Jeff Sessions: 'We're not going to a better nation if we have marijuana sold at every corner grocery store'

>Jeff Sessions: 'We're not going to a better nation if we have marijuana sold at every corner grocery store'

>Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he is "not a fan" of the expanded use of marijuana during an exchange with reporters on Monday, parroting the Trump Administration's vow that there will be "greater enforcement" of federal marijuana laws.

>Sessions said that the memo is under review

>"We're going to look at it ... and try to adopt responsible policies," Sessions said.

Sessions is about to crack down on legal marijuana and make Drumpf one term president.

Give me your tears, drumpfkins.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I hate state rights.


Christ-cucks should go die and be with Jesus now. They should all just fuck off for eternity.

I can't believe these worthless jewdick suckers are talking about legal cannabis before illegal immigrants!
Trump is done if he fights on these two fronts.

>>Am Christian
>>Do not care about your pot

Hell, I partake every now and again myself. This is the law enforcement lobby.

Federal legalization, rescheduling. Therefore expanding it.

I doubt they would actually go after the states that already did because that would be political suicide.

Anyway I'm going to trust Trump's statement of "leaving it to the states" over Liar Spicer and Sessions.

>>Jeff Sessions: 'We're not going to a better nation if we have marijuana sold at every corner grocery store'


>Sessions thinks he can stop stoners from stoning it up

I honestly don't get how it helps us to ban this shit

I fully agree, it should only be sold by stores which have a regulatory pass.

It's obvious as fuck. Nobody wants this shit sold at gas stations mate.

Really the most sensible place to put it is liquor stores, with some kind of option to let licensed bars and restaurants have something similar to smoking sections.

I hope Jeff Sessions employs Mike Pence in his fight against degeneracy

I agree with him on THC levels being too high specifically for sativa strains

Too many people are starting to get panic attacks because they smoked some strong strain like train wreck

Focus more on selling indica strains

Good, we need weed to become illegal since it is extremely dangerous. You don't even know what pesticides people are using and it has a lot of tar in it. Marijuana is much worse than any other drug since it can cause you to think it isn't dangerous and then that is when everything crashes down and your life gets ruined. I have seen many such cases.

I hope we can federally ban posting thumbnails

That's already how they do it. They don't sell weed at fucking 7/11 m8. I live in a legal state and you have to go to a dispensary to get it, be 21 or over, and it's way more tightly regulated than alcohol.

>please rip me off please

No, THC arms race is because of the free market. I need it high so I can bake with it. Smoking is cancer-inducing.

>parroting the Trump Administration's vow that there will be "greater enforcement" of federal marijuana laws

TIL "may" means the same as "vow"

I really wish I could write "Dear diary, today OP was not a faggot" but as usual I cannot because you are a gigantic faggot.

>muh pot
>it's just weed bro
>grass heals you bro
Why are pot smokers so fucking retarded? I will give you 2 guesses

lol i think we should ban liquor too because i saw some guy get too drunk one time
we got to ban it because how will america ever be great when some people can't be responsible
we should also place limiters on cars because some cars zoom too fast
and they need to make new york soda cup size a federal law because i might get fat from too much sugar

Except jeff sessions is talking to nobody here because nobody sells marijuana in grocery stores. This old man is a fucking retard.

>one term president
>all legal weed states are blue anyway

i want it sold at gas stations with free rolling paper and eye drops

just get liver cirrhosis and lung cancer because anything else is muh degeneracy
go straight to jail if you want to relax in a way different from the normies

beer is sold at gas stations

>Unironically smoking the herbal Jew after high school...

Enjoy your low test


fuck indica. Sativa is where it is at. Just be careful or you heart will beat very fast and it will not be fun. But Sativa is where its at who wants to smoke weed and just fall asleep that's lame

As much as I hate stoners, Republicans still being old retarded men is a fucking problem
Especially trying to use "MUH MORALITY" when cigarettes and alcohol are still sold at said stores

Good. People who use weed should be in prison for life.

But weed probably already is sold at every corner grocery store.

If not from the cashier then someone outside it.

Stoner """culture""" stems from it's illegality.

What kinda baby...

Trump said explicitly several times that he wanted medical for all states and to leave legalization up to the states. If he walks this back it's going to look really bad and also not help solidify his new voting base which includes independents and white working democrats, too.

You know there was a point when our country wasn't full of stoners stoning it up.

alcohol is destroying lives every day, and this guy is worried about people getting high. Yes, pot can cause schizophrenia, but alcohol is killing thousands of people every day, either from disease or from accidents/fights/stupidity.

Jeff "pops a boner for every dead stoner" Sessions
Jeff "apply lead to pothead till dead" Sessions
Jeff "DUDE WEED, JAIL NOW" Sessions

smoking it while you're in high school can permanently damage your test
smoking it while an adult only temporarily lowers your test

There really wasn't. People have been altering their consciousness before there was even the idea of a country.

Marijuana degenerates BTFO.... Have fun in our new and improved private prisons with Jumal... PS you are part of the problem if you are a pot smoking degenerate

This old ass son of a bitch needs to choke on nigger dick and fuck back off to hell. I'm from the same area he is but he's a baby boomer piece of shit. MJ is better than damn liquor.

In my city you can't even enter any headshop or "coffee shop" without legal ID and proof of residence, and you can't buy anything and take it outside before becoming a member of the store as well. And it is enforced.

Yes, but now you have some of the highest marijuana usage in the civilized world. Proportionally even more than us, and we're "known" for weed. Cannabis/Marijuana/Weed is something you cannot fight and win.

It only has the potential to bring out schizophrenic symptoms to those who are already genetically predisposed to it, but, yes, that is one of its few dangers. Not a reason for prohibition, though.

When was that?

if they make weed illegal again here then kids will have easier access to it, ironically

>You don't even know what pesticides people are using

Hi, ruhtaard. Are you talking about the people who grow your frankenfood or the average home grower (or licensed commercial grower, for that matter) who would never bother with pesticides.

You type like you were a home-schooled Christer faggot.

>muh high THC
Sessions is okay with me in general, but this argument is silly. Stronger strains are available, but big fucking deal. I hit it once or twice and put it down, just like with Sup Forums mothers. It's also much harder for kids to purchase from a dispensary compared to alcohol from a gas station.

The Liquid Jew has too much to lose, don't think for a second they aren't moving behind any number of scenes, turning the pressure up on all levels of government. From law enforcement to the legal system to counselors and (((insurance companies))), the trough is always full of money from which to feed.

I hope Trump and Company stay focused on muh wall and other biggies like the economy and the nigger problem--I actually think they are waking up to what the leftists have done to them and might be ready to slooooooooooowly attempt some self-recognition. Either way, I am very happy we chose to MAGA.

Hello, Serbiablue

Reminder to shilling cucks: Traitors hang first

>Yes, pot can cause schizophrenia
>It only has the potential to bring out schizophrenic symptoms to those who are already genetically predisposed to it

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the war on drugs.

Which helps the jews more, legal weed or illegal weed?

>>Jeff Sessions: 'We're not going to a better nation if we have marijuana sold at every corner grocery store'

Here's the problem with marijuana, user:


Grand River Enterprises, a Canadian tabacco company, financed this Indian tribe to run a huge grow op of 12,000 plants, and the tribe has just 5 registered members.

When you hear shit about Obama raiding marijuana ops, it was shit like this, which is clearly in violation of the letter and the spirit of mmj laws and they don't get special treatment just because they're injuns.

Trump will continue shutting this shit down. And rightfully so. Weed is incredibly easy to mass produce; it is after all a fucking weed. And if weed cultivation is just lazisse fair then it will be everywhere.

There will be no way to keep children from getting it like we do with tobacco and alcohol.

Furthermore, Sativa and Ruderalis strains are ok, but Indica strains are often smokable morphine, turn people into lazy couch zombies. And this shit turns people into supersensitive sjws who get triggered at every little thing too.

Medical marijuana should be up to the states to decide, but we can't just allow rampant production to the point where it is just all over the place or else nothing will ever get done and all our children will grow up degenerates instead of just the 50% or so that are degenerates now.

>legal marijuana
>a big issue to anyone except the fucking losers that use it

With jews, you lose.

I'd give that olive nigger bitch a quick rundown if her cunt wasn't constantly dripping with nigger cum

Drug warriors belong in mental institutions.

They can have the room next to the gun grabbers.

the founders loved getting high. TJ would smoke weed and fuck his slave then tend to his hemp crops

illegal helps the private prison jews. liquor kills off the white man. pot doesn't do shit. anti-pot is pro-jew.

you have no proof for the ridiculous claim



On the bright side, more nigs locked up now.

It's been documented and researched to death; just give it a quick search. By the way, those same people would go on to develop full-blown schizophrenia, with or without exposure to cannabis.

please. she had one fake black boyfriend for publicity reasons years ago

Why is it always the same serb creating obvious leaf tear shit threads?

>It's been documented and researched to death
so you don't actually have a source

HAHAHA deadbeat stoner retards BTFO. fuck you you lazy scum

he's some faggot mudslime from kosovo

>Cannabis/Marijuana/Weed is something you cannot fight and win.
Anything can be fought and won, it's just a matter of having the will to do it.

If drug dealers were rounded up and publicly executed on busy streets, drug use would decline.

citation needed, faggot

Gunshots only kill people who were going to die anyway

Prove me wrong.

Edgy as fuck.
If white men were rounded up and publicly executed on busy streets, I bet liberals would say that'd make the world a safer and more equal place but we both know that's not true you dumb shitskin

I will continue getting high and getting away with it regardless of what Jeff Sessions thinks.

Then answer me this...if your not supposed to smoke it in high school then why is it called high school?




user knows the truth

smoke sessions now

My high school had an average graduating class of ~250. During the 4 years I went to that school 5 kids died from alcohol related incidents. Zero died from marijuana. My parents grew up as hippies during the 60s and 70s. Just this year they've gone to 2 funerals for friends who've died from the long term consequences of alcohol. They've never gone to a pothead's funeral that smoked themselves into a coffin.

Conservatives I feel have a knee-jerk reaction to weed because they see kids go to college smoke weed and come out liberals but they neglect the fact that it's the colleges making them liberals not the marijuana. Marijuana does make your mind more malleable so it has affects like making it easier to appreciate new music or making you think Marxist-Leninist politics are good while you're high and someone is explaining them to you, but that isn't inherently a negative thing. Weed is only a negative thing if you are smoking it in a negative environment and the weed lets that environment overpower your individuality.

Fucking Alex Jones even hits some weed from time to time. If it was half as horrible as the strongest opponents say it is he never would.

Do you get paid, Clinton shill?
>A Serb
>Supporting a Clinton. Ever.

They sell alcohol at gas stations. They sell tobacco at gas stations.

Both of those drugs are far more dangerous than cannabis. It's not even close.

Kek agrees

What's with this weed stuff lately anyways? It's a fucking drug! Might as well then legalise cocaine, heroin etc.

>inb4 alcohol is worse
No, it's not. I've seen both substances OD. Drunk will just pass out, while the one overdosed weed becomes batshit insane.

>Might as well then legalise cocaine, heroin etc.

Those should be legal as well.

Prohibition does nothing but give the government an excuse to increase its own power and funnel money to the cartels.

i dont think hes for that, he doesnt want to make it popular and cool, you dont understand maybe, but every generation has had a "drug" that destroyed it, you had the smokers, the drunkards, opium addicts, meth, lsd, etc, its the same slippery slope shit only applied to drugs and vices, and trafficker merchants rubbing hands

those that are lost to MJ already will keep at it on the underground, but he wants to prevent you from degenerating the rest of clean kids, he should just go full 1488 on it, anyone that invested money on it with the hopes of legal profit can go fuck themselves and start selling natural products or whatever, they can sell their stash back to a trafficker, assuming they are not so themselves

This is will he win a re-election bid without Massachusetts or Colorado?

Daily reminder that soros supports pot legalization

The drunk won't wake up in the morning but the pothead will.

Nixon did a lot of good, but his " war on drugs" was almost as disastrous as LBJs "war on poverty".

If it's easier to get drugs, higher percentage of people will want to try it. Especially people in their early age. That means, more potential addicts.

>Sup Forums hates Sessions now that he takes away their precious weed
Go home reddit stoners

Yeah, totally. Guy, that od'd weed literally shat in sauna and then ran of in the woods, when there's -15C outside.

It's already easy to get drugs, retard.

Why does weed terrify the powers that be? I don't get it.

He said he would leave it up to the states though.....

Has there been any huge raids in legal weed states since trump took office that I missed?

He's right though

You are an ignorant fool. More Christians smoke than any other group in the US. Get on our level fuckwad.

Daily reminder that Soros supports both sides at all times for plausable deniability

You are a damn liar.

It opens your mind to the tyranny of authority

>epidemic of heroin use among middle class suburban neighborhoods, especially white middle class neighborhoods
>trump and sessions decides to ignore it
>goes after legal weed instead, which has been a boon to each state that legalized it

good job retards

>oy vey, marijuana is bad for you! buy our pharmaceuticals instead!

>>Jeff Sessions: 'We're not going to a better nation if we have marijuana sold at every corner grocery store'

I think 700,000 less arrests every year would make it better.

The best way to reduce crime is to reduce laws.
> True story

>people not wanting Trump/Sessions to carry out laws of the land
Fucking degenerates

This piece of shit would rather keep it an unregulated black market instead of seeing cannabis regulated, taxed and kept secure from children. Every state that has legalized has experienced all sorts of positive effects: less road deaths, better school funding, fewer children experimenting.

Ask yourself, what are his real motivations?

But it's true.

>You know there was a point when our country wasn't full of stoners stoning it up.

If it was good enough for George Washington, it's good enough for us now.