment!!

But Israelis are White Slavis Western people.

Israel does not identity as slavic.

They are racially and culturally

I'm sorry but the Establishment in the US has alays been supportive of Israel, since they both have more in common with each other than anybody else, being of White European background who were historically terrorized by native savages who couldn't accept them developing and civilizing their lands.

The difference is that Americans wiped out the savages causing trouble, I hope Israel does the same.

They identify as Jews first. They will do anything to protect Jews first. It is a JEWISH state. Being a jew is an ethno-religious thing they are linked into the same thing.

If you want to be white... support white Christian ideas, civilization, and culture. Not jewish! How have zionism and jewish ideas affected Europe and America? Is hollywood good? Is porn good? Is mass immagration to white countries good?!

We dont have to be anti-jewish, but we do have to realize that their ideas and culture are not supportive of ours, by in large.

We have whites shilling for every shitskin race under the sun, so why not?

White power, my monkey friend.

If they are white then so are you...

Read my comments before, and the topic I linked, it explains how Zionists saw themselves as White Colonizing people and not part of the East.

Judaism is religion whose majority of followers are White Slavs, period.

The mass immigration is cause because of our own uncivilized beastly nature, we murder each, blame the White Europeans and then cry for them to accept us as refugees from the countries ourselves destroyed.

I read your comments already. They did not see themselves as such...
They saw it as fulfilling prophecy.
If you think that jews feel any kinship to a white person, because of their race you are wrong.

Literally the biggest supporters of Mass immagration into the west are liberal jews!!!! Y'all cant come here unless the government okay's it! Guess who pushes for that in our governments!

No we are not, we are brown, hairy, short, big-nosed beasts.

And when you look at Israelis you realize they are indistinguishable from Europeans, a lot of them are blond, ginger and fair-eyed, most have pale pinkskin tone.

But those liberal jews hate Israel for being Ethnocratic, they are hated by the Zionists who see themselves as the vanguard defenders of modern white european civilization.


Have you ever met a jewish person?!

Look dude. If you love the jews so much convert to Judaism. If you like Europeans/whites/Arabs convert to Catholicism/Christianity.

Idk if you are LARPING or what....

Arabs are not the problem. Islamic civilization is. Jews have their own agenda, and White Christians have our own too.

Decide which one you want to support.

The Catholic Nigerians that fight boko haram in Nigeria are more of a vanguard of the west than Israel is...

And what is need to be done about Islam?

Malaysia, Indonesia, Albania, Bosnia, Chechnya, Tatars are all Muslim nations and you don't terrorism and savagery from them.

I'm not larping I'm just very depressed and complexed for being Arab and I don't expose it to my parents because they'd just beat me and send me to the Mosque, and I don't kill myself because I'm coward.

And I support the White European ppl, I'm just pointing it out that Israel is part of the White Western European world too.

>> Chechnya
>> Bosnia

If you think these places are have benefitted from Islam....

Terrorism is just one facet. It's the culture! Why is Bosnia so far behind Croatia?

Why are all of the places you listed (minus Malaysia??) intellectually behind the West?! Why was tiny Lebanon the leader of the middle east till mass muslim migration happened in the late 40's???

If you are complexed for being Arab- dont be. Your parents wont understand what you expressed in this thread. I dont think most whites would understand what I expressed here. Become a Catholic and red pilled.

If you love the West. If you like European culture... then the answer is obvious.

you aint ugly bro, just love yourself

>I support Zionism

Get out.

What needs to be done about islam?! People like you meed to convert to Christianity and start a fire in the Arab world! There... i just gave you a mission in life.

Bosnia is behind Croatia because of the wars in the Balkans, but still better than Christian Romania and Moldavia, but that is note the point I'm making but the fact that none of the nations I mentioned are barbaric like us, this is why I believe Islam has not much to do.

As for Lebanon, it was the best country in ME once because it was ruled by White French descendants (even after the independence), until the full-Arab Palestinians took it over, and they did on behalf of Communism not Islam.

And yes I think Catholicism is a aesthetically beautiful religion, much like everything from the White European world. But are Arabs accepted in the Church? I mean, we have our own Churches like the Maronites but they are for Arabs, I mean the great Catholic Church here.

Thanks but I wish I could look like this British man.

Maronites are Catholic, though user.

But yes Y'all are accepted as Catholic if y.all convert.

Best thing you could do to support white ppl is killing yourself. Well maybe you can kill as much as you can arabshits before.

If Islam is blameless then why did Albania go from a regular European/Balkan country before Islam to the poorest after if became majority Islamic?
These are trends that happen... culture/religion/ ehtos matter to a people...

this is probably a LARPer... but on the 0.0001 chance you aren't

you need to get off Sup Forums user, and live your life


While you're here.... Do you consider yourself "white" ?


most people in Israel are 1/2, 1/4 jewish and come from europe and russia

you come come to israel if one of your grand parents was jewish, my parents came from Russia and one of my grandfathers was jewish

Brother I do support you Russians bombing the shit out of my own nation and killing as much as Syrians as possible.

I don't understand why don't you side with Israel and attack both government and rebels, and then give the country to Israelis develop and settle once it has been ''emptied'' of its Arab population.

See? Like I said, Israel was formed by the same White European principles that were used in Australia, US, etc... I don't understand why European right-wingers dislike them here.

And I'm not larping I don't even know what that means.



So half white and not Christian...

So basically Latin American level of "white" or less

Brother, this is my first time posting here.

And since we're on what do you think is the solution for the Arab problem in Israel? I think they should use US as an inspiration and simply kill them, I don't know why haven't you did it when European Slavic founding fathers funded Israel.

The Iranians WERE White, Germans and Slavs came from Iran, unfortunately right now they're just a mongrolised race with 53% Arab Blood, this is why they can't recover their former glory.

Israel was formed as an ethno-state for JEWS. The others originated as ethno states made by white Christians .

Very different.

You can change your religion but not your ethnicity. I would strongly advice becoming a Christian.... thoughts and ideas can be changed... Not DNA. Good luck bro.

Nothing can be done, in 20-30 years the population will shift to being arab due to high birthrates

Bedouin drifters and arabs tend to have 6-8 children each, and jews 1-2 max.

Because there is no money to make in a solution. U.N. Loves to milk governments for money for not solving problems. Just ask why UNRWA is still around.

Why not pursue one state? Not even Jew but just wondering.

Youre probably better looking than 90% of us. White people also suck.

>tribalistic dunecoons who ate lizards, walked barefoot, buried little girls alive and drank camel piss
You started doing that after islam. Before you had 360 gods which was peaceful and nice religion.

And do what? kill/expel all arabs/not give them rights? intl community will never let that happen, you saw what happens in places like Rhodesia?

No, that was before, Islam actually made us a little less savage. Read about the little girls we buried alive bf Islam.

I don't know really, It saddens me seeing the only White European country in ME being ruined by us, and not even by force but by demographics.

Who the fuck is the international community then? UN? NATO? If it's not the Jews in control who is? Because presumably if they were it wouldn't be a problem

Yeah I thought Rhodesia maybe got Jewed

Israel interests =/= Diaspora jews interests

diaspora jews only influence and help Israel for their own benefit. Have you noticed how there is only 1 multinational corporation out of Israel? How is that possible in the land of the jews?

Diasporas harvest jewish talent and siphon off the riches to themselves. As soon as Israel isn't profitable they'll abandon us to our fate

Why are there 0 investment banks in Israel? why is the finance scene so small here?

why no rich diasporas come to live in Israel?

This. Levantine Arab Christians are pretty civilised and contributed greatly to Latin America.

Another thing I wondered wasn't Rothschild (based in Britain) involved in securing the Balfour declaration or whatever was the creation? But Britain then pushed for a two-state? Is that right? Why wasn't Britain on board with one state from the start?

Israel has no bankers? Now that is irony.

Israel has a miniscule Venture Funding and Private Equity scene, nothing compared to Europe.

Because Britain hated the Israelis. They had to help them because of jewish support during WW1, but Israelis(stupidly) made life living hell for British during the 30 years they were here.

Also Britain had pretty much 0 influence over anything after WW2. Britain was forced to stop allying with Japan, lost its fleet, pressured to leave all of their colonies by the US - they had basically no say in anything.

Don't we all.
Look my dude, the "white" Jews hate Germanics, Celts, and Medios. The Jews and Slavs are at the bottom rung of European society. Support Nordics, only Nordics. You can use your position to propel the Nordic race into eternity and if you live well in accordance with our peoples customs and cultures you may join us but reborn as a true white man in Valhalla.

And uh, don't mix with our people, no offense but European blood must be kept pure across all European peoples. It's not personal, just tribal.
Pls drop Zionism, they hate Nordics.

OP, dont blame your people, blame Islam. Inbreeding, encouraged by primitive islamic beliefs and arab culture from the Saudi Arabia, is the reason your people have the low IQs, whilst Christian levantine Arabs are pretty successful, even those in Israel. Islam destroyed the Levantine people. Ancient Levant was seed of western civilisation. Look at pheonician, Babylonian or Akkadian achievements for example. Your neolithic ancestors spreader agriculture to Europe. Islam destroyed the middle east.

you can be pro white if you want, but you should help your own people more than anything.

So why doesn't America give Israel one state? Isn't that want American zionists campaign for?

I can trace my lineage back to Yemen this is very important in our society, surely I might have some Akkadian or Phoenician blood but most come from the peninsula, this is the case of most Arabs, and cousin marriage is more common among the Kurds, not Arabs.

I don't blame Islam because Islam made us less barbaric, read my post above about the horrible practices Muslims banned. The problem is with us as a race.
And Christian Levantines (as well as Alawites) are not Levantines, they are descendants of European Crusaders, this is why they are successful and civilized, and look White.

And we're not the seed of Western civilization, the West arose from Greece.

Kurds are muslims.

The British did not hated the Zionists, it is thanks to them that you were able to colonize here.

They beated the Turks and stabbed Arabs in the back to guarantee this, because the British needed a European White outpost here even after they gave away all their colonies.

Leave Islam and come to Christianity or remain in Islamic culture. The Levant Christians were Christian before Islam was around... Islam is the problem here.

Can't we all just agree that ethnonationalism is great and the diversity of humanity should be cultivated, preserved and cherished, without having to result in outright war between nations or prohibition of cooperation/exchange of ideas when appliable and good?

Fuck globalism.

But they're no Arabs

They can be a nationalist and have respect for the accomplishments of other races as well as their own instead of being spiteful crying about racism.

Circumcised like a semite?

>So why doesn't America give Israel one state?
>give Israel
> give

There is no help for my people, only a miracle would save us.

Western civilization wouldn't exist if it werent for the neolithic revolution which was spreaded by Levantine farmers from the fertile crescenet. Most Europeans have partial middle eastern ancestry as a result.

>Two Middle Eastern populations independently developed farming and then spread the technology to Europe, Africa and Asia, according to the genomes of 44 people who lived thousands of years ago in present-day Armenia, Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Iran.

>Posted on 17 June on the bioRxiv preprint server1, the research supports archaeological evidence about the multiple origins of farming, and represents the first detailed look at the ancestry of the individuals behind one of the most important periods in human history — the Neolithic revolution.

>Some 11,000 years ago, humans living in the ancient Middle East region called the Fertile Crescent shifted from a nomadic existence, based on hunting game and gathering wild plants, to a more sedentary lifestyle that would later give rise to permanent settlements. Over thousands of years, these early farmers domesticated the first crops and transformed sheep, wild boars and other creatures into domestic animals.


By invading and killing Muslims? Didn't stop them in Afghan and Iraq.

t. Ahmed