How do we solve the stay-at-home dad problem?

Deep down you know this can't be good.

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i dont really care about whether a man wants to be a stay at home dad. why do they have to be such pussies tho?

Study cyclical history, don't worry, every generation thinks theres will continue to progress linearly but it never does. We are experiencing the fourth turning, war is coming.


Stay at home dad is my goal in life.
I could shitpost all day and not have to work, maybe even get some pussy every now and then.

It's really risky to be in that situation regardless of sex. It's a different story if you live in communal state with rich spouse and kids.

> It's really risky to be in that situation regardless of sex.
Only if you live paycheck to paycheck in a high cost area.

Half of Sup Forums is NEETs who would love to have a sugar mommy, even if it meant babysitting between shitposts.
I theory this would be fine. In actuality, any woman would see such a man as a homebody loser and would immediately start riding her boss's cock. Even if she insists she's fine with the arrangement, it's just their nature and no amount of propaganda will change it.

The main thing is to have at least one stay at home parent. doesnt matter if mom or dad.

The problem fixes itself. Women don't like men that aren't providers, and don't have kids with them. They cheat on them at higher rates. Either genetics fixes this, or as said, war will.

>How do we solve the stay-at-home dad problem?
But I work at home...

You saying it is a bad thing that I have so much free time due to working at home that I can take care of my kids and do my job at the same time?

Agreed. I'm willing to bet a stay at home dad gets less pussy than a working one. As much as women pretend otherwise, I think the feminine, caring, 21st century boyfriend that cooks and cleans turns them off deep down.

women nurture

it's human nature

fuck all the degenerates

>Real men provide
No sweetie, beta providers provide. Real men take, use, exploit, and kick to the curb.

>The problem fixes itself. Women don't like men that aren't providers, and don't have kids with them. They cheat on them at higher rates. Either genetics fixes this, or as
said, war will.

Here we go again. Your "problem", t.white man, is that men aren't sufficiently serving women.

The proper course of action for men is for men to Marry Little Girls. (girls are fine by God: Deuteronomy 22: 28-29, hebrew (discussion: ), numbers 31,)

But you, t.white man, have banned that since you are supplicants of "your" women.

During the wars between Rome and the barbarians in Gaul,
it was written that the women in Gaul would block the men
from fleeing battle with their ox carts. The women decided
that the men would fight or die: the men were not to have the
agency to save themselves to live to see another day. The women
decided this. The men obeyed (you're not a MAN if you don't! (not a white man anyway)).

The white man is a golem of the white woman. He follows her directive.
He always has. He was then. He is now.

The same spirit resides within the white nationalists.
They always have been allies of women and enemies of men.

Remeber: At the end of Rome, when the had barbarians more and more influence,
it was said "Rome rules the world. Women rule Rome".
A civilization is the outward projection of the soul of the race that runs it.
Once the white man (the barbarians, the gauls, etc) took over rome, it
was their genetic predisposition that shown: to be a vessel for the
enforcement of the will of women:

No Child brides.
Man Dies for the woman.
Pedo is the worst thing.
Men are "beasts" (animals), not thinkers, drawn only by natural urges, not beauty.
To aspire to anything greater than nature is unnatural and must be surpessed:
>Where there is the choice between the Doric column and the rock.
>The white man chooses the rock.

>funny voices
Peak masculinity.

Earning an income probably mitigates the problem, just don't go crazy on cleaning and cooking for her, hire a maid.

Being your wife's dependent is a big no-no, she will end up banging chads behind your back and probably make you watch eventually.

>The problem fixes itself. Women don't like men that aren't providers, and don't have kids with them.

But that's not true. Women are notorious for shitting out the bastard children of men who not only fail to provide, but refuse to even keep in contact with them.

>If both people are under 18, it does not matter.
>If one person is over 18, and the other under 18, then the difference between age should maximally be 5 years.

>Roughly your age range, older participants with a larger range than younger participants.
>This kills the pedoshit because it eliminates their age of consent argument, which they use as a rationalization to fuck kids, while still not letting them fuck kids.
>Stay mad, pedoshits.

>I grew up in az, people had sex before 18 but not with anyone outside their age +/- 2 or 3 years

White men are retarded.





(Thadd and Big Bertha! Not Isacc and Rebecca, Not Muhammed and Aisha!!!)



t. white man : enemy of the God of the book of Deuternonomy.

exactly, hope you joined the millitary as officers
cant wait for my ez promotions

>As an AMERICAN I get to do what I want, when I want the way I want. I can criticize my government, my boss and my peers. I can jerk off to whatever I want with the exception of pedo shit that I don't want anyway. I can eat whatever I want with no issue finding it in ample supply. And yes, when I fail there are consequences, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Enjoy being Saudi, I encourage that entirely, but I'll just stay as an American and you stay as a Saudi.

As an american you cannot marry a young girl, and women rule over you.

But a Proud Strong WWWhite MAN wouldn't have it any other way amirite.

(Note, under the law of the God: Men can rape female children and just keep them: Deuteronomy chapter 22, 28-29, in hebrew (discussion: . The hebrew refers to a girl (age, say from infancy till adolescence). The worst crime under women's christianity: a man having a nice sweet young girl: fine and endorsed under the law of the God (Not Jesus) )

Furthurmore Deuteronomy says do not go to the right nor the left, and if anyone entices you to follow another ruler/judge/god to kill them.

It also refers to the man as ba'al: master, of the female.

As baalzebub was lord of the flies, the man is lord of woman.

It's all right there if you would read it.

Why should we listen to your Jesus rather than the God of the book of deuteronomy? (Who you seem to treat as a demon... in practice... you hate everything He says and instead raise up women and deny men everything that is good).

I'm not sure our ancestors would approve of this faggotry.

join now before you get conscripted amerifats

as a redpilled stay-at-home dad I would like to say, this is not about the men, but about the kids.
I'm not letting some random person look after my kids, it's up to me and my wife to make them as good and happy as they can be.
and I don't want them to be fucked or turn gay

Whites are cucks who worry men arent serving women

Jesus said to the Jews "your father is the diablos(THE ADVERSARY), a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies". What you call 'the debil' 'satan' is simply the word for adversary in hebrew and later in greek.

Jesus called the father of the Jew the adversary and the ruler of this world.

Jesus further said "do not stone the woman" (a direct negation of Deuteronomy) and then turned it around against the men "if you even look at a woman, you have committed adultery with her in your heart" another direct negation of Deuteronomy (men are MASTER (ba'al) of the woman and can have many females as brides, including female children, including after they rape them). The New Testament also says for the man to DIE for the woman, again: putting the woman as master of the man.

Jesus says for men to become enuniches if they can for the kingdom of heaven. This is yet ANOTHER negation of Deuteronomy (No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD)

He then says "better a millstone for anyone who offend a child" (though taken out of context by americans): in the way americans read it (no pedophilla with girls) it is a negation of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 ( and Numbers 31:18, take the female children for yourselves (taph: child. lachem: means to devour in this section)
, both which allow men to have female children for themselves.

Jesus called out the God of the Jews as his, Jesus' adversary. He argued for women's rights, and maybe even anti-pedophillia, he encouraged men to slice off their genitals, he put the man below the woman and raised the woman up.

Then he asks why HIS father (Jesus is said to be a high priest in the order of Melchizedek - that is NOT of the God of Deuteronomy (the God of the Armies) but something that came before) abandoned him on the cross?

Because Israel is the land of The God of the Armies, not of the god Melchizedek followed

>I'm not sure our ancestors would approve of this faggotry.

Some of your ancestors married female children. You'd kill them if you met them though, as a white cuck angry that a man wasn't properly worshiping and respecting muh white wuman.

there male role model is a fucking stay at home dad instead of a ceo, millitary commander, engineer, tradie

they are fucked from the get go
ages 0-18 means fuck all

if this is proven, I will provide at 16

what degenerate show is this?

>Note, under the law of the God: Men can rape female children and just keep them
wtf i love god now

This. Human nature. You May stay at home, but chances are you're not actually the dad. They may never admit it, but women want men who provide. The last 20ish years of SJW indoctrination do not undo millennia of instinct.

I work full time and I expect any woman I'm with to do the same. I don't ever want children though. Not sure how I'd feel about this if I did.

Some of my ancestors were cannibals too, does that mean I have to tolerate that shit?

shut the fuck up

There was a couple in my hometown who were both engineers with a son. The mother was a vice president of some division at the local factory, while her husband was a stay-at-home daddy. I was always envious of their kid because his dad was so cool-- bought him Yu-Gi-Oh cards, coached a kids' soccer team and made his son captain, took him and his friends on amazing after school trips (ie. the zoo, amusement parks, etc.). Basically knew exactly what his son needed to be on the peak of his game.

Meanwhile, my stay-at-home mom forbid Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards in our house because they were "of the devil".

White men are dumb brutes who think that they are smart.

Their whole lives they live for others.
They fantasize about torturing "chomos" (in the white man's mind a man who likes cute girls is "gay").

White men are just the male version of what "their" (white men do not possess or lord over anything) woman: a cow.

This is why they are called goyim: cattle.

You tell them to hate men who like cute nice female children they hate.

You tell them to prefer gold diggin utter-tit "thicc" slobs: that's what they like.

You tell them to work day and night for the woman and her children. YES SIR!

Cattle. No thoughts of their own.

t. white man.

Jesus is their idol.

They reject the old testament God.

>just don't go crazy on cleaning and cooking for her, hire a maid.
I have one.

>Being your wife's dependent is a big no-no, she will end up banging chads behind your back and probably make you watch eventually.
She is kind of chubby, so I doubt it, also she is not a slut, was a virgin when we started dating.

Anyway, she is graduating from college and plans on being a school teacher, so she is not going to be bringing in much income.

just let a nanny take care of your kids until they are old enough to red pill and teach about women and the world, even the elite do this

1 year of retraining is more efficient than 16 years of training someone who hasnt reached their final form

I love my kids, they are our responsability, not some random persons.
I wanna teach them what i know , and them to have a stable family ground on wich they can trust.
My wife works hard, and so do I

>Some of my ancestors were cannibals too, does that mean I have to tolerate that shit?

Though you supposedly live twice as long, should you breathe half as deeply.

Young girls are good for men. T white man is a supplicant of woman however (exactly what Jesus wanted him to be, the opposite of what the God of the old testament wanted) and opposes what is good for men.

White men are dumb brutes who think that they are smart.

Their whole lives they live for others.
They fantasize about torturing "chomos" (in the white man's mind a man who likes cute girls is "gay").

White men are just the male version of what "their" (white men do not possess or lord over anything) woman: a cow.

This is why they are called goyim: cattle.

You tell them to hate men who like cute nice female children they hate.

You tell them to prefer gold diggin utter-tit "thicc" slobs: that's what they like.

You tell them to work day and night for the woman and her children. YES SIR!

Cattle. No thoughts of their own.

t. white man.

Jesus is their idol.

They reject the old testament God

Real men tell women to kill themselves and take their sense of entitlement with them to hell.

Stay at home dad on year 7.... wife happy as hell fucks me several times a week and keeps herself in shape with numerous fitness classes weekly.
I'm wrapping up and jumping back to work soon kids are getting bigger no need for me to be at home with kids in school all day. It's been a great 7 years

people are mentally retarded till at least 18 m8

Dads need to teach their children.

Ideally the children should work with the father.

Forgot to add AMA , have a few minutes until dinner is ready

They may not provide for THEM, but they show they can provide. The reason for the problem you use is that women are too stupid to differentiate between men who want to provide for them and men who know how to convince women they want to provide for them. Also take into account that a large part of what attracts a woman to a man is how other girls view him. When a guy gets a lot of chicks, women see it as an intrinsic signal that he must be providing something or else why would they waste their time with them? Once you realize that almost 100% of women's actions are based on what other people think, their actions make a lot more sense.

There are two statistics that throw cold water on the stay-at-home dad ideal. You may have seen them before on the internet, probably on Sup Forums:
The first is a favorite of MGTOW threads: The single biggest predictor of whether a marriage will end in divorce is how much the man earns with respect to the woman. If the woman earns more, the marriage is pretty much doomed.
The second is a study that showed that women do not value "women's work" If you're mowing the lawn or changing a tire, they're impressed by that. If you're washing dishes or changing diapers, they couldn't care less. This is all on a subconscious level, it doesn't matter what demands they make or what "progressive" ideals they have.
So of course, once again, women demand something they don't want, and blame men for not giving it to them.

I'm sure there are outliers but I doubt it's a good thing in the long run either for your couple or your kids. The type of relationship to their dad shapes how young people relate to authority, it makes a huge difference later in life.

Retarded until at least 50.
But I will not be the father of kids that do not get there hands dirty, know how to do thing and fix stuff. I believe you should not have kids if you do not personally care for them

I became a stay at home dad and am embarrassed by those pussies.

whatever its your life, waste it on retards if you want

The only reason it doesn't work is because women hate it. The sad thing is that they've been brainwashed to think they don't. Then one day your wife resents you because she's going to work while you're still in bed even though you're doing everything you're supposed to do and you're a modern man of the 21st century. Whereas men feel pride leaving the house to go do work to provide for the family, no man is resenting the fact that his wife is home with the kids. People need to stop denying their intuition and feelings. The reason that women make more 80% of what a man makes is because if you make less than a woman she won't stop complaining until you make at least 20% more money than she does.

they are my retards

Nothing pussy about making wife happy, having smiling kids happy as shit everyday.
Those kids that get dropped off at 7 am at before school care look so damn miserable. If more $$ floats your boat have at it ,



kids are fun, and parents need to keep kids happy, at all costs.
as long as money isn't a issue, parents need to guide kids into becoming smarter and better then they are.
Heil Hitler

I am a stay home dad with 5 kids. It should not matter who the provider is as long as you keep having kids and raise them right.

some men actually need to run the worldand dont have free time

>as you keep having kids
What about when she's pregnant? Who earns the money then?

some do, absolutely!

I feel like women can either smell other women on me or I release manly hormones when I get with someone because I notice women always arrive in packs.

If I'm sleeping around it seems like there's always someone who wants me.

but if I fail to chain then I can get dry spells that last months.

She uses maternity leave.

Alpha fucks and beta bucks, women want alpha bucks and they'll never get it.

Hopefully it's not high school, seems like all the high school teachers bang their students these days.

spoken like a kuk

>and raise them right.
If you're not a provider and strong patriarchal role model then you are not raising them right.

Wife has taken care of my neet habits for 4 years now. Sorta like a stay at home dad because of the pets we have. Wanted some more cash but I have a zombie resume so I just applied to her work place. Here's to hoping I can simply just work with the love of my life.

Get women out of the workforce. Wow, difficult problem, OP.

Sort yourself.

I have. Everything needed to improve my situation has been set into motion.

Give the house husband estrogen and the career woman testosterone