Why do other countries care so much about our politics?

Like fuck, stay in your damn lane. Sort yourself out.

They pay respects to the alpha landmass.

tell that to the cia

What did you mean by this

Their politics are boring. Ours are the equivalent of pro-wrestling for them.


Because your media has a significance presence in most other relevant countries that aren't russia or china and unceasingly talks shit

Maybe you should address that problem.

Instead you live in a country where you get cucked by a bigger stronger one.

No doubt.

No matter what any other faggot country says, you guys own the world and own their countries as well.

They cant go to the bathroom without making sure youre watching first.

God speed brother. Maintain the course and be the inspiration for us all.

Because the US owns 51% of all the GDP in the fucking world lol. The world will collapse without the United States. inb4 some poster says "The US fucking sucks!" Im not saying its the best country in the world, Im just stating a fact.

Shut up cunt

The US was the original show. Everyone else is the shitty local spinoff that nobody watches.

>Why do other countries care so much about our politics?

Inferiority complex.

Covering our politics gets high ratings inexpensively.

Fucking this. As a black person I don't understand why they have such an immense hatred for our culture when they are extremely far away from it.

The policies of the US affect them and the rest of the world.

Anyone against them offering their opinion as an outsider and thinking its not valuable is a faggot.

As long as its the truth. And thats what I want. Im more interested in that, then who is telling it per say.

Sort yourself out OP

This, It's like Politics EXTREME (sponsored by Pepsi)

We all know why, we are the greatest country that ever existed. Even the shit talk always gives my dick a bit of a jolt.

Well, in Canada your politics actually matter. Like. Really matter. Locally to us. It's not like we're not affected.

Share a boarder, common history, trade, culture, heck we even have a city that's half in the states and half in Canada (Niagara Falls).

On 911 I had kids in my classroom calling panicked on the phone because they had family in new york.

So, can't speak for other countries, but to Canadians, your politics really do affect us, quite directly.

We also have all the same TV stations, pop culture, everything. We're barely a different country.

Because my country has been lost for some time now that I can only look to the south and pray we wake up soon

Africans despise African Americans because your culture makes them look bad the world over. They consider you descendants of slaves, slaves over here for sure, but originally slaves from over there first. In this capacity, enslaved and enslaved again, they despise you as being beneath them.
At least that's what I've heard. I've only ever interacted with very few people on the subject.

It's okay Canada you're exempt from this criticism