Hey guys, James O'Keefe from Project Veritas here...

Hey guys, James O'Keefe from Project Veritas here. We managed to smuggle an undercover investigator into the CNN cafeteria and consequently recorded 200 hours of lunch lady gossip.

Thanks to our research Don Lemon stopped eating the penne al arrabiata and the cooks started washing their hands more often. Feel free to donate so I can pay for my lawyer fees.

clearly he wants to spook the MSM and make them afraid of being biased as fuck

more like o'queef get it haha

bombs are more effective, what happen to age of american bombers?

Cant someone blow up some reporters?

nah, he didn't get anything and dumped everything he has to try and make it seem like there was an attempt. didn't have many options anyway, not everything is a success. taking down those fags at applebees or whatever the charity was called was good enough.

Maybe they started frisking their interns now.

Buying views and followers seems to be pretty fake news to me though.

Hey James. I absolutely admire you and your body of work. You are an inspiration. It's people like you who will help is bring down the globalists. Thank you for your service sir.

He's probably going to do something extreme in an attempt to redeem himself. If he ever wants to be taken seriously again, his next stunt is going to have to be something big. If he comes out with another flop like the cnn tapes, he's finished, and he's smart enough to recognize that. O'keefe has no shame and no fear and a strong desire to be famous and affect the world. I could really picture him doing something crazy like kidnapping jake tapper or something

You're welcome.

I've got a few ideas what he could do. He could smuggle high end hookers into celebrity parties. Or have limo drivers listening to conversations.

I'm going to sage this because James O'Keefe has done a fucking amazing job to date and built up a lot of credit. What kind of retard would criticise someone who has done so much to uncover 'Liberal' wrong doing?! Fuck off.

>If he comes out with another flop like the cnn tapes, he's finished

he's already finished

no one will give a shit the next time he's trying to hype up a story

hey, James

They will if he kidnaps jake tapper

You're right. He will go down in the history books as the guy who prevented the stink bomb plot at the deploraball.

>What kind of retard would criticise someone who has done so much to uncover 'Liberal' wrong doing?
The kind who votes for Killary Clitor and is being paid to be anti-Trump shill on Sup Forums.

You can see very clear pattern of them targeting every single prominent pro-Trump individual, trying to create internal strife and in-fighting.

to be honest i didn't know that was on the tapes. you're right that is huge.

Nobody gives a shit and it was clear this was happening before. In the mails they wrote about giving Colbert orders and pay to play crap. If that doesn't make waves some intern saying crap won't either. Even if, they'll just pretend that was the interns fault.

I really enjoyed the part where she brings the mic into the bathroom and you can hear her piss.

didn't they also record democrat politicians admitting to election fraud?

Your daily reminder that people on Sup Forums are fucking stupid and everything here is a waste of time.

it might take a while to gain momentum, but it is a good piece of debate ammunition, since one of the basis for media legitimacy is that a lot of people watch. if you can erode that part of the structure it can be rhetorically useful, even if the numbers are small, the fact that they resort to fake numbers is deligitimizing.

Fair enough, but I remain a pessimist.

t. helpful Mohammed

People just need to hammer them on this point more.

If you say "look CNN is literally faking their viewers and social support" and people still dont blink, then something is seriously wrong.