Having children

>having children

Good goy.

>spoiling your children

>not having children

Good goy

So are you saying that we should increase abortions?

My genes are trash anyways. I'd just assume adopt.

>b-but the cuck meme

>raising a child in poverty


Wow that's cheap. Lol day care alone runs me 12k a year per kid.

health care only $20k? not under obamacare.


>Dont reproduce because it isn't free
>Just die alone and without kids because it's cheap

All the poor fucks have two plus kids in my day care since the gov pays for it. Everyone with money has one to two tops since we foot the whole bill.

I had a poor parent tell me it's so economical to have more children. I almost fucking hit her.

If you can't feed em don't breed em.

>Nigger baby

Where's the expense for bail money?

Divide it by 18 years and you get
$12000/year, but you have to keep in mind most of those education costs are (((college))) and that food cost is way too high. ($6 a day to feed your kid? Pfft.)

The biggest expense for a kid is daycare or sacrificing a second income to stay home for 4 years.

nice try jew

>not having children
>importing "immigrants" because of population drop
Good goy

>not raising you wife's son
and you call others cuck


>No more white babies
>More kikelings, nigletts, and taquitos
Good goy

>Everything: Jewish
>Oxygen: Jewish
>Clothes: Jewish
>Words: Jewish
>Sup Forums: Jewish
>the concept of time: Jewish

>father of five here

Dude, that's too much of a reasonable assertion for Sup Forums.

>Genes are trash
This is such a retarded meme. Unless you have one of the very rare genetic diseases.

>dumb goy dont have kids so BLACKED women will replace your society with violent mudbabies

>Have kids so you don't die alone
>Kids throw you in a nursing home when youre old
>die alone and broke

the eternal joo is responsible for everything amiright keks

why not just have the government pay for it like the niggers do

>housing and transportation
Lol, nigga. You don't need to buy them their own car and house.

where do you think is that money coming from, einstein?

It is indeed a retarded meme.

>morbidly obese
>rare genetic disease

>(((Reverse Psychology)))
Also, money is not the end goal, you have to be a retarded kike to think that way.

This. Absolutely. Hedonistic materialists think this way.

That's the AVERAGE cost of raising a child.

If you spoil them it will be significantly higher.

If you give them the bare minimum it will be less be they will be bullied at school and have severe self-esteem issues because they'll be "the poor kid".

>housing and transportation.
you still need a home without a kid so you already have that. Also, most people have cars if they aren't in a city so you don't buy that either. Buy the car seat and you are done.
Fake and gay. I have a 1 1/2 year old and he really didn't add much to my bills until he started eating real food.

prove to me that a "non-materialistic" world exists and it has anything to do with jizzing into a woman

Wait until they become heroin addicts and steal all your shit.

He's got bigger tits than my girlfriend.

>I have a 1 1/2 year old and he really didn't add much to my bills until he started eating real food.
Come back in 17 years and tell us how much you've spent on him.

Remember that OP's pic doesn't even include college tuition fees.

Just lose weight. Stop eating, go jog/walk everyday, and clean up. I manage to do it as a former NEET scum and so can you.

>letting your race die out cuz money
Go away Schlomo. The JIDF isn't welcome here.


Yes goy, only black people and muslims should breed, white babies are inherently racist. You dont want to a racist now do you goy?

Who made this so expensive? People here don''t earn that much and somehow still have children, with better healthcare.

is this the ultimate red pill?

First, you conflate "non-materialistic" with anything beyond the physical realm, e.g. supernaturalism. Learn to distinguish between materialism and physical universe.

Second, I am referring to materialism as if things and bobbles are the end-all goal of life.
>my children's life will be terrible if they cannot have IPhones at age 6!!! They'll be outcasts!!

Third, hedonism. Those who live to feed the passions for the sake of pleasure.

my point still stands. you need a house and car anyway without kids. you don't have to spend that much more to incorporate kids.


>Who made this so expensive?

i still don't see a reason to jiz into a woman

maybe, just maybe, it has to do with the welfare state. oh no stupid me, must be the jews kek

>apply for welfare

Perhaps its your innate inferiority dictating your inadequacies ... or perhaps you're just internalizing the commands of your oppressors; e.g. the Jews.

You'll probably need a bigger place once you have kids.

I rent a one bedroom flat in London. I'd have to move to the suburbs and buy a car if I had a kid.

>letting yourself get replaced by immigrants

Good goy


It's not like we have a choice.

>having children, a trait of human beings before even religion, is a jew thing to do.
fucking gas yourself OP

Only niggers are allowed to receive welfare, racist

Don't you have a house anyway? I mean would you live in a shoebox if you didn't have a kid?

see, i told you. jews. its always the jews in your world. tell me, american, have you lived in germany or austria? do you understand that life here is different? you're just a collectivist smartass shitposting on Sup Forums about stuff you don't understand.

>Oh so expensive

Can you take a joke, Austrian? By the way kiddo, shouldn't you be in school right about now?

>looking at children as a matter of monetary cost

I realised this only the other day.
Smart people don't have the chance to pass on the "don't have children" logic because they don't have kids to tell it too.

More morons have children then tell the next generation that having children is the best thing to do and it's amazing

>living with your kids when you're old instead of a nursing home with arabs or chinks taking "care" of you

250,000/52weeks/21years =

100% bullshit. Take it from someone who not only has a child, but knows people with tons of kids. Kids are only as expensive as you're willing to spend on them. Don't pay for your kids' college or vehicles or cellphone: it's bad for them.

its utc+1 here. and kek smiles upon the both of us so lets make peace and maga like theres no tomorrow, ok?

Do you live with your parents and grandparents?

>housing & transportation $107,970

You're already paying for housing regardless of whether or not you're having the child.

It is amazing. Five and counting, here. Nothing else gives you purpose than raising souls for heaven.

no, but they could move in with my parents any time

Indeed. Dominus vobiscum, fratre.

Even if, say, Boogie does exactly that, his hell-spawn offspring will be more susceptible to obesity.

Sage goes in all fields. So nigger n spic good to have children but us not??

GTFO kike


Since I'm Jewish, can I afford kids, or will I be stabbed in the back for being too white for them?

I bet those non-white immigrants families with 9 kids are rich as fuck so they can take care all of them in that expensive way.

>Being fat
You are right in some ways. Some races, genetics intake fat differently. I know some pure aryan supermen that can eat a full plate of dinner and still be skinny. On the other hand, I know some goblin spic eho doesnt eat much and he looks like a ballon. Find out how many calories you intake snd reduce it to whatever level you need to lose weight.

I don't understand this mentality. Why would you bring a child into this world if you're not willing to support it? Your kid is going to be bullied by his peers because you're too stingy or poor to buy him a phone.

So could I but you're deluded if you think your kids are going to live with you when you're older.

They'll have their own lives going on. If you're lucky they'll visit you every few months or so. That's it.

>only the cost to 17
>doesn't even count any college expense


Is this meant to be a negative thing? That is way lower than I would've expected

>he wants his lineage to die off
No wonder your leaders have to import brown people. I find you and your ilk to be absolutely disgusting and deserving of my contempt.

>painting the wall with your brain when you're old instead of ''living'' in a a nursing home with arabs or chinks taking "care" of you
>10 cents

>I don't understand this mentality. Why would you bring a child into this world if you're not willing to support it? Your kid is going to be bullied by his peers because you're too stingy or poor to buy him a phone.
By observing actual children in actual families, I've come to the opposite conclusion: that regardless of whether you have the money or not, buying optional things for your children contributes strongly to them being like so many people in their 20s and 30s now: leeches who are unable to succeed in the real world.

(Regarding the bullying, kids look for any reason to pick on each other; not having a cellphone isn't a particularly egregious one. They're much more likely to be picked on for being right-wing.)

That's the cost if you only have one but the more you have the lower the cost of all subsequent children, you don't need to re-buy bullshit like highchairs and cribs and such and clothing can be hand me downs. As for housing you are going to pay for that anyway and as far as transport, public transport is cheap as fuck and as long as you have three or less they will fit in the average car.

Childcare, is bullshit your wife can do it for free. Education is basically free and public schools aren't so bad as long as you don't live among niggers.

Healthcare is basically free too.

Not only that if you start having them relatively young and have a bunch one after the other when the youngest starts school your wife can get a job, then they all grow up and get a part time job at 16, by the time 18-19 years has passed you have 3-4 people in the workforce in your family instead of 1 or 2. 25 year on you have 5 or maybe even more if you went crazy with it.

5 adults in the workforce, pool your money, buy a big house in a country town, live the good life.

Just have to make sure your kids don't become degenerates.

>childcare and education
>only $45,000

I fucking wish

It's a lot worse when working groceries. You get to witness women with designer bags with kids in rags. At the counter, they hand you WIC checks and foodstamp cards left and right. It's sickening. Bet that last jobless thot with a Gucci purse had 3 different baby daddies just for the shekels.

>Paying ridiculous amounts of money to send your children to Frankfurt School faggot factories.

If you're going to send them into the the Jewish education system, you might as well not have kids.

Just sour grapes from losers whose genes are slowly being removed from the gene-pool proclaiming that its a good thing, and they aren't inferior.

Ordinarily these men would have just been killed in war, so we wouldnt have to hear their pathetic whining. But in post modern society they are all apathetic keyboard warriors who can see exactly what is happening to them but try to lie themselves in order to save some degree of self esteem.

>I don't understand this mentality. Why would you bring a child into this world if you're not willing to support it? Your kid is going to be bullied by his peers because you're too stingy or poor to buy him a phone.
Kids will look for excuses to bully each other, being poor isn't enough, you also have to be weak.

Teach your kid to say no once and then punch them in the face the second time.

LOL if you think you need anything like that to raise a child, you've been brainwashed by kikes and you're part of the reason the white race will disappear.

I have three, we live very comfortably on $1700 a month.

You can't just tell your kid to do that and he'll listen. You'd be a terrible parent.

I never understood poor and jobless people putting their kids in day care.

WTF are those people doing all day?

Here abos all get free day care. Abos don't have jobs, they get free money and housing from the government free education and healthcare, free public transport. Why do they need people to look after their kids? What are the doing all day? Drinking and taking drugs?


This was a few years ago hearing these stats, but in the nearest pretty liberal city to me, the going rate was $1300 plus per kid per month for state welfare with a child care stipend on top of that. So these baby mommas would have their mothers or grandmothers live at the place as childcare. Fathers of course not in the picture, or at least legally living there

>You can't just tell your kid to do that and he'll listen. You'd be a terrible parent.
You're right, i obviously have to show him how to throw a punch before doing thatl.

Do you rent a flat/condo?

feeding a child - 40e a month
clothes - depending on how fast they grow, but second hand clothes are cheap as fuck and I have some of my kiddie clothes left over
transport - bus travel costs next to nothing, or they can ride a bike to school
housing - you're already paying for your own housing

I think its more for taking care of the kids then anything else. They don't want a bunch of unruly kids from dysfunctional families getting into school later.

1488 shill.

Only a jew would care so much about saving money that he would end his own bloodline over it.

Put your kid in some kind of martial arts classes, karate or taekwondo or something.

I'm poor as fuck but it's easy to afford, how much are these people spending on beer and cigarettes and shit. Just don't buy that garbage and buy your kid something that will improve their life.

then you raise them in a country where everyone is the poor kid

t. eastern bloc