CNN Positive Tone

Are they shifting Sup Forums ?

Are they realizing they are on the wrong side of history?

Look at the picture, the background colors, the title, what is happening?

Other urls found in this thread:

I noticed that they were being much more capitulating.

Maybe it is a new strategy to attempt to restore faith in them. Perhaps they are legitimately scared of what Trump might do to them.

Who knows.

no. they are folding there cards this turn because trump fucked them from the begining with the pro-black pro-jewish comments so what else could they say? it wasnt dark or militaristic like they said his inaug speech was. he praised minorities so they cant call it racist. the only option left was to mildy compliment it. trust me tomrrow there will be another hit piece on him

>We've established ourselves as Fake News
>Let's see if reverse psychology works

of course not you fucking tool

they're trying to distract everyone from the fact they're the ones who pushed the amnesty ""leak""

Same is happening with Croatian news, almost identical title.

Same with German state news:

"Usual themes, new tone" and "milder tone" on another note

That's disturbing.

lame attempt to win back their 63 million lost viewers. It will take years to regain trust in cnn

it's prob so once he starts calling them out they can say they want him to go back to his milder tone which is code word for not calling out there lies like fake news

This will be the moment, Sup Forums will start to turn its back on Trump

We cannot coexist with the MSM

CNNs handlers are just instructing them to be positive at the moment, it's part of a larger plan don't fall for it


It's all about money. They still hate Trump, they're still controlled by the left, but they've just realized that he has real power, and that Trump is hurting their bottom line. It's all about money and nothing more. Plus their credibility is shot ever since Trump called them "extra fake news"

Also this. Although I wouldn't have put it quite so rudely.

Maybe liberals only like when people speak softly?

In all fairness last nights speech was really good

Being honest the inarguration speech sucked ass compared

Why not? We'll just redpoll them like always when they come, and we'll keep doing it until we fix everything to what it should be.

Luckily there are too many missing puzzle pieces.

They're just starting to realize they've fucked up bigly and are trying to weasel back some views/credability. Fewer and fewer people believe their lies so now they have to shift the narrative or else fade out. Fake news.

they will never recover it, CNN, MSNBC, etc. will all die as labels. Their owners and operator however will rename them, fire top execs and start over more center left than they are now.

liberals are emotional children, i can't think of many kids who like big scary adults talking about hard work. make them feel like theyre in kindergarten again and the resistance just evaporates

It's yet another attempt to set a narrative, even if it's a good one. They should not be enocuraged lest they regain their "authority" and go once again into shit flinging mode.

>hurting their bottom line

nail on the head. cnn wants exclusives and the only way to get them now is by sucking up.

it's obvious why they are saying it's a milder tone, because they want to appear to have a victory, as is the case in every story. if trump has taken a milder tone it means he is capitulating to their demands. this is the only spin they can levy on the speech because it was viewed as positive, they try to take credit for the success.

The world is lucky it's got you to watch out for it.

Can you tell me about Pizzagate again?


I don't know is happening.

but I find it unsettling


You guys are only second to Sweden in being embarassingly pathetic cucks.

>Trump at Congress. All his campaign promises, now in a solemn tone.

Wow, would look at this complete coincidence.

Its because its now news-worthy when Trump doesnt act like a sperglord

JewNN isn't stopping its hatred for Trump anytime soon.

Finnish finance news:

>Trump speech: new tone, old content

This. "It's not like we're partisan hacks who have been waging a media war on Trump from the very beginning, the reason this speech was so good is that we've made him more reasonable".

>the background colors,
Isn't that the standard?

I'm glad they didn't go full REEEE with format-breaking L A R G E T E X T like Huffpo did.

Makes me hopeful the media landscape in the states is at least SOMEWHAT salvagable.


it's a trap!


they will never say muslim, goes against the (((agenda)))

Reddit is still butthurt and the top post on /r/all is about the democrats laughing at Trump claiming to have "drained the swamp"

Meanwhile /r/politics automoderator's post on every thread is to keep things civil while every upboated post is some childish remark.

What a joke.

>everyone discussing "tone" across all languages

How deep does the collusion go???
>With congress, Trump takes care of his presidential tone and keeps his campaign promises

CNN can burn in hell with Gawker and Buzzfeed. Never forgive. Never forget.

it is plebbit after all

Maybe they were losing viewers too much and decided a slight correction is acceptable sacrifice?

>trail of tears
>jim crow
>opposition to civil rights
Has the left EVER been on the right side of history?

You just listed all the times they have been.

It's pretty obvious what is going on to anyone not low IQ

There was a big backroom deal going down about Trump and NATO.

Trump spoke well of NATO and blunted some criticisms. In return he got all the western propaganda media to play ball.


Trump "I like nato now"
State medias across nato "Trump is good"

That was basically it. The transaction is out in the open for anyone without low IQ.

It's 100% confirmed that Trump made a deal on this speech. He would soften on some things and media would suck his cock across NATO nations.

Also forgot Japanese internment during WW2, that was an idea of the left too

>Are they realizing they are on the wrong side of history?

No, they are trying to stay employed.

Any time Trump tones down on stances that don't align with the deep state western rulers. It's because he made a deal.

In this case favorable coverage for praising NATO.

Almost all mainstream media across the world is state controlled, whether you see it or not. It's likely the NATO criticism is what drove most state media to be anti-trump. Simple deal by Trump to get fav coverage now in return for something, which is not going after NATO.

Maybe it's because the tone of this speech was completely different.

Nerd virgins.
Need virgins everywhere.

The left makes laws and changes based on a small group that they feel can push them over the edge. They think of things in terms of slave owners, union members, specific professions, minorities.

Even the environment has been something that they personify and give a name. (save the trees, whales)

Fact is that you only need 10% to swing a two runner election. 90% on each side are locked or won't be doing any amount of research.

The right thinks of everyone. They rule for the entire nation and apply these rules to everyone. It is how people can call Nazis right wing even if they were socialists, they ruled with the entire country in mind.

Their just realizing that Trump can shut them out of every Whitehouse briefing if he wanted to. Basically they're bending the knee.
>The president offers a moderate version of himself on his first statement before congress.

These guys have been pretty much painting Trump as Hitler from the start. By 'El PaĆ­s' standards this is as conciliatory as it gets, folks.

I'm sure everyone here already knows this, but the news as we know it is motivated entirely by profit. The difference between "news" as we see it today, and reality TV, differ only in their content, not their motivation. Profit can come from funding-based handshake agreements with sponsors (Soros anyone), or reporting what they think will give the maximum amount of views regardless of validity (early Alex Jones. Notice I said EARLY, die-hard fans). CNN will hedge their bets based on a variety of opinions and options, but it will always be based on money.

If I am going get T R I P S, OP will die as a sacrifice to me.

Praise me!


111 get!

this only proofs that cnn are a bunch of rural and suburban retards

It's all the same Jews. They SE'd Americans into voting Trump. Now they are seducing dumb ass leftists into accepting his "softer tone" even though he's been saying the same shit for over a year.

Maybe it's just modern "journalism". Copy-paste and translate.

>Are they shifting Sup Forums ?

I don't think people realize how bad CNN's ratings are at the moment.

They have to side with Trump to survive since hes the top shit in news. If he doesn't acknowledged them, they're done.

holy fuck they are pathetic

more star wars metaphors


>"asian gangs"

they were literally all pakistani muslims (the small handful of people who got conviced all shouted "Allahu Akbar!" upon sentencing, where they got between 4.5 years and 9 years for kidnapping, multiple rapes, and child sex trafficking). The "asians did it" bullshit got so bad a group of Hindu and Christian Indians/Pakis sued Rotherham because they didn't like getting roped into the bullshit narrative.

Maybe the powers that be got to Trump. Made a deal or something. Now they are shifting into support mode.


>get banned from the white house for being retarded
>only option is to not be retarded to gain back access

Reddit is now 60% paid shills 40% brainwashed leftist betas

It won't last. It's just proof that he's thrown them off balance again. Within a week or two he'll say something they can't handle, and it will be off to the races again.

This place has gone full facebook. No wonder the other chan is getting content lately.


They just realizing that if they do what they did over the last months...they maybe just have a few monthd left before they completely lose respect from everyone

it's half bots and one quarter live shills here now, at least

They were fifth column, If even one was a spy it was right to lock them up. It also shows the flaw of multiculturalism.

Hmmm, I wonder.

The other day a Japanese friend said CNN was fake news.

Did Trumps fake news branding campaign work?

CNN has been totally unhinged. It's unwatchable. It's gonna hurt them so a shift in the narrative might be in order.

But, 90% if CNN staff have Trump derangement syndrome. The other 10% are afraid to say anything.

Time will tell I guess.

Trump is the first real President in 40 years.

Bush and the gay Kenyan Muslim were frauds.

It's good to see the rebirth of the nation State. I'd rather be a citizen than a consumer.

Go Trump.

European news just copies what they hear on American news, modern journalism is a joke

They are assets.

Our media is shit

CNN and the shill media will never be able to keep this up.

This, this was proved several times in the past decade or so, one of Germany's more respected journalists came out and said basically the CIA and NATO run Europe's press.

there are no fucking bots you stupid fucking moron

im so sick of people that keep calling people bots and shills when they're just trolls



>milder tone
>not realizing he just art of the dealt you

is a business, they go to the shit if they don't cover the white house, is just that, relax

I don't like this. Something's up.

When the media starts to be nicer to him, you know he has been currupted.

it's obvious, you can see the same fucking threads replay time and again

this place is half scripted, 1/4 bots, and 1/4 reddit cancer with a very tiny sprinkling of oldfags left

same here

>Almost all mainstream media across the world is state controlled
nope, its controlled by globalists


his speech was good, anyone who watched it other than die-hard commie SJWs would admit it. My mom whos voted Democrat for 40 years said it was the best shes heard from him

>kikemedia hate trump
>use every single little non-important fuck to shit on him
>suddenly warm up to him
>surely because of the speech he gave

You can't be that delusional.

>there will be another hit piece on him
Never let your guard down.

There was a photo floating of a quote of Hitler about debating the Jews....Something to the effect that if you best them in a debate, they will come back tomorrow and act as it if never happened.

This isn't a new tone. It's basically the same tone he had since he took over office. I legitimately think they didn't listen to his speeches.

Lol, he said that if NATO didn't pay up then the USA would drop support. And last night he verbally confirmed that more money is already coming from the nations that have been under paying.

His only other criticism of NATO was that they were not equip to handle terrorism. But before he was even POTUD they heard him say that and announced a new terror initiative. You're uninformed.

They finally realized that they're hated..So if they want to stop Trump, they should give him their full support. It might just work.

>CNN gets punked every day by Trump
>p-please stop bullying us Trump see we are real news

ah yes its all a conspiracy, they finally stumped Trump man.

Same from RAI news.

You're right. Red team is so much better. Right wingers really think of all the people. From old white Christians to young white Christians.

You can't be fucking serious.

>Trump kicked the media out of the White House like Jesus kicking the money changers out of the temple.
>After realizing that just maybe there will be consequences for their actions that will impact their bottom line, they consider that maybe Trump won't play ball with them if they write 24/7 hit pieces on him.
>They need to be nice once in a while or they may actually be banned from the White House for 8 years, while Breitbart and Info Wars have front row seats.

They've tried this before.

It has two effects:

1. It gives them legitimacy if they agree with the obvious.
2. If they're on trump's side, people might take their criticism of him more seriously later.

European news generally just translate CNN articles. So they say whatever CNN says.

>CNN's fw Alex Jones becomes the Press Secretary

Perhaps Trump has been compromised and (((CNN))) are capitalising on that.