WTF, I Hate Weed Now!

All the ass-blasted libtard snowflakes are in full freak-the-fuck-out-mode. It seems Litteral Hitler appointee Jeff Sessions would let states decide on pot legality.

From my desk, I can hear crying and gnashing of teeth and smells like cat piss, hackeysacks and sweaty toboggans.

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Most of you probably know I don’t think America is going to be a better place when more people of all ages and particularly young people start smoking pot," Sessions said

>"Most of you probably know I don’t think America is going to be a better place when more people of all ages and particularly young people start smoking pot," Sessions said

>"I'm definitely not a fan of expanded use of marijuana," Sessions said. "I would just say it does remain a violation of federal law to distribute marijuana throughout any place in the United States, whether a state legalizes it or not."

He will crack down on marijuana soon.

Thanks Drumpf!

why would they be freaking out? that's the only way it would ever be "legal" during Trumps administration. and wouldnt that be directly contradictory to the stance that spicey said the new admin was going to roll out? your logic and reasoning skills are fucking low dude

don't you have some human rights violations to be focusing on in your own country? fuck out of here

Not an argument, Dumpflake.

everyone i know who started smoking weed has tried at least one of
>crack cocaine
>crystal meth

in b4 'not a gateway drug'

>g-get out!!11
>stop posting things i don't like !!!!11

Do you need a safe space, drumpfy?

The Netherlands has 1 of the most liberal marijuana policies in the world but our usage is lower then neighbouring countries and America

You can be against marijuana use and still endorse legalizing it.

Criminalizing doesn't work and is simply bad policy

Hahaha this. Fuck Drumpf and white people.

I have no idea what to make of like half the posts itt. How can anyone say this is a bad thing if your pro DUDE WEED? He literally said he would love it up to the states.

? safe space? my stance was that people that smoke pot would look favorably on what sessions said...

sorry your only involvement in american politics will be watching from the sidelines.

Everyone I know who did those things also drank water and ate food.

What is going on with weed? Is it gonna get banned or What the fuck is going on?
Math fried my brain I am potato level now.

In the next sentence said it is still prohibited federally.

Americunt educashion

not an american

>Math fried my brain
you're doing it wrong

If you haven't ever snorted coke off a girls tits or ass and then fucked said girl you haven't lived my dude

lmao i never said im a trump supporter! i am white tho and live in america outside Los Angeles so suck my eagle dick

Yes sweetie, it always has been.... You don't understand how it works here, just shut the fuck up you look gay and stupid.

>b-but Sean Spicer said

liberals btfo

Yep. I read that. Then I remembered the part where the highest LEO in the country was going to leave it up to the states. Germanistan education.

right nobody gives a shit about your anecdotal evidence

How does it feel electing a moron into the highest office? lmao

>It seems Litteral Hitler appointee Jeff Sessions would let states decide on pot legality.
Did you read your own post? What point are you even trying to make?

dude are you retarded? why would liberals be btfo? conservatives are the ones that crack down on drugs...

>my stance was that people that smoke pot would look favorably on what sessions said...

>Sessions said that the memo is under review

>"We're going to look at it ... and try to adopt responsible policies," Sessions said.

He is about to crack down on weed for no reason. True conservative, for sure!

Also, good luck to Drumpf in 2020 if this happens lol.

>plebbit breaks
>cursing, inappropriate levels of emotion
>re-hashing this non-story, still clearly trying to get putative potheads to change a vote they already cast

>In the next sentence said it is still prohibited federally
That's an objective fact that the president nor the Attorney General can change?

I don't think he did anything. Everybody voted for Hillary, trump still won. Not our fault the shit is rigged.

It looks like your brain is stuck in the low earth orbit, sweetie.

whatever dude, at least we have proper checks and balances. didnt you guys have a slight problem with a guy abusing his power back in the day?

Whoops, looks like the lugenpresse was full of shit again!

He's mocking the reports that twisted Spicer's words about pursuing cartel distribution of marijuana and opiates to mean that the Trump admin was going after states that legalized werf

I imagine he was being sarcastic and that potheads in states that have legalized weed were freaking out for no reason.

I vote that you lost this exchange. Germany BTFO

Law enforcement officer, Mehmet.

1 out of 8 leaf. Choke up on that bat.

Ok, but now serious, what does LEO stand for in this context?

i didnt even vote for the dude stop assuming things.

You did it, OP! You created another distraction thread of no real concern! Good job!

>states decide

good enough

What do you think dumb fuck? Also, i'm not your google, look it up yourself.

See you retard.

>muh states rights

>states legalize marijuana
>[autistic screeching]

>comparing psychedelics to stimulants and narcotics

Get fucked

Thanks. But honestly I'm still kinda confused. How can it be locally legal but him saying federally illegal? Not trolling, want to understand.

you mean neocons faggot.

>crack down on drugs
>let conservative states keep weed illegal
>let degenerate states legalize weed
>win the black vote for 2020
>win more red states as byproduct

it's a simple matter of not forcing an agenda on a federal level. It's easier to move to a different state because you disagree with the state legislature than it is to move out of the country all together.

hence, liberals btfo

>states have rights

Law Enforcement Officer. The Attorney General is the most powerful Officer who can enforce the law in the entire country. As Attorney General, when Jeff said he wasn't going to prosecute DUDE WEED and leave it up to the states, the entire Department of Justice will do his bidding. Ie not go bust DUDE WEED dispensaries.

>last week
Omg Trump and sessions are going after weed federally! He lied! He said he would leave it up to states.
>this week
Omg trump and sessions are leaving it up to states reeeeeeee!

Mental illness.

>illegal weed
yes, it's actually part of an international treaty, and I am sure Germany, is part of it.

Holy shit calm your tits Pajeet

because under Obama they didnt enforce it. certain states voted to make it medicinal or recreational in contradiction to federal law. but nobody really cared so the feds didnt do anything. they are allowed to raid dispensaries just dont really.

local LEO can't do anything about it. FEDs won't do anything about it. but they could. but they won't.

forgot to add

>win more red states as byproduct
>newly red states criminalize weed at state level
>crack down on drugs
>niggers get btfo as well as liberals

it works two fold buddy.

Thanks for explanation. The thread is just moving so fast so my questions look retarded (can't keep up with multiple posters)

We have a concept called state sovereignty, that is, states have their own laws and courts. Sometimes states make things legal and under federal law are illegal. In the case of weed, a local or state police officer in Colorado can't arrest your for possession of it. A federal law enforcement officer could. On a semi-related note, murder is also almost always a state crime and not a federal one.

most americans are ok with legal weed. CO make a shit ton of money off of it.
>states see other states with legal weed bring in millions in new taxes
>other states legalizes weed too

you must not understand the term crack down

>weed crack down
even in my state, where medical weed was voted okay on a ballot, the feds were still raiding dispensaries, under Obama. I hope the libs remember that.

Amsterdam faggot, it's not legal there either.

if people want to grow bud they will... illegality just means longer to do for the convicted individual

>piss off all the libertarians that voted for Trump

No I am not. 8 hours is too much for me at the moment. I cannot process this amout of shit in such short period of time.

feds still shut shit down under obama. people were REEEEEEEEEEEEEing in cali.

dude alright chill man not sure y u get so riled up

Nice cherry-picking



this is Sup Forums faggot. no one needs to be riled up to call a nigger a faggot.

To get marijuana you need to get a dealer who might sell other drugs. If it's legal and sold in shops you don't run into other drugs that the dealer may tempt you with.

Who cares?

>At least he's not Hilary

It doesn't have to be one or the other, both candidates were awful

use google faggot.
first result that wasn't about trump.

>To get marijuana you need to get a dealer who might sell other drugs.
there's a marijuana store on every block here

and you can buy salvia at any smokeshop

you sound like an angry little dude. why make life so complicated for yourself hating everyone? get a hobby

pa de si brate
long time no see

>the feds were still raiding dispensaries, under Obama
They tended to go after dispensaries that weren't on the level. Some of them were really just semitransparent pot dealers and not legit dispensaries. These get zapped a lot.

Better question is did patients get raided?

Trump should lower marijuana to schedule 4. There is no reason for it to be schedule 1 when it has proven medical benefits, and it is no where near as dangerous as anything in schedule 2 or 3.

youre my bitch forever because u just googled something for me

1995 called

you're just a little faggot. kys.

>only 8 hours
undergrad detected

far better thread

Coming from a dude who voted for Merkel? Please.

you have homework to do. get off Sup Forums

Hi. Not me. And I'm WAAAAYYYY too old to even think it.

Nice to meet you!

>It should be up to the states!
>but federal law-
And that's where i stop listening.

Alcohol, tobacco, and hydrocodone were my gateway drugs. All incredibly easy to get.

look man there are plenty of reasons to live. you'll grow at of this self hatred some day.. maybe find a replacement cock on the ground!

Don't be a faggot. The only acceptable way to reduce MJ consumption is education and rehab centers. Making it illegal does nothing but destroy lives and create new criminals.

How does if feel knowing your wife is fucking Muhammad and your daughter is being raped by Abdul kraut?

lol u gay

>impying there is no societal cost to legal weed.

You have to fully weigh the societal costs vs benefits. Yes, there is tax revenue, and cost savings on no longer enforcing drug laws, but there are costs in lost productivity of loser stoners, fucking idiot kids crashing their cars driving stoned, mental health costs from exacerbated schizophrenia and other neurological diseases that 'harmless' weed induces.

Now, I am all for legal weed, as long as I don't have to subsidize the consequences of the loserdom that usually accompanies it.

>feeling proud that the government compromises you

As an ex-weed user, you're totally right this time leaf

were you a closet trump supporter or a social reject?

>kids crashing their cars driving stoned
that doesn't happen

You do have to subsidize the people who get locked up for having a gram of pot so pick your poison.

It sounds like they will simply let states to decide what they want to do with marijuana, how in any way is that a bad thing?