Why can't white people define racism?

Why can't white people define racism?

Why do liberals recognize systemic racism but not personal?

What did you mean by this? Are you referring to people of all races being racist toward each other and liberals not recognizing that?

Racism is racial prejudice.

Any other words need defining?

Racism is to say that other races are better than others, or calling other races worse than others

You know, like saying a certain race is unable to define a certain word

The belief that one race is superior to another. Dictionary definition. Nothing to do with bullshit microaggressions and internalized oppression

Because it can't be quantified. The closest things to actual numbers ((academics)) give for evidence of institutional racism are stuff like crime stats, which is bullshit because it's an indirect measurement and I never see them convincingly rule out the idea that maybe blacks and spics are more prone to crime than whites.

It's pure feels dressed in an academic veneer to give it legitimacy, and does nothing but cause people of differing racial groups to be unnecessarily paranoid of each other.

He's talking about liberals not recognizing racism towards whites


2 dumb

>welfare shouldn't be given to illegal aliens
>eyo les attack sum cracker snd almost drown he ass. FUCK WHITEY AN SHIIIIIIEEEET
>if (((we))) white people weren't so systemically racist these 18 year old black children wouldn't have attacked this 18 year old white man.

Why can't black people just get job's and stop stealing?

internalized oppression

maybe because the definition changes, just like how first it was 'negro' then it was 'colored' then it was 'Black' then it was 'African American' then even that was called racist and now everything is racist.

Racism used to mean 'slavery'
Then racism meant 'not serving coffee to a black person.
Then racism meant 'not hiring blacks for a job.'
Then racism meant 'not hiring unqualified blacks for a job.'
Then racism became 'blacks don't have enough Hollywood movies.'
Then racism became, 'citing FBI crime statistics.'

So yeah, fuck you.

said OP while themselves being rasict.
>a fokin leaf

Because the whole concept is a jewish trick.

Why can't liberals stick to the actual definition? White people are always considered the racists despite black-on-white crime being much more prevalent, and they always deny it because of some bullshit power fallacy. These are the same people that deny white people are being genocided in South Africa and it's impossible to be racist towards them, even though they have zero political power now.

It's the Marxist principle that people assign worth to other people based on race, systematically pressuring them into what becomes a distinct economic class. The theory is that awareness of race is the only thing causing black people to be poor, since you force them to be what you believe they are "supposed" to be (i.e. blacks are perceived as incompetent, so you are more likely to fire one for a mistake). It follows that eliminating these beliefs would also eliminate economic inequality, which is of course the only reason blacks are less intelligent, less educated, more criminal, and engage in more risky behavior.

OK, I defined it. Your premise is wrong because it assumes inequality is man-made but provides no evidence, it's just a vague hypothesis. Since at least 70% of IQ is inherited and school performance closely matches your biological parents (as opposed to adopted), biology is going to have a much greater impact on your personality and finances. Fuck you by the way for making me type that out. I'm sure someone will read that first half as my opinion and snap at me. Please no bully.


You clearly didn't listen to MTV. :^)

Also prejudice isn't bad. It isn't grate but can save your life. Pros outweight the cons.

This movie gon' win big at tha nex' Oscars

Bingo bango.

BY LAW: You are supposed to say, "white people do it too!" to which I'm supposed to automatically reply, "OH! I See....well... in that case, carry on raping and stealing niggers. I am SO SO sorry. Here, take my EBT card too....oh wait....I guess I don't need adult supervision to survive.."

it means: gives me dat!