Not gonna lie, former Merkel voter here

Schulz is having the right kind of ideas to Make Europe German Again (MEGA). So I will follow him to the death.

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Not gonna lie, former Anglo here. It's fucking hilarious watching whites crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let them have their privilage.


Neck yourself you cuck.

Not gonna lie, former East-German here, I like Schulz' concept of a new Europe.


Fuck off, cuck shill.

Sage in all fields

Sorry but I have to let off steam here. Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.

I've been living in Germany for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.

But if you are a bit familiar with Merkel, you should know she is one of the best, if not the best policy makers in the world. Since her election, German economy, aid for those in need and pretty much everything else has improved a lot.

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Germany and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Germany took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.

And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.

Germany has only been a country for about 150 years. Before that they were always warring factions or parts of "Germany" that hated of Germanic people. Once Germany unified it only created war and destruction. Always wanting to control Europe, always failing. This time we are close (once again) to controlling Europe in the shape of the EU. We will, once again fail. It's just how Germany does things. The EU will fail because of uncontrollable debt and member states leaving. Dark days are ahead for all of Europe once the EU fails. It doesn't matter who is in charge of Germany desu. It's either left, or mega left. There is no going right, ever.

Germany will once again break up into many pieces after the EU fails. Maybe this time Bayern can join Austria.

Not gonna lie, I get paid to write out generic lines for whatever political person I'm told for. Used these lines for Trump, Clinton, and now Schultz. As a globalist sheep I just hate white people and Europe.

Not gonna lie, former AfD supporter here. It's fucking hilarious watching Freuke crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let her dismantle the Ministry of Love and Tolerance™


you have to go back

>Make Europe Great Again
>by doubling down on the worst policies

it's going to be interesting to watch Germany go through this

>So I will follow him to the death.
Don't worry, he already prepared Fair Diversity Act, under which whites will be culled to be no more than 30% of German population.

Not gonna lie, I'm a Jew shill and I get paid $12/hr to post threads on Sup Forums shilling for other Jews like Schulz. He wants to flood Europe with Muslims to destroy Western Christianity and white people, and I agree with him.

Who tf is paying you for all this astroturfing?

As hard as it is to imagine, Schulz is literally worse than Merkel.

The company Schulz keeps tells you all you need to know. Pic related

>Schulz is having the right kind of ideas

name five

This is the Sup Forums equivalent of BRAP posting.

Except BRAP posting is actually funny sometimes.


Literally the only thing worse than Merkel

Fuck of traitor.

>he is right, you know

Heil Schulz, Führer Europas

How does it feel knowing that KEK has blessed this guy while the AfD is literally in shambles?

Underrated post

>Quads say that Schulz should be our new European leader for salvation

Welcher Zug ist das?

>stale pasta
come on, you can do better.

der Schulzzug

Does Germany even have nuclear codes that we shouldn't give to this guy?


Does the Caliphate of Germanistan have a nuclear stockpile?

Why do you come here? You dont convince a single non Spd voter to vote Spd`? Most people will be even more turned down to vote Spd again like myself. We all know where you are from. I srsly wanna ask! What are u tryong to accomplish?

Not gonna lie, former subhuman here. It's hilarious watching Germans a.d. 2017.

to crash this board, with no survivors

No srsly why?
THere is no advantage for Schulz here. Why do you do it

I consider voting for the SPD for the first time.


You are next, Polacken.

Lieber tot als rot.

we know you are from reddit...........

I dont want some low tier "memes" as answers i wanna know why the fuck you are coming here? Noone here will change his mind by some recopied trump memes. Why do you do this?

Schulz ist kein Roter.
Er ist ein Genosse der Bosse.

+5 trusting a Jew.

for the lulz

Seriously, though I do this for fun, no real reason behind that

Serving Europa, the fatherland.

Not gonna lie, former AfD voter here. I will vote for Merkel this year, she has better arguments.

You monster.

>I consider voting for the SPD for the first time.

I'm a lefty, but I'll be voting for Merkel :^)

This guy has literally no plans at all. His whole campaign is just a media bubble created by leftists journalists who worship him as their god. He's just some alcoholic corrupt EU all-talk-no-action politician.

I also noticed how he and his party are using anti-Trump fear tactics in order to gain more support, pathetic.

Ok that is atleast a decent answer.

So if you are willing to continue
Why do you think that Multicultural society is a good thing. 70% of german prisoners aer muslim. Why should we continue to strive for a society that gets more and more muslims with more and more problems. Turks lived here for more than 30 years and they are know more radical than ever.

CTR shills tried that.
They didn't even budge us.

And I'm sure they had 50 times the budget you SPD shills got.

How is ist good for europa to let in millions of non europeans who spend the last thousand years trying to conquer us?

>Germany will once again break up into many pieces after the EU fails.

The sad thing is, I actually wouldn't mind. There was never a really unified Germany to begin with, the different parts always hated each other and made sure to drag each other down. There's a reason the reunification was handled by politicians and no one asked the population about it.

Might do Germany well to be a loose coalition of smaller countries rather than having the federal politics dominate the states and fuck everything up beyond repair.

They help to break the national states.
Think you them as human Tiberium.


I'm still not sure what exactly the media is trying to do by memeing him up rather than exposing him as the German-hating rat he is.

Are they actually stupid enough to try and go for a commie coalition? If Merkel loses, the left loses. I mean, initially they win, but once Merkel has shown that she's a liability rather than an asset, the CDU will get rid of her and drift back to more conservative standpoints. Which means the left won't have 100% of the parliament under their control anymore.

In this case, they unironically lose if they win.

t. Trudeau

>that number
>wasted on such a bs

so the key to saving european identity is by letting in thousand of voilent fanatic Non europeans hellbent on converting everyone to their death cult? I dont mean to insult you ,but this is beyond retarded.

out of the loop.. is this guy just as bad as merkel?

Isn't Schulz a Social Democrat like Schöder?

Because Merkel is tired.
She is failing.
They want to keep AfD and Linke weak.

nevermind, got my answer here

Wenn sich weite Teile der Gesellschaft mal anstrengen würden, die anderen überhaupt mal zu akzeptieren, denn wäre das mit Multikulti und Integration gar kein Problem. Aber nein, my dude:
>muh national identity

Nationale Identitäten sind soziale Konstrukte, die ständige kulturelle Praxis benötigen. Es sind dynamische Konstrukte, die dem Wandel der Zeit unterworfen sind. Gerade da ist es wichtig, dass man andere Menschen versucht, in seine Identität zu integrieren.

Dass da was falsch gelaufen ist, spreche ich dir nicht ab. Nur lag der Fehler nicht bei den Türken, sondern am System, in das man die Türken reingeworfen hat.

Wenn man Menschen die Beine abschlägt und ihnen keine Prothesen gibt, darf man sich nicht wundern, dass sie dann nciht laufen können

not like schröder

Schröder want a globalist

RIP Germany

>Social Democrat

pick one

>Make Europe German Again (MEGA).
lolno. Schulz's slogan is KEK: keep Europe kucked.

Consider Zyklon B.

Not saving.
The old European identity is insufficient and has to be replaced with a new one.
No more Europe of Fatherlands.


Martin "let the rapefugees vote" Schulz

Martin "fuck Germany, kikes will rule this country" Schulz

Martin "the tiny manlet" Schulz

ebin meme my friend :^)

kill yourself

Merkel did recently say that the people are everyone who lives in Germany.
The German nation is dead.

got back to africa faggot


I am from the East.

Slovakia is next.

Merkel should look up Article 116 of your constitution. It defines pretty clearly who is "the German people", and Abdul & Mustafa are not included in that definition.

Guess your constitutional police and court are too busy dealing with some guy who posted ebin Nazi memes on FB though to deal with people who are actually shitting on your constitution.

We are not obligated as westerners to let in the filthy heathens of the desert who are bitting the hand that feeds them by worshiping for the destruction of our society within their religious tenants. We need to get tough or die.

ok ich bin zwar überhaupt nicht deiner meinung ,aber wnigstens kommen antworten. Kudos to you. Ich bin in einer multikulturellen Umgebung aufgewachsen und hab miterlebt wie die türkische oder sagen wir mal muslimische arabische gesellschaft funktioniert ,die hälfte meiner Freunde waren Ausländer und meine Erfahrung war ,das multikulti einfach nicht funktioniert. Die Muslimische Kultur ist stärker und fester Teil jeder Identität ,die Söhne konnten aus dem Iran vor Fundamentalisten geflohen sein und trotzdem ging dieser Junge hoch wenn man auch nur Islam erwähnte. So zu tun das man einfach nur die richtigen Programme braucht ist komlett lächerlich , Spd regiert fast alle Multikulti ghettos und die finden keine Lösung wenn sie das Problem nicht sogar verschlimmern

if these two are your only option then get ready to have germany invaded

>Be german
>be fed up of a conservative politician
>vote for a liberal
Enjoy your over 9000 millions ahmed cocks Hans

Let EU disintegrate to its own impossibility of existing in its current state.


Ja die integration seitens der flüchtlinge klappt ja auch so super dass sich diese tollen no-go zones immer weiter ausbreiten und türken in der dritten generation hier für erdogan auf die straße gehen.
Wenn du diese leute so liebst dann nimm doch ein paar von denen in dein haus auf, villeicht wirst du dann verstehen.

Merkel is too powerful for the Verfassungsschutz and she has already burned bridges with many conservatives.
She is the late revenge of the DDR/GDR/East Germany.

It would doom Germany.

so much denial Hans, it doesnt suit you, you used to be based. Fuck this kike, I will curse him with som spells


Fuck sandniggers.

Der jude schultz kann verecken.

Der verkauft uns an judensrael.
Schröder hat uns an russland vertickt.

Schultz an die juden.

Warum kommen nur dreckige landesveräter aus der spd?

Germany and Europe has done better before there was even EU.
Only way EU can exist and work is if it is democratized AND federalized. Now it's just a bunch of retarded as fuck corrupt people abusing the entire Europe, and no law or people can reach them.

and euro will never work without federalization and democracy.
Germany has been great without EU, as has Europe (think colonial times), it is no prequisite for Europe's greatness.

Die macht landesverrat als Parteiprogramm. Und der ewige Schuldkomplex der deutschen kann damit ausgelebt werden

Weil das genau der falsche Ansatz war. Wenn man Leuten sagt, dass sie nicht zur "Volksgemeinschaft" (was auch immer das ist) gehörten, weil sie Muslime sind, dann schließt man sie schonmal kategorisch von jeglichen Integrationsprozessen aus.

Dann können die ja einfach nicht anders, als sich an ihre alten Identitäten klammern.

Ich bin halber Asiate und habe meine Kindheit über mich immer als Asiate gefühlt. Wieso? Weil die anderen Kinder mich immer gefragt haben, woher ich komme. Wenn ich dann gesagt habe, dass ich aus Deutschland bin, war das denen nicht genug: Woher kommen deine Eltern? Sowas impliziert ja schon von vornerein, dass du nicht Teil dieser Gruppe bist. Du schaust nicht so aus, wie einer von uns, als o kannst du nicht aus Deutschland stammen. Genau aus diesem Grund habe ich mich dann einfach irgendwann an meine koreanische Identität geklammert. Erst durch gesellschaftliches Engagement habe ich wieder gemerkt, dass ich gar nichts mit Korea am Hut habe (ich war noch nicht mal in Korea), und dass ich eigentlich Deutscher bin.

Und genauso muss man mit Muslimen und Flüchtlingen umgehen. Man muss sie in die Gesellschaft einbringen und zeigen, was es heißt westliche Werte zu leben.

Das die SPD in den Landesregierungen failt, ist mir bewusst, aber der Wille zur Integration ist da und vor allem führt man in den linken Ecken den richtigen Diskurs.

It is too late for Germany.
Have you seen our demographics?
Worse than Japan's.

see this

>Europe under German power
>Corrupt Spanish govt becomes puppet of superior german efficiency
I'm ok with this

Ich sehe in der ganzen welt kein beweis für die Theorie das wir nicht nett genug waren zu Immigranten. IN der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte gab es wohl kaum eine gessellschaft die so offen und gutmütig zu Immigranten war wie die westliche Welt. Die integration klappt so schlecht wie eh und jeh. Schweden dass noch ein wenig offener war gegenüber Immigranten ist heute telweise Kriegsgebiet(malmö) es gibt allein in malmö 30 Handgranaten angriffe pro Jahr! HANDGRANATEN! In schweden. Es gibt in der gesamten Menscheitsgeschichte kein Beispiel von Multikulti der ohne Bürgerkrieg oder massiver Unterdrückung funktioniert hat. Es ist evoltionär im menschen verankert in Gruppen und Identitäten zu denken

heieiei Rechtschreibung .......