Peak oil?

I just read an article about Saudi Arabia and OPEC wanting to raise oil prices to 60 dollars a barrel. They had to lower it to get rid of US shale oil competition. They also want new oil fields. Problem is that there isn't enough demand.

I remember there being a discussion about Peak Oil. It was a lot of talk about it. Being the end of the world. Causing a collapse. But I stopped hearing about it after 2008. Supposedly demand would outgrow supply and it would result in doomsday or something?

What happened?

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we found more oil


More oil became extractable.

global warming happened. people are trying to get away from fossil fuels.

sadly ALL OF IT is going to go into the atmosphere, which means most of the world will become an uninhabitable wasteland in 100 years.

The timing was completely off. The idea was that oil production had a maximum that would be reached soon, while global oil demand kept increasing. This combined with a desire for a safe haven during the recession pushed oil to $120/barrel.

New oil drilling methods like fracking, new oil fields and it was pushed back. Originally the theory said it would happen in 1970. In 2008 there was a new one largely centered around ME producers.

Peak oil will happen eventually, but hopefully non oil energy catches up by then.

Peak oil is nothing but a meme going back to the 1970s. Every so often people will get in a tizzy about it, but new technology always comes along, and we end up discovering more oil. I'm sure we'll eventually get to a point where we will start to run out of oil, but we're no where near that point, and by the time that we do reach that point, we'll have developed renewable energy production methods that are much more viable, or we'll have all killed each other.

Peak oil doesn't exist. Between the mantle and crust there's an ocean of compressed water and molten carbon. This creates crude oil. Earth's rotation forces it closer to the surface where microbes act on it. This is basic geology.

>Peak oil will happen eventually, but hopefully non oil energy catches up by then.
In general, when we see an oncoming disaster that is a long ways out, humans always end up mitigating that disaster or avoiding it altogether. So, it's nothing we should worry about now. Alternative energy methods are already being developed and improved, and I can guarantee you that by the end of the century, alternative energy sources will have outstripped fossil fuels in their efficiency.

Peak oil is a meme from the most fundamentally of economically ignorant people who don't understand how the price system is the greatest force of rationing man has ever created.

The same type of people who said we'd run out of all sources of coal 125+ years ago and their rhetoric back then is almost identical to what we hear today.

Nuclear already has but antihumanist claiming to be "environmentalist" have stopped that from becoming common place

>peak oil
It's a perfectly valid theory that's self evidently true because natural resources are finite.

But we keep finding more oil so it gets pushed back.

Are you retarded? Do you know that would destroy the planet and the earthquakes it would cause would kill billions?

i was huge into peak oil starting back in late 2004.

but yeah, FPBP. we found a LOT more oil. we're good for another 100 years.

there's as much oil shale (and other products) in the ground to cover all the oil we've already used 4 more times. 20, we've used 20% of the world's supply.

How many billions? I ask for a friend who may or may not be seeking population control and may or may not have access to super weapons.

>compressed water

almost had me

but yeah, there's only 2 or 3 people on earth that believe in abiotic oil. they're both homeless.

We've already hit peak conventional oil. The oil fields in the world like in Saudi Arabia are already half gone, I think 2005 was that peak. The world is running on shale oil. Oil will get more expensive, it's just a matter of time, even if it's decades..

It's a good thing once those sandniggers stop flooding the market with their shitty oil, we have more here than they have there so it'll become viable to drill here again.

End of the century? More like right now.
Take a look at canadian investment in oil and gas pipelines. Nobody is building shit anymore because by the time it's done (~10yrs), oil demand will be too low to profit off of. Solar and alternative sources are only going to get more effective with time and Peak oil will probably never even happen, just a shift in production costs.

we are at the peak/plateau for sweet light crude only. the stuff that is super easy to extract and refine.

like i said before, we've used 20% of earth's EXTRACTABLE fossil fuels.

>Uninhabitable wasteland in 100 years

>oil prices go back up
>Alberta oil boom 2.0
>go back and actually save the money I make this time

you mean drill baby drilled

fukushima you retard, nuclear isn't safe. Solar is safe. Wind is safe. Hydroelectric is safe.

You have never heard of EROEI, right?

Press F to pay respects to Michael C. Ruppert

peak oil isn't about supply, it's about demand. There's a shitton of oil; we're probably never going to run out of oil. However, it will get more expensive, and the demand is going to decrease anyway if we want to fight climate change.

It's already started happening. Oil hasn't done shit since 2014, because demand is already starting to drop. The US is weak because of the petrodollar system, and Trump is the oligarchy's last gasp to salvage their system of domination through the exploitation of fossil fuels.

Unfortunately for them, the rest of the world isn't as fucking stupid as we are, and is already making great leaps towards renewable energy. If we don't follow suit we'll be left behind.

Drill baby drill. Meanwhile I'm getting an electric car. Fuck OPEC.

>Solar is safe
And inefficient

>Wind is safe
Unless you're a bird or an animal that lives where they build the turbines. Also even less efficient than solar (for land used)

>Hydroelectric is safe
And not an option in many places.

The easy way to stop another Fukushima is not build your plant in a fucking tsunami zone.

Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric are memes. Nuclear is the only one that could possibly fulfill our current and future energy needs, and Fukushima was a freak accident.

this thread is fucking cancer, ctrl+f fracking and only one result.

efficiency isn't the fucking problem buddy. the fact that spring came three weeks early for most of the continental united states is.

Also, when we started using oil, that shit was not efficient. We developed the technology because we invested in it. This idea that renewable energy is imperfect so we should just kill the planet is ridiculous. We could improve it.

There is no sane argument against renewable energy. You are literally arguing that short term profit and economic stability (which isn't even applicable anymore holy fuck) is worth destroying all life on earth.

If you think I'm exaggerating, consider the overwhelming proportion of the human population that lives near the coast. Those people will become refugees in the next 50-100 years.

Fukushima failed because of it being hit by a tsunami, an earthquake and operator error simultaneously. Fuck off, "green" energy is a scam

>have plant that's skimping out on safety regulations
>get earthquaked
>get tsunami'd
>nothing interesting happens

How awful. At least you didn't post that fake map with radiation shopped over the tsunami wave height.

Rare earth metals you fucking retard

We actually have more oil in North America than the ME.
We were just trying to let them run it out before using ours.
But they got to greedy with price fixing and we had to show them we could drop the bottom out of the market if they act stupid.
Oil is literally the only thing muslims have of value to offer the world.

Let's just hope our politicians use some oil-money on infrastructure this time.

lol keep buying into the state's propaganda. Fossil fuels benefit the billionaires and will destroy the climate and the economy, at this rate.

Fukushima was a freak accident. And so was Chernobyl. And so was three mile island. We've gotten lucky so far. But we might not always get so lucky. And fukushima is so much worse than you think if you're spouting bullshit like this.

Solar panels might be inefficient, but they can't melt down. They're indefinitely sustainable. Think, people. ahhhhh.


solar panels can't melt down
>solar panels can't melt down
solar panels can't melt down
>solar panels can't melt down
solar panels can't melt down
>solar panels can't melt down

Economics happened. By being greedy and easing prices, opec created enough of a profit margin for shale to become profitable. They realized their mistake and crashed the market by lowering prices and dumping cheap oil on to the market.

Peak oil is a sort of meme, like anthropogenic climate change. There is some truth to both of them but it's not all doomsday like the supporters want you to believe. Peak oil will be handled by the market if allowed to do so. As oil production slows the increasing rarity of oil will push the price at the gas pump higher and higher until other technologies become more affordable than traditional internal combustion engines, at which point the market will switch and traditional engines will become less and less used, remaining collectors items and used for specific tech that relies heavily on oil and internal combustion.

Point is, barring shit like govt intervention and other meddling in the free market, peak oil will simply force us to find and adopt other technologies. We'll be fine.

just check out who is doing the estimations of how much oil is left. then you know how accurate these assumptions are.

*raising prices not easing prices

Peak oil was nonsense. It never accounted for the fact that we'd get way better at detecting sources of oil, and vastly improve our extraction tehniques.

At this point we'll have fusion millenias before we run out of oil.

>dumbfuck of the thread award.

You won!

Drunk Slavs using a hideously obsolete reactor to run a horrendously unsafe test
>three mile island
In the fucking late seventies.
Reactors are constantly getting safer, faggot.

Both fukushima and Chernobyl are the results of human error. Why build a reactor in a fucking tsunami zone?

>efficiency isn't the problem
It absolutely fucking is. When you need to use up hundreds of acres of land, making them entirely uninhabitable for the majority of wildlife The same goes for solar energy, which needs absurd amounts of land to generate a tenth of the energy a LNG plant would. Never mind that the extraction of the minerals needed for those panels generates more pollution than the plant would over years. Nuclear is a clear winner in terms of efficiency and, with the new plant designs, safety. Liquid salt and pebblebed reactors would have a lower incident rate than even coal and LNG plants. But no, we can't have that because "muh Chernobyl, muh Fukushima"

fuckin cuck

Melting down is a meme. In a plant with actual containment that's not being intentionally run improperly (not Chernobyl) the worst you get is some insignificant radiation leaks and a no go zone in the plant area itself that needs cleaned up at some point, and this is for older plant designs. Newer ones use gravity to passively dump the pressure vessel into a huge vat of water surrounded by a think layer of steel, basically a tomb, if it ever gets too hot.

Fukushima was a freak accident, Chernobyl was a pretty hilarious case of Soviets gonna Soviet, and Three Mile Island is a meme.

Fossil fuels do need replaced, but Nuclear is the only viable alternative. Hopefully we'll get fusion within our lifetimes, because that will be the next BIG human paradigm shift (assuming we don't hit a computational or biological-based one first).

>What happens if we take control rods out, Ivan?
>I don't know, Alexei, now pass me that vodka and we'll find out.

Oil will never run out. Learn about supply and demand you dumbass.


You realize that a nuclear plant having "less incidents" than fossil fuel plants is completely irrelevant right
I know that we're all gonna be dead in a year from the evil meme smoke but is that worse than even one major nuclear accident

They decided to get more competitive instead of creating artificial scarcity.

Dr. Al Bartlett is right up your alley:

It's good scare cinema, and most of the point are entirely valid. Here's the issue:
Once you dispel the myth of "fossil fuels" being created by dead dinos, you suddenly realize that the earth itself creates(d) all the hydrocarbons by some other process. For comparison on a more solar scale, check out what's just under the surface of Titan.

Once you realize that, you begin to understand it is preposterous to suggest when exactly a "peak" could be hit. Another fact in this regard is abandoned oil fields "regenerate" over a specific time period, shaking the foundations of a peak use theory.

Do we need to wane our use? Yes.

Should we keep OPEC in check with shale/fracking? Absolutely.

How long can we keep this up? Who the fuck knows. This is because we're focusing on symptoms of the REAL problems we're facing globally instead of addressing the actual problems themselves.

Population. Watch Al Bartlett's video above, then watch this one. THEN, you have my permission to be afraid:

>supply and demand removes scarcity
That's pretty funny, leaf. All it tells us is that when oil starts to run out the price will shoot through the roof and market mechanisms will automatically ration it. However, that still means less oil will be used (eventually none) and people will have to find alternatives, which is literally the whole point.

> Laws of Supply and Demand do not imply oil has an infinite supply faggot.

You probably mean "it will eventually get so expensive we are forced to use other resources to replace what oil once did for us".

peak oil is real. conventionals have peaked, and are on the long decline.

what happened was the growth of unconventionals, such as ultradeep, tar sands, and shale

Name a single nuclear incident involving properly modern (Gen III or later) reactor. Drunk slavs and gooks deciding to build in the path of a tsunami aren't arguments against nuclear power.

Never said it removed scarcity. I said it would prevent oil from running out. Learn to read.

Didn't say it did, moron. I said it would never run out. Learn to read.

Fuck oil its tesla time

Removing scarcity is the only way your post makes any sense.

>Drunk slavs and gooks deciding to build in the path of a tsunami aren't arguments against nuclear power.
So what about radioactive waste?

Or maybe that's because they have no real oil refining capacity, so they sell their oil to the (((Koch bros))) in Texas at a $20+ discount/barrel ($30/barrel), they refine it to gas/diesel/jet fuel then sell it back to Canada at $70/barrel because they're too stupid to bring their oil to tidewater by building pipelines to the coasts.

it won't run out, because what remains will become uneconomical to extract

The narative is that peak oil.
Really we are milking the middle east dry, while keeping them at was and shit in their back yard.
Eventually they dry out, and the pendilum swings to the west.

>doesn't realize that oil is a renewable resource.
You do realize how oil is produced, right? People aren't jumping on shorter term renewables because we're running out of oil. People are jumping on renewables because the keep getting cheaper over time and they're cleaner. Cleaner = less liability for damages.
Only OPEC is seriously driving for keeping oil relevant.
Exxon, Shell, BP, etc. have all already researched replacements and are ready to roll them out. Everyone in the industry knows that they'll be expensive in the beginning and the energy companies are going to make a killing in the transition.

Wasn't peak oil calculation based on the oil we know we had and not the total amount of oil on Earth? How would you even find out the amount of something if you don't know how much even exists?

the carrying capacity of the electricity grid is only around 18% of our total energy use. and we, pretty much, max it out.

converting our entire fleet to electricity will require a HUGE investment in the grid, for starters

What about it?
>can be reprocessed into fuel for reactors like the CANDU
>insignificant environmental damage (when stored correctly) compared to fossils
It's not like there aren't massive salt flats to store waste in.

>Fukushima was a freak accident.
Yes, defying safety protocols and approved design the backup gensets were installed in the basement of a building that was not protected against tsunami or flooding was a total freak accident and not willful negligence.

Isn't that a problem more with bureaucracy than with nuclear energy?

that's not completely true.

there's been an emphasis on investment by various governments in renewables, such as solar, regardless of whether it made economic sense.

Peak oil is a meme.

Saudi's are raising the price of oil because we imposed sanctions on Iran and they have much more market influence now. They wouldn't have been able to do this before if Iran was a competitor.

This is dodging the issue with semantics. The end result is that oil isn't being used and an alternative must be found. The whole point of discussing oil prices and supply is to forecast the future of its use as the primary energy source of industrial society.

The opec doesn't work.

They keep backstabbing each other by selling more than they are allowed to, which brings prices down.

No idea, if it was that easy why wouldn't they just do it? But to be honest I'm seriously fucking uninformed concerning that topic.

errrr - no.

saudi arabia used to be THE oil producer in the world, the "swing producer".

these days, we have quite a bit of spare capacity. were the saudis to cut production, others could step in their place; iran and iraq don't max out their flows, for starters.

fracking and oil sands is what happened.

lel dis fagit

>what happened?

The fracking revolution.

Here, this is why solar is already near its maximum efficiency:

It's based off thermodynamic laws for heat engines. Plus, the rare earth metal refining oftentimes will use more fossil fuels in creation than the panel will remove. Wind is just pathetic and shouldn't be looked at.

Hydro is perfect but implausible. Not enough places on the planet just like with geothermal.

>Saudi's are raising the price of oil because we imposed sanctions on Iran and they have much more market influence now
no they dont. they have aaay less influence than they did in the 70s when the 1st oil shock came

And the solution would be to import more migrants, right?

it's not.

there are two paths.

either we transition to an alternate - at which point, existing oil will decline in price, and an increasing amount of wells will shut as they're economically inefficient.

the alternative is that no alternative is located. this means existing oil will eventually increase in cost to a breaking point, where the energy invested in extracting he oil out is above the gain.

it's all about net energy. look up EROEI.

>why don't we reprocess
Politics and terrorism. It's actually not that hard, doubly so for proposed Thorium reactors which are specifically designed to allow extensive reprocessing. At the moment in the US at least we just let the stuff sit on site until further notice.

>The opec doesn't work.
>They keep backstabbing each other by selling more than they are allowed to, which brings prices down.
thats actually not the main reason. The main reason is that oil demand is now much more elastic in the modern world- meaning changes in supply by OPEC has relatively less effect. The other is shale oil boom in USA which wipes off any gross ncrease in prices- because even though shale oil is more expensive to extract than terrorist oil, its much more abundant as soon as companies extracting it can make monies

Didn't they test Thorium reactors in Norway and they turned out to be dreamy memes?

Wrong. Solar panels are not indefinitely sustainable. The materials degrade to uselessness in 10-15 years in the best of cases and its made out of rare materials:

And all of this goes to China to reduce the massively overpriced by rarity products

We had a site but Obama defunded it. Maybe we can get that running again.

Envirofags hate electricity. It doesn't matter where it comes from or how reasonable and how safe it is. They are just Varg-tier hippies that want us to live in the woods or something.

finland, i believe. the project is WAY behind schedule, and WAY over budget.

>that's not completely true.
>Didn't contradict what I said.
I build duplexes and apartments. I know what government incentives there are for the US.
Most of it, and I mean 99% of it, isn't feasible. For example, there a fuckton of grants and tax breaks for solar water heaters, but solar water heaters are shit. They're no where near as efficient as electric. It makes more sense to protect the roof with solar panels and reduce the cost of solar panels by 30% while advertising that our duplexes are cheaper on electric and add the cost of the solar panels into the rent. The governments chase memes harder than anyone on the internet, especially when Democrats/Leftist are in office because they don't understand basic economics.
It's not just with housing, the entire industry is like that. I have a friend that works in oil derrick construction. Some of the government subsidized construction methods being advertised didn't even pass private safety test. But that's neither here nor there.
We have to ability is supplement gas cars with on demand water electrolysis, hydrogen fuel cells are far safer than depicted and are rapidly becoming more viable, steam powerplants are a thing and can be greatly utilized in the desert. You don't need oil for all these things, but while it's under $100 a barrel, people are going to use it.

>muh birbs


slightly off. most photovoltaic panels come with an 80% efficiency guarantee after 20 years.

but yes, they do decline in efficiency.