UN report: Automation will destroy the third world

Robots Will Replace Two-Thirds of All Workers in the Developing World

>Not only will 75% of jobs go to automation, the developing world may also see swaths of companies leaving their shores and returning to developed nations, as labor will be less of a factor for industry.

>The report explains, “The increased use of robots in developed countries risks eroding the traditional labor-cost advantage of developing countries.” It cites another report from the World Bank that states, “The share of occupations that could experience significant automation is actually higher in developing countries than in more advanced ones, where many of these jobs have already disappeared.”

>In short, this means that low-skill jobs in developing countries are more vulnerable, as these jobs could rather easily be done by robots, robots which would replace human low-skill labor in these countries. This translates to some staggering numbers: Two-thirds of all jobs in developing countries might be lost to automation.

>The report continues by stating that automation could cause economic activity, like the manufacturing industry, to be reshored to developed countries from developing ones. If you aren’t familiar with this term, “reshoring” is the act of bringing back domestic manufacturing to a country. It is already happening today, but according to the report, it’s happening at a slow pace.

>In the future, as automation continues to scale in the developing world, this rate will likely change dramatically.

>This, of course, brings up a host of issues. How do we alleviate the impact that the robots/automation have on the developing world? How do we protect human workers and our economy from automation?

>According to the report, “outcomes will be shaped by policies.” In other words, nations need to start planning for the inevitability of automation and job loss now.

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>How do we protect human workers and our economy from automation?



Automation will destroy only workers of developed nations because workers in developed nations are already getting paid 2.5x as much as average worker in eastern europe.
First off workers in US will bite the bullet - then western europe and if not it's gonna be regulated most probably anyways

>automate robot farms that grow corn
>automate machine gun turrets on the towers protecting said farm
maybe third world shitholes will finally get the food out of the ground that they've failed to grow by hand. Not that they deserve anything to eat from their robo-overlords

> tfw i'm an automation engineer

Adapt to survive. Find a job that cannot be automated.

Robot troubleshooting and repair, for example.

wtf I love automation now

I fail to see how that is our problem. I'm sick of the west being held accountable for the shitty conditions of third world hell holes. Maybe if they get off their asses and develop their own industries that don't involve selling bootleg clothes to tourists they might improve their situations.

Oh that's right, they can't. Shitskins will never amount to anything and serve only as an anchor holding humanity back.

That's exactly what I do user. The reason industry is returning to the west os they simply can't find people skilled enough to fault find automated process in the local populations.

>Tfw study to be a pharmacist

How fucked am I?

Europe better start building a Wall. It'll be them who'll have to deal with the millions of jobless shitskins. This is like the fall of Rome all over again..


I have bad news user

I'd suggest any pharmacist who doesn't own his own business to start enrolling into after hours uni courses as a back up.

Niggers and kebabs don't have factories, they don't produce anything.

china btfo


Kind of fucked. The routine aspects of your job such as pill-counting and drug interactions, etc. will be eliminated, and probably a lot of jobs in the industry along with it. The role of pharmacist will likely pivot to focus more on the interpersonal aspects of the job.

I just hope when the teeming hordes demand handouts the terms of free shit are permanent and non-reversible birth control

>How do we protect human workers and our economy from automation?

>Through lower birth rates and a smaller pool of highly skilled, highly qualified workers able to design, manufacture and service robotics industries.

Automation and over population have been known about in the west since the 1950's which is why we have a declining population. What we don't need is millions of unskilled uneducated migrants.


im a machinist so I will always be wanted, someone has to program the robots, or make the parts for the robots.

It's sad though, I guess people will just receive a check in 1st world nations, dont even wanna know what's in store for 3rd worlders. Think about it, the government would love this too, you don't listen or follow our rules, no check for you.

We all thought innovation would help us, but when everyones trying to make money out of thin air, im sure there is a shortage of that too.


>tfw the year is 2200 and the machines have enslaved the Africans to serve as maintenance drones and sources of valuable amino acids

The wall can't be built fast enough

i wonder if automation will come in the next 2-3 years and ubi comes out.
>demmies want ww3
>we avoid it and bankers tell demmies to fuck off
>now bankers want automation too avoid it and lose no shekels by replacing workers

The developed nations are the ones with actual money, infrastructure, stability, etc.

The robots are cheaper than 3rd world labor, and robots in the country are cheaper than 3rd world factories + shipping goods across half the planet.


Unless we are willing to kill them they are going to come to our countries

It's going to become extremely, painfully obvious over the next 30 years that mass immigration was a massive fucking mistake.

The "enlightened, educated, elites" thought they could save money by importing the 3rd world into the 1st world, saving costs on wages AND shipping.

Instead they got destabilized societies, massive political shifts, and changes in industry that actually incentivize smaller, not larger, populations in the 1st world. Our "leaders" are so inept it's incredible.

>TFW ChemE going for PhD in chemical self-assembly and automating operations

Get ready Paco.

Good thing a wall's getting built.

North America benefits massively from the oceans isolating the continent, so the only real issue is mexico and south america.

hue monster

WTF? I love robots now.

This is fucking stupid. The free market will take care of it, like it always has. Jobs WILL spring up. I don't know what those jobs are -- nobody does, but they'll come.

cut off support to the third world. no immigration. no aid.
one or two child per family restriction everywhere else.

I'm kinda' curious as to how the world will handle this.

The more jobs the machines take over, the less we theoretically have to work as a species.

This will mean either A, our species suddenly gets really selective about who gets to enjoy this new machine-driven world where there are suddenly way less people who can actually contribute, or B, the concept of the everyman worker is abolished, and 99% of mankind just live and play while the robots do all the work.


I'm taking the bait
No it won't I dont think we are going to collapse but there will be chronic unemployment with automation

This. We are going through a rough period right now, but if we finally get our shit together and kick out everyone who doesn't belong here we are in the best possible position for the changes that are about to come.

They always fuck it up because they get greedy. You could give them everything they could ask for and yet they'd still be unsatisfied and try to find some retarded way to get even more.

The idea of having a leisure filled society and less wage-labour was always the end goal of automation. Overpopulation complicated this because populations kept increasing despite the decreasing need for more workers. The real formula is while populations decrease, automation increases. We need less, higher skilled people, not a shitload of disposable people.
This is why countries like Japan are experiencing population declines. Sure, there's also the fact that they don't want to fuck which has been beneficial, but they have a highly automated society. They require less people in general. The whole Japan is in danger of population decline bullshit is just a pretext to have them import migrants.

its bullshit. Robots cost literally millions of dolalrs and only limited type of work is done by them. Im tired of this bullshit. Did anyone of you fuckers been to a factory?

t. industrial engeenener

Will finance still be a viable career choice?

I keep on saying it
Ai Vs ubermench is the future bb
Eventually they'll be pretty smart, self repairing and upgrading, errthing

>t. industrial engeenener
>can't spell engineer

In a few years most or all trucking in the US will be automated and self-driving.




I don't understand the picture. What's wrong with moving day?

Okay so basically, here's the problem:

Certain elements of society do not want to relinquish control or social standing. The scarcity of resources is part of how they maintain their control and social standing.

Once you remove that scarcity, they're not much different from the rest of us, and they won't like that.

So we won't see any effective changes that aren't basically authoritarian/totalitarian boots oppressing the everyman, not because of any scarcity of resources, or energy, or production, or labor, but because some people don't want to lose control over other people and need to reinforce their position of control through violence.

As a species we really do not have any serious limits on resources - energy from the sun is effectively unlimited, material resources from the solar system (nevermind the earth) are effectively unlimited. The only thing limited right now is labor - and that's changing as we develop automation. We could easily support a population of 900 billion people over the next few thousand years, not a mere 9 billion. The energy and resources and labor EXIST.

The only thing standing in the way of a global golden age are the elites whose positions of power are threatened by the massive democratization of energy and resources.

>cannot even spell engineer

also check how drug development is done nowadays. you can automate just about anything that doesn't require intuition. which means all the low skilled labor is fucked.

Our entire social-economic structure will changed drastically once automation exists.
The left will at least have a better argument for a welfare state once basic income becomes necessary due to such high unemployment.

Maybe they will stop having so many fucking children then


This automation meme is replacing the global warming meme

The solutions are the same. Socialism, redistribution, high taxation, big government, etc.

It's just another marxist scam. Automation will only do good for the third world, and everyone, actually.

the real crisis that needs to be addressed is the low average IQ in the third world. Genius sperm banks stocked with imported sperm can fix this problem rather well, over time.

Nie kłam Pawle

Protip: They won't :^).


'm majoring in Computer Science and I'm planning to go to law school.

Will automation find a way to fuck me over?

>mfw mechatronic engineer

Fuck the third world. Not our responsibility. Take care of the millions of workers that will be displaced here in our borders as a result of automation (and outsourcing, which the US did nothing about because they were too busy sucking globalist cock)

It's funny how people are afraid of automation when in reality it's not going to happen as widespread as people make it out to believe. People vote with their dollars and if enough people boycott companies that replace workers with machinery they will sure to see an instant to long-term drop in capital.

How much of being attorney is filling in forms and finding applicable case law? Surely a lot of them will be replaced by software and when AI is more advanced.

India/Indonesia/China/Middle East are all on population plateaus.

The only area in the world still massively increasing in population is Africa.

>People vote with their dollars and if enough people boycott companies that replace workers with machinery

Almost like how people will boycott companies that made products in China huh

>our soon to be robot masters kill off all the niggers, jews, and mudslimes and makes the world fantastic for the white race
How exactly is this a problem?

remember to STEM, or medicine or law, kids. And remember to teach your kids to STEM, or medicine or law.

>China literally is trying to buy all EU and US high tech companies
>Cucks in brussels do nothing
>China wants to wipe out millions of chinise man to keep social peace
>China is expansionist
>China wants war
>Automation refugees
>Climatic refugees
>Jews jewing from inside
>Isliam being Isliam
>Social subversion

We have to fight on all fronts

Just give me a my UBI check so I can get drunk all day and buy these automatically manufactured dodads

>foreigners must have perfect engrish

Libfags know overpriced Apple runs plants that explode their aluminum workers, and drive others to suicide. Not a fuck given.


Libfags know Volkswagen fudged their emission numbers, and are made by literal Nazis. Not a fuck given.

>liberals will defend legitimate full on slavery if it puts their shekels in danger
And thus, the jew shows his true colors.
Its already happening, just look at California, and how they want to "raise the minimum wage" while denying payments to their illegal Mexican migrant hordes, and autsitically screech at trump when he takes away their slaves.


Ok so when you guys say automation is coming, when is "coming"? 5 years? 10, 20 ? 50?? When?

It's already happening.

negative 100+

its already here!
Look at Norway
Look at our ports

Last time I went to a pharmacy the only time you see a pharmacist is get some explanation about the medication.

automation is a continuous process, the worrying point is when we get to 20%-15% of the population worldwide in constant unemployment between those that got kicked out of their job and the few that find a place in a shrinking labor force.

Since automation is subjected to market forces, and hence pure efficiency, its exponential, once you get to that point of 15-20% constant unemployment you can say that automation is here and the time to do something about it is long past.

We have a welfare system based around 1960s idea of work and retirement, you can bet that we won't be ready and we society goes one way and politics the other chaos ensues.


This video pretty much covers the whole topic.

The based nips were way ahead of the game when it comes to robots. Best weapon to fight again muh need for migrant labour

Every single day we become more and more fucked.

We are currently in that 15-20% phase. Most "jobs" are part-time and in the service industry. I'd say half of my generation don't have actual careers, just dead-end nothing as bartenders, waitresses, and sandwich artists.

We're moving towards 30-40% unemployment now, and pretty soon even the moderately productive people in previous generations are going to be getting shitcanned.

Society cannot operate like this anymore. We need fundamental changes to the economic system and they are not forthcoming and probably will not be forthcoming until we're reduced to literal civil wars and disaster.

The old problems will only get worse, chielfy how capital will only get more and more concentrated in those running the business and their shareholders.

That's half the reason why Silicon Valley types are pushing quietly for UBI, by laying all employee contributions solely on the state and none on their own, they're free to do whatever the fuck to their workerbase

>swaths of companies leaving their shores and returning to developed nations

So what's the problem?

>We are currently in that 15-20% phase

To be fair we just went through a huge economic global crisis of the financial sector, that not only blocked any economic activity for several years but managed to hurt banks.

Without banks society lost one of its main agents of social movility for long term capital investment, and now banks have to prove again that they can fill that role and do it in a way we can trust, which will require several years and as long this situation persist economic recovery will be much slower.

3rd world is already destroyed and they had NO BUSINESS growing their populations to such unsustainable heights.

Did they think that river of wealth would just keep flowin?

What will they give to the nations they return to?

Jobs? Some but far less than hoped for, and growing fewer

Taxes? Some, but not much with "business friendly" rates, income tax is declined as fewer workers are employed by the company. And this is assuming they don't engage in tax dodging shenanigans

you could use a robot to help you with your spelling.

Ah but you see when the third world crashes and burns and everyone is dead its the developed nations who will move in and have all new frontiers to explore.

>third world crashes and burns and everyone is dead
And the loads of refugees are displaced and the ecosystem is fucked and the trade is buggered and the logisitics are screwed etc etc

I'd love it if this meme of "dude just blow up the third world lmao" stopped

This is why there is a massive push for automation:


>displaced refugees

But how are they getting past the robot border guards?

Banks can't provide it and never have.

They're based on usurious systems of debt and ultimately represent an economic ponzi scheme the relies on there being more people born tomorrow than there were today. The current banking systems are unsustainable scams.

This just means the developing world will finally have a financial incentive to finish development.

When all the foreign companies pull out of the third world it's gonna mean the third world can't afford to import anything anymore, which means they'll turn to domestic sources for everything, which in turn will provide opportunities for domestic buisness, which will cause them to develop.

It's like you guys don't even know that "developing" countries are really just the lower down on the totem pole countries which are fucked by being on the wrong side of import/export.

ah but what if the robots start fixing themselves?

most of the expense nowadays of goods is the cost of shipping. Automation will allow for goods to be produced cheap domestically and save the shipping cost. Where do the goods get sent? To the markets of the first world nations who will now be producing their own shit via robots in their own backyard.
Automation is going to fuck the 3rd world and force them to develop on their own as the role they played in the globalist world is no longer needed

These people mostly live day to day. We only have to stop sending food and they will be basically physically unable to walk to Europe

I heard adidas is considering to produce in Germany again fully automated and they are going to stop production in South East Asia.