Danish demagogue calls for annexation of German region

Will Germany Hand over Schleswig Holstein or Will the Danish Annex it.


So the Danish will Annex Hamburg.

It's Hamborg

Schlewig-Holstein belongs to the Nords



do it. Danes call the police when their neighbour has a guest, but other than that you guys are alright

Everything North of the Kiel canal should be Denmark

This would make Germany more cucked than Sweden.


As if

Germany has a long history of getting cucked out of clay


>taking German land
Yeah this will end well

I cannot wait for my independent Scotland to reclaim the Faroe Isles as rightful Scottish clay.

>Scotland gets independence
>immediately declares war on Denmark
>Gets glassed from orbit by the scandies
I hope so.

Nigel, please.

You're second on the list of countries to reclaim rightful clay from.

inb4 ww3 starts with Denmark invading Germany, finally getting revenge for ww2

what was the second schleswig war?

That seems to be the richest country in the history of human civilization if they unite.

Could not be prouder of having been born in Denmark with an American mother giving me dual citizenship. I really have it all. Gotta get rid of the brownies though.

Do Danes do this? Germans definitely do this, I know that. But Danes also call the cops on their neighbors?

So your going for the Ferdinand I war strategy then? Good choice.

>German region
It's rightful Danish clay, heathen.

Had it not been for Sweden, I would be in favour of a Nordic union similar to the one of EU.



Locals would slaughter Scots on the beach. It would be epic.

You may not take Schleswig-Holstein, but might you be interested in taking the beautiful Mecklenburg-Vorpommern instead? It's not directly connected to you by land but still close enough. It's bigger and it has less people so more space for Danish to settle. The people there might take some getting used to but I guarantee you it will be fine. You just have to promise to take all of them and forcibly turn them into your citizens. While you are at it, would you care to look at the equally beautiful Brandenburg and Sachsen-Anhalt as well?

We give you Berlin and 5 Billion € if you take it, what do you say?

>Not just giving them the people that live there

Anfängerfehler, Hans

The place is cursed, it cant be trusted.

A little cleansing and it will be as good as new

Don't think so, but you can take the migrant strongholds Berlin, Hamburg, Colonge etc. instead

isn't is actually rightful danish clay?
lego and maersk are coming to get you krauts and there's nothing you can do about it

>Both Hamborg and Malmo would be better off today if Denmark had just kept them
Nice job, guys. Honestly, can't trust non-Danes with anything.

Make Denmark Great Again! Skol!

The Danish far-Right needs breathing room.

kek good luck

Just why?

People living there voted about that exact thing after WWI

Gee, I wonder who could be behind that demagogue...

After Germany have pushed civilians to move there

Partition of Germany when

Only if your neighbour is unreasonable loud on a weekday or something like that. I think most people will tell them to turn it down themselves, before calling the police.

I'm sure if Denmark changes their official state religion to Islam Germany would be happy to help them out with this.

No thank you, we already have a state religion. Mussies can fuck off.




If the population isn't Danish anymore why would you want that area back?

Nobody in Cuckmany gives a fuck about east prussia anymore either


If Tirol isn't German anymore why would you want that area back?

Are we carving up Germany in preparation for it's fall?

There's still a significan danish minority living there. The mayor of Flensborg is danish.


Because the vast majority still is Pavel

Fair enough then


Also that map is probably no longer accurate thanks to Angela sprinkling everything.