Suicide and ending life is the truth and ultimate red pill

Suicide is the ultimate political issue and red pill that is tough to swallow. Once you realize that life is empty and only meant to fulfill the needs of others will you finally see the light. We need to decriminalize suicide, allow a safe and secure way to do it (so family doesn't find you half dead squirming on the floor cuz you couldn't pull the shotgun trigger with your big toe)...

Former white guy and ex trump voter here, its funny to see him rush and turn. This guy is unfit to lead and i hope to God he doesnt get atomic passwords

Yes inferior people should end themselves. We have no use for such inferiority.

haha, I do enjoy seeing this morph

Suicide is the cowards way out. Only weakling succumb to this instead of creating their own meaning for the sake of itself.

Decriminalize suicide? What's the point, are you going to take the dead body to jail?

That's just being black pilled

walk right into suicide center... much better than walking in front of a train traumatizing everyone on board and the driver and onlookers

>you couldn't pull the shotgun trigger with your big toe)...

>implying you wouldn't just use your pinky finger

>traumatizing everyone on board
I only was traumatized how much time it took to go on even if that sicidal person was not hit and was only on the rails. It took 40 fucking minutes. They should have had go out, kick him in the ass, throw of of the rails and drive on.

unless you shorten it
Shotguns are long, depending on how long your arms are it would be difficult to have the barrel in a kill position and pull the trigger.
I've been reading To Kill a Mockingbird and have just got to the part where Jem recalls Dolphus Raymond's wife blowing her head off with a shotgun by pulling the trigger with her toe.
Think about it. You can't reach the trigger and properly aim into your mouth with a shotgun, they're too long (The mouth is a terrible place to shoot yourself, a lot of people end up shooting the front of their face of and living or hitting neck - A shotgun is long. They probably couldn't reach the trigger without taking the barrel out of their mouth)

Kill yourself.

In past years, it is true, I was a patron of the Donald. It is now a cause of endless merriment to see his devilish slide into mischievousness and vulgarity. However, with the certainty of God's own truth, we cannot allow this fiend to possess the machinations of destruction.

i was just meming you autist

yes goy killyourself goy let the Jews inherit the Earth


Why are you still here then?

gg fuck off /thread

>Once you realize that life is empty and only meant to fulfill the needs of others will you finally see the light.

You'll be enlightened by the idea that being a selfish asshole gets you nowhere?

Former white guy and ex trump voter here, its funny to see him rush and turn. This guy is unfit to lead and i hope we all see that's its very important for us to kill ourselves because everyone knows it's her turn.

I won't give them the satisfaction


>Suicide and ending life is the truth and ultimate red pill

Please demonstrate.

At least blow all your money on A class drugs first and have some fun, go out with a large dose.

>Suicide and ending life is the truth and ultimate red pill

And if you are wrong?

Try changing your mind after you are dead.

OP is a retard

Suicide is the ultimate red pill cos none of this shit really actually matters. We are insignificant and whatever impact we have is completely meaningless. Why continue to struggle if you don't enjoy the game? You can't win it for sure.

that's why its the ultimate red-pill, once you swallow it you cant go back.

Suicide is literally the ultimate bluepill.

That said I do agree with you that it should be made more of an open option for people to take. Destigmatize it to make it less of a tragedy and allow for legal and easily accessible methods. Just like, abort yourself.

No way should you be posting pics of RDN. He is a cunt peado of the kind.
Liking him is licking the ballsack of an infant for entertainment. Fuck of back to twitter ELVIS.

Why would you care if people are traumatized? You'd be fucking dead.