Can I count on your vote in 2020? Let's shatter that glass ceiling!

Can I count on your vote in 2020? Let's shatter that glass ceiling!

If digits, kys.

The prognosis for vascular dementia doesn't suggest she'll even make it to 2020

> Stronger Together
> lose
> waa waaa trump is not my president

Can't wait! What nonsense message will her 764 advisors think of next?



Kek wills it

Kek wills it

70% of the nation hating you wasn't enough? You're going to run again and make even more enemies?

She's probably counting on the influx of reptilian humanoids to vote for one of their kind.

I doubt HRC will be in any shape to run again. I saw her collapse and get thrown into a van like a slab of beef. I saw her face before the collapse. thats a dying sickly woman.

But, its the DNC and thats the Clintons plaything. They ran her in a low energy part time fixed primary already so they may just stick her in a wheel chair and wheel her out again.

She will lose big league though. (Again x 3)

You can't shatter a glass ceiling if you yourself are shattered.

Couldn't read this without thinking of the Shadbase comics. My mind has been permanently warped by the election

Will you be alive in 2020?? You look like your in just as bad health as bill.
You both look like AIDS victims.

Who is this old woman?
Oh dear... did another old actress die?

If she runs, I'm switching my registration and voting for her in the primary. I would pay good money to see her lose again.

as long as is see one more giant head 1984 screen before i die.


Shut up


I hope she and her family die in a boating accident.


Anyone here an expert on the US constitution? Can a dead woman run for president as a giant head hologram? If anyone could, it'd be a democrat and it'd be Killary


im not comfortable with a saudi controlled politician. bruce willis is a russian immigrant. name 1 dune coon that is in western pop culture.

She'll be dead by then.
Old woman didn't hold together well during this past election.
She's clearly very sick.

Would the democratic party be stupid enough to actually make her their candidate in 2020?

meme magic lost her the white house

meme magic can surely kill her



Judging from her health during the last election it already almost did.