Other urls found in this thread:

Who else here excited for antarctica nazis coming back and redpilling people about hollowearth?


Wait is that all? I thought we were dying. Fuck my reading comprehension is BAD german dude.

Oh no

>no source
>some retarded clickbair article
>autists actually believing Nazis really build a Haunebu

how is this even Sup Forums related?
sounds like stupid Larp shit to me.


I'm confused, did they shoot them or make them?

>muh happening


>google it
>the earth under a research station cracked open
Its the CHUDS

these threads are always so much fun

Admiral Byrd described seeing flying objects in Antarctica during an interview with International News Service correspondent Lee van Atta aboard the USS Mount Olympus, which later appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947 edition of a Chilean newspaper called El Mercurio:

“Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defence measures against hostile regions. The admiral further stated that he didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.”

>what did he mean by this

Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:

Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are coincidences. There is a world inside our world.

The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is a CIA psyop that is designed to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow. This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory.


If digits, world wide destruction and chaos ensues

please rescue us antarctic nazis

Antarctica is Atlantis. Remember that Plato said that Atlantis was larger than Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) and Libya (which in those days referred to Northern Africa minus Egypt) combined. Antarctica is larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined. Read up on Charles Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement and keep in mind that Charles Hapgood died suddenly in (((suspicious circumstances))). Antarctica (Atlantis in those days) used to be near the equator and thus had a tropical climate. Also, Plato said that there were elephants and bananas in Atlantis. Elephants and bananas naturally exist ONLY in tropical climates. Crustal displacement made Atlantis slide southward to its present position.

What could cause this? Pressure from a methane gas pocket? A large large one that could slowly pollute the atmosphere and cause a globe-covering fireball to incinerate everything on the surface? Are you sure it's not a massive fireball that's gonna kill us all? Could you survive such a thing in a plane? It couldn't be that deep before it has to go off, right?

It's nothing, pack it up


fucking penguins have gone too far.

If this is real then see you in hell, space cowboys. It was a wild ride

Nazis build literally everything you know and more

seen in the 70s in antarctic waters

godlikeproductions is the source

it's fucking nothing

>No source, but a shitty edited YouTube video

It's fucking nothing


incredibly autistic thread, what are you sliding kike

came here to post this, the day of reckoning will soon be upon us

Though it sounds crazy, there are several sub-glacial lakes scattered around Antarctica, buried beneath the thick ice sheet. They are far enough below the surface that water is insulated by the ice above and warmed by geothermal heat below, allowing it to remain in its liquid state. The largest of these lakes, Lake Vostok, has long been of interest to Antarctic explorers. Only in February of 2012, after TWENTY YEARS of drilling, did a Russian research team finally break through the thick ice sheet to the surface of the lake. If it took that long for that Russian research team to reach Lake Vostok, who knows what else lies hidden within the thick ice sheet of Antarctica?


Fuck off newfag, archive something worthwhile (actual credible news source) proving what you are claiming or go away darkie

Stop shitting up Sup Forums with this unsubstantiated nonsense.


these are allegedly instructions on how to get to agartha via submarine

This is full-on retard tier. if there was an entrance at the north pole it would be underwater and the ocean would fall down the hole retard. There's no continent under the ice like antarctica

Pic related a pteranodon shot near Vicksburg 1864 dinosaurs possibly living in hollow earth till today
Indian were calling the pteranodon thunderbird

retards really believe this shit?

>nazis living in some frozen shithole with their UFOs


Okay so wait. The inner earth Nazis are finally coming out then? Will they be our saviors or will I suffer a cleansing or sorts? I'm NOT Jewish. Some sort of white mutt from inbred Europeans, especially Czech ones but a little of everything. I do not own an Adidas track suit. Will the nazis kill me or can I relax and be happy about the Nazis awakening? How happenin' is this happening?

What happened to the interesting pictures in the other thread?

How do we verify this? Do we get together a Sup Forumsar expedition of the bravest autists who want their grand adventure from life to be real?


That site is for entertainment.

Maybe it is the same guy. I remember hearing about the crust shifting stuff. It is something I pretty firmly believe in. Something along the lines of Antarctica being more close to the equator then a huge shift and it being at the south pole. That is why there are so many flash frozen things like woolly mammoths in siberia.

The entrance at the North Pole and the South Pole isn't underwater, it's a vast hole that curves inwards very gradually. In fact, it is SO gradual that you can't even see the hole unless you're at a high altitude. The ocean doesn't fall down the hole, it connects to the ocean inside Earth.

Lake Vostok (Pic related) resembles the instruction for submarines a lot

(((Coincidently))) in the same area a magnetic anomaly has been found

another (((coincident))) is that the outline of the area you pass through seen in resembles the graphic depiction of lake vostok

also nazigermany is still claiming new swabia while norways claim stopped in 1945

Actually, let me correct myself, godlikeproductions is basically CNN tier.

Swastika is the symbol of god
Aryan literally means you are a noble person not an asocial degenerate

>But it was not to be. Alerted by a small group of disillusioned German scientists in Berlin, the Allies began a massive, yet secret blockade of the Antarctic, co-ordinated and led from a hidden naval base built established amongst the cliffs of New Zealand's South Island. The secret war of attrition and containment lasted for nearly 2 years, whilst the leaders of the free world fretted over the best way to defeat the resurgent threat. Hidden in their well protected Antarctic stronghold, with almost unlimited fuel, abundant minerals and hydroponically grown food, the Nazis would not be defeated by normal means and their military potential grew with each passing day.
> Finally, in 1947 a decision was reached. Atomic weapons would be used to enable an overwhelming and final land assault. The decision was not unanimous, as the true horror of their effects in Hiroshima and Nagasaki had become more widely appreciated. But, eventually, despite strong French objections, the ends were deemed to justify the means. As 1947's winter season in the southern hemisphere's drew to a close, the attack, codenamed Operation Highjump, began in earnest. A combined British, American and Soviet marine expeditionary force had assembled in the Falkland Islands, ready for the comparatively short hop to the Antarctic continent. A co-ordinated strike by ten separate 50 Kiloton air-launched atomic weapons was exploded over the possible sites of the Nazi base, fatally weakening the Reichskolonie's defences, destroying all electronics and exposing the damaged under-ice structures to more conventional attack.
> ...
> Thus it was, that one of the first acts of the newly formed United Nations Organisation was to prepare a comprehensive international Antarctic Treaty, placing the scorched and devastated Antarctic off limits to all but government meteorology scientists until the mid 21st century.
> ...

Were they, dare I say, /ourguys/?

>That is why there are so many flash frozen things like woolly mammoths in siberia.

There's a theory that those frozen woolly mammoths in Siberia (which are NOT ancient creatures, they're PERFECTLY PRESERVED and frozen SO SUDDENLY that they still have half-eaten plants in their mouths) actually come from the Inner Earth World but accidentally came out through the opening at the North Pole and died shortly afterward. I don't know what to believe. I keep an open mind. Anything is possible. Truth is truly stranger than fiction.

Well shit I'm probably some kind of degenerate. Will they reeducate me or am I fried? I like to think I'm mostly noble, but I bet you can't hide nothing from them, probably mind readers or some shit. Should I go to work tonight or are we all gonna die?

Thanks for the info, Deutschbro. This is legit fascinating.

Haven't you learned yet... reality is a joke and jokes are reality?
There is no truth.

I completely agree with you. 'Aryan' means 'noble' in Sanskrit.

So, instead of focusing on something plausable, like an unfrozen crashed UFO or some Andromeda strain-tier ET disease, Sup Forumstards go for the most outlandish retarded shit like hollow earth or super hi-tech nazi underground shambala memebases. What the fuck's wrong with you? This is why we can't have nice things.

Finally the fuehrer is back to cleanse the earth.

>Thousands of Nazi scientists disappear literally overnight once Germany is defeated.

This didn't make anyone suspicious apparently. Well maybe the US, so they sent an expedition
>The US sends Admiral Byrd to Antarctica after WW2 with 8 navy battleships
>Expedition is meant to last 8 months, is cancelled after barely 2 months
>Two ships sunk, Byrd sworn to secrecy, though he did say, "Beyond the South Pole exists a region of land the size of the US never before seen by man."
>Soldiers working with Byrd described disc-shaped aircrafts silently rising from the icy waters, zipping quietly between their ships, and demolishing them, before disappearing without a trace

And always remember Doenitz' quote
>"We are proud to have created an impregnable fortress---a Shangri-La beneath the ice, for our Fuhrer."

this thread here talked about hollow earth, nazis, antarctica and UFOs and how it fits all together. you might enjoy it


More retard-tier shit. air launched nukes have very little penetrative power and would do exactly jack shit against hundreds of meters of ice even if they magically discovered the exact location.

Notice how no air dropped nuke leaves any crater at all?

I really hope it's true. Bring back the Nazis please!

Pretty sure that's just krauts making a joke, a pretty kek worthy one at that

Nazis decided long before 1945 that its bullshit to conquer the world with force and violence like the (((jews))) did it so often before. They decided to conquer this world with their vision and the truth.

Pic related is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:

>Top Secret
>Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
>No 9

>The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctica which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

>In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

>The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

>The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

>As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

>The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
>The highest commander of the armed forces.

This is my favourite larp meme of all time. Detailed, complex, internally logical, and coherent. Tfw the reichstag will be rebuilt in your lifetime.


This document is clearly fake, for a very simple reason: It's written in fractured script, and that requires the use of the long s (that s that looks like an f). In german, when writing fractured script, you use the long s in all cases except at the end of the word or for an s that binds to words together. "Passieren" would clearly use a long s.
The use of fracture was commonplace into the 1940's, so it's extremely unlikely that any official document would systematically ignore the use of the long s.


Rumour has it that Mammoth Cave in Kentucky has an entrance in it somewhere that leads directly to the Inner Earth World/Agartha. Any Kentuckian anons here?

/x/ tier retarded shit. Hope you get a ban.

>Adolf Hitler hatte seine langfristigen Ziele schon 1934 auf dem Reichsparteitag verkündet:

>„Eure vermeintliche gotische Verinnerlichung passt schlecht in das Zeitalter von Stahl und Eisen, Glas und Beton, von Frauenschönheit und Männerkraft, von hochgehobenem Haupt und trotzigem Sinn … Unsere Sprache wird in hundert Jahren die europäische Sprache sein. Die Länder des Ostens, des Nordens wie des Westens werden, um sich mit uns verständigen zu können, unsere Sprache lernen. Die Voraussetzung dafür: An die Stelle der gotisch genannten Schrift tritt die Schrift, welche wir bisher die lateinische nannten […]“

>– Adolf Hitler

>Adolf Hitler announced his longterm goals already 1934 at the Reichsparteitag:

>"Your apparent gothic internalization fits badly into the age of steel and iron, glass and concrete, female beauty and male stretgh. from highborn pate and defiand mind ... In 100 years our language will be the european one. The countries of the est, the north, just like the west will, in order to communicate with us, learn our language. The Condition for this: Instead of the gothical called writing, we use the one we so far called the latin writing"

>-Adolf Hitler

Hitler didnt like the writing, so they started on changing it.

also 100 years arent over yet guys


not only that, German Uboote couldnt reach that depth.

Yes, iirc he also said it's a "Judenschrift" or something like that (jew script). I think it was finally abolished in like 1942 or somewhere around that time.
But still, IF it was used it would have been used right.

I feel like playing some X-COM:Terror From The Deep now.

Not true german uboote got a hollow wall they never talk about how deep it can get if you would fill the hollow wall

New Swabia is coming to save us from kikes.

Third Impact officially happening?

I just wanted to say Misato best girl.


Did all of the liberals' fearmongering accidently meme a huge nazi conspiracy into existance?

Holy shit, how much did (((J.J. Abrams))) know?

proofs on that claim?
what type of Uboot was used?

>german uboote got a hollow wall

Anyone believe what Max Spiers said? Everything he mentions makes 100% sense compared to what is happening in the world today

We make our own expedition and tell nobody about it.

>>Thousands of Nazi scientists disappear literally overnight once Germany is defeated.

They came to America and laid the groundwork for NASA and the cold war ICBMs.


>Max Spiers (d. 16 July 2016 Warsaw, Poland) was a British ufologist and conspiracy theorist who became well known in the conspiracy theory community following his death.[1][2] He believed in a wide variety of conspiracy theories and paranormal phenomena, including that he had been altered as a child to become a psychic "super-soldier".[1] and that he had superhuman abilities.

yea dude sounds totally legit and not crazy at all

I have some german school films from the 1930's and 40's on 16mm prints, some say RfdU (Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm), some say RWU (Reichsanstalt für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht). This name may be familiar to you if you were ever shown school films from the FWU, the RfdU and RWU's post-war successor. The logo even looks the same, but not the RfdU one, that one has just those very letters, in fractured script. The older RfdU ones also have titles written in fractured script, the films are all silent though and contents are pretty boring tbqh, most were re-issued after the war as FWU films.

One of the films that WASN'T reissued and isn't even listed on the FWU website is one were they remove the "Ohrlabyrinth" (however that's called in english, the part in your ear responsible for equilibrium) from animals and show the results. It's pretty cruel, which is probably why those films were removed from all listing.

There's also some X-Ray films (Röntgenfilm), these are kewl as fuck, they show X-Ray views of different body parts in motion. Poor schmuck must've gotten totally irradiated when shooting those.

Doesn't add anything to the discussion, but maybe you'd find this interesting.

Did you not look at the flag of the screencapped posts?

In all seriousness the only way to find out what's going on down there is not with a covert mission (you'll die) But with a very large, very public expedition so you don't go (((missing))) you have to be so visible they can't get you.

What did he say? Just read that he was killed by black goo or something.

He never claimed to be a super soldier. Listen to his interviews, I currently am right now before I checked Sup Forums.

It's fucking freaky. Even David Icke saying basically the same stuff


retarded site
no source
another stupid thread

Who cares dude, even if you die it was for the greater good


>the original source backing this up is a post on godlike productions

Seems legit.

You know what? I'm not doing this. If Antarctica is blowing up, there is literally nothing I can do about it. Fuck these bullshit /x/ threads

No. They create false conspiracy theories in order to discredit true conspiracy theories. No one actually thinks flat earth is true, but it enables people to compare holocaust deniers and 9/11 truthers fallaciously with flat earthers. This association of true history with false psy op under the umbrella of conspiracy theories is enough to discredit the truth in the minds of psychologically conditioned subjects who do not have the time/inclination to do their own research, and thus write it off prejudiciously.



Wait, fuck! Queen Maud Land is Norwegian clay? And our ownership is mainly due to a guy called "Adolf Hoel", which had connections to the Norwegian Nazi party.
How deep does this shit go? Perhaps our money doesn't come from oil at all?


Just to let you know there are 4 Chinese Navy vessels currently 150km NW of Davis Station. Something is up.