Why are you not following Varg's advice? How are you preparing for when things go to shit?

Why are you not following Varg's advice? How are you preparing for when things go to shit?

What? To not masturbate. I'm tryin, Varg!


I live in a dorm so all I can do rn is collect survival PDF's. I have a feeling things will go to shit in the 30's but I cannot be sure. I need to have a good job and learn Russian so I can travel and find a traditional wife.


I am trying, shit takes a lot of time and patience. I'm readying some books on living off the grid and how to become self-sufficient. Stop watchin porn meme aside, Varg's videos on survivalism are pretty good desu.

reading* goddamn it.

I'm stocking up on clif bars and ammo. I'll be alright user.

I do. He unironically is helping me fix my life by eliminating degeneracy.

Daily physical exercises and learning french. The last won't make sense unless you think sharp.

i like varg but a lot of what he says is horse garbage. he tells white men to fuck off to the woods and eat shit they find on the ground.

we need to be overhauling the government. having kids is great but we need people on the front lines.

also his anti-technology rant is borderline liberal tier bullshit

>He thinks government and technology will help him when SHTF

You honestly think the way we are going is sustainable? You are a naive fool.

yeah is having 6 children per man sustainable? you are a FUCKING leaf

i ordered 50 mcchicken sandwiches with no mayo and threw them in the freezer a couple months ago. i'm fuckin ready

A family of 6 is more sustainable than 7 billion.

this. he is just your average conservative that likes to talk shit and offer no solutions.

save up, stock up, be fit are all good advice's. but he is very far away from actually touching the meat of the problem
if you are not intelligent enough to analyze problems and come with with solutions then its better to just shut up

dude you just blew you mind right now

>To not masturbate
Easy for him to say, I'm a khv so what the fuck am I supposed to do?

If you cant get someone to do it for you, you do without.

FFL; going from one shithole to another!

Na. Europeans have no idea how to really survive.

Vargs advice is shit. I can't take anyone seriously that isn't heavily armed.

Shit, McInness looks old now.

This. Anyone who claims to be ready for the collapse of society that doesn't have guns is full of shit.

But... what will I do without internet?!


"You have to get us the fuck outta here! These people are backwards savages!"

>average conservative

I'm preparing to receive massive European immigration for the second time

Cause im black. And i dont think he is talking to me