
Why didn't Slavs ever unite?

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because some type of slavs hate other types of slavs?

Because they failed each time. See: Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia

Because western world is our best ally.

>Because they were dismantled every time by subhuman westerners

Because when some slavs do like in Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth case, they become so powerful everyone else feels intimidated

And jews are beneficial to the world.

come home, former ERE man

we have a Jewish king

Because we all hate each other

Different Churches, languages and I don't think small nations want to dissolve into Russians.

yeah bc it went so well the last time

We tried that before. Eastern soviet block and whatnot. Didn't work out well.

jews and their communism


You can't be serious

It's just a fucking linguistic group
What next? France uniting with Mexico and Romania?

Because Slavs are too diffirent. Even more diffirent than Austrians and Lothringens and Prussians. Also, Serbians would spoil it anyway...

cause united, we are most powerful force not only in the world, not only in this dimension, we are second only to God
He created Vodka and divided us to keep us from killing all other races

And yeah after Yugoslavia broke apart we have everything we wanted. I would rather be with Serbs and the rest of the Slavs than under Turks.

sounds like a deal

R.I.P by Bkitzkrieg

fuck off you ruined serbia you deserve to be under turk reign for rest of your life

Pretty spot-on
Religion plays a big part, not necessarily enough to make people hostile, but making cooperation difficult
And also, people got their shit fucked up by Russia a lot of time, any type of union involving them would seem suspicious

I would spoil your mother you smelly Russian.

Bulgarians and Serbs are not ethnically Slavic, that's Soviet propaganda.

Becouse Russia is to big and didnt listen other countries. Well as Czech i dont have problem whit V4.

need more explanation?

Every time we tried that, the serbs fucked it up. It's a historical fact.

We could've stopped all the muslims... Enjoy them now in your own backyard :^)

Oi ya Bulgarian cunt, I've got a question for you

I asked one of your sheilas at my work to make me a Martenitsa and she told me she was too busy

Basically that amounts to fuck off right?

Because in a 100 years they would literally all turn into russians

Russia absorbs and decays everything. Even their fucking Muslims drink like alcoholics.

To be fair that was under Jewish Communism, things could be different if you united again.

What do you mean by unite?

>Basically that amounts to fuck off right?

sounds like it, lad

dont fuck bulgarians unless you want to catch a disease

Pan-slavism is a codeword for Russian domination. As a Pole, I'm open to Slavic unity as long as Russia (who are crypto-Mongols anyway) stays the fuck out.

Bulgarian sloots don't produce red and white yarn from their assholes. I'm sure it's a common misunderstanding in Australia, seeing how you're used to fucking spiders that shit silk and whatnot.
Chestita Baba Marta, cunt.

thought so

either you or one of your countrymen on Sup Forums gave me the idea to ask for one, thanks for that cobber

I'm just take my beady eyed anglo genes and masturbate to dead germans now

So one time?

>Because in a 100 years they would literally all turn into russians

Other Slavs under Russians didn't turn Russians for 400 years and counting but in next 100 we/they would

nice logic

So what are we uniting?
a.) Bulgarian penis into Polish pussy?
b.) Russian oil company's ownership over Slovakia's bread company
c.) erasing borders
d.) interracial sex
e.) pouring waters into each other
f.) all buying same food all over the place
g.) having same language
h.) having no borders
Why are you retards discussing retard OP? Obvious bait thread by an 10 year old.

You mean belarussians and ukrainians? Those are soviet shill creations. Literally no different than russians.

>implying you don't just want Poland to dominate the Slav union instead of Russia
Polska pls

fuck off mountain jew

At least Poles are Slavs. As he pointed out, you're just Tatar-Mongols LARPing as Slavs.

>Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
We jewed them.
Jewed them

Pretty straightforward really.

So we are uniting banks? Well, that's already been done by EU and in Russia. It's called oligarchy and international capitalism when Russian oligarchy live in France/USA but are hated by France/USA, while ordinary Russians starve. That's already united, oligarchs are united from African pussy to Polish pussy, other nations dance around their table.

pick one

Can kinda confirm. At least when it comes to Belarusians. Politically a different entity but the behavior and language are hard to distinguish for a non-native. Got plenty of Belarusians in this part of the country studying at colleges and together with Russians buying out stocks of supermarkets (either they REALLY love our native goods as they mostly buy in bulk Polish-produced edibles, or the quality/price ratio is really much better than Russian) before going back - and for a time I thought everyone's just Russian till being corrected.

I won't be throwing insults and possibly there's something to what you say - certainly in slavic but non-Russian union Poland would have much better position. At the same it doesn't have to mean domination while in case of Russia, the sheer difference in size made it actual tyrant of whole soviet block.

Have you seen how big Hungary used to be?
That's the point really, nations in Eastern Europe have always been Jewed into inferiority.


Idea is very old just look at križanić and gundulić. It's all because of poisoness serbian ortodoxy.

I have never met and Anglo Australian i liked

t.Baltic immigrant stock

>people got their shit fucked up by Russia a lot of time
Russia never fucked them up but USSR did it once, yes. But USSR wasn't a Russian state. Anyways this history doesn't matter, only profits do. West let Turks genocide Blakanians but they still joined the EU, not Russia who helped them.

1. we're incomparable, sharing merely word roots as basis of some union is asinine
2. there are slavic nations with no empire building aspirations
3. there are vast cultural, economic, religious, ethnic, racial, traditional and other irreconcilable differences
4. there is a vast difference in population numbers making a proportional representation impossible to counter russian dictate
5. multi-ethnic supranational states being subjected to a central authority is a recipe for disaster

the future is balkanized and libertarian anyway

because we are not white

fuck off white cucks slavs

we are stupid and easy to exploit

but there is nothing more to exploit

Why would we unite. Only thing we have in common is a place of origin. Even the language is not a connecting factor. Poles, Czechs, Slovaks etc. have different alphabet than Russia, Belarus and so on. Half of the worls speaks spanish, and they are not united eather. I know some people here have a view over us shaped by the most recent history of the region and the Russian domination over it. But if you learn the history of those nations you'll see that some "slavik" nations are way more connected to so called west than anything else. Bohemians and Poles are old nations. Older than Russia, Eastern bloc or this panslavic nonsense. And even we differ from each other (hence Czech reformation and Polish unfortunate in my opinion attachment to catholicism). Also we are already in the Union, European Union.

even Poles are enemies to each other

why should I trust other people?

This. Serbitches will literally try to invade every single cuntry in that "union" with "muh ancient serbitchian land" claims.

European country's will continue to get smaller and smaller.

We used to be united. For a while.