Women are predisposed to being emotional

>women are predisposed to being emotional

where did this meme come from? there is no biological difference between man and woman that would predispose women to certain traits and males to another

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Lemme guess u dont have a girlfriend?


nice argument

>what is estrogen

>what are hormonal fluctuations

>what is menopause

>I have never talked to a girl, but I know more than everyone since I watch a lot of hentai

>what is scientific research dating back over 100 years ago

That argument would literally only work on someone who knows NOTHING about females.

>100 years ago

bait confirmed

>I Don't Know What the Endocrine System Is: The Post

>there is no biological difference between man and woman that would predispose women to certain traits and males to another

>never called a girl fat

>100 years ago

Ok pal

Men seek excellence, women seek wholeness.

>there is no biological difference between man and woman that would predispose women to certain traits
>What is estrogen

> What is estrogen?

>(((scientific))) research

Women have more intense emotional reactions than men.


Riddle me this OP. When steroid users stop and forget their post cycle therapy, they natural Test production won't start again and they are basically a female in terms of hormones, maybe with a little less estrogen. Why is it that these grown men then start to become extremely emotional and can start randomly crying at shit that never bothered them before?

As one user already stated, of course different hormoes will impact your mental state. Are you unironically retarded? Fucking neck yourself.

where's the scientific research that shows estrogen make women emotional or sensitive? it's something that's been passed down through society. it isn't real.

Go spend time with women and then come back and ask this question again. I promise you don't need any studies or polls to learn that this is true.

who is this cum plum?

what is testosterone vs estrogen levels between the sexes?
now fuck off

Then women don't have the power to think for themselves? I mean their so easily controlled by society like a bunch of ants.

don't be dumb
I'm a guy who is on hrt (don't really want to explain why) and when I started taking estrogen for a few months, the difference in emotion was pretty incredible
I had gone years without crying, now its really pretty easy, all I have to do is see someone else crying and I'll pretty much start

>where's the scientific research that shows estrogen make women emotional or sensitive?

This isn't even the point you subhuman spastic. As you know, there is scientific proof that different hormonal levels create different state of minds. These hormone levels are the biological difference. Yet you are the one claiming there is literally no difference at all.

Why don'T you just google this shit?





Fucking reddit cancer.

who is this qtp2t?

Estrogen and testosterone augment initial development of the brain, encouraging energy and time to be spent specializing. We are a sexually dimorphic species, there are distinct differences between an XX brain and an XY brain, not the least of which is the density of neurons in the prefrontal cortex.

>what is estrogen


In a stressful situation, the female body diverts more blood flow to the area of the brain that handles emotion, in the male body, it diverts more blood flow to the area of the brain that deals with logic and critical thinking.

a leef, and its not an absolutely abhorrent post, what timeline is this?



>Women rate emotional images as more emotionally stimulating than men do and are more likely to remember them. However, there are no gender-related differences in emotional appraisal as far as neutral images are concerned. These were the findings of a large-scale study by a research team at the University of Basel that focused on determining the gender-dependent relationship between emotions, memory performance and brain activity. The results will be published in the latest issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.

tldr, women are dumb irrational and emotional?

>Now research to appear in EBioMedicine reports that XIST is significantly over-expressed in the cells of female patients with either bipolar disorder or major depression. The X-linked escapee gene KDM5C, whose expression is highly correlated with that of XIST, also displays significant up-regulation in the patients’ cells (above), and studies of human postmortem brains also shows over-expression of XIST in female psychiatric patients. The authors of the new study propose that over-expression of XIST may cause or result from subtle alteration of X chromosome inactivation,

>And of course, if this is true, it might explain both why women are more prone to particular mental illnesses like depression and why—given that women have two Xs to males’ one

>extra X chromosome linked with psychological illness

Even I didn't know that until just no

thanks for making me learn something today, OP

I think it has more to do with women needing superior social skills while men need critical reasoning/logic skills

So men are 10x more likely to be autistic (no social skills) while women are more likely to be bipolar/depressed/manic

so its ok to treat women like shit because of hormones?

sure, why not

>its ok to treat women like shit

That's a moral question not a scientific question

>100 years ago

Actually, there is.

Women have twice the amount of nerves in their skin compared to men.

To handle all this extra sensory input from their skin, women's brains have a lot more white brain cells. About 45% IIRC. White brain cells are extremely good at transmitting data. The archtypical female brain has huge pipeline between all parts of her brain. This allows her to more easily switch contexts, and that is why women are much better at multi-tasking.

In addition, this broadband connection between all her brain allows her to better remember similar situations to what she is experiencing. This is why, when a woman gets mad at a person, she can remember all the other times she got mad at them, or all the other times someone else did something similar to her.

The downside to this broadband connection is that they feel the emotional status more. That is, a woman who is mad can also feel at the same time being scared and remember all the prior times she was scared while also remembering all the times that she was mad. So women feel everything, at all times, regardless of what is going on at the moment in their conscious mind.

This is why women act more emotional--- cause they are always feeling it, there is no ignoring it and having it fade from their consciousness.

>Moving the goalpost, the post

They usually seem quite resolute and in control when they turn down my advances.

>what are different brain structures

Let's go through some actual science, not opinions and feelings:

1. Hormones generated in women are vastly different than the hormones that men generate, you can see this when a man transitions to a female and a female transitions to male. Weaker or stronger bones, less or more hair, thicker or thinner hair, eye color changes, eye luminance, and much... much .... more.

2. Women have more neural nerves and brain synapsis, this can work for or against them depending on the structural makeup.

3. Women use makeup.

4. Both genders have period pauses or fluctuations in their hormonal output, men display this in aggression and irritability while women have physical input that amplifies those affects due to the egg being forcefully removed from their body.

Sorry buddy, this is some basic shit, and there is a lot more in-depth studies. Citing 100 year ago studies isn't useful as science 100 years ago isn't up to par with modern science.

And knowing is half the battle!

Sure. Are you done?

best timeline

i am a doctor OP so i will explain this in laymans terms

bitches go crazy when they are on the rag. their brain chemistry resembles that of a person suffering from mania and dementia when on the rag. women should never be allowed positions of authority because of this. no ceo or president / prime minister / chancellor positions.

You forgot about hormones. Why do you think the female wrestler who's taking testosterone to become a man is killing at womens wrestling matches.

Men, not having as many nerve endings in their skin compared to women, need less white brain cells to handle all of that incoming sensory input. So their brains have much more grey brain cells. Grey brain cells are extremely good at logic and puzzle solving, but not very good communication. So while the archtypical female brain is a PC that has a huge broadband connection, a male's brain is a supercomputer with a dial up connection.

This makes it easier for a man to "distract" himself by focusing on one thing, and thus any fear or anger drops away easily from his conscious mind. There just isn't enough bandwidth in his mind to handle all the associated memories and their chained associated memories and feel happy, sad, pain, and fear all at the same time.

It should be noted, this difference in skin is why guys initially think that the only places that are sensitive on a woman is their hands, feet, face, and fun bits, because that's all that is sensitive on him. Women will barely touch each other, knowing they can feel such a light touch, but guys PUNCH each other, because they have learned early on that light touches don't work on themselves or other guys if they aren't on the face, hands, feet, or fun bits.

So, saying women aren't "more emotional" than men is wrong, at least when you talk about the average man and average woman. Compared to men, women are always drowning in how they feel. Men, compared to women, hardly "feel" anything, and can either be "feeling" or will be "thinking" and not both at the same time.


Virgin detected. Have you even been in the presence of one?

Not saying you're wrong but can you drop a solid source behind those facts and interpretations?

When it's my time of the month, I'll cry at just about anything. Sad babies or puppies on the TV are liable to set me off. We are definitely more emotional that men.

what makes it okay to discriminate against someones gender (pay, etc) based on loosely proven scientific evidence that, if true, a woman can't do anything about??