What are your thoughts on adderall...

what are your thoughts on adderall? Im going back to school and have a lot of books to read and I am trying to be a more productive member of society in general. Thinking about getting a script. What do you think,is it a good tool when used responsibly?

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When used responsibly, yes. I use it myself and it has helped.

>What do you think
Using drugs with the excuse of helping you to do more is degenerate. Let your doctor do his job, don't tell him what you think you need.

You sound like an addict, and I would tell you to be very careful.

yeah it is, but try to get your hands on a script for dexmethylphenidate instead its 10 times better and way less addictive so you wont have the shakes if you decide to stop.

Ritalin (or any generic methylphenidate) wont be as addictive and wont give you a crash. When I use adderall, I feel ridicously productive, but in reality I'm only working a little harder than usual. Ritalin doesnt feel as productive or good but I get more done. And not having a crash is great.

fucking ditto dude

its more beneficial to do this through your own willpower.
your goal is achievable with or without adderall.
people read a hell of a lot more without it. dont suck
i suggest no, but it aint gonna kill or even damage you probably

you'd do better to go no-screen or at least trade your phone in and try to go out more

ADD is caused by electronics more than anything. Jill Stein was onto something I guess

Helpful for long hours studying, but the info is hard to retain on limited sleep. If you actUally need it,nyou will get focused, but not speedy/awake

not using drugs to accomplish more is degenerate. you're going to be left behind by everyone around you.

Adderall is degenerate.

Work on eating well and being fit. That will negate any need for (((amphetamines))).

Be careful if you get a script, some states consider adderall mind altering and will keep you from buying guns/getting a CCW permit if a script is on your record (like CA will deny you if you have a medical marijuana card). Just find someone to buy it from and use it in moderation, keep yourself off the radar.

the only thing that keeps me from turning into a full time autist Sup Forumslack

I used it a little bit in school. You will be more productive but only in the things you are interested in. If I wasn't interested in studying at the time I would spend hours nonstop doing everything else but studying. So if you already have a hard time sitting your ass down to study you may want to think twice.

only if everything else fails. This is like eating zoloft because you are disappointed about people moving out of town.

this, but doctors are very willing to prescribe shit you dont need, because there aren't many side effects to the general populace. And stimulants are more effective than any other drug at what they do in the medical field.
However, taking adderall or ritalin consistently will affect your focus later and during. It'll also affect your personality.
I just don't see why people take the easy way out on something like this. You can do what you want to do with or without this drug, itll be more helpful in the long run to do it without, so why take it?

just get up every day and crush it. Get up at 4am, hit the gym, eat like a monster, study, go to school, come home and study, go to bed at 10pm. Do that for a few months and it'll become habit and easy.

You don't need that shit. Take some Ginko Biloba and Ginseng

weak. contrary to popular belief, some people do in fact "need that shit"

im already basically a degenerate trying to get my life back on track, and become a productive member of society, so it seems like i dont have much to lose

Took adderral for 9 years, hated it so much.

If you don't have the capacity to do well in school without it then you should switch majors.

>tfw took concerta for nearly my entire childhood and teenage years, and it turned me into a zombie

I dont have a major yet, i wont start untill spring term

Only effective if used rarely. Try to keep dosage as low as possible and only use once a week max.

and its not about capacity, i just get distracted easily and stuck in my own thoughts, Ive already failed once as painfull as it is to admit and im thankful to i have this second chance to turn my life around and do the right thing this time. And i dont want to screw it up, i want to use every possible tool at my disposal to ensure my success.

Just buy some Brain Force.


its not just about school its about me miraculously having a change of heart and returning to the principals i was raised with, and wanted to be a better person. Maybe adderal isnt the answer, im just hear having a discussion about it with other people have similar view points as me on alot of other issues.

normally when i have a lot of work to do i like to snort lines of speed. I can work for 18 hours straight without stopping, and never feeling tired. I highly recommend it. you wont be able to sleep for a day after though.

I used its Australian equivalent Dextroamphetamine ("dexies") when I was an undergrad for cramming and finishing my honours thesis. It is very addictive and if you use it too much back-to-back you will feel really sick and you will get no benefits. It's only really useful as a one-off thing when you really need to get stuff done at the last hour. If you take it everyday like you would on an ADHD script it will probably lose its potency quickly. Regular exercise like jogging and lifting weights is better in the long term for improving your concentration and drive.

Don't read books, just be hot and seduce the nerdy chicks in your class to give you study guides they make.

You can seduce nerdy girls, right?

You aren't in computer science, right??

I would strongly advise against it. I was on it for 10 years (as prescribed), and finally went off it about 6 months ago. I still don't think I'm functioning properly. I suspect it seriously messes with your brain chemistry after a long period of time

Also, you waste a lot of time fapping to porn when you're on that stuff because the amphetamines make you very horny.

Iron pill > Adderal

lieeees both give me a horrible crash. and i dont even take it everyday.

Orange pill is redpilled

im doing no fap, and basically am done with porn for the rest of my life...you know its one of the main degenerate practices plaguing americans

Absolutely. It is like Zyklon-B to marriages too.

If you need drugs to not be left behind, you already degenerated. Most people can go through school without needing crutches like these, at least here.

I need to take methylphenidate every day or I crash

go fuck yourself, like i already said im trying to get like my life back on track. yes i am degenerated..but im not just gonna fucking kill myself and give the lefties what they want, no im gonna bust my ass everyday and improve my life and spread nationalist values near and far, and do what ever i can do to stop the spread of globalism and leftist ideologies in my community.

You could do Modafnil OP

Agree to this

Calm your tits. I don't say that your attempt to get back on track is bad and if you need your meds I can live with that. But I will call you out on your bullshit when you claim that those who don't fix themselves with adderall are degenerate and doomed to be left behind - no, they don't have to nor are left behind just by not using. Maybe you would be but then speak for yourself.

social life > adderall > choose one