What was the purpose of the Iraq War, Sup Forums?

What was the purpose of the Iraq War, Sup Forums?

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Destroy a rival of Israel, get in position to invade Iran from the west and east, and make lots of money for Halliburton and other corporations. That about sums it up.


Name? Looked like all of people I went to school with in 'bama.

He should just kill himself if he doesn't have some sort of plan to implant his brain in a new body or some shit

oh shit man you don't know the story? fuckin wife tried to make it work and bailed.

then he killed himself.

Tyler Ziegel, passed away in 2012.

to give me free college and a 7.62 in my thigh that sets off the metal detectors when I travel

Frankly, they shouldn't even try to save soldiers who have been wounded that badly. I sure wouldn't want to live like that. I'd want the medic to give me a fatal dose of opiates or or something instead of being taken "saved"


imperial fervor of the USA justified by the export of democracy

Fryler Ziegel*


W. got triggered that Hussein tried to kill daddy in Gulf War 1

This. It also conveniently kills off a decent number of white Christian males (and largely southerners at that) which is a nice bonus.

To slowly become an actual dickead

>tfw he shot himself


That's pretty much how he died. Alcohol/heroin overdose.

Jews stealing juice.

Stopping Saddam from selling his oil in other currencies than dollars (Euros). This would have crashed the petro dollar system and with it, the US economy. Same thing with Gadaffi.

Shame on Sup Forums that this is not in the first 5 answers.

pest control

moar democracy around the world

Weapons of mass destruction, goyim.

It was to fight against the threat of non-existent weapons of mass destruction, which didn't exist. Actually it was a way a bunch of military companies could get rich. There was literally no point to this war.

To turn Iraq into a training ground for Islamic extremists to take over the secular governments of the Middle East for Saudi Arabia and their cohorts. New World order conquest.

I work with burns - it varies. A surprisingly large number of them end up happy that they're alive, actually. It's like hitting rock bottom.

Post the picture of him and his wife.

It's pretty sad, honestly.

To create problems (like the 3600% rise in terror and the migrant crisis) that the government could pretend to solve.

Is there any proof that Saddam and Gaddafi planned on doing this? Seems especially unlikely in the case of Gaddafi, who was making a big effort to play nice with the Americans after 9/11 (did him no good, obviously. They still fucked him)

start a chain reaction of democratization in the middle east. Create pro western countries to counter russia.

But it didn't work because muslims, especially muslim arabs, are shockingly ignorant, primitive, and savage, and superstitious.

that's some fucking badass story

The purpose was fleeting political interests. Just like every other war.
Soldiers are just meat. They are made to believe that things like honor, duty, freedom, justice are important. They kill and die for it. And sometimes they even get a little piece of metal for it. And while these meat puppets slaughter and are slaughtered, the politicians who sent them and their buddies make billions and gain power.

Jew says "jump", the American says: "how high".


This is clearly the correct answer

So that one dude could write a pretty good book that they would eventually turn into a kickass HBO series.

yeah no realistic way one can find a wife looking like that, maybe if one could pass as a theather/music player or work as a clown and going to church, you could find one girl that would pitty marry you.

How many did the US lose? Like 4,000 people? That's literally nothing.

This guy killed himself.

If it were me, I'd go the old timey leprosy route and have a metal mask made.

But honestly there has never been a more promising time to wait it out if you have disfigurements. Transplant surgery is advancing leaps and bounds and the potential for stem cell cultivation on a large scale might break at any moment.

It shouldn't even be that costly, and the problems of using non-native stem cells (meaning you need immuno suppressants) are gone if we use cultured and grown stem cells from your own body.

>try to impose democracy from the top down to a place thats been never ruled by one
>w-why are they chosing islamists??

Do a lot of them request masks to wear? I can't imagine looking at myself in the mirror if my face were badly burned.


even it has its limits though. that guy was just too horrifically burned to reconstruct his face into something believable


Israel wanted it. America obeyed.


is that a kkk member?


muh petrodollar.

>no weapon qualification ribbons
This is why POGs should let men do the fighting and stick to their tacticool desk and chair.




With Trump we're headed back for another one like it.


>How many did the US lose? Like 4,000 people? That's literally nothing.
Yes, America should have let many many more thousands of its citizens die for a stupid war with no purpose that the jews wanted.

America, obey the jews!

If I was him I'd wear a sick ass ceramic mask


jesus, how do you get burned like that and NOT become a jew-killing vigilante?

I mean, if that were to happen to me, I would prey on kikes for doing that to me.

It takes a very long time. Think years, not months. Surgery can help a good amount for most. And yeah, the looking at your injuries part is a process. Severe burns like him could get masks, I think 60 minutes did a report on a severe case like his. It looks like he could have some additional cosmetic surgeries as well at the time of his wedding photo there. Frankly in many ways being single is better for those cases. We have a chaplain who wrote a book on the process, he was horrifically burned including the face and it's a shock that he survived at all. He's quite open about it being rough for a number of years for him - alcoholism, etc. But he's in a unique position of being able to tell patients to stop feeling sorry for themselves if that's warranted, because he's probably got it worse than them. Happily married guy with kids, good tough love type of chaplain - even though he looks worse than Wade Wilson.

Women obviously cope much worse with it.

to cement our allegiance to the jew overlords

I unno. Bill Kristol said to do it.

Hopefully waking up the Americans that its best to conform to others when overseas.

Had we just made Assad 2.0 and made it clear who daddy is and let him rule with an iron fist. We sent troops into residential neighborhoods trying to teach English and build schools and teach democracy. What a load of shit. "Hearts and Minds."

Our country has been led by UN cucks for years. I think Trump MIGHT just fix our foreign policy and get us back to winning wars and stop rebuilding countries after we defeated them.

Weapons of mass destruction


Her face says it all.

This girl divorced him for a black guy, pretty fucked up lol

I'd rather loose all my limbs than have my face melted off.

Jesus Christ, fuck that.

Also Iraq was a war to kill Muslims and kill Muslims we did. About 1,000,000 I think.

she likes her men burned


so non-white people kill themselves

Can someone give me a run down on Pat tillman


Americans didn't fully understand how complex the Islamic tribal mentality was. We totally didn't expect all that infighting with Sunnis, Shia, and any other fucked up sect.

It was a good idea though and would have been cool if it worked.

God damn Muslims...

The same americans who supported this war and hated the "cheese eating surrender monkeys" for trying to prevent it are the same who voted for Trump.

You know it's true.

God told George Bush to invade. Clearly God's fault.



If you took off the mask would they die?

Oh, believe me, I'm no supporter it, and it saddens that anyone died in that "war". Do you know what's even sadder than that meager 4000 though? The fact that the US gave up it's financial prosperity in terms of it's surplus. It now has an insurmountable amount of debt. think of the millions of lives that are going to be affected by the idiotic spending on such a waste of time. Trillions that could've been used on infrastructure and job creation, instead used on one of the most idiotic, evil, and illegal conflicts in modern history. How many people will lose their livelihoods, jobs and means of supporting themselves over the coming decades, as the world comes to realize that the US simply can't pay it all back? No one thinks about that though. And on and on goes the military spending (which is really just rich people profiting of the sheep killing each other).

get oil

BiPAPs. Fuck BiPAPs, or more specifically BiPAP patients.



They do full face transplants.
He could have gotten some poor schmucks face that was at least close to what he looked like implanted.

The guy should have waited a few more years.
The VA is looking for miracle cases for publicity he would have been the first guy

>implying most soldiers' wives aren't cheating around and that their husbands don't send money home for raising kids that aren't even theirs.

dude they can't even give a bald man a FULL head of hair, what makes you think they can do anything to someone that fucked up in the next 20 years?

That's extraordinarily wrong and the line from left wing Zionist gatekeepers who both distract from the obvious Zionist motives and actions to make that war happen but also plays on typical left-wing anti business crap.



>That's pretty much how he died. Alcohol/heroin overdose.
It seems that the amounts he had were not overdose....However, they impaired him enough that he fell on ice, and the fall killed him. Obviously having one eye screwed with depth perception. He had everything against him that time....Drugs, alcohol, one eye and one arm. His fall was helped by intoxication.

That guy is a hero for trying to live a normal life. It is a shame he did not reach out for help with his demons, and they got him.

In all honesty Sadam was an asshole as was Gadaffi and Assad, but they where assholes who could be put on a leash and controlled, and the best part is they kept in line an even bigger problem: Islamic Facism, as soon as they where disposed off their countries went to shit, and refugees, many who had lived under Islamic Facism for a while, came into Europe radicalized and it didn't help that Europoors didn't care to have them assimilate while fully opening their gates. But the Iraq War was only the beginning to and even bigger catastrophe that was the Arab Spring blunder, all the useful idiots in power saw this as a hope for the Arab world. Real world doesn't work like that bro, we would love to live in comic book-like world where there are only good guys and bad guys, but in reality this is a world full of assholes and there are times when you need to chose between the lesser of two evils. This doesn't mean that dictators must stay in power forever, you just need to be careful of when you decide to dispose of them. There was a growing tide against Sadam in the early 90s but we ignored it, by the time we went back in the 00's that tide was all but gone. It didn't help that there was a particular (((nation))) that wanted Sadam gone.

“If you take out Saddam’s Regime, I guarantee you, that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region.” - Benjamin Netanyahu in 2002 before congress

“It’s not a question of whether Iraq’s regime should be taken out but when should it be taken out; it’s not a question of whether you’d like to see a regime change in Iran but how to achieve it,” - Netanyahu said six months before the Bush administration began the “shock and awe” bombardment of Baghdad.


This is quite literally the media neocohen propaganda line spewed after the invasion took place and occupation was well underway
>Americans didn't fully understand how complex the Islamic tribal mentality was
The people who pushed for the war knew exactly what would happen and we're counting on it user.

lol another dead white boy

jews gained more land and control of the middle east.

“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon. These events swung American public opinion in our favor.”


Hillary was shit too. Just because we chose one war hungry retard over the other doesn't mean we didn't choose a war hungry retard. America got fucked this election.

But GWB and Obama had completely different opinions on Iraq and different agendas.

The failures of the Obama administration are not to be blamed on GWB. At 2008, things were fine.

They did?

I was unaware that Israel conqured parts of Iraq

t. The Familys Lawyer

nigger ODd and thats all there is too it

The purge a few Chads

> Trump defeats the Neocons and Gloablist left wing.
> Somehow America got fucked


>They do full face transplants.

last week they did ONE
the first ONE

To remove a barbarous and totalitarian regime from power that oppressed millions and genocided hundreds of thousands.

The Islamic World was ready to attack us anyway--anyone who says "Sadam wasn't great but at least he kept Jihadists in check" doesn't know what they're talking about.

We did it too late.