How does it feel to be so full of hatred and bigotry and on the wrong side of history Sup Forums?

How does it feel to be so full of hatred and bigotry and on the wrong side of history Sup Forums?

dude wtf that "refugee" is wearing designer clothes

Anyone who says they're "on the right side of history" never is

>jew too cheap to get a proper sign

In 50 years you will be seen as the people who supported and fought for segregation

>the wrong side of history Sup Forums?

That is a Marxist meme. There is no such thing as a "side of history." There is no inexorable march towards a socialist utopia.

We aren't obligated to take in any foreign refugees. Our own citizens have enough problems. We don't need to take in people with even more, especially ones who want to kill us

Feels great

DID anyone notice that the (((fathers))) look very similar?

They're all jews

Who decides the "right" side of history?

why do these people feel the need to turn their body into a vehicle for an idea and then go confront other bodies that are vehicles for opposing ideas.

these people have no selves to kill.


Libshits couldn't argue if their life depended on it, yet they are the ones circlejerking over how logical they are.

You tell me.

What's with libtards and their precious "empathy"? Why are people so fucking gay these days it's like everyone is walking about with a dick in their ass

Dude, if you don't think empathy is like, the most important thing you are literally a nazi. I mean, come on, why wouldn't you want to sacrifice your family and yourself so a bunch of niggers could get a flatscreen TV and the opportunity to rape a twelve year old? It's like you are screaming openly that you are a white supremacist.

Also, tink of teh chuldrun.

they have no arguments so they try to use emotions. sadly, that seems to work on idiots.

The jews who write the text books, the curriculum, the documentaries etc etc

If anyone is still alive in 50 years, it will be because of us, and in spite of you.

It pisses me off that jews are the most privileged and over represented ethnic group in America, yet never get criticized by sjws and still claim to be oppressed. I saw a screenshot from Tumblr on here where some black guy pointed this out and only got hate in response.

How does it feel to be Nu-CTR, ShareBlue faggot.

(((They))) do

So, Israel is going to have open borders now?

>nobody has noticed how the "muslims" on the left look jewish as fuck

need more mudslimes goy

>We've seen this before
Like the one time during the third reich, when Israel blocked immigration, effectively deserting their own people? I agree, jews a disgusting people who not even care about their own. Good to know we are on the same page OP.