Would a newborn be considered an atheist at birth Sup Forums? why or why not?

Would a newborn be considered an atheist at birth Sup Forums? why or why not?

A newborn can't even handle feeding itself, there is no way it could handle whether or not god exists or not, or the philosophy that comes with an organized religion or lack there of.

exactly, so with this point being made, a newborn can't be a theist meaning thy start off as an atheist by default

Theist. The mother is the goddess.

I would disagree. Because a newborn has such an incredibly limited view of the world (literally lacking object permanence), they cannot even process the idea of what a god is. You and I have a sense that god even as an idea is an all powerful deity. The fact that they lack the ability to conciser or comprehend these idea's is evidence that cannot be a theist or an aethist. As both require some understanding of what (at least the idea of) a god is.

>TL;DR: The rules you and I follow do not apply to them as they do not have the processing power to form any sort of belief system.

Side question: I just want to confirm that this is a discussion about what newborns think and not one about whether or not God exists.

Not so much as what a child thinks, but more on what we would label a newborns religious affiliation.

and no this isn't on the topic of whether or not God exists.

Honestly, I think I would label them as a sort of "undefined". As I've stated the idea of the belief in the existence of god does not apply to them. I would say label them as to whatever their caretakers are. They aren't theist but they also aren't atheist either. Also, why label them? It's a baby, they're pretty useless.

>Would a newborn be considered an atheist at birth Sup Forums?

No. The newborn would be considered ignorant of God.

Atheists have weighed the evidence for God and found it wanting.

Theists have weighed the evidence for God and found it sufficient.

Both groups have used their powers of intellect and reached a conclusion.

A newborn does not fall into either group because they lack the ability to understand the question, therefore when it comes to Theist or Atheist, a newborn is null.

Thank you.

Iv'e been trying to find the right words to explain this conclusion. Said it better then I could have.

Atheists have a belief that God doesn't exist. Theists have a belief that God does exist. Babies are neither atheists nor theists. They may later become one of those, or may remain agnostic.

Newborns are programmed to believe in a higher power and divine creator so they are not atheists.

The higher power is their mother.

So don't believe because it is logical? You do ti just because you are a drone?

Yes, that's why you have to baptize the little monsters as soon as possible. They're fine after that.

>So don't believe because it is logical?

I'm talking about newborn mammals. They are born expecting a creator, provider, and savior.

So non-human animals believe in God?

>So non-human animals believe in God?

Why can't you just take what I say at face value? I'm not making a larger point. Mammals care for their young. A mother is a higher benevolent higher power.

>impregnate as many women as possible
>get newborns baptized asap
>throw em out the window when no one's looking
>mfw i'm responsible for getting hundreds of babies into heaven

You can't assign complex cognitive function to a newborn. It's like asking if a dog is an atheist.

That they require a creator, provider and savior do not mean that they expect a creator, provider and savior.

Two different things.

Alright, but savior? Babies believe in original sin?

All children are conceived with a knowledge of God and good and evil.

To expound.
Unbelief in God is something that is learned.

Do they believe in gods? No, then they are atheists.

a new born would be considered a blank slate. an empty organic hard drive, just waiting for input

itd be agnostic