Why did all the ultra high IQ people vote for Hillary?

Why did all the ultra high IQ people vote for Hillary?

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because theyre good at thinking theoretically, the only place their ideology works

Guess I'm a #Trotskymissile now

Why did all the ultra high IQ people support Nazi Germany?

High IQ doesn't necessarily equal intelligence.
That's why all of the high IQ liberals believe a man with a mutilated penis in a dress is a woman, race isn't real, cultures are equal and leftist socialism can work.

>Wellesley, BU, UMass, BC, Tufts, Harvard
>high IQ

>IQ is a racist instrument and therefore unnacceptable as fact!

>look at these "high-IQ" college counties that vote liberal! Take that rural America!

>beaners and blacks
>High IQ

Leafs never stop

What makes you think blue = intelligent? Location does not really determine intelligence.

And there are different intelligence types. I beylt peopoe who live in cities know nothing about mechanics for example. Intelligence comes in different forms.

High iq ppl can rationalise anything to be true

Because only rural and suburban retards voted Trump.
City people voted for Hillary.

He means the location in the sense that the area is filled with alot of colleges and therefore smarter.


Damn I'm surprised there's that much blue out west, aside from umass I figured all those farmers and shit would all vote republican


>because only liberals believe their own bullshit.

Half the posts in this thread are approximately, "smart people are dumb."

The real answer is that the Democratic party caters primarily to educated people living in high population areas by virtue of the business they support (tech, etc). They also offer meager sums of money to urban poor so that their base can gain moral capital for voting blue.

All the relevant universities are in or near cities, which produce labor for businesses that the Democrats cater to. There's your "IQ" effect.

The IQ tests are pretty rigged to make people with progressive ideals rate higher. Not joking, look up the counter studies disproving the myth that Libs are more intelligent. The logic and reasoning make sense without even needing substantiation, but you'll get that as well.

Second, I know plenty of intelligent people that have routinely voted against the Libs.

"High IQ" my ass. In my experience, most Harvard- and Yale-educated doctors can't even fucking read plain fucking English, even if they're White Americans.

If their IQ was so high, how did they lose the election?

>Empathy is tied to IQ
>Higher IQ means higher empathy
>Higher empathy mean's you're easier to manipulate emotionally
>ergo; you vote left even though you should know better.

Cant find sause

>Having a high Intelligence Quotient doesn't necessarily equal intelligence.



doctors are dumb as shit. Even dumber than CS cucks. Literally all they do is rote memorize shit. They don't need to know anything in depth like you do in engineering, physics, or pure math.


It was easier for us to convince the low IQ people.

>kids go into ultra left universities
>end up voting blue
who woulda thought

Because they are too busy being the experts on explaining to realize that the ones asking them to explain themselves are cucking them.
And the ones who are cucking them by demanding that they explain themselves are laughing.

>CS cucks
what made you hate them

Exactly, people read too much into high IQ and don't seem to realize that although more high IQ voters are voting democrat, some are voting republican. When you look into why, it's simply that most of the time the Democrats back the interests of the high IQ voters, and some of the time the Republicans do. People forget that High IQ voters aren't simply more informed voters, they're an interest group unto themselves, one the democrats have generally pursued more aggressively, having long controlled academia.

There are high IQ people that got rich and vote Republican because they believe they can use their money better than the bureaucracy. Just depends on your personal interests.

>tfw too intelligent to vote for Drumpf

>ultra high IQ
>vote for Hillary

This is similar to why so many computer programmers are libertarians. They're used to making abstract models that do away with all of the messy details from the real world.

145 here.

Why do they keep doing this?

Hey man, what exactly is the problem with libertarianism

Because they have a place in her nuclear bunker.
Also they're not affected by outside factors in their 99.9% white gated communities.

Former BU student who has been to all of these colleges. Christ you can not believe how retarted the undergrads are its insane. MIT and stem/lit grads at Harvard/BU/BC are pretty chill. Tufts is degen beyond reason

Why do ultra low IQ leafs always make the same stupid threads?

I mean Hillary was promising student loans would come for cheaper, effectively promising higher school budgets. She also promises more for urban areas generally.

This is Berkeley. People there are higher IQ than most. They voted their regional interests. Repubs stayed home because they knew they had no chance and not because they just weren't trying hard enough, the Repubs won't do what's needed to win Berkeley.

They also have a median age of 31, which also helps skew them Liberal. Old people are more conservative because they're more used to old stuff.

old people are conservative because they know how the world works

>abstract models that do away with all of the messy details from the real world.

you mustve missed the part where I wrote

Because we don't care about stupid, poor people. If you're too stupid to play the government for your own benefit, then you deserve to be poor.

>working in anyones benefit except for the government

The same reason they predicted a Hillary landslide
Many years of (((education)))

>ancrap is all libertarianism


Become part of the government, or are you too stupid to accomplish that?

I live in Boston and I hate all the liberal faggots but he highlighted Cambridge aka Harvard and MIT as well as a ton of biotech firms and shit... It's all ""'educated""" people but they're indoctrinated

Except Trump won the educated white vote you dumb leaf.

I never suggested that.

>buying into the lefts false premise
you've already lost the game m8

They're not real oldschool farmers. It's all organic open range farm share farmers market bullshit farms who suck DNC cock

Why do Leaf's think their opinions on
our superior nation matter?

lol dumbass.

largest concentration of state re-education camps, also rich fucks who only care about staying in the status quo

lol no surprise the gibmes voted Clinton...

fuck i hate liberals

Intelligent =/= Wisdom

Civil servants and tenured professors are the smart people. You could use enlistment to get free college and veteran's preference into various agencies, but that introduces unnecessary risks.

If you're not a protected civil servant or professor on your way to tenure, you're doing it wrong. I have zero sympathy for stupid dead soldiers who thought that was the best way to live off government.

...because they make enough money to not have to live around groids and mehecans. So they are robbed of the very diversity they force on us.

How is this not common knowledge?

This is kind of true. There's such a thing as a smart idiot - an intelligent person with no common sense.

they don't call it mental gymnastics for nothing. it takes effort and ability.

because they are weak and want to avoid conflict

People with higher IQ over estimate themselves.


You will also see, a trend among liberals who say they know what's best for blacks and minorities while never having any friends from a ghetto or poor area, or any interaction at all, outside a hand full of token half blacks.

>when someone says "No."
What you'll gonna, faget? If they refuse, ultimately you'll gonna have to shoot them.
Wait isn't that also how lolbertarians complain about taxation?