So what are Sup Forums's serious predictions about the future of humanity?

so what are Sup Forums's serious predictions about the future of humanity?

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Radically different.

different how

white people will die out in 200 years and all women will look like this

We are approaching a major flashpoint in history.

God help us all.

Hopefully India fulfilling its endgoal of becoming a world superpower
The 22 century will be an India's century, mark my words

On what timescale shit-muffino?
It's a RIP you notoilet, fuck

It's going to a cyber punk anarcho-capitalist wonderland

If you're part of the global "elite" you reap the rewards of increased complexity and expensive technology

If you're a third worlder thing improve to where you're still poor as fuck but no longer have to worry about starving to death and dying of disease

Western middle class is fucked

Then areound 2030 when the fresh water depletes and mass migrations begin all bets are off and the entire thing will collapse, not even the elite will be safe, society will become dominated by those who are good at violence

India will be a superpooper 2020

Shifts everywhere.

99.9% of world population will die by 2100 leading to golden age


Humanity won't sort itself out and we will regress to a nomad lifestyle, doomed to repeat everything again until we die alongside the galaxy

Poos will learn how to poo in the loo and become the most advanced nation in the world ( soon )
America will be reduced to the top 3 cucked nations ( sweden, canada, etc )
Basically America will be India's bitch by 2020 and the obvious signs will show

i predict that i'll fuck your mom in the ass, faggot pajeet

check my dick in her shit hole

top kek

I think we already are?

sorry frenchbro, living here in this disgusting fucking corruption, insane identity politics and a hugely inefficient government system, i just can't think of any way how this >shit might improve

Probably not many additional civilizational cycles past this one, if any. Humanity will hit a technological and cultural plateau and then decline and eventually die off.

That's it.

death cant come soon enough

Read the Unabomber's manifesto, it's probably what the end game of humanity will look like.

There's also

its going to be boring. or not, who can say

Indian government will enforce force a loo-law which will cause a huge civil war

One of two things will happen. Either we accept one-world communism, and go on to spread our advanced civilization among the stars, or we keep doing what we're doing here on earth and drown in our own piss and shit.

See pic.

unfortunately, contrary to what Sup Forums might think, nobody would give a fuck if the government did declare pooing in loos compulsory

Globalists will win. There will be no more races and open borders will lead to the destruction of all great societies.

More nogs probably

Shit will suck and then we'll all die

imagine the worst sjw gassable and multiply t by ten and that's the future.

>no more races
the third world is still pretty heterogenous desu

>interstellar travel ever happening

Honest and high IQ accurate prediction.

You will start seeing a trend emerge of the frameworks and systems becoming more important than the human "nodes". What this means is that human cognitive ability will be less essential.

You can visualize this using the example of transport. As time goes by human driver responsibility will be replaced with autonomous drivers handling things.

What this means is the human nodes in society's machine are becoming less important at an increased rate as time passes. Yet, the people at the very top of the machine are more important. This is not government, but rather engineers, physicists, and scientists involved in creating computer hardware.

So the important things are frameworks and extremely high brainpower individuals as compared to before where it was also mass population, industrialization, average IQ, etc. This is a pretty profound switch.

On top of it you have attempts at globalization which are built around false premises and bad ideas.

Basically the technology is changing so fast and in such an extreme direction that the normal IQ people who came up with the world's framework and predictions are all wrong.

For instance migration was predicted to be a hugely valuable source of economic improvement.

This is obviously false as individual low/mid workers are actually less useful and growing less useful every day. So these immigrants who are supposed to keep the economy chugging along are actually just going to be additional welfare recipients.

Basically. Imagine 50% of the workforce being useless overnight. As you travel through this thought imagine what happens to what they spend money, how capital is allocated to them, etc.

Basically we are going to see shit hit the fan. Say 20,000,000 workers will be useless in the next 10 years in USA alone. They will be in the same welfare pool as niggers and illegal immigrants. All the work they did becomes pointless.

>Basically. Imagine 50% of the workforce being useless overnight. As you travel through this thought imagine what happens to what they spend money, how capital is allocated to them, etc.
okay honest question, did you just rip an argument from an article about Henry Ford?

All those dystopian anime films will become reality.

>all these meme opinions


hmmm, and what in that scenario would stop leftists from opposing low/mid-level job automation because it violates some right to employment shit?

Because communism has worked so well in the past... oh wait Im forgetting, Soviet communism wasn't real communism was it? Every communist country is either failing or has failed


Well, everything is kinda meme related at the moment, so I wouldn't be surprise if in the future everyone will only comunicate using memes, even a literal meme could be president in the future, but not before the first president dog, of course.

You guys can meme all you want about "not real communism" but the fact is, the workers have never owned and controlled the means of production in any "communist" country, so on a very fundamental level, it was most definitely NOT communism. USSR was just another shitty dictatorship.

One key understanding in the immediate future is narrow intelligence areas of sight.

You can have a camera in the store that sends the photos to be processed for context and what is going on.

This means, the cameras watching someone shop at walmart can understand what the person has grabbed, what they have put in the cart. So just imagine if you had a human watching them the entire time they are in the store.

This is the power of narrow intelligence sight. aka "Shopper B grabbed frozen pizza, soda, and sunglasses"

A little database will be full of the items in the person's cart, their name, their ID, their genetics, and every information walmart has on them.

They can go up to the front. A machine will say "Insert $23.95 for your goods" and without scanning a single item he can just pay. The goods don't even have to leave the cart aka self checkout.

This is JUST from the narrow intelligence of photo analysis aka narrow intelligence sight. Immediately removes the need for cashier, scanning of goods, etc.

So that's how many American jobs?

Human workers are useless even with narrow intelligence.

Also amazon is literally planning on building stores exactly like that.

The actual technology available this moment is far below what humans actually utilize. Jobs are fucked. Society as it stands today is fucked. Almost every prediction that is more than 5 years old, aka globalist plans, are completely pointless.

A whimper, not a bang.

You don't get it. This isn't like.. going from 99% of humans needed in agriculture to 2% needed.

What you need to understand is that industrialization and mechanization alievated the need for mass human labor as the source of movement/expending energy.

The new revolution is the industrialization of the mind. AKA a camera being able without a human to know if someone grabbed a product off the shelf or not.

Islam wins because they keep their women under control and keep their family structure while whites apologize themselves out of existence because they are too dense to see through the Jewish tricks.

Everyone gets aids.

Theres no future for humanity, only future is for animalistic subhumanity.
The white race is sentenced to death and theres no sign on the horizon that shows change or variation.
Hell is about to come...

It's not automation

It's replacement of minds with electric minds. It's fundamentally different than industrialization.

If you had a bunch of shopworkers you paid to play chess. Imagine if a machine comes out that is the greatest ever at chess.

That is what is happening. It's not automation. It's that computers can do things human minds do like decode a picture.

the purge of islam

The E.U collapses
Massive revolts happen around Europe and America
United States invades Iran
Political sides move so far apart that mass unrest ensures
Trump wins in 2020
Russia annexes parts of Eastern Europe
Globalist elites start to panic
Initiate WW3
Everyone lives in vaults for the next forty years

the USSR WAS a communist country, fuckhead. all of the capitalists left it after it became one and it quickly turned into a dictatorship.
unless you want to change humanity so drastically that they will put up with the bullshit you're proposing, you can fuck off with your communist wet dream. face it, you've just added the technology meme to the communism meme. you're not original.

>image recognition and some profiling is so radically new guys wooow
reading a bunch of popsci blogs about "oh wow guys the technological singularity is 5 years away" doesn't give your opinions any value.
besides can you be even slightly less obviously reddit? you don't have to hit enter two times to skip to the next line here. do you post on r/futurology? because that's where your opinions seem to come from.


B-But OP Trump will make america great again?!?

american MRE a shit
>fucking skittles and marble cake

It is new you dumb piece of shit. I'm not even talking singularity but fucking narrow intelligence.

invest in tasr and aobc and lmt and rtn and noc

Watch this

better version

The Jewish plan to eliminate white people succeeds.

It turns out it didn't have the consequences they hoped for

Jewish people are all killed after trying to bring about cloning and white people again.

the world descends into war and inbreeding by niggers and muzzshits

infrastructure is gone. tribalism returns, no one knows how to use technology. living it ruins of the past.

they devolve into animals

Humanity will one day become extinct and there is nothing you can do about it.

and what happens to the jews?

another one in china

humans are inefficient and being replaced

it's not new, the shit you're talking about has been modeled extensively for the last 60 years (if you include computer scientists working on it, 100+ if you count mathematicians in general). the only thing that has changed has been the proliferation of cheap processing power. hell, i'd even rate the GPGPU (or CUDA to be real precise, thanks nvidia!) as one of the greatest technological advancements of the past 20 years.
hell, DARPA has been working on the exact sort of shit you claim to be the fucking anti-christ of human employment since the late 80s/early 90s, the only difference is that back then they were using supercomputers worth millions instead of cheap workstations with GPUs available for $500.
image. recognition. is. nothing. if you take things like the research Deep Mind is doing, THAT is something. the paper they released on making AIs create their own encryption was amazing, i haven't read the paper on their group work game thing yet but that looks great too.
this is nothing. the very fact that you think it's some unheralded progression is a testament to your redditness.

Western civilization will become even more of a cultural and spiritual wasteland. I think absent a major war (which will spur a re-evaluation of values) humans will literally be lifeless husks hooked up to dopamine auto-injectors.

this is pretty cool but also has a dystopian vibe to it

So it goes.

Revolt from what?

Why does everything have to be memes with you people?

We are entering the age of consequence - all those who assumed prosperity would continue for decades are wrong. 2008 was the first major signal of the beginning of a global crisis - we are all in for troubled times ahead, and very soon.

But the next stages of the ongoing crisis will not be purely economic/financial catastrophes but environmental - we cannot go on depleting resources and destroying ecosystems at the rate we are today without major consequences. I predict a significant reversal in global population by 2030, many assume our population is just going to keep going up - they are plain wrong, it is impossible when freshwater supplies start to dwindle and food becomes scarce.

>you will be dead in the next 50


So many European countries are being fucked over by the E.U which only benefits Germany

Populist movements are already starting to take effect in numerous countries. If Le Pen wins then shit will hit the fan much sooner

everybody will selectively breed themselves for intelligence and talent. corporations will have their own sperm banks stocked with the sperm of their best workers.

>explain how it's been a goal for a long time
>as the goal is being realized it's not a big deal

which is it? Exponential graph has always been part of it? What is the surprising part about a relative flat area with little impact on society?

>muh climate change

I remember hearing the same thing back in 2000 about how we'll all be underwater by 2020

That is what I don't know. They aren't going to be able to keep and build civilization like the power that was white people. Having the nigger and muslim barbarians swarm and destroy what whites built doesn't seem to help them as much as powerful white empires and money markets they can manipulate. I don't know what their endgame is.

but my belly is full now...? How could it be empty later?

Chinese will get over Europe and a good part of the US. Then they use negroes and Muslims to deal with us.

ww3 soon

Rise of fascism and global nuclear war ending in nuclear winter

Everyone expects for mormons, smart whites, and Israelis make it out alive

You mean men?

I think it's going to look a lot different than people expect

most will die. all will die unless the elites and friends fly off to colonize other planets in their spaceships using secret tech we've had since the 60s

What ever happened to Space Elevator threads? They were weekly digests on Sup Forums about emerging science and technology.
Am I getting confused? Was Space Elevator an 8ch thing?

>Why does everything have to be memes with you people?

no, it's not that much of a big deal. things have always been this way. new technology comes out, it's really expensive, it gets made cheaper until everyone has it. that's what happened to phones, the internet, computers in general, cars, trains, etc. it's a normal part of any technology.
find me a brand new technology that is, right now, RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE AND RARE (i don't mean "you can buy it but it's too expensive for the average taste" expensive, i mean "holy shit what is this arcane bullshit and why is it taking up 40% of our national science budget?" expensive), that if logically extended outwards could have radical effects on our society, and i will buy your reddit bullshit.
until then, i will continue telling my phone via voice to show me pictures of big tit anal sluts banging unicorns for shits and giggles, and i will continue disliking you people.


Seriously OP? Something like this chart. Some of this is already in the works or coming down the pipeline now. Future looks crazy yo. Don't take the actual timeline too seriously instead pay attention to the types of tech and what's being projected.

You're a fucking moron.

"Not that much of a big deal"

How are driverless cars, cashier-free stores, intelligent cameras, etc not big deals?

That's a huge chunk of employment. What is society going to do with millions of unemployed truck drivers?

If you don't pay your tickets your car will drive you to the police station.


>your car
what a plebe, why would they let you own a car?

>What is society going to do with millions of unemployed truck drivers?
do i look like i give a fuck? if it results in riots, i'm happy.

>How are driverless cars, cashier-free stores, intelligent cameras, etc not big deals?
driverless cars are a pipe dream (do not pull what tesla is doing out of your arse, they can't get it to work on a proper road, it's glorified cruise control), cashier-free stores mean nothing, for fucks sake i can go down to my local woolies and use a self checkout right now, intelligent cameras is a term that you just made up and machine vision has a lot more implications than "hey look i can point my phone at a dog and it will tell me that dog's a dog!". come at me with robots that can get dropped in a war zone with no programming and figure out quickly how to navigate their environment and i'll be impressed.
admit it. you're just spouting arguments you saw on reddit.

>so what are Sup Forums's serious predictions about the future of humanity?

Humanity is in the best hands with white people. Asians are soulless and would kill babies if it meant profit and gains. Black people would never advance anything, I could say much worse but we all know the facts already.

A future with no white people means a future where humanity has failed.

Sorry, I was thinking like a luddite.

Will the last white man please turn off the lights?

Worldwide famine + overpopulation due to retarded 20th century farming practices.

/elites/ use biological weapons for population reduction and robots for the cleanup.

The point is that machine vision has made serious improvements recently and is getting much, much better.

Driverless cars, automatic roll-out checkout (different than self check out), security applications, etc are just by products of a single area of narrow intelligence.

The point is that the effect is not minimal and it was not a gentle progression. These techniques did not really give good results until recently.

2020 - Trump wins again defeating Mark Cuban
2047 - America begins colonizing Mars
2122 - Mars now has a population of 500,000
2178 - Earth is partially destroyed by a massive solar flare
2232 - Cyber Trump wins again defeating Ted Cruz' great great grandson

>The point is that machine vision has made serious improvements recently and is getting much, much better.
so has the falcon 9's landing program, why should i give a fuck about a more advanced checkout?

>The point is that the effect is not minimal and it was not a gentle progression. These techniques did not really give good results until recently.

you're just running around in circles now. show me something that is genuinely groundbreaking and new. i'm not talking "this will lay off 500,000 people" new, i'm talking "only at DARPA" new.

Either a huge war is coming or judgement day its that simple.