"Answer the question!!!" Muslim goes mental after being asked question about Islam

Man, gotta watch this


so many keks and reee to have watching this hard muslim idiot going on about defending isis.

When do we get rid of them?

bump kek

fuck me i rather have abo's then muslims

atleast abo's know when to fuck off and do shit right

What's the guys name?
I'm not watching the clip
gonna dig up some dirt on him
Time to ruin a life

muslims are going to slay every australian they encounter

RIPIP you cunts.

Look at this terrible cartoon. How can we fight back when people / the media in Australia think like this?

With facts, stats and common sense without resorting to the lowest common denominator and thinking you're being cleaver when you post a picture of a Quran with a piece of shit in it or Muhammad sucking a chode.

That's a quick way to lose people's respect, attention and reinforcing your opponents actions against you.
It's most likely wishful thinking though as 90% of Australian Sup Forums posters don't know their ass from their elbow.

>That's a quick way to lose people's respect, attention and reinforcing your opponents actions against you.

Not to mention alienate our greatest ally in this fight and force them to either become self hating Muslims, support isis or not give a shit about any of it.

But Islam and Quran are what those terrorists claim to be their core. We're merely attacking that core.

I agree, comrades.

When is the bi-weekly Socialist Alternative circlejerk and Arabian cumfart bonanza being held next, by the way? My arseless chaps are still at the dry-cleaners from last time.

Kek. What a slippery fucker.

All chaps are assless

Condemn their actions not the way they justify their actions that turns the whole fight around and opens up a whole new can of worms for people to talk shit about.
Just because the Quran says it's okay doesn't mean every Muslim is running around beheading whoever they think are infidels.
I know you understand this but like I said everytime the conversation about Isis comes up some dickwad brings up religion and the whole conversation shifts.

Be smart because just being angry isn't good enough.

don't chap-shame me you filthy nazi pig-dog, I'm an insult-survivor

I agree with the muslim. No body is talking anti-war since Ron Paul. Anons are hippies with computers.

Lets be smart then. The fact is, their holy book advocates the shit isis is doing. It is a war doctrine. Sure, their are Muslims against violence, but this interview clearly shows that their are second generation immigrants who think chopping off heads is justified. Isis, and their ilk, have been trying to push for this clash of civilizations bullshit for centuries. Look at the true history of the crusades. This isn't about illegal occupations, it is about wahabbi scum trying to defeat 'the armies of rome'.

Thank christ Australians aren't rolling over and accepting Muhammad's dick

He has some goods point, she just won't let him answer the questions!

go home you paki bastard

The way you deal with answers like that is to clarify with them they they are uncomfortable giving a yes/no and that they think there is nuance. That alone turns people against him, but it also lets him give reasons that you can argue against.

plutonium in falujah

t. lebo dog

She's a hottie.

Literal scum. The quaran is the book of a conquerer religion. Do not believe anything else, for you are being lied to.

two steps

>Abolish the anti-discrimination acts
>Shut down the Human rights commission

I'd prefer the Muslim to the leftist cunt interviewer.

>leftist cunt interviewer.
this is a meme. let me guess you must think Kochie or Karl deserves a walkley award

You're right and I agree it is the book that advocates it and Isis follow it blindly. My point is regarding fighting Isis' propaganda is to emphasize the horrific acts they are doing and leave religion out of it.

By doing this you make them look absolutely unreasonable when held by today's societies standards and literally nobody can have an argument against that without coming across as being completely backwards.

In any case after trump wipes Isis off the map it'll all be irrelevant despite how retarded people choose to fight.

Not an argument

this is old. that guys probably dead by now

Yes, okay. I agree.

That's got nothing to do with anything I am talking about though.

The real question is why are l4 year old losers in the angloshphere afraid of ISIS? It's really got you all bent out of shape hasn't it. They don't even have an air force guys. The wont confiscate your porno, you can still have your cummies :)

Yeah, no need to worry about the middle east being destabilised by an apocalyptic terror group.

i dont think its got anything to with being afraid of them rather the threat they pose being able to do what they are doing for so long. It gives alot of disillusioned/detached/confused/frustrated/radical young muslims an outlet.
in that retrospect it's extremely dangerous and in my opinion the entire reason for whatever alphabet agency, rich dune coon prince or jew created them in the first place.

Holy shit you people are really scared aren't you? I find that kind of mind blowing... It it because you are so young? Is it because you have watched too many execution videos online? I'm genuinely curious?

ISIS= Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

The authorities can deal with the threats but its the Liberal SJWs and their lawyers that hinder the cops doing their job that is the most worrying.

hinder how? obstruction of justice is a crime too

They are children of the Iraqi occupation so you can thank the neo-con Jews who started that war for their creation.

Not obstructing just ignoring the threats.

Its well know Immigrants are let into Australia with very little vetting...so when they inevitablely commit serious crimes the system that let them in is quick to sweep it under the carpet.

You mean besides the constant encouragement to carry out lone wolf attacks just to get street cred? The fact that there are plenty of extremist support networks in the mosques?

>Execution videos
Please. Anyone can see through that hollywood edited trash.

>Pressure from these groups on the government to drop or lower charges
>Government applies pressure on police (pensions affected, budget cuts)
>Police bend at the knee
>Evidence could go missing, some witnesses discredited
>Suspects released without question

Wassim Doureihi, a real dirty cunt

For sure destabilizing the ME is on the agenda for the greater israel project
>oy vey we need to enact (((regime change)))

Their are so many Not for profit legal organizations and advocacy businesses that misconstrue the laws that normally would keep criminals in jail or out of the country altogether

about to play it, wish me luck.

I love how she scoffs at him

actually it is racial nondiscrimination.
The act of Un incriminating nonwhites because they are NON WHITE or a minority

I'm afraid the leftists are right when they talk about the risks of terrorism. They are infinitesimally small. So what is the real problem? You are now whining about wanting safety in a fag run leftist society? You're worried about some group throwing a spanner into the works of liberalism and disrupting the current system? I would welcome that.

paul murray does


No actually Its not like you describe...its obvious the Anti-discrimination acts are anti White Christian, Hetero,conservative. The act does not represent that group...although that will change soon.
Its simply a matter of fairness and proper use of the laws that have been made for us.


That's pretty poignant.
Moderate muslims are standing between the extremists and others instead of fighting the extremists.

A moderate muslim is still on the side of the extremist muslims. A muslim is a muslim.

Found his fb page

As well as that muslim feminist Yassmin Abdel Magied


The problem is that you refer to the law as being "made for us" instead of being "made by us", we've got a fucking solution and maybe we don't like your police state shit

Most of the leftist know exactly what I am saying but they will never admit it ...because that would show them up to be worse than the imaginary Racist they are so paranoid of.

The laws were made for US by people like US many many many years ago...but you just don't get that and have been trying to undo that for a long time...but time has run out. sorry

You don't like a police state but would eagerly live in a mythical 'anti-racist' police state.

Leftists will never import a group with the potential to overthrow them and that is why you are all safe from the scary Muslims and the progressive tyranny will continue till the last white woman shits out a mulatto

The leftist have no idea what they are doing.
See, you just read the Marxist manuals and think that's how life goes. While the rest of the community see how life actually is ,that's why the left ,like they are doing now, drive off a cliff. to political oblivion.

And now that the rest of the community have much better options and representation in politics. you can only stubbornly defend your beliefs right until the inevitable end.
Because they never taught you what to do if your Movement fails.

'They' never taught you how to lose.

Leftists still have a stranglehold on power and they are not giving an inch of it away. Terrorism to them is a slight embarrassment like a kid at the supermarket throwing a tantrum. You do not understand that Muslims in the West operate within a leftist playpen and will never be allowed to gain real political power. It's no coincidence that all the prominent Muslims on Australian TV are basically just brown SJWs who have jumped on the grievance gravy train.

Islamophobia on the right is a perversion of true nationalism which should be first and foremost anti-Jewish.

Why are you replying to your own posts you tard?

Oh they have given a bit more than and inch.
Muslims first then the rest

Leftists are Islamic as far as Im concerned.

How could anyone come to that conclusion? They are the antithesis of Islam, they only like them because they are brown and foreign. Leftism worships anything non-European because it is an anti-white ideology. Islam on the other hand is racially neutral.