Has anything of value came out of non-western country that WASN'T Japan?

Has anything of value came out of non-western country that WASN'T Japan?

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chinese inventions back in the day

clothes line

you're welcome

People that aren't YOU

China invented gunpowder.

>asian child hookers
>a means to create nuclear weapons and people to test them on
>slave labor for iphones
>slave labor for clothes
>slave labor for misc goods
>natural resources to pillage

u wot m8? Better step back from that one

And pasta and tea

>China invented gunpowder.
it was bound to be invented sooner or later.
>inventing putting leaves in hot water to make a drink
yea no

Persia, if you count them as non-western

The Eastern countries have a lot of traditional medicine that's good

Everything would have been discovered sooner or later but they did it first


Gunpowder from China. Fuckers just did not figure out what to do with it..


Hills hoist was invented by us roofuckers mate

The Belgians got rubber from the Congo, does it count when the west goes to shithole countries and invents stuff there?


Pretty much everything comes outta China nowadays


China and India have contributed far more to historic breakthroughs than Japan
Japs were the niggers of Asia, invade, rape, rob and fuck off


China and India will NEVER make this

thai hookers are pretty cool

fuck you i came here to post that

kpop is shit

Gas yourselves

The Vikings did the same yet they are praised.

>drying machine

go fuck yourself

Written language, base-10 number system

Not really. If we go pre-historic we'll find things in Arabic/Semite cultures that sort of sparked the development of superior cultures in the West:

>an alphabet
>consistent moral systems (biblical/judaic)

What's important to understand is that these things were built upon by Europeans and became superior because Europeans are superior at organizing and building things.

if we go to the bottom of the barrel in terms of inventions:

..then there's literally nothing of value in all of human history. abbos are biologically sub-human.

> Has anything of value came out of non-western country that WASN'T Japan?
1. European Cuisine
2. European Culture.
3. Computer.
4. Finite element method.
5. Radio.
IDK about non-Russian contributions tho.

Peanut butter.

>traditional medicine that's good
If it's good medicine it gets incorporated into western medicine.

marconi was european

>Cheap phones

Well, the Zero is something, right? Also, if I recall correctly, the first plastic surgery ever was performed by poos.

India has an important history with mathematics.

They are just copying Jpop and made it worse in the progress

chinese did a fuckload of inventions and contributed to philosophy in immeasurable ways.
Confucius and Lao Tse basically figured out the same stuff that Aristotle and Plato discovered way, way later. it was just worded a bit differently.

>american education


But i believe till 1920 Russia was a part of european civilisation. So the glorious russian inventions should not be mentioned in this thread.

Thx Austria, saving this thread from ameritards.

>but they did it first
And then did nothing with it.

you forget noodles.
yeah, the Chinese probably invented pasta.

No, not always. See: Kratom, Marijuana, etc.

Cannabidiol has been researched a lot, and shown promise, as medication in western medicine. It has the desired effects without the alleged impairments the full plant could pose. Don't know enough about Kratom to say anything.

i think china invented gun powder like 600 years ago but nothing before or after

>discovered way, way later
>confucius died in -479
>socrates born in -469
>way way later


kpop is based on western music. they even use alot of western producers.

So a single lifetime later. That's pretty neat.

No wait, you are just flat out wrong no one mentioned Socrates at all.

150-200 years can be considered 'way way later' pretty easily.

Aristotle died 322 BC.
Plato died 348 BC.

>no one mentioned Socrates at all.
he should have.

10/10 Sophism