Explain this


Other urls found in this thread:


Young women does not want old man

Old man does want young women

Body-shaming patriarchy what else

Dumb women become gold diggers
Rich men get gold diggers.

>woman has to study to learn to manipulate a rich man to buy her everything
>man has to study to get qt wife/gf

Looks like a win-win to me. I'm not understanding the subtext.

Girl has youth, vitality, physical characteristics
Man has money, status, stable life position

What was the issue again?

Except this is what happens to women who study.

Is this supposed to encourage me to "succeed"

She belonged to the 0.001% of white women




these next 10 years are going to be quite a spectacle, as all of the millennial women hit their 30's single.

Damn she was hot. Probably kept waiting for the "best" catch. That is probably with modern women.

if girls don't study they have to marry a rich smart man to gold dig him.

If guys study hard they get to marry a sexy trophy wife because they have money.

man that bitch looks british

im not blind leaf i already saw that post i keep the thread uptaded so i know what the rest has to say no need to point out what i said with another user's reply like a fucking idiot

Beta males projecting their own preferences onto females as usual

That guy isn't exactly the Chad looking.

Women want resources. Men want health and beauty. If you don't like it, find a way to change biology

No worries, there's hordes of beta providers for them to latch on to.

No wonder muzzies chase them around.


Men hold their romantic value much longer than women. The "wall" is real.

it is saying that the young uneducated woman has to settle with the money of the rich while the old man was too poor to financially support a woman in his young age.

>If you don't like it, find a way to change biology

That's exactly what trannies are trying to achieve

Sharia Now! jk

> Has youth, vitality, physical characteristics

Those don't last. Not for anyone. Meanwhile she's attached herself at the hip to a gross old man who she is now dependent on for everything.

Dumb girl has no other way to feed herself except getting fucked by faceless old men and hoping fr scraps of food.

Smart guy gets rich enough to get pussy no matter how or ugly or insufferable he is.

Pretty good lesson.

>implying women care about how men look
>implying women care about how old men are
>implying women care about how fat men are
>implying women care about anything but money

holy shit, are you a virgin or something?

look at this youtube faggot.

>disgusting looking
>annoying to death
>the ugliest fuck I have ever seen

and yet he fucks qt3.14s on the regular... why? because he's a fucking millionaire

>Meanwhile she's attached herself at the hip to a gross old man who she is now dependent on for everything.

Just like God intended.

Wow his face looks like a fucking mask!

>Chilean intellectuals
the point is a woman should study so she does NOT have to leech off a rich old sack of fat

>yfw it's real


Learn to speak your language properly, some here are trying to learn.

English isn't my first language pablo

>The Most Beautiful Hair Contest 2016

Please lurk more

Fucking frenchmen. Can't you just die already?

why do British slags always look this way?