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skip to 8:35 I don't know why the fucking thumbnail won't add the skip

NASA/NOAA image Jan 15 2017

GOES 16 and 13 satellites.

Remember seeing this on the evening news? Of course you don't, they didn't show it.

Seriously, what are we looking at? 2 satellite photos. So? I am obviously missing the significance.

dude that was so crazy



The first time I watched it I didn't even really notice because I wasn't paying attention, but that's a really creepy fucking comment. Is (((Bill Nye))) working with (((them)))?

can you tell me what happened? I don't care enough to watch


>Bill Nye: "You guys are the mainstream media and i can tell you why there's leaks. Because the President has created two factions in his administration. They don't like each other so they leak, it's not from the outside, it's from the inside."

What the fuck does a TV """scientist""" with only a bachelor's degree know about the internal mechanations of the white house?

The Tuck got cucked

Jesus Tucker is a fucking baby

If his 100% all-in shilling for AGW wasn't enough evidence then this just confirms he's an ambassador for the NWO.

He's got a bowtie on and he wears a labcoat on his Hollywood television show.

Tucker: What would the climate look like right now without human activity?
Bill: "Britain would not be very well suited to growing grapes. French wine makers would not be buying land to the north as they are now."

>Asks Nye to illustrate climate without humanity
>Nye talks about French wine makers

Nothing, he is a fraud

>"science guy"

Why does carlson look like a thumb with a hair disease

Well its pretty obvious the leaks are coming from the inside...some of the shit that gets out is too accurate.

Probably long term political fluffers who are insulted this new crew comes in and upsets the apple cart.

The two factions are over dramatic, i would be looking at a long term staffer whose contract runs out in the next 6-12 months and they are not staying on

>But Tucker looks fucking stupid every time he doesnt get a stupid shit-lib with damning tweets to hammer

why doesn't Tucker Carlson have a chin

WTF was that zoom in at 4:20?

>i dont know what it means

It looks like the globe rotates slightly. Some clouds moved. Pizzagate confirmed.

Tucker got cucked. He was flailing and hopeless.

He was kind of a baby in this one. But his original point was good. Saying "the science is settled" is kind of bullshit because Bill (or anyone) can't answer a shit ton of specifics about "climate change". But libshits always throw the "science is settled! Stfu science denier" thing in everybody's face who asks perfectly valid questions. Ironically, their efforts to shut down discussion is literally "anti science". Fuck us for not automatically being on board with a $100 trillion global carbon tax without getting real answers, I guess

Tucker got BTFO.

>Tucker: "what woud the world look like"
>Bill: "It would look like this...and this..."
>Tucker: "no but what would it look like you're not answering my question"
>Bill: "Well it would look like...(gets interrupted)"
>Tucker: "I'm open minded but you're not answering my question. We can't have an honest discussion if the proponents of Climate Change keep shouting down different views!"

Bait could use improvement, not bad pic related though

Maybe if Tuck gave him a chance to answer. Bill was getting started but the questions Tucker posed weren't even accurately defined and then he cuts Bill off for not giving him the PBS version.


Why does Bill Nye the Psyops Guy look like a fucking cartoon supervillain? What the fuck is up with those eyebrows Bill

>science guy

ok kid



Both of them looked like idiots desu

Tucker never debates Jews, because the last time he did he got roasted hard: youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE

Whatever shred of credibility Bill Nye had, which is virtually none, is now completely lost on anyone who sees this.

He's a cunt. Has he ever published a real paper in a real journal? Has he ever been asked to review a paper? He's not a scientist.

t. Working on my 61st publication. Fuck that guy, bill nye.

Well of course they are from the inside. Otherwise, they wouldn't be leaks.

Bill Nye the Woke Guy

tucker got cucked yet again

At 3:10 Nye says humans are 100% responsible for the increase in rate of climate change. What a crock.

>Pls ignore all nature thx

Bill sucked. This was a way better show.

Tucker's debate strategy is just to be a giant douche and constantly interrupt his guests.

wonder what the girl looks like now

>what would the world look like today if humans did not entervene?
>"well, in england the.."


he has the obvious down to a science

This is retarded, how do you quantify how quickly humans are actually affecting climate change?
They're both talking out of their asses.

Bill Nye: leaks come from the inside

Truly the greatest scientist of our time

>Nye says humans are 100% responsible for the increase in rate of climate change

>the r/The_Donald redditors in this thread will defend this

Tucker was terrible in this interview but Bill needs to neck himself

It's not bait. I'm a fan of Carlson in general, but we have to admit when he gets outmatched on TV. Otherwise we become as delusional as the left.

No surprise here

Bill Nye is not a scientist. He is an actor and a comedian.





no it's more
>pose simple yes or no questions and watch liberals flounder to half explain their insane ideology
>interrupts when the question isn't sufficiently answered
>sits with mouth agape listening to idiotic 'argument'
>laughs them off the show after they've made enough of an ass of themselves


I just can't stand Nye's pseudoscience and appeal to authority

But true I'll admit Tucker isn't the best debater


Bill Nye is such a fucking weirdo

INSIDE the house?!? It's so simple....

what the fuck dies Bill know

>Science guy


I fucked his niece.

This. He should have asked for actual specific temperatures. Tuck was right in asserting that Bill wasn't really answering the question scientifically and just giving political talking points, but he wasn't specific enough in his questioning. Oh well.

Bill Nye won on the basis of being skinnier.

Fat people lose automatically due to having shit-tier metabolisms that don't allow them to react efficiently to urgent threats and are unable to improvise on the fly. In a race war situation, Bill Nye would easily figure out a way to murder Carlson and eat him to stay alive until he can find a better food source to survive on.

he's trying to be like sleepy woke ben but falls flat

I can't fucking watch this with sirens in the background what in the honest fuck were they thinking

Imagine if that were true.

Any links to discussion of him being the leaker?

>muh flat earthers
Found the shill. There are literally no flat earthers. It's just a strawman used to discredit, and detract from, hollow earth.

bill nye sellout shill with zero answers to simple questions

climate change fear mongering, and their subversive "solutions", is an obvious attempt at a global takeover

if you can tax carbon globally, you've put a tax on humanity


His appeal to authority isn't really out of line at all. Tucker tried multiple times to set up an unreasonable hypothetical question, implying that if Bill didn't have a specific answer right off the bat, that the science therefore isn't settled, which is just as cheap as Bill saying, "Science is right, and overwhelmingly on my side" without actually citing some real numbers and data.


Climate change is arguably happening and people think is a hoax? I don't understand why people think is OK to pollute the environment though. Even if climate change is not as real as we think it is why do we keep wasting fossil fuels? are they also a meme?

Dinosaur wine will run out eventually. You can't possibly be this daft and assumed the sea isn't rising and polar caps are melting.

>inb4 I won't be alive bullshit
>inb4 gaijin teacher
>inb4 gook

The truth is there, climate change is happening whether you like it or not, people who don't believe in it are as close minded as those who think the earth is flat.

> Nye: "you deny the evidence and then along with that, you the authorities that are providing the evidence."
That's what Bill Nye is really about, supremacy of the (((scientific))) authority over any outside skepticism.

Gotta pay the toll leaf. You either pay it up front or you pay more later.

>Because the President has created two factions in his administration. They don't like each other so they leak, it's not from the outside, it's from the inside."

Yet it's fucking impossible to imagine the same thing happening to the Democratic party, right? That one HAD to be the fuckin' Russians. No other possible explanation.





What is this????

1- OMG! (((he))) got Tucked... then Tucker used the word "ominous"
2- the Director Zoom in
3- MLG + oh baby a triple!!!!

I just want to go back to the 90's when Bill Nye was teaching a young me about why stinky feet happen.

Have lost all respect for this man. Shame.


Tbh it is far superior to...I mean what...non arguments. Science is successful.

>Hey man, I'm just here for an open discussion. I'm totally ready to accept any answers you might have for my simple questions.
>Wait a second, you can't know nothing! How dare you try to answer some easy loaded questions of mine! I'm just going to shout you can't know nothing like a wise philosofer and hope no one catches it.

It's not worth crippling the economy over climate change which is an inevitability.

>muh evil fossil fuels
compete on the free market then.

Bill Nye is a moron.

Bill Nye is scary when he goes out of character.

Sorry but looking at the freak his name should be Bill Nye the child rapist Guy.

This is why I like Tucker. His "I can't believe how stupid this shit is" face makes the show.

>but muh jobs
>muh nuclear waste

Too bad both sides are completely retarded on this issue. We could solve it overnight.

I really wish Tucker would eat a bullet

The point was Bill Nye is saying something as fact when in fact he doesn't know because that information is unknowable. The entire idea of climate change is based on speculation, not fact.

get a load of this backwoods scholar





Tuckcucks on suicide watch.

[spoiler]czeck em[/spoiler]

This. We are no better if we dont self reflect. Tucker was pretty annoying. I don't think he was prepared.

Hahaha Tucker clearly got BTFO, he knows it too, you can tell by how frustrated he got.

The US presidency isn't an apple cart you sawed-off wallaby.

This. Nuclear energy, even regular fission and not the fusion meme type, is clean. Only problems are dealing with waste and safety, and I don't buy that those costs are greater than the costs of taxing the entire energy industry to death in favor of fucking wind and solar.

>The entire idea of climate change is based on speculation, not fact.
Wow, by those standards we can't know anything so we might as well stop studying science! No more phones, computers, airplanes, or anything like that, because it's just speculation as to how those things work.