How do we redpill Francis to make him more like Pius XIII?

How do we redpill Francis to make him more like Pius XIII?

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I'm considering leaving the church because of this current cuck Pope. I haven't been to church in 9 weeks

I haven't been in months and The Young Pope convinced me to go back.

I really don't understand this. There have been tons of bad popes in the past. This one sucks, but he's not the first one to suck.

Do you really have to agree with the Pope to still be a Catholic?

>Do you really have to agree with the Pope to still be Catholic?
Major gray area. You can certainly disagree with the way the Pope administers his office and his teachings if he preaches error. Other than that he's infallible and you really can't dissent from what he says.

Just disagree on the commie pope and tell others why he shouldn't be trusted. I don't like him one bit

Is there anything other than his teachings and how he administers his office? What's there left to be infallible about?

God Smiles

Only then Francis will understand.



Were Jews behind the Second Vatican Council? Wouldn't doubt it famalam.

I think his awfulness is unique. I think he's the first to work against the self-interest of the church. He said "there is no such thing as islamic terrorism." The vicar of Christ, if such a thing exists, could never utter such stupidity.

Vatican 2 was the final nail in the coffin.

I agree, but my religion forbids me from disagreeing with him in most meaningful ways. Francis is seriously testing the faith of many of the laity. A crisis for the Church might be imminent.

Are you even Catholic? The Pope is not always infallible. He's only infallible when he's speaking ex cathedra, which isn't very often.

If not already happening.

>submitting to the '''''''''authority''''''''' of a fallible human man

>who am i to judge?
How can homophobics christians ever recover?

>He thinks we hate the sinners and not the sin

I purposly put the "homophobic" as to imply not all christians are homophobic.
And regarding the pope, "who am i to judge" is a quite retarded statement since he is the fucking pope.

Francis is just restating doctrine in normie friendly terms. Read the fucking catechism.

Direct me to where in the catechism it says "who am I to judge"

I posted the pic elsewhere as well-but this is a huge point for me. I really want to convert, but I just can't knowing he's part of anti-westernism.

He's just such a dirtbag. Yet, can I let one man ruin millennia of tradition? Even if he is actively undermining those traditions?

Keep Francis in his little bubble, so when shit
really hits the fan, Francis will feel it too.

Convert to Orthodox Christianity.

Ha, I won't disagree there.

Pretty hard, where I'm living though.

He's a kike who's funded by soros, to poison christianity. Not even a legitimate pope, as benedict was surely forced/pressured to step down.

My priest told me the pope can fuck off, I think I'm good. The more traditionalist the Catholic is the more they see a Jesuit as cancer

Organized religion is a meme, user.

What was that phrase Pope Pius XIII said about voting?

>he's just now leaving
I haven't gone in almost two years

We need an Antipope

Where are the Orientals

The pope is infallible only when he speaks ex cathedra which he never did so far, so you're free to disagree with everything Francis says.

Do you guys think we'll get a traditionalist pope in our lifetime or is the Vatican just too infiltrated at this point?

The pendulum's gonna swing back hard after Francis, who himself said he'd have a short papacy.
>Tfw Latin mass mainstream again

I should note that Young Pope takes place in a universe where Lenny became pope BECAUSE Francis died and that 99% of Lenny's decisions are basically him rejecting wholesale to the public, as well as to his fellow cardinals, Francis' way of doing things.
Right down to the point of having Lenny mock, in his first address to the cardinals, Pope Francis's obsession with getting the Catholic Church loved by non-Catholic via pandering.

>My priest told me the Pope can fuck off
I seriously doubt that and if he did he's preaching error.

It's fucking amazing. My favorite show of 2017 and possibly my favorite show period. It gets slightly cucked at the end but Lenny is still pretty based and conservative

>yet another cultural catholic threatening to leave the church because of shit about francis he heard in the mainstream media

No. Please. Don't go.

Make him follow his own advice.
>"refugees" settled in the Vatican, when? A "refugee" for every residence!

Main stream meteor lionizes Francis because he's badically an SJW at this point. Traditional Catholics has serious and well-grounded concerns about his papacy.

Traditiona Catholics Have**


It's all part of a larger plan. Consider the position in which the Church was when Francis took over.
I don't know if Francis himself is aware of it, but the way I see it, his job is to rein in normies, and to make commie government lower their guard. Eventually he will die and Pius XIII will have a slightly more cucked Church, but a much wider audience and political reach.

Why do you christcucks even come here? You just whine and circle jeep with each other all the time.
>I don't like him one bit
Why? What has done or said that you disagree with? You retards keep coming here complaining about this fucktard but I've never seen any actual complaints (or at not any valid ones)

>knowing he's part of anti-westernism.
That's Christianity in general. It's universalist garbage.

I seen this kind of comment alot on Sup Forums and is the most easy way to spot a non-Catholic, just larping Christians.

This, true Catholics accept the Holy Father's authority (if grudgingly)
Hopefully is right.

The second season got approved

This, true Catholics accept the Holy Father's authority (grudgingly in this case but still)
I hope you're right my dude

No, the MSM has an agenda. They want to paint Francis as a hyperliberal. It's what sells papers.

Most recent incident is when the pope said in a vatican radio interview something along the lines of "being a lukewarm catholic is bad because they set a bad example when people look at them and think to themselves that its better to be an atheist than that guy"

Because the words "better", "atheist", "than", "lukewarm" and "catholic" were used, the papers though they could run the headline "Pope Francis says its better to be an atheist than a lukeworm catholic".

Of course all the anti-catholics, protestants and other enemies of the church used it as a point to show that catholicism is corrupt because of course no one listened to the entire interview.

Pope Francis has said nothing against scripture or long held doctrine. He can't. He is constantly advised by members of the Vatican and he is beholden to the beliefs of everyone there. Thos may shock you, but the See isn't a dictatorship. The Pope just can't decide on a radical new direction for the church.

Fuck, I hate phoneposting, sorry lads

>different ids
>almost exact same posts

What did he mean by this?

"I seen"

Literally what is wrong with you

He reset his router

Agree, there are two Francises at this point, the real one and the progressive hero liberals made up in their mind. Him saying that gays shouldn't be judged doesn't magically make gay sex acceptable.

>The Pope can't just decide on a radical new direction for the Church
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Also, yes, the media lionizes Francis by portraying him as a hyperliberal, but he's still a hyperliberal. The atheist thing got twisted but the "Who am I to judge" thing and the vagueness about his attitude toward divorcees are very real.

My Wifi is shitty so sometimes I go on data

There's been far worse Popes than Francis and whoever leaves the church because Francis is bad is a weakling. It should be obvious after a while bt I bet it's a protestant larping as a Catholic

Get a good tan and then rape him.

Francis has done more for traditionalist Catholicism that Benedict was able to, only by pissing people off.

Jean Paul II was a pretty cool guy, but the religion was completely dormant towards the end of his papacy. Nobody was talking about it, nobody was doing anything about it.

Benedict dropped some major truths when it came to moral relativism, but nobody even heard of it because, sadly, nobody cared. People were too busy accusing him of being a nazi.

That's when Francis comes in. Changes the face of the church completely. Makes traditionalists rage and actually group up, and start talking, instead of sit on our fat asses. Makes lots of governments that were starting to feel nervous about Benedict, suddenly open their arms to the Church, thinking they can benefit from this politically. Also makes lots of normies and edgelords who have so far disliked the church in their profound ignorance, warm up to it, by the grace of the MSM. Then they fact check a bit, talk to a couple traditionalist catholics, and bam. They get redpilled.

Since Pious XIII is mentioned by OP, it's worth noting that the timing is pretty peculiar. It's obvious to me that this is completely deliberate, and that lots of people inside the Church would like a Pious XIII.

My only doubt is whether Francis knows what's actually going on and is part of the plan, if the cardinals picked him knowing that he would do what he's doing, or if it was good old divine intervention; but at this point, it doesn't matter.

Ah yes.
Back when Francis said "Who am I to judge. The gay lifestyle is perfectly acceptable. Our old views are regressive."
I mean, that's what ou saw on reuters right? That vague, attention grabbing headline. You formed your opinion right there.

But the quote was about accepting repentant people who had homosexual pasts. The "judging" he was admonishing was the past acts, not the lifestyle. Accepting repentant sinners with an attitude of spiritual meekness is nothing new or groundbreaking. You wouldn't find a pope in history who would challenge this.
But that doesn't sell papers, does it?
That doesn't get clicks, does it?

When the anti-catholics, protestants, and sedevacantists run out of things to attack the Pope on, they turn to the things he DIDN'T say. Like the divorce issue. Cheap tactic, but it works in their minds.

But the issue is that WHEN Francis gets spun by the media he doesn't even attempt to clarify himself or correct them, which almost constitutes tacit approval of what they're saying.

Every time I read things like this I'm glad I'm orthodox.

>Mfw irl Pius XIII invokes Non Expedit and prevents American Catholics from voting for abortionists (read: Democrats)

Pius XIII was only ultra-conservative because he had mommy/daddy issues, just like most of Sup Forums

Cardinal Spencer detected
I hope you confessed that suicide attempt before you died, cuck.

>I seriously doubt that
Think whatever you want you jesuit apologist commie

>Why doesn't the target of misrepresentation by the media just speak out and clarify themselves through the media?

Maybe you don't understand how MSM works.
Once people have their heart set on a certain idea, they won't let it go.

>The pope can't just write to the faithful directly
user, I...

Very interesting theory

Nothing. Based Burke for Pope!

Burke is definitely /ourguy/

I prefer Athanasius Schneider, but Burke would be my second choice

He got the Charlemagne price last year!
His destiny is to support the miscegenation of Europe!


He speaks directly to the faithful, though.
Through the interviews and press conferences and addresses he gives. He makes his position very clear in those addresses.
But here is the problem, only catholics listen to that.
All the atheists, protestants and cultural catholics only get their information from the media and don't even think about looking into the addresses of the pope.
It's pointless trying to reach out to these people