Huh...never thought about that

huh...never thought about that...


blacks are cancer and so are indians

sage this shit


Groid Positioning System

250 years after being brought to America, negroes still can't write or speak proper English.

Really makes you think...

And thought that they were in India...

So you're saying my car's gps killed my cat and not my shitty driving ?

He was a pretty shitty navigator then, weren't they aiming for india or some shit

>Later he lead his own voyage
>Got wealthy from pearls
>Tried to steal from the crown's 20%
>Died in prison

Blackness confirmed.

we wuz explorers n shit
They were too busy discovering the feel of fine leather on their backside to find new land.

Wait! Now I'm confused!

He's saying he wuz conquistadors and shieet

the navigator directs the ship in the direction the captain tells him

the captain decides where they go, the navigator tells where they are and which way they need to go, and the pilot makes it happen

its a team effort, but only one persons will matters

So a black guy fucked up and that's why they didn't get to India. Everything makes sense now.
If only we had a white guy navigating...

Because the mission is about the leader not the employed staff. You can't navigate shit without a boat and somebody saying, we should do this.

Not to mention with 20% white lineage I mean FFS African purple nigs are smarter

thanks for turning my sentence into 2 sentences with 3 commas

Vikings discovered America

>white exploration and colonialism destroyed the world
>those explorers were actually black
Wow, really makes you think how oppressive blacks can be

Kangz thread?

Uhh all the navigator had to do was figure out which way was north and keep sailing west

Not a hard task.

The black man plotted a course to India though

Criminally underrated

>Nigga see that over there, that little dipper lookin' thing in the sky? If it's not to the starboard side of the boat you let me know.


Can niggers ever speak properly?

You would know. Tell us.

What a hero, Eliot rogers is appeased