French police sniper shoots two in error at Hollande speech

>Be French
>Get Shot

Other urls found in this thread:

>blacks shooting blacks
Nothing new here.

>Be French sniper
>Accidentally shoot crowd
>Crowd surrenders
>Sniper surrenders
>Hollande surrenders
>France is now part of Germany again

>police sniper
>NDs into a crowd
Why is this possible?

>implying germany isn't cucked to the point where they would give it all to Luxemburg or the Netherlands.

Remind me of hollande saying ' in France nobody shoot crowns ' when he was referring to trump, everyone excuse us for this laughing shit president we have.

Guns banned in 3....2.....1...

>when you fall asleep during the president's speech



whats up with you guys, do you still abduct children for human sacrifices and re-enact incestuous pedophilia fantasies?

why finger on trigger
why is he using scope to scan
where is his teammate in all this
200 dollars says it was literally his first rodeo

the meme-quality aspect of this is that after the shot rang out, Hollande laconically asked "hope that wasn't serious"...then continued on with his speech.

>shoot into crowd
>no one dead
I hope he gets fired

here s the vid you shitposters
>"I hope its nothing bad?.."
>"I don't think so..."

They just said he ahoy himself in the foot.

>One local report said the safety catch was unlocked and the gun discharged.

Guy deserves to at least be fired for not remembering basic gun safety.

please big american military guy, dirty foreigner here, tell me whats going on in the pig

She's pointing the gun toward herself.

This seems like a botched false-flag situation that they are covering up. Has there ever been a case like this from history?

Unless the sniper did see something and take action, now the would be assassins that he was shooting are now being portayed as innocent because the plot was foiled by a patriot who's now the one being blamed.

Muzzle sweeping - basically pointing the gun at yourself or someone else. It's one of the first things they teach you about gun safety and a good way to instantly get kicked off a firing range.

fucking Tandepasta kek

Woman simultaneously pointing two guns at herself.

The gunS (look at the rifle).

WTF France? You're so goddamned cucked that when there is gunfire at your Presidents speech, you just go, "Oh well, we may all die. Lets just stay here listening to the propaganda and wait for the machete's."

Olright m80m8, next we all cover and cry as loud as possible and wait for the ambulance to come

Meant for

That was Belgium

Looks like a magazine she's trying to put in her breast pocket, i don't see the second gun.

If this happened in the USA and Drumpf said exactly what President Netherlands said, there would be a sticky about how BASED he is

Money says it's a fucking Muslim.

Well fug.

Hollande is them one who said they would have to live with terrorism

our police always aim for the head, it's official policy, there would be no "injuries"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont muslims in the american army have more friendly fire cases than enemies killed?

fucking bagels, literally the most cucked nation on earth. I'm surprised Hollande didn't start sucking an immigrant dick from that surge of adrenaline

British cops do the same. There was a small scandal when they executed an innocent bloke after the London bombings.

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont american in the american army have more friendly fire cases than enemies killed?
fixd and yes

It's not exactly the same though is it? Ballsack

the barrel of a rifle is just barely visible at the bottom of the pic
original is a lot bigger and more clear

One is her rifle that's visible under the pouches on her chest rig. You can see the barrel at the bottom of the picture pointed right at her stomach.

What did he mean by this?

We mean that you're shit, now get off our thread, this thread is now under supervision of based Grand-duc

>no video of the event in OP

OP's craving for cock continues unabated.

Nice finger discipline faggot.

thereand the applies to you
kiss the ring or get out of mein thread

>Im so good I can shoot a fly mid flight
>oh really? watch this crowd, im gonna shoot at not kill anybody

and every news channel would be demanding impeachment stat

continue his speech tho, thats retarded, he should have focused on the possible injured

He... actually handled that one well. With his position, he was likely to spot any panic within the crowd, and either he himself has an earpiece, or one of the attendants to which he throws a sideway glance, assuredly has one.

Kek putin de baguette

Remington, not even once.

>be a sniper
>everyone in france looks and is a terrorist
>dump into the crowd

One more time, everybody say it with me:
The French are not serious about security.


No teammate I think, the guy was getting into position, he shot from inside a tent (where a reception was to be held after gouda's speech)

Doesn't he have like a 3% approval rating?



based paste
