Try and convince me towards anarcho-capitalism

Try and convince me towards anarcho-capitalism.

Other urls found in this thread:–right_politics#History_of_the_terms

>convince me the earth orbits the sun


I would love too! How about we do it on a free helicopter ride!

Are you...trying to say you're better than me?

Why should the government possess a monopoly on force?

That fucking video triggered me. The caller asked an interesting question but he got hit full force by Stefans autism

On a technocratic basis, it makes sense. The government could be filled with people more trained to handle the problems of society, since they devote their entire lives to it. Having a bunch of average Joe's doing this may not be so well, since they're not as trained or skilled in politics or the economy.

What is the best method for determining who's fit for running a country?

It could either be meritocratic, with many people competing with each other to rise up politically, the winner succeeding.

Or it could be technocratic, with a person spending decades studying and training to run a country with technical skills in economics and politics, and because of their training will be put in power.

Certainly not democraticy.

Private companies aren't stuffed with "average Joe's."

If anything the government is filled with them. Private companies have a structure where those best fit to lead rise up. Especially in public traded corporations where a hostile takeover removes innefiecient companies or incompetent leaders. Government has no such mechanism. Instead you vote every few years and the leader who promises the most gibs wins

Wait...What? Are you trying to say you're intimidated by me because I'm repeating back what you wrote to me?

If you're too nervous to understand what you just wrote to me, and deny that you wrote it, how are we supposed to have a conversation about it?

1 - tax is theft
2 - the market regulates itself.
3 - there will be laws, basicly if you fuck someone up you will literally have to pay for it in a private court law.
4 - if you fuck up bad you cant be killed but you will have to pay a shitload of money and if you still cant pay for that, you will live in a hotel the rest of your life without getting out until you find a way to pay both the hotel and the debt. Dont ask me who is paying for your stay.
5 - people will make roads. Its obvious, or they will become obsolete due faster technological advances.
6 - Ancapstan the first ancap country will be cool as fuck, and every country around it will try to destroy them.
7 - the state has the monopoly of the theft, and in some places even that they cant do properly. Check brazil for instance, the government is so fucking retarded they share control of the country with drug dealers.

8 - Morality will not be an issue, if you follow the basic rules, you can do whatever the fuck you want in your property.

9- selling people or harming people to harvester organs will not be possible for ancaps your body is your own property and cant be sold unless you choose to do it.

10 - fuck the state, the left and the authoritarians.

thats enough. try to prove me wrong. pro tip : you cant.

But who decides who has merit? How can you evaluate merit?

At some point you have to cede control. The founding fathers sought to disperse this control among the general population, but in our modern age with the power of the internet, collectivist thinking is far to easy to cultivate and there is an active push to break down the systems designed to limit government authority. The problem with our current system is that people have the power to give up control over it.

He is the worst bait and switch on the web.

If a private court wants me to pay a guy I fucked up, why should I? Are they going to threaten me with violence? How about I just fuck up the guy then leave the country.

No... you need the state to uphold economic systems. If you privatize security, you will need to trust one with nuclear weapons, civilian control, etc. and therefore have a state that is only accountable through removal of funding.

TLDR; anarchy is cute when you're 17 but it falls apart very quickly when you put together the pieces of what makes an advanced society.

Nope just ostracism. You will have horrible credit, no business ties and be damned to absolute poverty.

>Advocates men roaming the countryside robing people with fully automatic weapons in the name of the public good
>An advanced society that is defined by barbarity

You can't be serious.

its the only system that doesnt hamstring white people for the sake of others

i'm not a big fan of anarchy desu senpai

Anyone that owns land will have a monopoly on violence on that land (people agree to this by choosing to live on his land). Let's call the land owner "King" and the people who live on his land "peasants".
You can see what I'm getting at here, right? If someone owns enough land, what distinguishes him from a "state".

Property is theft!

You literally (no exaggeration) can't be serious. Are you a nigger or something? Somalia is just a short boat trip away, faggot.
>in b4 that's not true anarchy
Shut the fuck up

>Communalism, council communism, market socialism as libertarianism
>Stalinism as a "democratic control of the means of production"
>Facism as "capitalist"

Fake and gay

>The state needs to be accountable by removal of funding

Is your argument that taxes are voluntary? I dare you to not pay them.

Please get back on the short bus.

What if after a few centuries of anarcho-capitalism happening in a land, there's no more unclaimed property. What would an immigrant or newborn baby do to acquire his own land?


Do you want leftist BTFO'd? You're an ancap.

Do you want to force leftist to agree with your views? You're a leftist.

>I cant lol

>Property is theft!
Property is Liberty
t. proudhon

Who is the victim?

No...I'll convince you of free enterprise, and ethno-nationalism. If you're a lefty and on the redpill journey what will happen is.

>Ok less taxes is a good thing
>Less foreign intervention is a good thing
>Central bank control over currency is a bad thing
>Initiation of force is a bad thing (((IRS)))
>Voluntary agreements in life is the way to go
At that point you'll be AnCap, and only think about opening up the market, and volunteerism. Then after that you'll realize it's not viable due to a generally Low-IQ population. Then you fall into human biodiversity, and changing demographics. After that you'll fall into the JQ. Happens every goddamn time.

>taxation is theft

Sometimes I wish there would be a single day of anarchy just so everyone with half a brain could band together and kill you leeches.

>taxation is the only reason you're on the internet
>you don't have a job
>you accept all forms of govt subsity as a diagnosed schizo, yet pretend to be above them
>you're going to die alone, faggot

Fuck him, first Stefan video I hit dislike on

love these.

Where did that immigrant come from? Purchase it from someone who doesn't want it anymore or is cashing out an inheritance. Land is changing hands all the time.

Pic related.

So you think murder should be legalized? That's not even close to an argument.

Embrace the memes young ancap. They hold the key to true ancapico.

If you enjoy Mexican drug cartels, you'll love this.

>Tfw most Network Access Points (NAP)s are privately owned.

Get fucked commie.

So it's okay for well-trained high-skill people to use violence or threats of violence to force poorly-trained low-skilled people to do their bidding?

Lol you're a fucking faggot in ancap society you can enforce contracts if you violate your contract I can force you to comply with the terms of the agreement you pacifist idiot you should actually read from ancap thinkers not Adam Kikesh and Jeffrey Cucker.


Nothing, property owners are sovereigns of their own property.

The government does not own my property. The government has no claim to my property. Property ownership is derived from first occupancy and scarcity plus labor. When I infuse my labor with a scarce resource I own it for the period of time that my labor is infused with it.

Example: I plant and till a farm --> I own the land that my farm is occupying and the vegetables that my farm grows

If you come to my farm with a gun and force me to hand over my vegetables at gunpoint, you do not now own my vegetables. You have stolen my vegetables. Theft is wrong.

get into the helicopter

>Property ownership is derived from first occupancy and scarcity plus labor
says who? Property ownership is derived from being mightier than anyone who would launch a counter-claim on your property. Any other definition doesn't describe reality and is just pure ideological bullshit.

I'm not left, I'm a monarchist.

Cause that's totally how it works in real life right ?
Polanski is out of business, and so is Warren Anderson you stupid mongoloid ? Your ideology is garbage, and you're a dipshit for saying things that aren't even based on facts and reality

you are allowed to kill people who trespass, and children are property. whats not to love?

You reject property rights which makes you left wing

T. King of the Roos

This post informs me that you're not worth speaking to any further. You're a psychological egoist who will say and do whatever it takes to achieve desirable outcomes for yourself thus you're worthless hypocritical scum that will be expelled and excluded from the libertarian social order.

I embrace hierarchy in the distribution of social and real capital. I am right wing.
Learn what left and right mean.

Redistribution of capital through a monopoly of violence is not right wing

Learn what left and right mean.

Are you rich or stupid? If any, it's for you–right_politics#History_of_the_terms


You should be able to kill whoever you want, and then pay your way out of any trouble that causes.

That's just a "natural right" of Free Market Kapitialism.

>But who decides who has merit? How can you evaluate merit?
Is an important question for people who support some people ruling over others to answer.