/hhh/ — Hoppe General: "Day of the Removal" Edition

Let's discuss Hans-Hermann Hoppe, anarcho-capitalism, private property rights and chauvinistic, anti-democratic, patrician social orders.





>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993; 2006 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/Economics and Ethics of Private Property Studies in Political Economy and Philosophy_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (2015)
mises.org/system/tdf/A Short History of Man — Progress and Decline.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Democracy—The God That Failed (2001)

>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (1988; 2010 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, A_4.pdf?file=1&type=document

>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy (2014)
mises.org/system/tdf/From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy_Hoppe_Text 2014.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (2003)
mises.org/system/tdf/Myth of National Defense, The Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>The Private Production of Defense (1998; 2006 edition)
mises.org/system/tdf/The Private Production of Defense_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995)
mises.org/system/tdf/Economic Science and the Austrian Method_3.pdf?file=1&type=document

>What Must Be Done (2009)
mises.org/system/tdf/What Must Be Done_7.pdf?file=1&type=document

Other urls found in this thread:


>Who is Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
Hoppe is an anarcho-capitalist philosopher and Austrian School economist. He is known for having "discovered" the a priori link between democracy and de-civilization, arguing that the transition from monarchy to democracy after WWI was in fact an enormous mistake. He is also the "Physical Removal Man" and argues that anarcho-capitalism (the logical end of libertarianism) would invariably decrease the degeneracy and "abnormal behavior" in society.

>Austrian School, eh? So he's one of the (((chosen)))?
Nope. His writings have drawn from St. Thomas Aquinas, the Scholastics, and he himself praises Christianity for the role it had in establishing somewhat successful universal ethics under monarchy and throughout Western Civilization in general.

>Is he the "libertarian fascist" I keep reading about?
Hoppe is not a fascist. Fascism implies statism and statism implies economic/cultural control. Hoppe simply argues that a stateless society would end up culturally conservative because families and traditional ways of life are as a matter of fact better suited for human advancement, the protection of private property, and for lowering time preferences and crime rates.

>How does he reconcile anarcho-capitalism with cultural conservatism?
Anarcho-capitalism implies there won't be a state to subsidize degenerates. This implies that degenerates will either have to pay the full price of their degeneracy or try to socialize it by imposing the costs on society. However, this society operates under a profit-and-loss structure, and the more degenerates there are, the harder it is for healthy social behavior to prosper and for economic activity to exist peacefully. Hence, degenerates (alcoholics, drug addicts, single parents, beggars, vagrants, criminals, etc.) would be literally forced to choose: "either change your ways or be thrown off the property whose value you are diminishing."

>And what to do about the rich homosexual, or the celebrity alcoholic, or the left-wing real estate developer?
Under anarcho-capitalism, all property is private. This implies that several property owners could form alliances and merge properties ("covenants"), in which the path to admission would be as loose or as restricted as they saw fit. There would be exclusively-white covenants, exclusively-black covenants, exclusively-Hindu covenants, you get the whole picture. There are 7 billion people on Earth; the chances you wouldn't find a relatively large group of similar-minded people with which to live peacefully is almost zero.

>When do we get to physically remove democrats and communists?
When they try to forecefully impose their ways of life onto you or your tenants. Other than that, the phyiscal removal of everyday street criminals from civilized society and onto "open frontiers" would be almost-daily events, until criminality itself dwindled.

Bump for physical removal


sup germanbro

physical removal is nigh

>tfw i will never physically remove the degenerates

You will, son. You will. Remember, Menos Marx, Mais Mises.


Doing good, Portobro

Commies BTFO

how can one man be so great?

bump for freedom and physical removal


fucking saved nice OC

Currently in the process on redpilling my left-libertarian/ancap friend on Hoppe and Physical Removal. He's already halfway there. A week ago he sounded like kokesh, now he's talking about how commies are totally incompatible with a free society.

God I fucking love based Hopper.

Can't mop the Hoppe!
Can't flop the Hoppe!
Can't top the Hoppe!
Can't pop the Hoppe!
Can't stop the Hoppe!
Can't drop the Hoppe!

What books did you show him?

Keep it up user



good good
the memes of productions will soon be all privatised


I'm very sympathetic to this approach.

I don't get a few points:

1) Who would take care of the public services (water, sewage, roads)?

2) Who would physically remove criminals? I assume an an cap society has no such thing as police/courts.

It doesn't get more based than Hans-Hermann "physical removal of leftists" Hoppe.

>austrian economics
>civilization based on private property and family
>aristocratic ideal of natural order
>anti globalist establishment

A) Private firms
B) Me, you, or anybody. It would be fun!

Bump for the newfags that haven't read the opera omnia of HHH.

private security or yourself

1) Private firms
2) Private firms

Of course it has police and courts, they're just privatized.

Finally a libertarian general. Libertarian fascist here ready to physically remove communists.

None actually. It's all been through discussion. I redpilled him on Ancap in general pretty easily once he started his own business. Ever since then, when we talk politics/economics I've just been introducing him to Hoppe's arguments.

Shit's powerful yo


AnCap noob question here. Why are all the ancap memeball memes about owning slaves when the only thing that can't be owned in an ancap society is people?

Noice. I've done this with one guy friend, and to another girl friend. Although she has been harder to red pill because she's a Humanities student, a multiculturalist, refugees welcome, etc. Typical cuck but I've red pilled her on the media, on Trump, on BLM, on the Democratic Party, and will try Hoppe soon.

It's incredible how easily some people are persuaded.

you own yourself, and you can sell yourself to become a slave if you want to. The ancap memes are just memes.

Meaning we believe in a united libertarian nation and we become what we must to secure it. Even if it means taking away rights of those who seek to take away rights of property and freedoms of individuals and do harm to the nation.

1)Commies strawmen
2) David Friedman thinks that it's ok to have slaves if the guy consent tho which is very debatable because many AnCaps (because of Rothbard's philosophy) are very strict with their natural law interpretation

Because those people are just stupid meme artists who haven't bothered to read Hoppe, Mises, Rothbard, etc. and think AnCap is Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. You can only become a slave in ancap society if you have been convicted of murder. In that case, the heir/trustee of the person who you murdered can own your body in perpetuity because you took away your victim's ultimate right to self-ownership. And since punishment is proportionate, murder means permanent enslavement (or murder, torture, anything) for the murderer.

How do you preserve racial purity is a such a society? Can you remove anyone with negro, cigan, judeosemitic, mongoloid and Arabic blood pollution?

Sup Forums should embrace him already

in ancapland it would be more a united corporation of convenants who practises discrimination with X race,but I would have no probs if you don't send your blacks shirts at me

Yes. You can form covenants (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covenant_(law)) with like-minded people and establish certain rules and norms of conduct inside that property. Think American pre-1965 but instead of government-enforced segregation, you have voluntary segregation or integration.

No, but they will stay in their own covenant. People who are dependant on a welfare state won't be able to procreate for long, so the problem solves itself in a nonviolent way

>but I would have no probs if you don't send your blacks shirts at me
I won't since we believe in the NAP if you were a communist, socialist, or Marxist that would be very different.

It's not about high quality stock either. It's about preserving it from foreign racial influence. Us staying us. Why can't society just ban non-pure Europeans for the greater good? Paleocentric night guard if you will

sure it's explain itself why

>American pre-1965
Results of multiracial prohibition

>Portugal praising Hoppe
Are w-we going to make it?

What stops private police forces calling people they don't like commies and executing them?

Indeed it is. The best was hitting him with Argumentation Ethics. I could hear it click in his head, and all of a sudden his disdain for moral relativism began to grow...

People don't usually buy services from sellers who randomly murder people without cause.

What are you implying?

Yes, yes we will Juan.

Who decides that? A government which won't exist?

You yourself can decide who's allowed on your private property. If your part of a covenant you can come to term who's allowed in your covenant and who isn't.

Argumentation ethics is a fantastic red pill.


You let races cohabit and you kill the superiority r race. You would know, you are from Portugal
Government that won't exist? Won't ever happen. Minimal government that secures police, army and racial laws is your best hope. Say it as someone who helps fellow Germans, Swissmen, Austrians with tax evasion and money laundering. I take refined pleasure in a fact that my actions inderectly ruin Hartz IV nigger life

I should be mad at you Ivan for saying the superior race was eliminated from Portugal, but you help with tax evasion and money laundering so you're alright. Our bad hombres stay in Porto and Lisbon, the rest of the country is safe.

Also, as I said, covenants ensure complete voluntary association or dissociation, so racial cohabitation would be as loose or as restricted as individual property owners in covenants and specific geographical areas deemed better.

Agreed, it shook me out of a more nihilistic mind set.

Can't stop the Hoppe

I will find you and I will marry you, galego.



T-thanks, Pedro.

fucking Hoppe threads are back. Not even mad.





So people are too stupid and you need merciless eugenics and racial laws to prevent them from fucking up the greater good. 10 octoroon girls can kill off Latvians genetically over 200 years, if bed there and allowed to stay.

Mantra? Who said there won't be covenants and corporations that shill same degenerate dysgenic crap 24/7


>Who said there won't be covenants and corporations that shill same degenerate dysgenic crap 24/7
because it's counter productive and it's fall into a welfare state Ivan

>Who said there won't be covenants and corporations that shill same degenerate dysgenic crap 24/7
Those corporations only do that because their workers/patrons were educated in state-approved schools which impinge multiculturalism and egalitarianism. Remove the state from the equation (or at least return to absolute monarchy) and those problems fade away.


I witnessed to many times how corporations and companies cancel profitable things, because of ideology.

Pic related. The game is on, money are in

Race of mongrel consumers without identity is profitable end game

>Not being a Hoppean Libertarian

Stop forcing the Hoppe meme, read Evola, Guenon, and Dugin's 4PT

If we remain in the present conditions we will be destroyed even faster because our conuntries don't allow the right to discriminate and to admit or exclude whomever we want on our property. If we privatize everything we can save Western civilization or at least have "pockets" of it that survive because those property owners were intelligent enough not to fall for the egalitarianism meme.

400hours in paint

>a conferation of nations who impose by force their agenda and who use FIAT system currency and technocratic bullshit while allowing debt-slaves country to join in it
>a representation of an ebil company

I've read Guenon and Evola. Pseudo-philosophical hysterical crap with no real application for the modern world or for economics. Also, Guenón converted to Islam. fuck him.

Should have titled it hoppe-sanglasses kek. saved.

I don't care for civilisation as long as remaining pure ethnic groups go extinct. I can't peacefully share a country with some people whose ancestors were racemixers or nigger fuckers. Even 1000 years ago. It's still disgusting. Liberatianism without paloe movement will be a mongrel party based around ideological purity memes and debates (it already is lol)

haha just thought the same when I posted it

Oh, ok...

>Norway and Switzerland are out of the EU
>look how no subhumans leave there
Yeah gold standard will solve the ethnic preservations

a LSD consumer who has the most autistic interpretation of the world
unironically a muslim
a chinlet who grew a beard for looking like rasputin and support Zimbabwe

dude you totally convinced me

What do you mean "share" a country? It's all privatized, you won't have to share anything with anyone you dislike.

Yeah, no.

Actually central banks like the FED also play a big role in moral degeneration.

>basing your world view around economics

How incredibly Jewish of you

There are ethnic boundaries of traditional and historic settlement, that such an order would kill. Just look at Swiss - locals vote and who to receive citizenship and now there is a subhuman tamil, descendant of untouchables, LARPing as Swissman and warning of the Africanisation of Ch. hilarious

So, I am kind of new when it comes to libertarianism in general, but how do you know that any form of it or ancap wouldn't result in corporations getting massive power due to absolutely zero regulation by the state?

No, they will lose their monopoly, once the government ceases to exist

I never said I based my world view on economics.

Make new ethnic boundaries. Also, Hoppe commends the Swiss system and indeed says we ought to strive for a world of tens of thousands of Switzerlands, Liechensteins, Monacos, etc.

Free competition into every line of production, consumer watchdogs, privately-funded regulatory agencies and courts.

Corporations are created by government. It's a means of limiting liability, which won't work without a state to enforce said limited liability.

See? Subhumans are allowed as long as they are BASED
They sometimes do, but there is a real plot and real goal of global Brazil with federal EU police state and Washington run Americas
They will.

Oh look. It's TRS invading again. Didn't you learn last time?

>new ethnic boundries
See, another genocide under fiscal ideological pretext. State banning entrance for impures is not a threat to your beta right to marry a subhuman chink and pollute our gene pool

I like how you conveniently place yourself on the non-subhuman caste Ivan :^)

You will have to be physically removed again. Looks like the NAP won't do it for you.

ITT: pedophiles and dope fiends


Moron. Physically removed, too.

>muh can't save society shit's fucked let's ride tigers

Really not an argument. I'm just letting everyone know this is a TRS thread.

Not everything is an argument.