Why is This Allowed?

wow so beautiful
so pretty today

That's sad

>She is beautiful without makeup

Those YouTube comments always crack me up

>Covering my birth mark

Birth mark!? Looks like an acid attack victim,
I feel very sorry for her.

Did she take the Bogpill?

That's no birthmark, that's a disease

You don't have to call her beautiful but you should NEVER call someone like that ugly. You shouldn't call anyone ugly period. It's such a cowardly and petty insult.

Imagine having lived the first 40 years of your life without this and then you slip on a patch of ice and you have this forever.

Obvious virtue signaling everywhere kek

At a certain point you are just pointing out the blatantly obvious. I would have already offed myself. Sucks to be her but nature is a cruel bitch.

She seems like a nice lady, and I wish I had half the spirit for life that she does.

The one person I would encourage to convert to Islam.

At least she's trying.

What are you even doing here you empathetic sack of literal shit? People like that are not ugly, I agree with you. They're worse than just that. They're abhorrent, and this should be said everyday to their repugnant faces, until they end their misery.

Looks dreadful either way. Poor woman.

I laughed harder than I'd like to admit.

Can I get a quick rundown?

They are narcissists. It makes them feel like a good person (despite being self-centered whores) to treat them like dumb animals and virtue signal. These people don't need words of encouragement, they are past the critical phase, they just want to be treated like a normal human being.

The best example being that one pic where a girl wants to show off a piglet of some shit and asks to not talk about the face and of course it's nothing but talking about the face. Their deformity becomes their identity, it's all they have and all anyone will pay attention too.

This video is a bit different as the focus is the deformity, she wants to show it's manageable and she can do a lot to cover it up, but in saying she's so pretty anyway she will realize the makeup doesn't do shit she's a freak either way and will just have to cope.

She looks like she'd still be ugly even without it which is the worst part.


Allah has an awesome sense of humor

This is why post birth abortion is a good idea.


if this video isn't about raising money for surgery...


As a suppository

No she embraced Chaos Undivided


Why are people so dishonest

Virtue signaling

Jesus fucking christ

lost it.

Bruh, look at this dude...

why don't they just wear masks?

Is that a new an hero I see?

Deutschland with the bants, I like it.

Because it makes them feel better to play along.

She took the whole bottle.

Still think abortion is bad gentlemen?


They are not people, they're literal robots who hope to get back the "unconditional", phony love they they "give"


Oh no no no

God damn I feel bad for laughing.

>all that virtue signaling in the comments

So why haven't you killed yourself yet?

She went from "zombie" to "tranny with botched plastic surgery"

fucking cunts. She wants to hear that she is good at make up and it improves her looks.

It's like the modern libtard has forgotten that a lie can hurt more than the truth.


>looking like that

Are you telling me we dont have the skill and science to fix that? either they want to look like that or they are very unlikeable. being poor isnt an issue because you can go fund me, take a loan out, or find someone thatll do it for free. knowing that i cant really feel sorry for them

Phantom of the potatoe

>God did that for a reason

its to keep their image clean and inoffensive

Jesus christ
Does anyone else just feel insanely sorry for her? Look at her face in that picture, that's pure, unrestrained self-pity.
Imagine every single time you look at someone you think is even remotely attractive, you have to resign yourself to the crippling truth that they would never ever want to willingly look at your face. Just imagine the toll that takes on someone's self-esteem.
I'm genuinely getting depressed just from knowing she exists, imagine how bad it is to be her, or anyone else like that?

Can't make it worse


I shall get her to kill herself with a barrage of abuse to help you Sup Forumsbro

correct. ugly is not the word to use. you should use hideous or grotesque as they are appropriate for such a situation.

didn't watch the video, OP pic is enough.
I wouldn't even kill her to fertilize the earth incase whatever grew came out equally as deformed and defective

Germans do have humor.


I'd an hero on the spot if I woke up like that.

She looks repulsive, sure but she seems like a decent person

If a man was ugly like that, no one would give a shit about his feelings tbqh

Her mouth looks exactly like my anus.

Damn. Hurts everytime I shit.

Literally laughed out loud

>youre god most beutiful creation

It's crazy to think a woman that ugly STILL managed to find a man and have a daughter. Sad!

But for real, if I looked like that, I would just wear a mask, like fuckin leper king. idgaf

I used to have the exact screencap you're on about saved with the title "mr.s Wojak"
deleted it though as needed the space and never had much use for it


Ayyyyyy....scoring myself a first class ticket to hell, bc of this thread, kek!

I'd just fuck prostitutes.then again I'd do that now

I am warmed that she has both. She should not entertain the virtue signallers who would wash theirs hands after shaking hers though

What's going on in this thr-

tfw you cant tell if its bantz or just germans being literal

They like because it makes them feel better about themselves for being "good people". They could easily say something like
>wow, how unfortunate! at least you're dealing with it, gawd bless xxoxoxo

She says in the video she had a normal face for the first 40 years of her life.

>tfw mutants have more of a social life than you
Whatta time to be alive!!

Kek has spoken.

fucking germ. I'm going to hell because of you.

>Abortion is immoral and should be il....

She OD'd on the bogpill I think.

You heard Kek, lads.

Very unfortunate. That's how life is sometimes. Pray to God you don't have this condition. She's just trying to live out her life as best as possible. Certainly, her deformity is not beautiful. It is, I am sure, devastating. But she's doing her best, and she still was able to get married and reproduce.

I think it's even worse to call people beautiful if they're not actually attractive. It only feeds and ego that will be shattered at some point.
>source: my life



I bet mouth-fucking her would feel awesome

her son sure is cute when he's all dolled up

>You don't have to call her beautiful but you should NEVER call someone like that ugly. You shouldn't call anyone ugly period. It's such a cowardly and petty insult.


Birth is a lottery. Most of us are damn lucky that we weren't born like this, have to endure the stares or the awkward away.

Not to mention, the picture that started the post, I don't think it's just cosmetic, it looks uncomfortable.

We don't have to call these people beautiful, and we probably shouldn't lie because people can sense lie, but good god, let's be adults, don't name call, don't make fun, try and focus on the content of someone's character in this case.

There is a woman on my commune route with a facial birthmark, I never know where to put my eyes.

I've actually saved some pics, like the one below, to desentitize myself against flinching. It's natural to be repulsed by people who look strange, it's how early humans avoid the plague, but HOW we deal with our instincts is our choice.

man, that would fucking sucks to look like that. i would kill myself or go live in a cabin somewhere.

>Most of us are damn lucky that we weren't born like this

the few people like OP are damn unlucky they were born like this

Seriously though, who let their kid get into the Bogpills???

There but for the grace of god we are, and go on.

Facial disfigurement could happen to any of us, it's not just acid attack, it's stray bullets as well. One of the victims of the HK tour bus which was held up in the Philippines a few years back, a woman who was shot in the jaw, her jaw was just GONE, she can't even cover her disfigurement with a flu mask, because the shape of it is just all wrong.

Live in an apartment building? What if one of your neighbours is an idiot and there is a fire?

Sitting down in a restaurant, a careless waiter spill something scalding down your face.

Get hit by a car, get dragged.

It can happen to any of us, this is why I think reconstructive surgery and cosmestic for those judged to be deformed should be a part of healhcare coverage.

>Covering my birthmark

Nigga that ain't no birthmark, that's straight up Two-Face.


I think the proper thing to do in this scenario is to just say, "Your make-up skills is excellent!", that's it, it's the truth too. She still looks weird afterwards, but better with the painful looking redness covered up.


Well, she has a son, so.... she's got that part of life over with.

She's fucking ugly faggot

>If a man was ugly like that, no one would give a shit about his feelings tbqh

The Phantom of the Opera has an Estrogen Brigade, one that complain the movie downplayed his deformity. The Hunchback of Notredame has fangirls as well. The Beast in the Beauty and the Beast has fangirls who lived him without him turning into a handsome prince, there was a whole TV series for that.

There were many man in history who have found love and/or receive pity sex from sympathetic women at least. Ugly women gets shunned as witches and died alone, they don't get pity fucks unless it was a fraternity dare, in which case, it's not even pity, it's cruelty.