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Shitting in your own mouth is not so bad thing once you have tried it.

t.Shitter of things

Depends on your diet.


Righteous bump.

why do liberals always give up their money so easily.

Bump again for the world to see.

what's your endgame here croatia?

It's not theirs to begin with...

Called this as a hoax the moment I read it.

>eating where niggers work

>racist comments on receipts

Why the fuck aren't all people inherently dubious of these claims? I get that there are legit racists in this world, but no one is fucking walking around writing sentence-long diatribes attacking anyones race on a fucking receipt.

If real, it would just be a slur or two.

It would be pretty good revenge though to not tip a black waitress, since niggers themselves are the worst tippers.


Cause the fuckers got way too much and still have the gall to be pro-socialism.

because racism is bullshit and dems don't have anything else anymore

It's cool that niggers don't tip but when they're on the other side of the coin they expect godly tips for garbage service.

Niggers: Not Even Once.

Virtue signalling.

So if I pretend to be black on the internet. Make a fake Facebook and Twitter and success and live it for a week being all the stereo types of a black liberal. Then make up some event like this and demand money in charity (send to this address). Do you think I'll make some easy liberal bank?

Maby after I make the bank I can come over out with another fake account and call them out for being retarded racist.

What should we do about this epidemic of niggers not tipping?

They didn't work for their money so they don't appreciate its value.

>$0.01 tip
Now that's a nice "fuck you" to a shitty waitress.



lol, she looks so ugly


My wife and I both worked restaurant a lot growing up. Both waited tables, cooked etc.
Tipping a penny is a standard fuck you and we'll known in the industry
It is also well known that negros only tip when they think it makes them look good, same with the chinese
This guy should sue her, the restaurant and the NAACP (Niggers Against All Caucasian People) for defamation and slander

Who the fuck would've guessed this.

Didn't know the Chinese didn't tip either. Fuckers have all that money and still don't tip. We need to genocide the Chinks.

Not surprised.

Dindus actually miss the old days of segregation and racism because then they had something real to blame for their constant fuck-ups.

Cause liberals are bad at managing money

First job was waiting tables. You know when you fuck up and what to expect. I have got penny tips and no tips before, and I'm sure I deserved every single one.

Or America could just do what every sensible country does and pay its waiting staff the minimum wage and make tipping optional; if they're shit people will complain, and if they're exceptionally good people will tip extra

Chinese at about 50/50 actually. Half of them are literally the best tippers, and the other half don't tip well at all. Teens usually tip shit but sometimes tip like 50% because they dobt know what theyre doing. Hispanics tip around 10% most of the time. Indians are usually rude but leave standard tips. Blacks average between 0-10%. Average white men tip on average the best overall. For some reason, women of all races consistently tip less than their male counterparts.

>Why are people who act purely on emotion make bad choices?
The world my never know.

>Paying that bitch minimum wage (soon to be $15 an hour in some states)
>Expecting that to mean she'll have incentive to be a good waitress

It just doesn't work that way in African countries.

they need that money to gamble away

*draws swastika incorrectly in own handwriting*

If they aren't good the customers complain and they get sacked

It avoids overly polite fakeness too, which I find annoying

Am delivery boy and can confirm that the following tip little to none (and they order from the farthest possible point in our delivery zone in the most brutal weather):
Chinks (especially the females)
Jews (legit give up hope the moment I see a big ol Jew nose. They happily take their food and just shut the door, every fucking time)
Flamboyant homosexuals.
Gas them all

the virtue signalers that rush into shit like this just to scream "look at me, look how not racist i am" at the cost of throwing someone innocent under the bus need to be fucking punished.

No one even checked to see if she was lying before dog piling that "evil racist"

god damn shit like this pisses me off so much.

NWA is greart tho

Wait staff does get normal min wage. It is a lie that they don't. They must report their tips. If their tips do not make it up to normal min wage, they must by law have their boss make the difference. Wait staff in the US are paid at least min wage, and tipping is voluntary.

Either didnt work for it, or they're just immature and never learned the value of money.

I for one am happy when i see liberals throwing their money at stupid shit like this or Bernie's campaign, or when they study stupid shit like gender studies that leaves them with crippling student loan debt.
Less competition for me.

Then why the stupid tipping culture where people "MUST" tip?

Says the Trump voter

>Less competition for me.

And yet you still don't have a job. How is it working out for you?


>She's obviously bad at her job
>Still has a job
Really gets the noodle boiling

Don't forget:
For some reason, the amount of your bill determines your tip amount even though the waiter/waitress had absolutely nothing to do with the preparation of your food.

Ding the bell, I'll get up and get my own plate when it's ready and get my own refills. Thanks.

That wasn't my implication; more that the tipping culture's encouragement was that if you're bad at your job you get paid less

Good service should be expected and not need a reward as incentive

That would mean lower wages for servers. Even though women and minorities are cheap, servers still make pretty good money overall, especially if they work in restaurants that have expensive food. It's not a bad way to make a living.

They write down orders and take food to tables. They shouldn't be able to make lots of money. That's stupid.

Wait this is horsies work MFW?

When it's not your money it's easy to give it away. Once you start working, you really start seeing how hard it is to make money and how easy it is to lose money.

Canadians can't vote in the US

It's still a hard job, from what I hear. You're carrying a lot of stuff and speed-walking for 8 hours.

For the greater good, comrade.

>Or America could just do what every sensible country does and pay its waiting staff the minimum wage and make tipping optional

>There's actually people who would choose Rei over Asuka

Watch the fire rise

"Racism" is a bullshit commie concept made up by Trotsky as a weapon to attack the West. In-group preference is real and natural. People DO "racist" things like move out of neighborhoods that become non-white, but there's nothing wrong with that. But the kind of vitriol that we have become accustomed to as "racism" like the example above is not common. White people are usually polite, and if they aren't, it's rarely race motivating that behavior.

There are millions of black people who not only tip but they tip generously.

Your generalizing is a symptom of a low IQ.

Because incentives are a great way to get good polite service.

I don't see the issue with this.

Tipping circumvents high payroll tax for businesses, allowing them to hire more workers for better service overall, while keeping the food prices cheaper than if one were to force minimum wage upon employees with no incentives.

>everybody wins and everyone understands this in the US, but it's rarely thought about because it works so well

Instead of making 7.50 an hour and getting gouged with taxes, good sincere service at a restaurant nets you on average 20-50 dollars an hour in salary, while being forced to only pay the taxes on the paycheck that's given to you by the restaurant while the tips go down as quasi untaxable income.

I don't get why Europeans seem to blind to the tipping culture and see it as ridiculous.

There are plenty of low paid high stress/labour intensive jobs that don't get that same courtesy

Except the onus is on the customer to tip instead of having a structure where good service is expected as a minimum requirement and part of the price on the menu.

The way it is you'll always have some folks who jew out of tipping, or servers who feel entitled to said tips and cry if they don't get one

So why not tip your gardeners, builders, garbage men, hairdressers? Etc.

>They shouldn't be able to make lots of money.
How much money do you autists think a server makes? Jesus fuck. They top out around $15/hr all things considered unless they work at an exceedingly nice restaurant, in which case they do more than just bring your shit out.

These people aren't getting one over on the American public, they're shoveling food into the gaping maws of hundreds of idiots a day.

Who would do something as silly as that?

they do get minimum wage

But the point is that they can make lots of money for working hard, and it's cheaper on everybody to continue subsidizing your hard work from the boss all the way down to the customer.

>and of course the biggest bonus

Because most of your wage is given in tips and is exchanged face to face in cash, you are effectively working off the books and thus it is untaxable income.

If you've ever worked an entry level job before, from construction to moving or anything else, there are days you love when you get paid in cash which allow you to make more money due to not being added to your paycheck.

The boss doesn't have to pay for overtime and payroll tax, you don't have to pay for state and federal taxes on top of payroll tax fuckery, and you end up making 2.0 time instead of 1.5 in the end.

Paradoxically this is also cheaper.

this happened a few years ago with a waitress who wrote nigger on her receipt...she got money too...and I believe she was properly debunked too

We do. Are all of you eurocucks this stupid?

hahaha nice one shillbaggins

Who says I don't?

I give my garbage men a Christmas card with 500 dollars (100 for each lad) and they will pickup garbage and not make a fuss if it's heavy. My Jewish neighbors have gotten things left behind if things are just a bit out of regular trash regulation for the county, while they take anything. Besides, they get full benefits, make 25 dollars + an hour, and get a shit ton of overtime doing plow work which is easy as fuck.

If I ask the gardeners to do something, I pay them in cash.

I know how to fix and build things but was a construction worker when younger and know to do the right thing.

And you don't tip your barber?

>he doesn't understand how deep the tipping culture goes

Waiters are famous because their industry is built upon tipping, but we tip or pay in cash whenever possible to make things go smoother for everybody.

The thing is that everywhere else we expect good service as a minimum and if we get bad service it gets contested, it's quite hard to understand how deep it does go from that perspective

I'd totally do that if it weren't for the fact that...

>A). You subconsciously reaffirm them that whites tip well if you do tip, and cast doubt in their minds if you don't

>B). They'll bitch to their co-workers about not getting tipped, which will most likely result in you mistakenly being known as a cheapskate that no one will want to serve

>C). The fact that I've never been served by a nigger

I like how people complain about US tipping practices. In Canada the server gets paid at least minimum wage AND the customer tips. I haven't gone out in a while but last time I did I think the standard was something fucked like 20%

>Except the onus is on the customer to tip instead of having a structure where good service is expected as a minimum requirement and part of the price on the menu.
Tipping is only standard because good service is standard. Most provide a free appetizer for the table (with free refills if you finish it), complimentary icewater along with free refills on drinks, and they take all kinds of requests, instructions, and alterations to the menu. The main thing waiters do "wrong" in my experience is force you to wait if you want something from them. Standards are actually pretty high.

Thing is, waiters are paid minimum wage. They have to be, it's the minimum wage. What a lot of places do is pay the difference if they don't make enough in tips, so if they make more than their wage in one day they get paid nothing and pocket the tips. If they theoretically made nothing, they would get all of their wages. If they earned half of it, they would get paid the remaining half.

You do not have to tip. It is so common because the average restaurant will bend over backwards for you if you ask nicely. I don't know if this is also true in all of Europe. I'm sure it is to at least some degree, but restaurants in the USA are very comfy and decadent. Communists in universities don't understand any of this, so their rhetoric is confused and confusing; none of it is based in reality, everything that comes out of their mouths is completely insane. You can't rely on some half-baked protests and political movements to try and work out what living in the USA is like. Playing telephone with Marxists will just give you a child's view of things.

Let her keep the money and punish anyone dumb enough to fall for this modern nigerian prince scam.

No, we just don't live in a third world country where you have to bribe people to do their fucking jobs for which they're getting paid.

>there's actually people who would waifu a slut from a shit show


>tipping is an incentive to get good service
>most places include a fixed tip in the bill wether you like it or not and regardless of service quality
>if you don't tip pr to less than the standard amount you're an asshole, again, regardless of service quality

>American society is full of racism/soggyknees etc
>still have to make up shitty racism stories

Haven't they learnt how much this backfires yet? By the time someone is being actually racist no one is going to fucking care anymore.

who could have predicted this

>Not 3rd world
Pick one faggot

at least I don't need to bribe the waiter for him to do his job.

A fool and their money are easily parted.
Also checked


I don't pay them before hand to do something, therefore not a bribe. I tip based off level of service provided, therefore it's compensation. It's not rocket brain surgery science unless you're a retarded European.

I've been to burgerland many times, tipping is NOT optional, so don't come here with your bullshit story of tipping based on level of service.


Drain liberals of all their money on their dumb little pets who blow it on drugs.

A fool always deserves to be parted from their money.

Jesus christ

The average american is either fucking minted or really stupid

>name is Amanda
Pottery in motion. Hits the wall.

>tipping is NOT optional

lol. my friends live in a house and sometimes they have food delivered from the same business 3 times a day. they never tip. never.

businesses still deliver. the driver gets fucked over, but hey, sure beats leaving the house to go get food.

I guess if you're a poorfag who orders greasy takeout from some dirty chink you don't need to tip, but for the rest of us non-poorfags eating at decent restaurants it's a different story.

Sorry, didn't realize you were a trailer park redneck. Good day to you.

Down the memory hole with you, goy.
The story as originally told is more (((usefull)))

Yes haha down it goes

I feel like this has happened at least a couple times before.

You still didn't explain why tipping is necessary, you just tried to insult me. Lol

>my friends live in a house and sometimes they have food delivered from the same business 3 times a day. they never tip. never.
>businesses still deliver.
Someone's getting more than just pizza and chinese.

Not tipping your servers/delivery is a fast road to spit, pubes, or nut in your food.
Your friends are fucktards.