Why are Trump, Devos, and Republicans so heartless?


wow.............................. its almost like.......... they hate poor people

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only niggers and spics get these

>poor people
If you can comprehend how cheap Peanutbutter, bread and jelly are....Not to mention healhier than the crap meals that schools serve....

Oh no, poor unwed single mothers may have to not spend their gibs on cigarettes and cocaine. Lets think about the poor mothers of these children.

:From a construction worker who eats 3 PBJ every day for breakfast and lunch.

Fuck off with that shit. The schools job is to educate, not feed the poor.

Costs money, increases debts. peoples tax dollers going into this shit.

they already get welfare and food stamps, bring your own lunch

This guy gets it, thank you based leaf.

fantastic news

the kids getting reduced lunches always have expensive clothing and cell phones yet cannot afford the cost of a sandwich and some veggies? the parents of these kids take advantage of the system and are the ones that should be held responsible if the child starves.

You shouldn't eat that much peanut butter; it's fucking awful for you.

Cutting reduced and free lunch programs are only going to hurt the kids that benefit from them. Gee, you really stuck it to them kids, good job friend.

You get free lunches in America?

If you're parents have a gross income of 50,000 or less, ye

I ate a bunch of school food and gained a bunch of weight, ive since stopped eating that crap and actually got fit instead of living off crap food, school lunches are bad for you

starve out the niggers.

all according to plan.

I'm white, went to a 80% Hispanic high school, all the spics ate lunch for free while all the whites had to overpay for the shittiest of foods to be able to afford it. 7 dollars for a dried up microwaved slice of shitty pizza and a small juice? Top kek

Why can't "poor" people afford lunch?

Maybe they shouldn't be having children.

You get shitty healthcare we get shitty lunches, it's an even trade off.


>The picture we provide shows no white Americans, only Hispanics!
Yeah, why would I want to pay for people who are already fed.

>bread and jelly

stupid fucking retard

>all the whites had to overpay for the shittiest of foods to be able to afford it
It's very obvious tax money was wasted on educating you.

I guess we'll abort it, oh wait pro-lifer fee fee's.
I guess we'll put it up for adoption, oh wait the adoption services in the US are overloaded.
I guess we'll just shove it back in.

>already got programs for everything
>hell, even an extra supplemental program for food
>still can't feed your child because booze and weed are more important
aye forced sterilization when

To add to this, at one point I was pissed off all my spic friends didn't have to pay for lunch but I did, so I would take the lunch and refuse to pay. They keep a tab here if you can't pay that day, and my tab racked up to like 600 bucks, which my parents had to pay before they'd give me my diploma.
This country gives everything to minorities, and tells whites they're privileged because we have nicer colored skin/hair/eyes and are on average smarter

Those people didn't care about pro-lifers, if they did they would have tucked their dicks in and closed their fucking legs until they could financially support kids. Fuck out of here with the argument, pro-lifers lost, yet these miscreants still have kids when it's financially better to have the abortion.

Kill yourself idiot. Why else would they overcharge for school lunch but to make money for the school? How do you have enough brain to breath and feed yourself?

>You shouldn't eat that much peanut butter; it's fucking awful for you.
How do you figure? >Cutting reduced and free lunch programs are only going to hurt the kids that benefit from them.
No fucking shit. That is a non-statement. Of course it benefits them, or they wouldn't need it. This is not a bread-line, this is a school. In addition, most schools do not allow "packed lunches" due to a "stigma" that the person is poor....they are worried that kids would be made fun of. Guess what? It doesn't matter.

Perhaps the state should go back to giving food instead of access cards to these people, that way they have no excuse to feed their kids. They can't spend money they don't have on shit they don't need.

Parents need to take care of business. It is not the responsibility of tax payers to subsidize the amount of food that gets thrown away......If you knew how much of the shit meals get tossed out, it would make your head spin.

Sounds like you went to high school in Commiefornia like myself. FeelsBadMan

State gruel. Your choice of grey or vomit yellow. The faster this program gets shut down the better.

If it is so cheap then why can't the state pay for it?

>they hate poor people
poor people suck

Yeah because school lunches were so great even when they were getting funds.

Pic related its a delicious and nutritious school lunch

Im white and i got them

tfw you never got a school lunch. rip
In danger island if you has no food packed from home you eats the air.

That'll be 8.50 Jonathan, Thanks. Hi Juan, this is free.

It should be free for both. Why is this such an issue?

There's no such thing as a free lunch, user

>>bread and jelly

It beats the shit out of the slop they serve at school. I have eaten PB&J every day since the mid 80s. I am certainly healthy. However, I burn more calories accidentally by first break than most people do in a day. I use the carbs and sugars.
>stupid fucking retard
Sorry for the typo. Consider this a correction and apology to the autistic grammar nazis.

Why are so many minorities overweight if the "one size fits all" meal plan is healthy?


It is almost like we are totally different in the way we process food....something like a totally different species.......

>Everyone eats the same Jiff or Skippy shit your mom buys you
>No one eats jelly made from real fruit or peanut butter made with just peanuts and salt

Stop projecting your trailer trash onto all of us.

This is a big issue in Canada right now, because parents who disagree with the state lunch program are unable to give their children whatever food they want to bring to school.

Teachers and staff also complained that they spend all their time trying to feed and clothes kids that degenerate parents just send to school with absolutely nothing because 'da state dey take care of dat'.

School is not a daycare, it's school

It should be free for neither. If you can't feed your kids you should have them taken away.
They are already on welfare, the only reason free lunch exists is because parents are too lazy to make some fucking food for them.

we call the stuff made with actual fruit JAM.
And peanut butter that is not just peanuts? What weird devil food are you Americas eating?

>let's make raising children more and more costly so that only rich whites can afford to have them

People like you are why white genocide is a thing.

It's not a matter of whether they care about pro-lifers; politicians pander to the loons and get abortion clinics shut down reducing accessibility to abortion and other planned parenthood services.
If the world operated on a one strike basis, we would all be fucked my friend.

OH, that's what you meant. It helps when you can construct a coherent sentence.
You're that kid that reads slow when you get called on, aren't you?

>How do you figure?
The next time you eat a PBJ replace the peanut butter with a handful of nuts and teaspoon of peanut oil. Now do that every day all the time.
I don't think I've ever met somebody who actually thinks peanut butter is healthy because they realize it's a cheap, oily, sugary peanut paste.
>most schools do not allow "packed lunches"
You're going to have to cite that one, friendo.
>Parents need to take care of business.
>It is not the responsibility of tax payers to subsidize the amount of food that gets thrown away
Not sure what you mean. The leftovers, if any, were reused in the salad bar the next day where I went to school. A good society takes care of its parts or it doesn't remain a society for very long.

Free for all students, or free for no student. Real "equality".

You're the one saying minorities can't be successful

> cancel this
> heartless

No, white genocide is happening anyway, because the niggers and spics don't fucking care enough to feed their kids. So they have the taxpayer whites do it. Taxpayer whites think they can't afford kids, so they wait until they can, meanwhile jamal and esperanza pump out kids like a competition without regard on actually taking care of them.

I really would rather starve to death than eat school lunch.

So between SSDI checks, WIC checks and food stamps you still can't afford to feed your child huh? You are a failure as a parent and should be thanking your lucky fucking stars the state hasn't taken your kid from you yet.

Some companies add sugar and hydrogenate the oils to prevent separation.

Jelly is fruit juice, sugar, and pectin. Jam is mashed fruit and sugar.

Politicians also pandered to abortion clinics, yet these poor people would rather get money for 18 years on the state than to get an abortion and actually strive to be successful. It goes to show, abortion in this country isn't needed, it's sterilization.

kek you sound like someone who doesn't understand what being proper poor is bae.


I hate minorities as much as the next guy but we shouldn't see them less than human.

Yes, parents should feed their kids and we know how easy it is to slap two pieces of bread together with some pb&j. Some parents will not even do that for their kids, no matter how fucking simple and cheap that may be. The mental gymnastics exhibited in this thread to justify letting the kids of parents like these go hungry is disgusting, and keeps liberals from crossing over to conservatism. It's why if it weren't for Trump, I probably wouldn't have voted at all this election cycle. Shithead neocon business as usual of punishing the poor and infirm to save a measly shekel or two.


>abortion in this country isn't needed, it's sterilization
Eh, sterilization I agree would work better but it wouldn't take very long for people to get all 1776 because
>m-muh reproductive rights
>muh genes are special


>On Thursday, Agent Orange’s (‘President’ Trump) cabinet member, Betsy DeVos, made a joke about removing or severely hampering the Free and Reduced Lunch program

For non-burgers wondering: yes, they really are that bad here. I went to a super rich public school, and even our lunches were terrible. I can't imagine what it's like at poor schools.


Jelly sounds gross. Not having tasty fruit bits in your spread sounds like the worse.

Republicans hate the government providing for people. They don't hate poor people but poor people are the ones who suck on the government teat

Uh, no. My mother sold the foodstamps she'd get from the state for drugs and what not. That money never went to me or my siblings. She kept pumping out kids until she realized she didn't want us anymore, so she threw us to the wolves in ghettos. My father grabbed us out after a few years of searching for us, and put me in a "better" school, and taught me to make my own lunch. To this fucking day I regret not being in state custody to escape that hellhole. Free lunch is a disaster and a way for parents to get out of actually being parents.

Because America isn't a charity case.

People's needs don't outweigh people's ability to produce.

Go read Atlas Shurgged and learn something.

Probably best solution is it should be free for all students. It's cheap shit anyway. Right now they overcharge families who can pay, and families who can't pay but get it free keep pumping out children because" why not"? It's like reverse natural selection.

How long till they rent out a space for McD's inside schools?


With the increase in deportations, the numbers of free lunches can be drastically reduced. I don't see the problem with this. Also, lazy parents need to be more involved in their children's lives. At least make your kid a sandwich before you send him/her off for 8 hours.

Go back to plebbit, faggot

Why would they do that? They would rent out space for Teremok.

>Should be free for all students
>Families who can't pay get it for free
>Continue pumping out children
>increasing the burden of paying for their kids' meals because they feel they don't have to
No. like I said, free for no one. That is wasteful spending, especially on people who grow up to become anti-American.

Meh, it has its moments. I don't like all the little seeds in raspberries, so I'll have raspberry jelly.

Can't imagine how much kids would love that. The shitty dry burgers are same price as McDonald's burgers

People need to remember under the Bush and Obama administration, young students were getting the equivalent of three dollars in school lunches. Which leads too children not taking enough of the required calories or nutrients. Which then leads to poor grades in school because all they think about his healthy food. The underlining problem is poverty and if Trump is going to get better high paying jobs for Americans, then I am content with this plan because that would mean American people could afford good food. But if people can't get good jobs, this a terrible idea because the school lunches are what majority of the students can eat in their day. This isn't the children's fault and they shouldn't be put in a disadvantage in school because of their financial and marital choices.

Or you could just be a responsible human being who has to face consequences for your actions.

>I guess we'll abort it, oh wait pro-lifer fee fee's.
>I guess we'll put it up for adoption, oh wait the adoption services in the US are overloaded.
>I guess we'll just shove it back in.

Hey you stupid fuck. If you can't afford or risk having kids, don't have sex. Literally that fucking simple.

Well though luck. If you are dependant on these you will have to lower your life standard. Less Videogames worse TVs no money for useless Apps.

Not all poor people are your shitty mum.

>Buying sugary peanut butter
>not based Adam's

Half of the parents in this country "can't afford" food, but they can afford all of the latest televisions, iphones, sneakers, drugs, etc? How does that even work?

>my kid starved
>I sure learned my lesson
Yeah, dead kids are just lessons learned.

Oh, the old like it or leave it argument? Classic
I'd flip it around on you but you're a Canacuck and we both know you're not worth my time.

Niggers will keep on having kids then while white couples hold off. Enjoy being a minority.

>implying your kid is everybody else's problem
the entitlement of niggers and spics is astounding. Let me guess, if I dont feed your little shits, then they will grow up to rob me? Threatening me with siccing your spawn on me is your argument? You should be forced sterilized.

Free for all for none. The problem to me about schools charging for food is that the price keeps going up. Kids are required to be there, and they have to eat. The school can charge whatever they want and give as shit food as they want. They all do this in CA

If you're poor, then there's food stamps. School isn't there to provide free food.

Majority of them are, so unless you're going to cherrypick those poor whites who live in ghettos I suggest you stfu since you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>Not all muslims!
>Not all blacks!
>Not all poor people!

Besides the fact that this is fake news I support free/reduced lunches
Growing up with a shitty mother who wasted all her money on weed and alcohol, I would pretty much starve without these
Its also is one of the few gibs that can't be misused by a parent

kind of a dick move. it can't be that expensive to fund a lunch program.

would rather they cut welfare than a school lunch program. at least then you know where the money goes.

It's true that some people in poverty resort to crime or misuse state subsidy to afford luxury items but I think it's more than a bit intellectually dishonest to make it seem like they all do. Unless, of course, you have a source to cite.

>I saw a chained up, Jordan wearing nigger with gold teeth and an iPhone 7 use EBT at Wal Mart
>This is every EBT user, ever

>Let me guess, if I dont feed your little shits, then they will grow up to rob me
I'm white, sir and I don't plan on having children at least for a long time.
As I stated earlier, a society takes care of its parts or it doesn't remain a society for very long. Regardless of your personal biases on the matter, unless you personally want to pick up the tab for the 35% of the Americans who receive welfare then shut the fuck up.
You're more worried about keeping 15 cents on your paycheck every hour than lending a hand.
Go live somewhere else, cretin.

Thats good. Most kids just throw away most the shit anyways

Edfag here. First, the article's opening shows that it's a sack of fake news.

>POLITICS Betsy DeVos and Republicans Plan to Cut Free and Reduced Lunch Programs

On Thursday, Agent Orange’s (‘President’ Trump) cabinet member, Betsy DeVos, made a joke about removing or severely hampering the Free and Reduced Lunch program that provides meals to nearly 20 million students in the whole of the U.S.

They're basing the dozen different articles you've seen on a fucking punchine.

Second, the school lunch program has been expanded so that it now feeds loads of people who aren't in school. It's now a general welfare program.

A peanut butter jelly sandwich is pretty nutrient devoid. I used to get free lunches (and I'm whiter than 90% of pol) and they, although still of poor quality, certainly were better.

1) First Trump okays companies to pour toxic waste into rivers
2) Then he does that other bad thing pol was talking about a few days ago I forgot
3) Now this.
Okay now I have 3 reasons to regret voting for him. He was doing so good WTF is he doing.

made with decent ingredients they're not too bad.

Why can't states have a free lunch program with their own money? Nothing is stopping them. Just now Texas doesn't have to pay for lunches in New Jersey.

that's what i figured

Your right, but in my family of six, we spent approximately $175 dollars on food every month. Majority of poor people allocate that money towards transportation and bills. I realize I may sound naive, but I honestly believe it should be a priority for children in America to at least have one good healthy meal. I was lucky to be born in a two parent household and I should thank my parents for that more often.I just feel bad for the unlucky kids in that they weren't as financial stable as I was and their lives shouldn"t be harder at such a young age.

>not reading more than the first sentence

"Now, someone out there is going to comment on how it was just a joke, but there is evidence (congress tried to pass a bill that made the eligibility requirements needed to offer free and reduced lunch much harder to reach last year, which would’ve prevented thousands of schools from offering free lunch to thousands of students) that this is an actual issue."

Why don't you care about poor people?

Because they chose their fate

>I don't think I've ever met somebody who actually thinks peanut butter is healthy because they realize it's a cheap, oily, sugary peanut paste.
I never said it was healthy.

How the hell does $175 pay for 6 people's food? I spend $200 just on myself a month.