I've been reading Kaczynski's papers on leftism and I'm trying to follow the rabbit hole of the insidious nature of...

I've been reading Kaczynski's papers on leftism and I'm trying to follow the rabbit hole of the insidious nature of collectivism
I've watched a lot of Dennis Wise's stuff (GSNT), also Yuri Bezmenov and G. Edward Griffith's lectures on subversion. Great stuff, I'll post them below.
I feel like I've practically peeled the facade away, but I can't help an itching feeling that there's more to it.
Can anyone recommend an uncompromising documentary on this? I've reached a dead end, I'm out of leads and all the popular stuff on the subject is tepid crap droning about the intentions of the Founding Fathers and lacking any real substance.
I'm looking for something that packs a punch, brings new info to light, but it's so damn hard to find something of such politically incorrect nature. Help me out, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


just read good books and become smarter. A lot of the most mind-blowing red pills are hiding in plain sight, you just have to sharpen your faculties and intellect enough to recognize the patterns

Ted Kaczynski -- Industrial Society and Its Future

Dennis Wise -- The Greatest Story Never Told

Dennis Wise -- NWO: Communism by the Backdoor

Yuri Bezmenov -- Psychological Warfare and youtube.com/watch?v=SZnkULuWFDg

G. Edward Griffin -- The Subversion Factor

For any curious anons:
Tough redpills to swallow, but essential for those seeking the truth about the present state of affairs

neoludditism is a keyword that may help in your Googles.

I found Kaczynskis manifesto to be incredible to read. So much of what he says rings true. But it's also useless to resist, the only thing worse than living in an "oversocialized" society (his term, not mine) is living without anyone close to you at all, completely alone.

If tasked to choose between the two, you should always pick the former. The latter leads you down a dark road where you send bombs to innocent people and your brother turns you in. The former might make you suffer through meaningless social events and meaningless jobs, but there are still worthwhile parts to life that you can find.

If you are anti collectivism, you are anti white. Jews have always been a collective group who competed with whites in white countries. Whites have always tended to be individualistic, and when you have an ethnocentric group like jews competing with individuals, the group strategy will always win. This is where antisemitism comes from and is why they have been booted from 109 countries. National Socialism was a direct response to jewish group evolutionary strategy. Whites were being outcompeted by a group, so they grouped up to outcompete the jews. Say what you will about the facts surrounding the holocaust, but the jews never want it to happen again. So now jews, as a collective, are pushing to keep whites from thinking as a collective, and it is working. The evidence of this is immense. What you have now is whites not only not thinking as a collective, but when a member of the group suggests that we start acting as a collective, he is called names like racist, fascist, white supremacist, ostricized from the group, and his means to acquire resources (employment) stripped away from him. Meanwhile, all the groups are thinking and voting as a collective and are cashing in, draining us of our resources through welfare and affirmative action programs. They are shipping non whites into our countries to further establish their dominance by strengthening their group numbers, and the result will be no more countries and eventually no more white people.

I just explained to you everything you need to know about the world. Collectivism is a must if we are to survive.


thanks for the list, I had already read on the Unabomber, but the rest seem interesting too



Just finished Churchill Hitler and the Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanon. Redpills you on Neocons and why Communism is around while we wasted our energy fighting Nazis. Barely scratches the surface but provides you with the most solid historical background possible for understanding the geopolitics surrounding the rise of Communism

Mencius moldbug and his blog "Unqualified Reservations." More political than economic, but still about the most concentrated redpill I can think of.

^^^^^Should this be stickied for eternity? Sup Forums

Is it the Unabomber manifesto worth reading?

This podcast I listen to will sometime read from this paper that sums up our current society and its dependence on technology and all the problems it causes.

I'm sitting there like, "These guys a beyond Gods"

Then they stop and say, "Oh yeah, all that shit was from the Unibomber Manifesto hahaha!"

post pic of your illegal bomb making stuff you fucking lame ass troll or gtfo

Write to Theodore. I've written and gotten a number of replies. He's a very interesting man.


Sam Harris

Wtf he replied to you?
What did he say?

Encouraged research and education and advised against becoming too ensnared by aspects of modernity.

I still have the letters somewhere, this was ten years ago.

It's hard to say anyone is informed when they haven't seriously taking Anarcho-Primitivism into account.

Sup Forums claims to be realist when it comes to DNA, naturally encoded behavior and instincts, but refuses to consider the notion that man was not built for modern living.

I bet Sup Forums had no idea how incredibly brilliant this woman was.

Fucking mobile
>this man

That said, I've been informing my peers at party about Ted. Most of the people my age have no idea this man existed, let alone what he believed.


Which are the good books user???? Just tell me I've been searching for years GODDAMN!!

what the fuck is this rabbit hole you're going down

Start with the Greeks.

Plato's Republic will blow your mind, even if you're well versed in politics and philosophy.


If you're "well versed in politics and philosophy", that would've been one of the first things you ever read.

>not built for modern living
Not built for it YET right? Isn't this what evolution is for, adapting to changes?

I think we advanced too quickly I guess, I mean ~200 years ago we had to ride a horse for a month just to deliver a dildo to the Kentucky senators wife, now we just send her a file and she 3d prints that shit in stuffs it the same day

You don't need a formal education to be well versed in politics and philosophy. Theese ancient ideas permeate throughout our culture. That said, anyone who knows their stuff damn well will have read it.

When was the last time you read it, user?

Ted is a hack who makes you feel good. None of the things he wrote came true.

Technology definitely is definitely evolving too quickly for us to catch up. And as technology advances it gets more dangerous and in order to protect ourselves we have to give up more freedoms and our leaders have to obstruct more and more truth.

It's a pretty fucked situation.

Appeal to nature fallacy.

What exactly did he predict that didn't come to pass?

The only thing that's going to fuck us is failed capitalism...it's not technologies fault

The destruction of nature, everyone going mad because of technology, and totalitarianism.

Philippe g is upcoming autour


In due time, but it isn't inevitable.

lol, i wouldn't speak so soon friendo...

Also, a brief plug for "Self Reliance" by Emerson. I found this to be incredibly helpful in the development of my personal philosophy and approach to life.


read this if you dare

make sure to pay extra attention to the parts that mention the JEWS

If you look deep enough into the roots of leftism, you'll find Satan laughing.

Fuck off sub-human

>everyone going mad because of technology
I think this might be starting to happen slowly now as we speak

Of course it's happening. Look at the people around you who are most attached to their technological devices. Notice how detached from life itself they are, notice how dehumanized and robotic they are. We reached peak civilization in the early/mid 90s, where we had the perfect ratio between technology and real human interaction, and now that ration has been skewed, swing too far to technology, and we are now at risk of losing our humanity - that which makes us human.

tl;dr, I agree

leftism's methodologies are about dividing a larger unification, or unifying a large number of smaller to gang on the large.

The rights methodologies are about unifying to defend against the left.

The left is entropy. The left is destruction.

>looking for books that agree with my viewpoint

Few books are written in crayon.

I'm pretty paranoid already but I fucked up and watched Black Mirror, I'm convinced that's what our future holds

>the future is every black mirror episode at the same time
>netflix ordered two more seasons of inspiration for the archons


Related. They're already talking about the most fucked up one.

>March 2014
>locked up and imprisoned in your mind for 100 years a minute

I'm more afraid of this than any thing I have ever seen in this life, please tell me this is just popsci I thought I had more time before things like this started appearing

Remember the one where everything is social media?


Welcome to the future, it's a cyberpunk dystopia beyond anything you could ever imagine. Are you ready to learn the true meaning of fear?


I'm ready, won't be long until there are human blood cattle used to sustain the life of the elite

also the social credit thing you linked is similar to this

This is good OP:

Escape from Freedom by Erich Fromm


Kapucyinski and Edward Said are mainly the hipsters sources of modern globalisation and cultural marxism.

This is fucking scary man.

Ever time I revisit Ted's writings the more I'm convinced he was right. This man was a genius he could have used his genius to contribute to the system maybe start a company and make millions but he took the repdill instead.

Honestly we will be taking about Ted and his writings more and more as we progress technologically.

The first time I read his views on leftism it was like I finally understood what it was finally about. My eyes were completely opened. I can never view politics is the same light.

Also the power process is a fucking interesting concept too.

I love the lego Ship Of Fools cartoon on youtube.

