Honest question: If Siddhartha found that all of life abounds to suffering caused by selfish craving for one's own...

Honest question: If Siddhartha found that all of life abounds to suffering caused by selfish craving for one's own fulfillment at the expense of others & that following an "eight step plan" can reduce the craving, & thus reduce the suffering, wouldn't a communist society that actually worked (regardless of history, as we all know communisms past) be the most ideal?

Maybe even only a Socialist society would be best?

I'm assuming Sup Forums is least likely to care for interpretation of Buddhist practice, but just a thought that came to me & I wasn't sure where else to look for discussion.

And this is why Asia is a commie shit hole

Well, it's quite obvious that communism is more Buddhist than capitalism, since the goal of communism is elimination of (at least some part of ) suffering, while anticommunism claims it a necessity.

Problem is communism doesn't work, humans simply are incapable of making it work as it relies too heavily on everyone all wanting the same things.

So we are all just too dumb to be truly happy? Communism is the ultimate choice, but we are too stupid?

This makes the majority of Sup Forums steep lower than retarded, the true redpilled way would be to acknowledge the superiority of Communism, but understand that the human race is too dumb for it rather than denounce it entirely.


nice idea, but marxism just like aall other socialist ideas are deeply christian

living in christian paradigma the ideologists of communism could not think of another way of humanity to develop than FORWARD to build heaven on earth, thats why they both conflict with religious people (they share electorate) and work together with them (they want to end the kingdom of sin on earth)

capitalism on the other hand is truly religious free, born in protestant countries where nothing truly christian was left but the ethics they had to throw away this little bit to become what they are today - liberal identity-politics selfhating creatures

when you take out christianity of capitalism it ruins itself and tends to build eternal earth kingdom - the pagan paradigma


You are one stupid motherfucker. Communism is completely anti-Christian. It's atheist in its nature. Communism is the eradication of all religion and a complete worship of government. And communism was created by the jews who hate Christians and Jesus Christ.

>serious discussion

oh please, if you are not a shill, them kill yourself for being this moronic

communists are shallow empty people, who ironically care only about the spoils of society. Every commie I ve meet, is into buying new smartphones, clothes, and bullshit. Ive never seen a communist have a simplistic humble life, every commie leader is always personally shit loaded with money stolen from the people, and every commie starts out as a privileged college kid. Mao was the only peasant to rise to power and he fucked up the same as all other.

You people dont even know where you are standing.

The day when a commie comes preaching about Buddhism and deeper meaning.....

kill yourself buddy, seriously

you are a fucking retard but that isnt surprising given that you are advocating communism

Communism fatally misunderstands human nature. Thats why commies failed.

Buddhism is all about discovering one's own nature. Wordly life is ash according to Buddhism. All in all they have very little in common.

Communism is a practical application of relativism, which is a degenerate offshoot of nihilism which is a degenerate offshoot of atheism.

My question is why do you even care?
Your exisyence is meaningless to you so I don't know, maybe fuck off back to redit

oh, ok

if you say so, millenial burger

you are right, just go away already, let other people be stupid

"If you don't want things you won't be disappointed when you don't get them". While technically a true statement it's as stupid a philosophy as "If we kill everybody there will be no more wars"

I'm not so sure. First off, to me there seems to be cravings or desires immanent in the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat." Secondly, Buddhism allows for inequality. Man is equal as far as natural law goes, but there is still a hierarchy along spiritual lines, and a classless society is a conflict with this idea (outside of a vanguard party, I guess).

Capitalism is absolutely in conflict with Buddhist ideas, but socialism/communism isn't the solution either along those lines. You'll have to look toward the Greek polis or Medieval Christian societies for Western examples of the Buddhist ideal, where the economy works toward a common, non-material goal, and there are leaders who are righteous.

In fact I'm not so sure Chinese Feudalism is too off either, provided the leader was a benevolent one and not, say, a Cao Cao.

If you say so... It must be right!

Truly the Great Whore.

And by this I mean the catholic church you bunch of illiterates

>Communists are
and that's where I stopped reading, because I clearly said that my thought was based off of the idea of Communism regardless of history, as we all know communisms past.

D-, you couldn't even understand the prompt

back to wonderland with you peterpan, besides, communism isnt the perfect utopian system by far.

its as shitty on paper as in real life

Yes, everyone you don't like is dumber than you. Amazing coincidence, huh?

>All life is suffering.


>Suffering can be ended through nirvana


>suffering comes from want

No shit

> the 8fold path is the way towards nirvana.


Sup Forums USA at it's best

Trying new tactics leftypol eh?

The idea of equality is harming to the general development of the human race. We should overcome our ego but embrace individuality at the same time. To seize the means of production and unite proletarians means nothing else but the the unification of the weak thus a rule of the weak to control the stronger and better, more abled human beings and to kill individuality.

As a ruler you dont allow a single grass stem to grow above the other, because this single stem of grass will become a danger to your power.

Ok here me out. Here is the problem with socialism/communism;

It only works on a tiny scale. Like if you're a tribe in the Amazonian forest.

If your tribe hunts mammoths for a survival then yeah a communist society where every role is organized by a chief leader and which shares everything might work.

If you want to live a technologically complex society, you need to have libertarianism, where anyone can do whatever the fucks he wants. That's how smart people go on inventing shit.

>selfish craving for one's own fulfillment at the expense of others
That's not how it works though, as long as you create value, further your own fulfillment isn't at the expense of others

The ide of communism is a direct democracy, perhaps one of tge most unstable systems to ever come at a nigga.
Seriously in a world of niggers how useful do you believe durect democracy really is.

Most people here believe that breaking down all traditional values and cultural symbols for marxist garbage is a negative thing for almost any civilization. If you want to make your own commune you are welcome to buy some cheap land out in a fly over state and do whatever the fuck you want, hippie scum.

An endorsement by Pope Francis is seen as a negative thing by almost all Christians.

>Suffering can be ended through nirvana

That's where you are wrong, oh scion of the world famous Burger education. Suffering can be ended through one of many paths of enlightenment. Nirvana is a state without suffering.

Communism was literally created by Christians based on the values Christ taught, which Marx was subsequently influenced by when he decided to make his own theories.

You are ignorant of history.

This was the best response this thread will get & the best argument against Communism there is.

Thank you, fuck the rest of Sup Forums, bunch of retards who can't have discussion without attacking.

In practice it's promoted by a small group with a high degree of inter-loyalty (read: jews) to assert their superior position on the rest.

Tippytaw my nigger

If anything, living in a horribly corrupt and decadent world would be better for a Buddhist as it would make your path more clear and meaningful. Even if the world is entirely corrupt, there is no reason that you could not achieve your own inner peace.

why dont we ban all the burgers from pol?

their lvls of illiteracy is dramatically harming discussions

Way to do your research. Since when has anything Christian come out of the Vatican? Anyone who has done an ample bit of research would know the Catholic church is Satanism central. But since we're off to generalizations, don't you have a computer to hack somewhere?

This is an american website. America, despite all its flaws, is the most important country in the world, economically, culturally, and politically. In fact, there has probably never been a country which has been as dominant on the world scene as America is today.

So deal with it it, slavshit.

>lvls of illiteracy is

So upon attaining nirvana i.e a break in the cycle of life and rebirth, i.e. nonexistence because death to a buddhist, is like a trip to spirit walmart.
Its just spurit suicide then.
So they kill themselves twice.

>Fails at capitalization and punctuation
>Complains about literacy
Why don't we ban Russia from the earth?

so, thats why people with two numbered IQ should tolerate you, assheads?


Marx was a follower of Lucifer. He was pretty much told how to write his Manifesto by the illuminati, and the original form was created in the 18th century during the French Revolution by guess who... Illuminati. Why the fuck would Christianity be any way in association with that? If anyone is ignorant of history it's you.

Who could be happy with such mediocrity? A world absent of pain, of suffering, would necessitate either feeling nothing or pleasure. To me, that's just death. Suffering is not always good, but it can be a positive impetus for growth, renewal, and creation. I would find a perfect existence insufferable.

>two numbered IQ
What the fuck are you even trying to say.

If you're implying that Russians have two digit IQs, I fully believe you. You are the niggers of Europe.

citation needed

this whole thread needs citations, its pure bullshit everywhere

Tippytaw needed muh nigger wiggerz.

Well, that is a mainstream position. Marx is great philosopher and thinker, but we cannot just make society in a way he thought ideal. Sup Forums on the other hand is 2 edgy 4 u.

There is, quite obviously, an absolutely huge amount of people who sincerely embrace Christianity and Marxist thought. Which is unsurprising, since utopian socialism started with Christianity and Taoism in Asia. Christ, after all, claimed, that a rich person will not enter haven, forbade owning any property and advocating living in communes which the early Christians did.

Lucifer is the good guy.

Mfw chrust is charles manson of roman judah.
'Forgives' prominent family of roman citizens.

1. What in english is often times translated as "Suffering", the word in the Buddhas language was "Dukkha", and the Buddha said:

All life is Dukkha. and what is Dukkha? Not getting what you want is Dukkha, getting what you dont want is Dukkha, grief sorrow & lamentation is Dukkha, being subject to aging, decay & death is Dukkha.

Based on this definition, wouldnt you agree that there is not a single life on earth free from Dukkha?

Bud she a dude tho

>that a rich person will not enter haven, forbade owning any property and advocating living in communes

what a load of bullshit

the rich person analogy refers to pride and the spirit, only morons think it actually means money, people with money tend to have more pride and be more egocentric, but its not a direct correlation, there are many economically poor people which are like that for being assholes and fucking up everybody that loved them until they are left alone.

Fuck you for misusing the bible, to advocate political bullshit, whore

Not a Christfag but...

The nature of Christianity is thoroughly different from Marxism because Christianity purports to bring the goodness of man from WITHIN, whereas Marxism purports to impose """goodness""" based on the whims of bureaucrats.

In Christianity you are not forced to be "good" to your neighbor, you are encouraged to do so in order to improve society.

On the other hand Marxists advocate for a violent revolution in order to impose their view of what is good. Very different.

>suffering caused by selfish craving for one's own fulfillment at the expense of others
That is called theft

institutionalized theft

You are trapped in a dilemma here OP

>I would find a perfect existence insufferable.

You lazy fuck. I gave you the points, you can choose to be ignorant on it if you want or you can type 3 words in google. Karl Marx Illuminati.

Two books on this subject, you can read Fire in the Minds of Men by James Billington and Unseen Hand by Ralph Epperson.

National Socialism

How do you know?

this, nobody here knows shit of what they are talking, mixing a bunch of false spiritual stuff, with a repressive and enslaving ideology.


I disagree.
Life is not the same as it is for man than other nonsapient animals nonsapient.
Further more, even in animals the drive to exist, manifests quite epically in the continued affirmation of life.

Christ would not support the worship of government and government using weapons to force people into poverty and to steal property.

Ugh, you said it way better than I did. Thanks.

lol what a faggot

(((their))) agenda relies heavily on hoodwinking naive christians into supporting their aims.

Christians are usually nicer and more tolerant than average. I know many catholics who became huge cucks because "the pope is pro-refugee, maaaaane!"...

It's sad because Christianity is really good and the world would be better if everyone was christian.

Met her at a party once.
She had a dick man.

Serious, here, lad.

What is life if you cannot faggit?

Fuck Buddha and fuck you commie faggot.

Their half-baked ideas sound ok until you pressure them until showing how they would actually be implemented in the real world. They also reject any understanding of human nature, or how different cultures have different ideals, even within one country, and turning them into an ethnic soup is detrimental to everyone except the globalist and corporatist elites, the rich they claim to hate.

Somebody please say dukha

Of course, you managed to get to the right conclusion, that everyone against communism is too dumb to understand and Communism is a true utopia.

God Lefty Pol you are so fucking autistic,

Buddhism has literally nothing to do with communism, in fact, according to buddhism you shouldn't be doing any revolution at all cause that is failing to stop letting the wheel of carnal desires move you

You have to sit under a tree and fucking die meditating

Which is what the rich have told the poor to do since the start of the world

So pls, go the back fuck to sheitchan

Everything I don't agree with is a metaphor, of course, even direct quotes by Christ with a singular meaning. That just shows you that the moral values are inside a person. He will bend and reconstruct any religion to suit him.

The only difference is that Utopia hopes to achieve the goal with revealation/mystical guidance, while Marxism relies on rationalism. As for the practice, well, dark ages of book burning and thought destroying, inquisition, auto-da-fé, convert or die, but then die anyway.

>Communism is the ultimate choice, but we are too stupid?

>Which is what the rich have told the poor to do since the start of the world
Very true.

Buddhism is literally the religion of cuck retards. Like Stoicism, Epicurianism and all the other garbage oriental ideologies.

Go kill yourself right now if you want to live the rest of your live as a slave.

America, fuck yeah!

its /leftypol/, what the fuck do you expect, they practice witchcraft and know the truth about satanism, they smoke weed everyday and are beyond petty spooks like genetics

its their job in the world to make us all think better, for they are the illuminated, and we are but a bunch of halfcucks with a false consciousness, for alas, we haven't done LSD. They haven't either, but they want to, for they have been told by their yoga professor that it really initiates you into some truths about the universe and how we are all equal and yoga is the best

Must have been a good party.

Buddhism isn't so cucked, Malaysian buddhists are fighting muslims right now.

I'd recommend Siddhartha the novella, it is by Herman Hesse. It's an excellent take on Buddhism from a European perspective.

Eastern thought has a lot of good in it.


I am telling you can be as poor as you like, you like never "go to heaven" if you are filled with pride, which you are.

There are many more instances in the bible where this idea is reinforce.

Thinking that doing Jesus' work is as easy as giving away your shit.

This is patently false mischaracterisation of buddhism. Buddha rejected both extremes of hedonism and total suffering (in pursuit of nirvana).

>The only difference is that Utopia hopes to achieve the goal with revealation/mystical guidance, while Marxism relies on rationalism. As
No, the difference is in the means.

> As for the practice, well, dark ages of book burning and thought destroying, inquisition, auto-da-fé, convert or die, but then die anyway.
The death toll of the inquisition is 3000 people over 5 centuries. The death toll of communism is 100 million people just the past century.

This is the Common Core speaking

I fail to see where Siddharta has anything to do with fighting buddhist monks, as far as i understood it was about this dude that found enlightement by doing something some people would call "being exploited by the bourgeois"

Revolution is clearly anti-buddhist

To be honest I just know Buddhism from the perspective of "common knowledge", you know that book has been on my reading list for a long time but I just haven't gotten around reading it.

Stoicism is an oriental import from Greece's colonization of Persia. You will not find a trace of the slave mentality of the Stoics in Homer's epics...

yoga = starbucks

>Buddhism is literally the religion of cuck retards


I don't know who that is, and I don't care.

If you accept that you don't have free will but you have a place as a cog in some grand machinery, for which you will be rewarded with nirvana, then you are a slave.

Something-something sandwich education.

Of course not. It doesn't mean that you go to heaven if you are poor. It means that you don't go to haven if you are rich, if Jesus is to be believed.
>The death toll of the inquisition is 3000 people over 5 centuries. The death toll of communism is 100 million people just the past century.

What's the point? You could've just as well said 3 and 100 billion.

They are both examples of Buddhists not being abused by the "bourgeois." Siddhartha was about personal enlightenment, and how it is different for everyone. Tibetan monks have a very colorful and violent history as well, but a lot of them are merely Buddhist in name.

Definitely a good read, really liked his thoughts on monks who isolate themselves, which is very early on in the book.

>What's the point?
To illustrate the fact that Christianity has killed a whole lot less than anti-Christianity...

>You could've just as well said 3 and 100 billion.
But those aren't real figures. Mine are.

>Revolution is clearly anti-buddhist
Yes. Buddha had very little to say about material life because that was not his goal.

However he has advised numerous times that lay people should pursue "honest" businesses. So, I really don't see any Buddhist contradiction with Capitalism as long as you are not a con.

thats Baron Ungern a sick bastard that put a great stick in bolsheviks ass

and google up buddhists slaughtering christians and destroying churches, you will be surprised
Many such cases!

LARPer, who, despite being a bloody good military tactician, was GTFOed by said Buddhists because he was batshit insane.

>when your ideology makes barely any sense so you have to compare it to ancient utopian religion to find any reason for its hypothetical implementation