Why I voted Trump

Constantly, the elites and celebrities push this lie that the poor are against Trump, that he cheated to win, and it is painfully detached from reality. With that, a green text story...

> be 25, White, but came from a poor family out in the mountains
> developed Narcolepsy at 13, fucked over high school, wasn't diagnosed or treated until 24
> got an Associate's in Computer Engineering and went to a top university
> the Dean of Students screwed me and I had to pay $600 out of pocket to continue, thus has to drop out
> I filed for Obamacare on time as before but Health insurance was terminated in August because they lost my application
> work for a Fortune 500, UPS, doing hard labour but only make $10k/year, can barely find more work as it is nevermind with narcolepsy
> have tried to apply 4 times since then and they tell me "you're too poor for Obamacare, your state agency will contact you"
> NJ hasn't contacted me, called them up and they want me to travel an hour away and bring in shit I can't get from my deranged family
> can't even afford the gas to do that, or the fee to get my birth certificate, and I work everyday harder than most
> supervisor tells me today I'm expected to load a 30 lb package every 3 seconds, that while sweating in the cold (30 deg F), I'm not moving fast enough

If a liberal argues with me about Obamacare in person; I'm probably going to kill them. Just saying, this system is so... wrong. I'm disabled, I work hard, I can't afford health insurance and I'm shit out of luck. I thought Obamacare was about providing healthcare for all? Yet I have to slave an entire year for UPS just to get my medication and some level of normal function.

Nice blog.

I'd call it a perspective on how things actually are contrary to the elites/celebs/media pushing their lies. An anecdote, sure, but when you're receiving hundreds of anecdotes with a similar story, only an idiot wouldn't give them credit.

what do you think this place is, reddit?

>Associate's in Computer Engineering
please stop

>I had to pay $600 out of pocket to continue, thus has to drop out


If you can't cough up $600, borrow it or fuck a fat chick to get the money, you would have never succeeded anyway.

>I'm an abject failure in life, and btw Obamacare sucks lol

That's terrible user. Don't worry, Trump is going to Make America Great Again and people like you are going to get the help they need. I'll pray that things work out for you.

You need to prioritize. Fuck school for now. That's age independent for the most part. You need to get a large some of dosh going before you even think about school.

First step is to seek help. Go to a church and tell them your story and be completely honest. Ask for gas and dont get pissed if they turn you away.

Then, get those items from your family, whatever it takes.

Then, asess how many hours per week you are capable of working with your condition as it is right now. Calculate how much money you will make doing that and then calculate how long it will take to reach the next step.

Save 5k and keep it there and forget about it. At this point you can now safely think about switching to a higher income job.


You've obviously have never been poor.

Why is there a squirrel?

I was going to lambast you for whining about a labor job but I understand your pain. I used to work for UPS. I don't have too much advice for your life in general besides looking into an apprenticeship and working out, but for UPS you're gonna need to start taking ibuprofen with you to work, get a backbrace, and drink a fuck load more water than you are(I know you're not drinking enough you whiny postliberal)

>be 30 white
>developed properly as a child and recognized the pyramid scheme that is college
>work hard to get great union man job building america
>have contract that ensures 6 digit salary as long as you work a year
>globalists end industry in america
>globalists destroy american economy
>proceed to get 2 months of work a year
>get removed from unemployment statistics because you dont work enough
>media tells us unemployment is down and everything is great again
>make less than 10k a year when you should be making 10x that
>bruh why aint u having kids and running businesses

I'm essentially doing the same thing as you now, carpenters union test is in 2 weeks; any advice for me

That's a chipmunk. Fucking city folk...

>Your head will never be where the squirrel's head is

i dont wanna misdirect you or fuck your game plan up

but if i had a kid i would tell him to emulate liberals and get a job through college/ paid for by someone else. the system is designed to prevent people like us from succeeding. then to reveal his power level once he had enough money to live comfortably

if i was you i would recommend using the carpenters union a a stepping stone into a non slave union. carpenters are typically barely a union. get into something more skilled with a smaller pool of workers. once you are on the job talk to the smallest crew on site- thats probably the trade you should move on to. itl be something like elevator or pipe trades, op engineer. carpenters are literally mexicans youll be paid by the board and replaced. the average carpenter survives long enough to enjoy TWO years of retirement.

the drive sucks too. good luck brother

>shitty healthcare can't even recognize narcolepsy
LMFAO Burgers are you even trying? Even poor serbians or turkroaches have a better system than you do.

>be me
>live in Europe

thank you man, I'm 20 so I'm just trying to figure out a plan for getting a place to live/food to eat reliably hahahah. May I ask what your line of work is?

Obamacare is set up to control.

pipe trades fire protection

so you don't make more than 10k, user you know you automatically qualify for medicaid. AKA Free medical insurance. oh wait you voted for the Donald. i take that back you just lost your insurance. lol just kidding your still too poor and therefore you qualify for foodstamps too. its all online too. you don't have to drive an hour. oh and take the buss.