PewDiePie got destroyed just like Sargon did. Sorry guys

PewDiePie got destroyed just like Sargon did. Sorry guys.

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>muh sjws replaced with muh rationals
and the cycle continues

He proved he's a nazi

Wtf is this faggots point? Why would I watch this whole video? Who gives a fuck about pewdiepie. Fuck off. OP is legitimately the end of his bloodline lusting for cocks.

>it's another random literally who tries to make himself famous using PewDiePie episode

>im scared to watch the video

more like who literally gives a crap about what some literally who has to say

what are his credentials?
I've NEVER hear of this guy before.


He fucked over Sargon and made him admit he was retarded

and we should care because...?

>downs syndrome
has anyone ever considered mr. horseshoe not retarded

a gender studies professor or whatever outdebated him

You sound like you're scared about your worldview getting shattered

Explain why this video is novel or interesting

I don't get what is going on. It was obvious that he either hides behind a joke or trolls people.
Everybody is going on some huge rants when he did nothing worth of discussing unless you are planning to censor it because tip of your dick is sensitive.

Believe it, or not, Sup Forums is not one person.
Don't think you're the only one who's figured it all out, because you don't.

Stop posting your shit fucking videos here, nobody wants to watch them you no-jaw, low test fucking commie

anyone got that one pic of someone commenting on a pewdiepie video, pretending to be genuinely nice and saying his video has helped him through a life-challenging event or some shit, where pewdiepie then responds, followed by the guy saying he lied and telling pewdiepie he's a massive faggot or something along those lines? that shit was hysterical

Sorry lad

You live in the timeline where facts and investigations are replaced with twitter drama and ebin frag montages.

>Still has 53+M subscriber
>Literally doesn't need the money
>Still making videos, still making nazi jokes

>obsessed fan with

who gives a flying shit about what that turd thinks of anything? The fact remains that pewdiepie has almost 54 million impressionable subscribers that are steadily being redpilled as we speak.

Harris and all the other minor vloggers are like irrelevant flies hovering over the droppings of the behemoth called pewdiepie.


I wish you would quit posting your videos here.

Making a bad argument in a sarcastic tone is still a bad argument. Jokes are not "hate speech" and willingly misrepresenting videos for the sake of clickbait is not "journalists just doing their job."

>tfw he makes $3K per video in patreon alone

i wish i had the charisma to attract youtube drama donors

14 minutes of faggot.

people still care about this guy? he's just some passive aggressive loser with a huge ego trying to take advantage of week old drama shit. felix's jokes at the end of the day were just that; jokes. unless he wants to whine about Sargon for the 20th time on his worthless channel

It's not charisma as much as it is pandering

Sup Forums has no arguments against this guy. Everything he says is spot on.

isn't this the same autist who's only argument for JonTron was the mispronunciation of a word.

this is cringe worthy.

Sup Forums never had any reasonable arguments ever

His arguments are the same dumb shit every other social justice kid has said but with more dry sarcasm.

I actually think he just got tired of youtube and decided to quit this way.

I'm not wasting 15 minutes of my time on this shit.

Maybe if OP gave some form of context other than "BTFO" or something.

Saged and reported for spam


This guy is a beta male cuck but his video really makes me think and he doesn't seem completely deluded.

He's like an echelon above Jahans-tier. The type of white male who still honestly trusts and believes in progressivism because he doesn't think he's been lied to by it yet. He hasn't been shown the horrors. He is ripe for conversion because he seems fairly high-g.

I have subbed to him and hope to troll him in future.

I don't think pewdiepie was around in 1940s Germany. I got bored 5 minutes in, but I highly doubt he was able to prove that.
What does pewdiepie shitposting have to do with my worldview again?

>passive aggressiveness, lies by omission, strawmen and virtue signalling
wow it's almost exactly like what the MSM does. He should apply to the WSJ or guardian so their readership can keep declining even faster!

>he doesn't seem completely deluded

We do.

He's definitely a more worthy opponent than most. His flaw is that he unironically believes in pseudo-intellectual continental meme philosophy because it appeals to his leftist beta instincts and helps him rationalise his hatred of the strong and superior.

>whaa pewdiepie makes more money than me
>my arbitrary conception of what makes an acceptable joke is correct and yours is wrong
>hah pewdiepie is a bitch because he cries about the media not acknowledging him but he did not even do anything useful
>conveniently leave out pewdipies own list of things he thought wsj could have added to their article if they wanted to paint him in a less negative light
>rape jokes oh no!
no, I have no arguments for one

>Actual literal fascists
Someone kick this antifa ass


The argument is simply that he's blue pilled as fuck.

Nobody thinks that Disney or Youtube did anything wrong to drop PDP. They're well within their rights, frankly Disney never should have taken him on.

The issues are that the WSJ did NOT ask him for comment before publishing the story (and then later lied that they did). They DID go directly to his sponsors before printing the story to pressure them into dropping PDP just so they can make the better headline/click bait. (Thus the 'business decision' to drop him was not actually out of reaction to the news, but rather the intimidation by the press to "Drop him or we'll print that you're complacent with his racism, and you sponsor nazis.") And finally the blatant hypocrisy of the overtly racist Ben Fritz to peruse such a non-story in the first place, with the intent of destroying someone's livelihood for jokes.

[SPOILER]But I guess it would have been fine if they were black jokes, ya know, because those are just funny.[/SPOILER]

that guy looks like a pedophile

also he is dampening his voice because he doesnt want to wake up his parents

A lot of words but no arguments.

Not even going to read the green text. It's obviously you don't have an argument.

But that's not an argument against what he says.

Bunch of bullshit strawmans and blatant mis-representations.

Also, quit advertising your shit video on /pol faggot.

It's obviously you don't have a refutation


I love him, lads

I love how he completely ignores that they cheery-picked his videos without any context to make him look like a nazi.

Nah, he's just angry because they "reported" on him, there wasn't no smearing, there wasn't no misrepresentation. Also why the fuck he refers to it as a sign he should say "Death to Jews" sign, he is a nazi after all.

So basically:
Jealous crybaby puts PewDiePie in video title for the (You)

More news at 11.

None of these are arguements

weak video, not bad enough to dislike, just weak

Missed the point with a fairly wide margin

I like this one. This one is mine. You can't have this one. This is mai waifu.

>he thinks im gonna watch the video

The rape shit is debatable

I can pause at every little fag point he makes to prove him wrong. He (you?) is an irrelevant little faggot most guilty of what he accused pdp of doing. His commie cuckity ought to get raped and left for dead by the people he loves

Not politics

sega'd and reported

Nobody likes your video faggot.
you should have stayed in your echo chamber.

We don't have to argue with him at all. The guy has like 50k subs, his video won't break 20k views. And we can continue to watch whatever content we want.

But we're also still free to laugh at this blue pilled cuck. We're also perfectly capable of down voting and reporting his video just for laughs. There is no power play to be had here, it strictly about the social commentary on the media conglomerates being too powerful, and also using authoritarian tactics to try to de-platform anything they don't like.

Jokes on them, the internet is (mostly) free and we can just ignore them. They have no power over the individuals, and until Youtube bans PDP completely people will continue to watch his videos and laugh at his jokes, however "edgy" they get, at a higher rate than the watch this other guys channel and the WSJ combined.

>I just t-t-totally BTFO PewDiePie... r-r-r-right g-g-g-guys?

Sup Forums unironically got BTFO, not even up to debate

Please kill yourself. Please

>A lot of words but no arguments.

His butthurt passive aggressive whining that people aren't being politically correct isn't really an argument either, it's just an expression of his insecurity and resentment

>hurr I read Evola I am above any argument lmao

Is this Jahans' final form?!

Whenever a manlet starts shoveling PC garbage it's because he likes a girl, and this girl strings him along, and she's an SJW bitchzilla, but the guy feels like he can't do any better, and he's young, and he really wants the vagina so bad, so he starts acting out against society; getting angrier and angrier, because he gives up more and more of his soul for no sex, and a crumbling high of emotional feedback from the vagina he wants.

Why would we argue against this?

We want to gas the Jews too

but Evola is meme philosophy also, friend

It's really not. Felix did that dumb shit years ago and realized it was shitty and moved on. In every instance when he did it it was in reference to his player character (who was always a dude) getting grabbed or whatever by some weird monster. He was making fun of how retarded the situation is and how what's happening is horrible.

It's not a well thought out joke; it's not even a joke at all, it's screaming like a retard, but it's not like he thinks any instance of someone getting raped is hysterical.

>We live in an era where a joke spawns hundreds of hours of video and writing discussing whether said joke is justified or reflective of deeper issues
Jesus fucking Christ, it's literally "no fun allowed".

So outline the best arguments. Till then I ain't clicking to give your stupid YouTube video views off pewdiepie's coattails.


Kek it's the guy who used to shill his Golden One video here

>the holocaust is so funny lol, mom why am I not getting laid?

Sauce please, I will die if I don't get this.

>they watch PewDiePie
you have to be 18 and older to post here, kids

pewdiepie got destroyed just like Trump did

oh wait Trump's a billionaire president who funded his own campaign.

damn. that sucks. sorry.
so... what is your reason to live now?


The rape jokes.

PewDiePie essentially not realizing what jokes are acceptable and which ones aren't.

>PewDiePie could have defended himself WallStreetJournal offered him that
>just ignore the fact that they published that shit in first place without any research XDDDDDDD

>he has a platform to defend himself
>just ignore that WallStreetJournal readers probably never heard of him before XDDDD

shit video defending literal fake news

Make sure not to fuck up the screen with all that projection, user

How could you be this dumb.

They're all acceptable

Who is that ugly, whiny autist, and why should I give a fuck about his opinion? He looks like someone who failed out of Antifa-bootcamp.

Was Never into that degenerate, all negative posts about him are all fine to me, people need to wake up too these Shills.

Pic of Sam Unrelated.

I really like his video game reviews, hes clearly lefty but not the retarded lefty.

But he only goes after retards on the "alt right", I wish to see him debate a non retarded alt right

he is good

What was his point about rape jokes?

I'm a rape victim actually. I don't give a fuck if someone makes a rape joke. I can just watch something else. I don't need to censor that person.

Is this idiot defending clickbait?
Stop shilling your shit video you faggot.

I think pewdiepie has been whiny about this whole thing, but almost every point he makes in this video is wrong. I liked his video game stuff too but this video is below shill-tier.


yeh this video was very poorly made the "sarcastic" rant went on too long and it was nothing short of shit content, he forgot to make it funny

Why are British so based guys?

They are the only ones on the internet that have a lot of leftist e-celeb that fight right-wing bullshit.

What makes them so based?

>not a retarded lefty
He's pretty dumb if you've ever seen his twitter. Narcissists in general attract other narcissists. He has every generic SJ opinion but more passive aggressive and smug.

I'm getting real tired of these shills.

This. Saying what is and isn't "acceptable" makes you sound like such a cringy moral busybody OP. "Offensive" maybe, but everyone can choose what offensive comedians they do or don't wanna hear. Disney can indeed drop someone for that but there's no doubt the WSJ embarked on a smear campaign and used out of context references.

God I hate this faggot, he's the absolute worst when it comes to this type of person. He was super insufferable in that "reasonable questions" video

true, lolled

>"There is a writer because pewdiepie is reading a text on his screen"

this is the moment I closed the video