Men = No Feelings

Men do not have feelings, women do...

Prove me wrong.

I feel like you are wrong and I am a man


This post offended my feelings

You had enough feeling to do this didn't ya?

OP is right. Men are nothing but pigs who only care about sex. Sociopaths, all of you.

Men think from logic first
Women think with emotions first

Has no baring on if people have feelings or if men can't have emotions.

Empathy is what makes what you see all over the world possible, it's the WORST FORM OF THINKING and women just happen to directly pull from it.

Logic is not emotional? Explain.

That hurt my feelings.

I can run trains of logic thru my head, and unless I'm on drugs, they keep arriving at the same stations.

aUb is (a, b) regardless of how you feel about it.

Only literal subhumans have their behavior determined by "feelings" and not logic and reason.


Hella bait


I get all sorts of feelings when I touch myself

women only have feelings because we can give birth to babies.


Is this your legitimate opinion?

Savremena žena, to je žena koja je spremna da izgubi svaku vrlinu, i onu u kojoj je jedino bila viša od muškarca, samo da zadobije pravo na ono zbog čega se i sam muškarac uvek smatrao nižim od žene. Ona više nije naša žena, ni majka, ni drugarica, ni saradnica. Sišla je na ulicu, napustila kuću, ostavila drugima svoju decu.

J. Dučić


Interesting THIS post came right after mine and mine has no replies

If you reflect on our modern times and stereotyes and attitudes towards men you'd come to the conclusion that men have feelings but ehy never matter. Then why do men take the time to express or foster their feelings if they are irrelevant?

Woman gets raped "O my god thats the worst thing in the world the male rapist must be killed"

man gets raped "HAHAHAHAH good joke lol."

Women do not have feeling, just pretense for social brownie points and getting what they want, while men do.

Prove me wrong.

Retko koja žena hoće da osvoji duhom, još manje dušom, a najmanje dobrotom.

It's EMPATHY that's the real issue, not feelings or logic.

Empathy is what makes people care about a single girl trapped in a well and not the suffering of millions of children across the world.