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We're winning Sup Forums

I think they're cheating, it's jumping down. 66 percent approval jumped down to 55.


O-okay. I believe it.

are we saying that we're democrats?

Yeah its pretty fucked it went down to 33% agree when Trump hadn't even said anything yet.

Kek wills it, CNN is lying. He has blessed me with Quints.

select democrat female ;)

democratic female

Seems like a stupid way for CNN to get clicks.

It's rigged, 75%, give me a break


>republican male 72% disaproval
Drumpf btfo

you have to continuously click you troglodytes


>says he wants to make new american pipelines with american steel
>disapproval rating jumps




not click

We are female democrats right?


you can go to the end of the thing and click but yes female democrats

>gets over 50% agree
>goes back down to 80% disagree
fuck this

It's merely 10% faster, not worth raping your mouse.

put cursor on last box and click away lads we can bring this up to agree

Are americans really smart enough to both hold down their mouse button and listen to Trump at the same time? I guess I underestimated them.

id rather fuck my mouse and get some laughs when they either dont show the poll or there are huge spikes for the keystone pipeline

Fuck this, pretty sure the enemy is using bots to keep it on the left.

This is a raid thread violating Sup Forums's global rules.

I'm pretty sure you can find an app that can click at an humanly impossible speed for you on the internet.

>let's stop ISIS
>gauge immediately lurches disagree


more joy from doing it the old fashion way, like the way my grandfather did when filling out polls in his time

well we're still not smart enough to do that while fucking the family pet

>le it's violating the NAP meme
Get the fuck out

fuck you need to keep it dragged this sucks

Don't forget to check in as a Democratic woman.

You know what's a pleasant thought?
There are a bunch of 3rd party leftist groups who sit around and wait for someone to post a thread like this, report back to their forum/subleddit/crippleland just so they can counter our memery for "the greater good."

>inb4 someone links this to CNN

You'd be surprised that we also invented the Internet and landed on the moon.

You guys help make breakfast better. But fruity pebbles better


Clicks get more likes than holding it down!


pro tip: if you pick democratic female, your voting has more weight, everyone open in incognito mode or clear your cookies and say you are a democrat.

>There are a bunch of 3rd party leftist groups who sit around and wait for someone to post a thread like this, report back to their forum/subleddit/crippleland just so they can counter our memery for "the greater good."
This is some kind of meta/next-level concern trolling

President Donald Bump approved this thread.

Why the hell are they letting people vote more than once, like doesn't that ruin the point of the poll?

It's supposed to be real-time stuff. We cn like some things and dislike others. We're not all blind loyalists or haters

it's "live opinion" so they can say "the audience disagreed when Trump said X"



Ah, okay I see. I thought it was just a blanket "Do you like Trump or not" poll

>liberals want high insurance rates and high drug prices

This poll is bullshit

These are the same polls that had the bitch at 92% odds of winning.. And she not a bitch just cause of bein a woman. But from the shit she let through on her way to power

I noticed that too. Maybe the livestream is lagging? Cause literally no one could disagree with lower drug prices other than pharmaceutical CEO's

at least they are learning

>liberals don't want paid family leave

This poll is bullshit

>liberals hate disabled people and saving lives of the disabled

This poll is absolute bullshit.

i dont get how the poll was so negative towards that last section of the speach

Cross site iframe. Adblocker makes the ui looks like it's working, but the vote request doesn't go through.
Just fyi.

I voted,and it was at 68% agree then all of a suddenly dropped to 57% disagree the moment everyone in the room gave a standing ovation for about 3mins straight.Coincidence?I think not.
>CNN "poll"
Rigged as fuck.


what the fuck is that from

The normies who rely on CNN for their news are in far greater numbers than the people on Sup Forums right now voting.

I don't get why these polls exist. Anyone who likes Trump is going to vote positively and anyone who dislikes him is going to vote negatively. I sincerely doubt most of the people voting even watched the speech.

Why does nobody record these fucking polls as they happen.

Prove they are being rigged to normies.