Questions for Nazis

1: How do you propose that leaders should be selected? I often hear that only the "best" should lead, rather than the "most popular." Should the voting system be abolished? If so, in favor of what?

2: In the system of National Socialism, the government is given a great deal of authority; over social restrictions, over the press, etc. What is to stop the government from abusing this authority?

3: What restricts the white race from oppressing people of other origins? With a clear and official establishment of one dominant race, what is to stop abusive treatment in the courts (and in common society) of those deemed inferior?

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Not a nazi but I'll try:

1. Roman style emperor system.

2. Keep free press

3. Give them their own racially pure countries and let em thrive

Without Jews, 2 isn't a problem because everyone is speaking on the same terms and rational debate can be had.

Whoever gets septs is fuhrer until seven digits repeat again.

1 - A test designed by a computer that identifies the most fit leader, both physically and intellectually. The test also decides the profession of people in which they can explore their full potential. They can refuse to follow the determined profession If they want, by a accessible fee.
2 - There should be an individual militia separated from the government, If the government turns full tyrant the militia have the right to remove the leader(That shouldn't happen since the test is perfect)
3 - Every ethnicity has It's own country.

>How do you propose that leaders should be selected? I often hear that only the "best" should lead, rather than the "most popular." Should the voting system be abolished? If so, in favor of what?

Leader should be elected then stop elections

>2: In the system of National Socialism, the government is given a great deal of authority; over social restrictions, over the press, etc. What is to stop the government from abusing this authority

The government and Fuhrer is nationalistic, no Jews allowed. Worked with Germany.

>3: What restricts the white race from oppressing people of other origins? With a clear and official establishment of one dominant race, what is to stop abusive treatment in the courts (and in common society) of those deemed inferior?

Don't let them in in the first place, gives them their own little land and let them be.

> cont
The test also decides you partner based on fertility, compability and better offspring(kind like lebensborn). That should eliminate genetic diseases.
The test also dictates the law based on a perfect algorithm. True Justice.
Actually, we should just eliminate the whole political system and put the test in control.
The economy and the stock market will never crash again since the test can predict the market.

The best part is that since the algorithm of prediction is so perfect, the test would be able to predict future crime before It even happens. We could arrest criminals before they turn violent and give them treatment, virtually eliminating crime.

>What restricts the white race from oppressing people of other origins? With a clear and official establishment of one dominant race, what is to stop abusive treatment in the courts (and in common society) of those deemed inferior?
Hopefully nothing.
Get the fuck out of my damn country.

This is the most autistic thing I've read today. Congrats. It explains so much about who NatSoc are.

1. There is no established method.

Hitler was elected, and was literally called "the leader" because trailblazed a new way of life.

Im not sure what george lincoln rockwells views were.

2. Governments in 1930 didn't have the same domestic surveillance and electric banking system we have now, so this was a non issue.

My answer would be that an ethnostate has a higher degree of altruism - if you are responsible for the livelyhood of your cousins and uncles and brothers than you have a greater vested interest in their prosperity than if you are ruling a bunch of strangers.

3.This is the easiest question, because its a non issue in an ethnostate. The few foreign visitors and dignitaties were treated with huge respect and kindness in the third reich regardless of race or country but any nongermans trying to live in germany were pressured or forced to leave.

The monkey is a fucking nigger.
He's some kind of technocratic faggot

Don't trust him, see

I'm not NatSoc. I'm Anacho-Individualist.

And retarded.

You could see that by the flag

pretty fucking simple.


All came to power by democratic elections.

touche. and really drunk
there is really nothing wrong with technocracy

There is everything wrong with technocracy.

No one here is a "NAZI" go away. If anything everyone here is considered a "NAZI" now anyhow so just let everyone answer the question.

Those who have most knowledge and are most qualified should be the ones to rule. What's wrong with that?

>How do you propose that leaders should be selected?
You could keep elections, but have to pass a test to earn the right to vote, along with eugenics to breed out the retards.

Everyone should watch this video. Spread it like wildfire. Show your friends and family (if they're white too)

I want r/the_donald to leave, and take your libertarian cancer shit out of here.

Sup Forums is a Fascist board

>Fucking with the natural order of things

Bad mistake desu

>Sup Forums is a Fascist board
Its natsoc but fascist is fine too

Nature should adjust to man's needs, not otherwise.

NatSoc is just Fascism with German characteristics

Just have the leader choose a successor and since the fist leader was appointed to fight for his people it stands that the person he chooses will also be someone who cares about the nation. That answers 1 and 2 and then 3 is irrelevant because it's an ethnostate.

Knowledge is not universal. Being a genius at math doesn't mean you'll be a great statesman.

>white land owing males over the age of 28 may vote. no exceptions.

>well armed populace

>homogeneous societies need not worry about such trivial matters. foreign policy will strictly be done to further the countries interests. undesirables will be purged without sympathy.

Don't use BCE.

That is jewish. They hate BC / AD.

So they created BCE.

>Wanting to sell your humanity so you can run faster

What's the fucking point
No one wants to improve themselves because they can install (((mindcontrolgoy-imeansuperpower.exe))).

Here is all you need to know about this.

>Nigga on how many layers of revisionism are you on?
NatSoc kinda lost the original premise of merger between corporations and state to promote better quality of life and replaced it with Völkisch Socialism. It should be classified as a derivative ideology.

1. This is your only good question. Test everyone in the nation for the following factors: Morality, genetic purity, IQ, power of will, honesty, and battle tactics. Whoever scores the best in all fields will become the new leader.

2. If the previous conditions are met, the leader won't abuse their authority because they will have to prove themselves honest and moral.

3. We will simply send them back to where they came, no questions asked, even if their family has lived here for 40 generations.

Do you think it was a political assassination? Was he getting too much power and the shadow government started becoming afraid?

If he was never killed, could he ever have become president? America was still like 80% white at the time...

1. The leader takes tests. It would work like getting a job, but much more difficult than usual.
2. There should be a freedom of the press provided they aren't promoting degeneracy i.e. pedophilia, miscegenation, drugs, etc. Questioning the government is different from promoting pedophilia. If the government abuses their power (which democratic powers are already doing) people will already be armed and kill that government.
3. When a country is 95%+ homogenous with no Jews this won't be a problem.

Literally just Fascism rebranded.

But It would make you a really good secretary of treasury. Just as a good psychologist or Behavioral biologist would make a good statesman.
Humanity is a imaginary concept. Man should work only with the physical.
*euphoria intensifies*

>Humanity is a spook

No its fucking not.

Not a nazi, but a nationalist libertarian:

1. Let a council of bishops decide. That's how it worked in Russia, and it worked pretty damn well in Russia gotta be honest.

2. 2nd amendment. Also a draft. Then all people have guns and are also adept at using them.

3. Europe+America+Russia for whites. Africa for niggers. Mexico+South America for bad hombres. Asia for chinks. etc.


Where did you cunts come from? I want you to go back

I vote I write the algorithm.

>America for whites only

Why though?

>nationalist libertarian
BAHAHAHA Good luck with that one soon you'll become just like me because I also considered myself something close to that back a few years ago now I am not delusional trying to ride the edge of reality

Freedom of speech + free market + 2nd amendment. How can you get more libertarian?

Define humanity. What makes you human? Is It the flesh? Is It your brain? What makes one human is the need to better and improve themselves. Humanity is to achieve and strive greatness. Philosophical concepts don't help a species survive. Logical decisions do.

Niggers are the problem. Granted there are good people in there, but most are either thugs or welfare dependent people. If we get them all out, we will all benefit.


Service guarantees citizenship

Free speech and free market is horrible tho

you'll see soon enough

Uncontrolled free market sucks. Freedom of speech only works if we're all white and raised with Judeo-Christian values. If we let niggers and faggots also have it, then we have problems.

But why only whites? Many races have some ties to America. Why should a German have the right to America but not a Chinese or Native?

not anymore baby

Free market sucks in general. Free speech must be hella regulated.

I can't believe Sup Forums loves to talk about Jews and how fucking bad they are, but will still come out and say they're (((libertarian)))

>literally a slave state
>merged with a symbol of absolute freedom

Judeo-Christian values are important. Without them, we fall apart. The founding fathers designed it this way.


(((Judeo)))-Christianity sucks, as well.
Fuck off with your muh freedom bullshit.

Haha. Libertarianism in it's current form sucks af. Faggots and kikes can get their way and ruin our kids and businesses. If we all are of the same culture, more freedom will be good.

>advocates for national socialism and fascism
>gets triggered when somebody wants no shitskins

America has founded on white judeo-christian values so the white race should therefore dominate in that area.

Hitlers tabletalks by Dr. Henry Picker (in German) p. 172 to 173:

roughly translated, Hitlers own words:

Following conclusion did he (Hitler) draw from all this thoughts:
1. The german Reich should be a Republic. The Führer must be elected. He is to be equipped with absolute authority.
2. As a collectivum a peoples represantation should stay in place, which has to support the Führer, and if necessary, could interfere with his guidance of the state.
3. The election of the Führer should not be held by said collectivum but by a senate. The senate has limited competencies. Membership in the Senate is not permanent but linked to the ownership of certain positions of service whose occupation have to change regularly as well. The members of the senate must be of the opinion, through their own merits and education. that no weakling but only the best may be elected Führer.
4.The Führer election is not to be held in front of the public eye but behind closed doors like the election of the pope. During the very elections there is no discussion allowed.
5.3 hours after the election ary party and army members to be sworn in on the new leader.
A most precise and harsh distinction between legislative and executive branch is to be made.

Hitler thought a German Republic like that would at least last 300 years.

Oh, so you wanna be a slave to an atheist dictator who doesn't give 2 shits about you?

> this is what you get w/o christian values

No, i get triggered when someone wants to enforce freedom, like its a good thing.

Fucking hitler troll gtfo nigger

I like chinese democracy, the pollies get to vote.
if you're that interested in politics, become one.
there is the threat of corruption
>less people means its easier
but if there are watchdogs to document whats going on and honest, unbiassed media to let the masses get informed it may work.

Fucking Jewish troll gtfo kike

Are you stating that morals and ethics cannot exist outside religious values?

>Implying I don't have a right to own other people

He was a damn good speaker, that's for sure. If he can sway anyone with just one speech - he's dangerous. We need another like him.

Nazism is German Nationalism, it has nothing to do with America or other Nations it is explicitly German.

American Nazi Party was a contradiction in terms since Nazi is short for "National Socialist German Workers Party". You are not German workers living in 1930's Germany, stop LARPing.

Nazi stands for NatSoc

> advocates for Nazis
> jewish troll

NSDAP =/= NatSoc

In the vast majority of cases, yes. W/o religion, there can be no guarantee of self-restraint in situations of absolute power.


>>USA flag

Go die for greatest ally you fucking cuck.

Everyone knows America is the most cucked country in the world.

OP asks question, I give ONLY genuine answer since it is from Hitler himself, answering exactly the question Get 0 replies, retarded discussions continues tumbling around

The full name is Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

B-b-b-b-but Trump

Top kek you just described the plot of minority report


Unrelated, does anyone else think that 1984's society is not that bad?

I was just gonna look at your flag and call you Ahmed then keep arguing.

Holy fuck, been looking for an answer to Q1 and finally there's an answer from the founder of National Socialism. Many thanks, Kraut

Shit, seriously? Goddam Holywood beating me too It.

Cry me a river you should know when someone says "HEY NAZI" shit its some faggot from r/the_donald shits stupid everyone who spends a few months lurking should know no one here is a fucking "NAZI" yeah maybe NATSOC but not "NAZIEEEEE"

>you cant be capitalist unless you're European because it started in Europe checkmate atheists

anything after 1950's sucked. Too many niggers afterwards that rolled everything downhill.

>Do you think it was a political assassination?

the people involved say no.

fringe ideologies just attract fringe kooks.

I don't really have an answer, which is why I responded to the leaf. Obviously.

Yeah I actually just wanted to go to bed but then saw this thread and wanted to share my knowledge, of course a half abo Emu rape baby doesnt pay respect. Fuck you

Thanks. Get the book, you will be enlightened

He's a start

But even he cant resist circumcised cock

>What restricts the white race from oppressing people of other origins?
Right now? Jews and the White guilt they spread.

It figures Brazil would say this, I would rather live in 1984 than Brazil tbqh.

Sorry Germany.

he means the book you retard


do you even read the thread?

I am just angry about the declining quality of these threads.

It was much better even last spring

Trump is a good wake up slap. I see more and more people being proud of there whiteness. We can improve brother.